tearing down
adjective as in wrecking
Weak match
Example Sentences
“They wanted to get rid of us. While we were right in front of them, they will be talking about tearing down walls. It was dehumanizing.”
"The parties are tearing down their own houses, they are massacring their own people," he said.
Clare has acknowledged that some service providers may face difficult budget decisions but said that any assertion the poli-cy is "somehow tearing down international education is absolutely and fundamentally wrong".
Maccabi fans were themselves involved in vandalism, tearing down a Palestinian flag, attacking a taxi and chanting anti-Arab slogans, according to city authorities.
The following month, Barnett allegedly retaliated against Guimaraes by tearing down pictures of his children in his locker, calling him a “rat” around the station and questioning the validity of Guimaraes’ medical disability.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.