take a break
verb as in catch one's breath
verb as in kick back
Strongest matches
verb as in pause
verb as in recess
verb as in relax
verb as in rest
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Catherine’s health issues and the royal missteps that followed became a global topic of discussion early last year when Kensington Palace announced that she had to take a break from royal duties after having “major abdominal surgery” in January.
"It's been 10 amazing years, a wonderful non-stop adventure, and we feel the time is right to take a break so we can recharge and work on some other projects," the group posted on social media at the time.
And his anxiety was compounded because he had not found a moment to eat or take a break.
After the election it was understandable to want to take a break, maybe disconnect for a few weeks or days and arm oneself with emotional/mental/spiritual tools for the challenges ahead.
My husband and I decided to take a break from the clinic and MyChart to rebuild our mental health before trying another egg retrieval.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.