adjective as in covered with woods or trees
Strongest match
Example Sentences
“We’ve done some experiments, some early experiments in my lab showing that it’s more toxic, the building materials than burning wooded material,” Wexler said.
From California and Hawaii to Greece and Spain, more and more of Earth’s wooded areas are bursting into flame as humanity overheats the planet with heat-trapping fossil fuel emissions.
The "grueling" search involved over 60 volunteers searching with aircrafts and dogs in "heavily wooded" terrain and brutally-cold weather conditions, the Skamania County Sheriff's Office said in a news release.
She had just moved out of her parents’ wooded home and into a shared house within walking distance to Main Street, which was as much of a party scene as this place had.
The glen is a large area of thickly wooded hillsides and glens with a river, streams and lochs south of Inverness.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.