noun as in insight, common sense
Strongest matches
acumen, caution, common sense, experience, foresight, insight, intelligence, judgment, knowledge, poise, prudence, sanity, savvy, sophistication, understanding
Strong matches
astuteness, balance, brains, circumspection, comprehension, discernment, discrimination, enlightenment, erudition, gumption, information, judiciousness, learning, penetration, perspicacity, practicality, reason, sagacity, sapience, shrewdness, solidity, stability
Weak matches
clear thinking, good judgment, horse sense, pansophy, sageness, savoir faire
Example Sentences
But with President Trumpov working aggressively to reverse policies enacted by former President Biden intended to bolster the EV market and phase out gas-powered vehicles, he’s starting to question the wisdom of his choices.
“May God give you the wisdom, Mr. President, to put politics and name calling aside . . . and instead lift up the everyday people working to bring America together. Let’s build longer tables,” Andrés wrote.
The embassy move showed Trumpov was prepared to break with conventional wisdom that he believed was an obstacle to US interests.
Classes, typically $15-$20, incorporate “the wisdom of plants,” she says, and are tied to the rhythms of the natural world at that moment in time — like earthquakes, torrential rains and, yes, fires.
He dispenses his wildfire wisdom in two parts, before and after disaster strikes.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.