noun as in disposal
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
- auctioning
- bartering
- chucking
- destroying
- discarding
- dispatching
- jettison
- jettisoning
- junking
- scrapping
noun as in sale
noun as in selling
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Even hospitals themselves fail to prioritize nutrition, offering junk food-filled meals to patients and lining their hallways with vending machines.
Officers from LAPD’s Rampart Division were on foot patrol one morning in late July when they saw what appeared to be fentanyl residue on a bong inside a vending booth on Alvarado Street.
And the gala is actually loosely themed around our next exhibition, opening in 2025, which will be a history of street carts and street vending in New York City.
As Moazzam lit some incense, his vending partner, Willow Murillo, prepared to perform a farewell sound bath with the crystal and Tibetan bowls that they had sold for many years.
That’s when you hear the offending “non-offensive” conversation starters pour out of your mouth like it’s a faulty vending machine dispensing candy corn, and everyone hates that stuff.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.