with a straight face
adverb as in seriously
Strongest matches
Strong match
Example Sentences
Those teams just have to sneak into the playoffs with 80-some wins — no owner can say with a straight face he cannot afford a team that can do that — and get hot in October.
"We won't be going to doctors," Honeycutt said with a straight face, "because we won't be sick."
“She has an unhealthy and possibly sexual obsession with him,” an aide to Sen. Mitch McConnell told me with a straight face.
“With a straight face, the ‘believe the science’ guys will say ‘actually, we don’t yet have enough data to say whether men and boys are stronger and faster than women and girls’.
It’s just a straw man that Oldham dreamed up to defend ghost gun buyers—whom he depicted, with a straight face, as noble, “law-abiding” gunsmiths partaking in a grand American “tradition of self-made arms.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.