verb as in hold one's attention
Example Sentences
In 1989, in a crime that transfixed New York City, five teenagers, Black and Hispanic, were convicted of participating in a violent assault on a jogger in Central Park.
I built my day around my nights, transfixed by a false sense of control over my circadian rhythm.
Parisians, most of them children with strangely adult faces, stand transfixed or walk past each other, engaged in what the urban theorist Jane Jacobs called “an intricate sidewalk ballet.”
Mescal has an element of unpredictable wildness, and when it’s allowed to come out it’s transfixing, though he’s largely kept on a leash, save for a few memorable scenes.
Friday, however, at least gives the world's number-one side the chance to regain the upper hand in a rivalry that has transfixed the rugby world in recent years.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.