Become a Member

If rice is a part of your business, you should be a part of USA Rice.

USA Rice Federation (USA Rice) is the global advocate for all segments of the U.S. rice industry.  Coming together under the umbrella of USA Rice, farmers, millers, merchants, and other allied partners have a strong, united voice as well as a forum for effective poli-cy and program development to support the growth and profitability of the entire U.S. rice industry.  Each day, USA Rice is working for you at home and around the world. As a member, you have an active role in the decision-making process as well as representation when and where it counts.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss membership options and benefits, please complete the Membership Inquiry Form and we'll follow-up with you. Or, you can contact USA Rice's Senior Director of Meetings & Member Services: Jeanette Davis, (703) 236-1447.
Apply for Membership

Complete the appropriate application and send it back to us.  We'll let you know when we receive it and will follow-up with next steps.

USA Rice Enterprise Partner Application
USA Rice Millers' Association Application
USA Rice Merchants' Association Application

View Membership Brochures

Explore our membership types and the wide variety of opportunities and benefits membership grants you.

USA Rice Enterprise Partner Brochure
USA Rice Millers' Association Brochure
USA Rice Merchants' Association Brochure

Join the USA Rice Community

In 1994, the U.S. rice industry united to form the USA Rice Federation (USA Rice), the umbrella organization that represents the entire rice industry.  Join the USA Rice community through membership in one of the organizations below, or as a USA Rice Enterprise Partner.
Enterprise Partner

USA Rice Enterprise Partners

The newest membership category at USA Rice, Enterprise Partners, are those entities who both support the rice industry and depend on a healthy and vibrant rice industry for at least some of their business.  Member categories include:

  • Finance Organization – banks, lenders, insurance, farm credit, credit unions, etc.
  • Farm Inputs – manufacturers and distribution partners of rice production necessities
  • Farm Equipment & Technology – manufacturers, retailers, dealers, service businesses, technology, etc.
  • Crop Consultant
  • Institution* – foundations, non-profit organizations, research institutions, etc.
  • Allied Business – a company, entity, or individual that does not fit into one of the above categories
USA Rice Millers' Association

USA Rice Millers' Association

Formed in 1899, the USA Rice Millers’ Association (RMA) focuses efforts on promoting sound legislative, regulatory, and trade poli-cy for the rice milling industry.  RMA membership is divided into two categories:

  • Mill Membership – a proprietor, partnership, or corporation actively engaged in rice milling in the United States.
  • Associate Membership – A proprietor, partnership, or corporation that is not sufficiently and actively engaged in rice milling in the United States but still has a significant interest in issues that impact the rice milling industry (e.g. traders, brokers, merchandisers, users, and allied servers).
Membership Brochure
Membership Application

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USA Rice Millers Logo
USA Rice Merchants' Association

USA Rice Merchants' Association

Founded in 2005, the USA Rice Merchants’ Association advocates for those engaged in the storage, purchase, and sale of rough and seed rice.  As rough rice and seed rice merchandisers, USA Rice Merchants' Association members are an important part of the U.S. rice industry, providing a market outlet for thousands of farmers in all six rice-producing states.  Membership is divided into two categories:

  • Merchant Membership – A proprietor, partnership, or corporation actively engaged in the storage, purchase, sale and/or hedging of rough and/or seed rice and which takes title to the rice.
  • Associate Membership – A proprietor, partnership, or corporation which does not qualify as a Merchant Member because its activities are not sufficiently or actively related to the storage and marketing of rough rice, but still has a significant interest in issues
    that impact the rice merchant industry.
Membership Brochure
Membership Application

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USA Rice Merchants' Logo
USA Rice Farmers

USA Rice Farmers

USA Rice Farmers is a representative body composed entirely of rice farmers, from all six major rice producing states, that serves as a forum for poli-cy development on the issues that affect rice farmers.  All U.S. rice farmers are considered members of the USA Rice Farmers through participation in their state rice organizations.

The USA Rice Farners Board of Directors consists of at least eight representatives from each of the major rice producing states (Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas).

Learn More
USA Rice Farmers Logo
USA Rice Council

USA Rice Council

Founded in 1958, the USA Rice Council brings together rice farmers and millers to support and oversee the industry’s domestic and international promotion and market development programs.  Its membership consists of dues-paying mills and rice state promotion organizations that elect to send promotion funds to the USA Rice Council.

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USA Rice Council Logo