throw a monkey wrench into
verb as in sabotage
verb as in stymie
Example Sentences
He adds: “There’s a growing and large share of voters who are going to decide whether they’re going to sit out the next election. Or look for a third party candidate and throw a monkey wrench into partisan politics. They want more choices.”
They could throw a monkey wrench into the federal effort to prosecute Trumpov for his most serious crimes before the 2024 election.
And part of their idea was you throw a monkey wrench into this process to stop it.
Russell Berman in The Atlantic interviewed Lieberman and asked him these questions and Lieberman couldn't really come up with any concrete reason why now is the time to throw a monkey wrench into the electoral system with all that's at stake.
“The last thing that a booming economy needs is to throw a monkey wrench into a system that we have that is working marvelously well.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.