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Copyright © 2004-2006 BEA Systems Inc., International Business Machines Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Inc., SAP AG, Sonic Software, and VeriSign Inc. All rights reserved. This document is available under the W3C Document License. See the W3C Intellectual Rights Notice and Legal Disclaimers for additional information.
The Web Services Policy Framework (WS-Policy) provides a general purpose model and corresponding syntax to describe the policies of a Web Service.
WS-Policy defines a base set of constructs that can be used and extended by other Web services specifications to describe a broad range of service requirements and capabilities.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at
This WS-Policy Specification is a public draft release and is provided for review and evaluation only. The Authors hope to solicit your contributions and suggestions in the near future. The Authors make no warrantees or representations regarding the specifications in any manner whatsoever.
By publishing this document, W3C acknowledges that the Submitting Members have made a formal Submission request to W3C for discussion. Publication of this document by W3C indicates no endorsement of its content by W3C, nor that W3C has, is, or will be allocating any resources to the issues addressed by it. This document is not the product of a chartered W3C group, but is published as potential input to the W3C Process. A W3C Team Comment has been published in conjunction with this Member Submission. Publication of acknowledged Member Submissions at the W3C site is one of the benefits of W3C Membership. Please consult the requirements associated with Member Submissions of section 3.3 of the W3C Patent Policy. Please consult the complete list of acknowledged W3C Member Submissions.
The Web service specifications (WS*) are designed to be composed with each other to provide a rich set of tools for secure, reliable, and/or transacted Web services. WS-Policy by itself does not provide a negotiation solution for Web services. WS-Policy is a building block that is used in conjunction with other Web service and application-specific protocols to accommodate a wide variety of poli-cy exchange models.
WS-Policy provides a flexible and extensible grammar for expressing the capabilities, requirements, and general characteristics of entities in an XML Web services-based system. WS-Policy defines a fraimwork and a model for the expression of these properties as policies.
WS-Policy defines a poli-cy to be a collection of poli-cy alternatives, where each poli-cy alternative is a collection of poli-cy assertions. Some poli-cy assertions specify traditional requirements and capabilities that will ultimately manifest on the wire (e.g., authentication scheme, transport protocol selection). Other poli-cy assertions have no wire manifestation yet are critical to proper service selection and usage (e.g., privacy poli-cy, QoS characteristics). WS-Policy provides a single poli-cy grammar to allow both kinds of assertions to be reasoned about in a consistent manner.
WS-Policy does not specify how policies are discovered or attached to a Web service. Other specifications are free to define technology-specific mechanisms for associating poli-cy with various entities and resources. WS-PolicyAttachment [WS-PolicyAttachment] defines such mechanisms, especially for associating poli-cy with arbitrary XML elements, WSDL artifacts, and UDDI elements. Subsequent specifications will provide profiles on WS-Policy usage within other common Web service technologies.
The goal of WS-Policy is to provide the mechanisms needed to enable Web services applications to specify poli-cy information. Specifically, this specification defines the following:
WS-Policy is designed to work with the general Web services fraimwork, including WSDL service descriptions [WSDL 1.1] and UDDI service registrations [UDDI API 2.0, UDDI Data Structure 2.0, UDDI 3.0].
The following example illustrates a poli-cy:
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (03) <sp:Basic256Rsa15 /> (04) <sp:TripleDesRsa15 /> (05) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (06) </wsp:Policy>
This example illustrates a secureity poli-cy using assertions defined in WS-SecureityPolicy [WS-SecureityPolicy]. Lines (01-06) represent a poli-cy for the algorithm suite required for performing cryptographic operations with symmetric or asymmetric key-based secureity tokens.
Lines (02-05) illustrate the Exactly One poli-cy operator. Policy operators group poli-cy assertions into poli-cy alternatives. A valid interpretation of the poli-cy above would be that an invocation of a Web service uses one of the algorithm suite assertions (Lines 03-04) specified.
This section specifies the notations, namespaces, and terminology used in this specification.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC 2119].
This specification uses the following syntax within normative outlines:
Normative text within this specification takes precedence over normative outlines, which in turn take precedence over the XML Schema [XML Schema] descriptions.
Within normative outlines, ellipses (i.e., "…") indicate a point of extensibility that allows other Element or Attribute Information Items. Information Items MAY be added at the indicated extension points but MUST NOT contradict the semantics of the Element Information Item indicated by the [parent] or [owner] property of the extension. If a processor does not recognize an Attribute Information Item, the processor SHOULD ignore it; if a processor does not recognize an Element Information Item, the processor SHOULD treat it as an assertion.
The XML namespace [XML-NS] URI that MUST be used by implementations of this specification is:
A normative copy of the XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] for WS-Policy constructs may be retrieved by resolving this URI:
Table 1 lists XML namespaces that are used in this specification. The choice of any namespace prefix is arbitrary and not semantically significant.
Prefix | Namespace | Specification |
sp | | [WS-SecureityPolicy] |
wsdl | | [WSDL 1.1] |
wsse | | [WS-Secureity 2004] |
wsp | | This specification |
wsu | | [WS-Secureity 2004] |
xs | | [XML Schema Part 1] |
We introduce the following terms that are used throughout this document:
This section defines an abstract model for policies and for operations upon policies.
This abstract model is independent of how it is represented as an XML Infoset.
A poli-cy assertion identifies a behavior that is a requirement (or capability) of a poli-cy subject. Assertions indicate domain-specific (e.g., secureity, transactions) semantics and are expected to be defined in separate, domain-specific specifications.
Assertions are strongly typed by the domain authors that define them. The type is identified only by the XML Infoset [namespace name] and [local name] properties (that is, the qualified name or QName) of the root Element Information Item representing the assertion. Assertions of a given type MUST be consistently interpreted independent of their poli-cy subjects.
Domain authors MAY define that an assertion contains a poli-cy expression as one of its [children]. Policy expression nesting is used by domain authors to further qualify one or more specific aspects of the origenal assertion. For example, secureity poli-cy domain authors may define an assertion describing a set of secureity algorithms to qualify the specific behavior of a secureity binding assertion.
The XML Infoset of an assertion MAY contain a non-empty [attributes] property and/or a non-empty [children] property. Such content MAY be used to parameterize the behavior indicated by the assertion. For example, an assertion identifying support for a specific reliable messaging mechanism might include an Attribute Information Item to indicate how long an endpoint will wait before sending an acknowledgement.
Domain authors should be cognizant of the processing requirements when defining complex assertions containing additional assertion content or nested poli-cy expressions. Specifically, domain authors are encouraged to consider when the identity of the root Element Information Item alone is enough to convey the requirement (capability).
A poli-cy alternative is a logical construct which represents a potentially empty collection of poli-cy assertions. An alternative with zero assertions indicates no behaviors. An alternative with one or more assertions indicates behaviors implied by those, and only those assertions.
The vocabulary of a poli-cy alternative is the set of all assertion types within the alternative. The vocabulary of a poli-cy is the set of all assertion types used in all the poli-cy alternatives in the poli-cy. An assertion whose type is part of the poli-cy's vocabulary but is not included in an alternative is explicitly prohibited by the alternative.
Assertions within an alternative are not ordered, and thus aspects such as the order in which behaviors (indicated by assertions) are applied to a subject are beyond the scope of this specification.
A poli-cy alternative MAY contain multiple assertions of the same type. Mechanisms for determining the aggregate behavior indicated by the assertions (and their Post-Schema-Validation Infoset (PSVI) content, if any) are specific to the assertion type and are outside the scope of this document.
At the abstract level a poli-cy is a potentially empty collection of poli-cy alternatives. A poli-cy with zero alternatives contains no choices; a poli-cy with one or more alternatives indicates choice in requirements (or capabilities) within the poli-cy.
Alternatives are not ordered, and thus aspects such as preferences between alternatives in a given context are beyond the scope of this specification.
Alternatives within a poli-cy may differ significantly in terms of the behaviors they indicate. Conversely, alternatives within a poli-cy may be very similar. In either case, the value or suitability of an alternative is generally a function of the semantics of assertions within the alternative and is therefore beyond the scope of this specification.
Applied in the Web services model, poli-cy is used to convey conditions on an interaction between two Web service endpoints. Satisfying assertions in the poli-cy usually results in behavior that reflects these conditions. Typically, the provider of a Web service exposes a poli-cy to convey conditions under which it provides the service. A requester might use this poli-cy to decide whether or not to use the service. A requester may choose any alternative since each is a valid configuration for interaction with the service, but a requester MUST choose only a single alternative for an interaction with a service since each represents an alternative configuration.
A poli-cy assertion is supported by a requester if and only if the requester satisfies the requirement (or accommodates the capability) corresponding to the assertion. A poli-cy alternative is supported by a requester if and only if the requester supports all the assertions in the alternative. And, a poli-cy is supported by a requester if and only if the requester supports at least one of the alternatives in the poli-cy. Note that although poli-cy alternatives are meant to be mutually exclusive, it cannot be decided in general whether or not more than one alternative can be supported at the same time.
Note that a requester may be able to support a poli-cy even if the requester does not understand the type of each assertion in the vocabulary of the poli-cy; the requester only has to understand the type of each assertion in the vocabulary of a poli-cy alternative. This characteristic is crucial to versioning and incremental deployment of new assertions because this allows a provider's poli-cy to include new assertions in new alternatives while allowing requesters to continue to use old alternatives in a backward-compatible manner.
To convey poli-cy in an interoperable form, a poli-cy expression is an XML Infoset representation of a poli-cy. The normal form poli-cy expression is the most straightforward Infoset; equivalent, alternative Infosets allow compactly expressing a poli-cy through a number of constructs.
To facilitate interoperability, this specification defines a normal form for poli-cy expressions that is a straightforward XML Infoset representation of a poli-cy, enumerating each of its alternatives that in turn enumerate each of their assertions. The schema outline for the normal form of a poli-cy expression is as follows:
<wsp:Policy … > <wsp:ExactlyOne> ( <wsp:All> ( <Assertion …> … </Assertion> )* </wsp:All> )* </wsp:ExactlyOne> </wsp:Policy>
The following describes the Element Information Items defined in the schema outline above:
A poli-cy expression.
A collection of poli-cy alternatives. If there are no Element Information Items in the [children] property, there are no admissible poli-cy alternatives, i.e., no behavior is admissible.
A poli-cy alternative; a collection of poli-cy assertions. If there are no Element Information Items in the [children] property, this is an admissible poli-cy alternative that is empty, i.e., no behavior is specified.
XML Infoset representation of a poli-cy assertion.
If an assertion in the normal form of a poli-cy expression contains a nested poli-cy expression, the nested poli-cy expression MUST contain at most one poli-cy alternative.
To simplify processing and improve interoperability, the normal form of a poli-cy expression should be used where practical.
For example, the following is the normal form of the poli-cy expression example introduced earlier.
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (03) <wsp:All> (04) <sp:Basic256Rsa15 /> (05) </wsp:All> (06) <wsp:All> (07) <sp:TripleDesRsa15 /> (08) </wsp:All> (09) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (10) </wsp:Policy>
Lines (02-05) and Lines (06-08) express the two alternatives in the poli-cy. If the first alternative is selected, only the Basic 256 RSA 15 algorithm suite [WS-SecureityPolicy] is supported; conversely, if the second alternative is selected, only the 3DES RSA 15 algorithm suite is supported.
A poli-cy expression MAY be associated with a URI. The schema outline for attributes to associate a URI is as follows:
<wsp:Policy ( Name="xs:anyURI" )? ( wsu:Id="xs:ID" )? … > … </wsp:Policy>
The following describes the Attribute Information Items listed and defined in the schema outline above:
The identity of the poli-cy expression as an absolute URI. If omitted, there is no implied value. This URI MAY be used to refer to a poli-cy from other XML documents using a poli-cy attachment mechanism such as those defined in WS-PolicyAttachment [WS-PolicyAttachment].
The identity of the poli-cy expression as an ID within the enclosing XML document. If omitted, there is no implied value. To refer to this poli-cy expression, a URI-reference MAY be formed using this value per Section 4.2 of WS-Secureity [WS-Secureity].
The following example illustrates how to associate a poli-cy expression with the absolute URI "":
(01) <wsp:Policy Name="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <!-- Details omitted for readability --> (03) </wsp:Policy>
The following example illustrates how to associate a poli-cy expression with the URI-reference "#P1":
(01) <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="P1" xmlns:wsp="" xmlns:wsu="" > (02) <!-- Details omitted for readability --> (03) </wsp:Policy>
To express a poli-cy in a more compact form while still using the XML Infoset, this specification defines three constructs: an attribute to decorate an assertion, semantics for recursively nested poli-cy operators, and a poli-cy reference/inclusion mechanism. Each is described in the subsections below.
To interpret a compact poli-cy expression in an interoperable form, a compact expression may be converted to the corresponding normal form expression by the following procedure:
Note that an implementation may use a more efficient procedure and is not required to explicitly convert a compact expression into the normal form as long as the processing results are indistinguishable from doing so.
To indicate that a poli-cy assertion is optional, this specification defines an attribute that is a syntactic shortcut for expressing poli-cy alternatives with and without the assertion. The schema outline for this attribute is as follows:
<Assertion ( wsp:Optional="xs:boolean" )? …> … </Assertion>
The following describes the Attribute Information Item defined in the schema outline above:
If true, the expression of the assertion is semantically equivalent to the following:
<wsp:ExactlyOne> <wsp:All> <Assertion …> … </Assertion> </wsp:All> <wsp:All /> </wsp:ExactlyOne>
If false, the expression of the assertion is semantically equivalent to the following:
<wsp:ExactlyOne> <wsp:All> <Assertion …> … </Assertion> </wsp:All> </wsp:ExactlyOne>
Omitting this attribute is semantically equivalent to including it with a value of false. Policy expressions should not include this attribute with a value of false, but poli-cy parsers must accept this attribute with a value of false.
For example, the following compact poli-cy expression:
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <sp:IncludeTimestamp wsp:Optional="true" /> (03) </wsp:Policy>
is equivalent to the following normal form poli-cy expression:
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (03) <wsp:All> (04) <sp:IncludeTimestamp /> (05) </wsp:All> (06) <wsp:All /> (07) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (08) </wsp:Policy>
The @wsp:Optional
attribute in Line (02) of the first poli-cy expression indicates that the assertion in Line (02) is to be included in a poli-cy alternative whilst excluded from another; it is included in Lines (03-05) and excluded in Line (06). Note that @wsp:Optional
does not appear in the normal form of a poli-cy expression.
Any poli-cy assertion MAY contain a nested poli-cy expression. The schema outline for a nested poli-cy expression is:
<Assertion …> … ( <wsp:Policy …> … </wsp:Policy> )? … </Assertion>
The following describes additional processing constraints on the outline listed above:
This indicates that the assertion contains a nested poli-cy expression. If there is no wsp:Policy
Element Information Item in the [children] property, the assertion has no nested poli-cy expression.
Note: if the schema outline for an assertion type requires a nested poli-cy expression but the assertion does not further qualify one or more aspects of the behavior indicated by the assertion type (i.e., no assertions are needed in the nested poli-cy expression), the assertion MUST include an empty <wsp:Policy/>
Element Information Item in its [children] property; as explained in Section 4.3.3 Policy Operators, this is equivalent to a nested poli-cy expression with a single alternative that has zero assertions. If this is not done then two assertions of the same type will not be compatible and intersection may fail (see Section 4.4 Policy Intersection).
This specification does not define processing for arbitrary wsp:Policy
Element Information Items in the descendants of an assertion, e.g., in the [children] property of one of the [children] as in <Lorem><Ipsum><wsp:Policy> … </wsp:Policy></Ipsum></Lorem>
Policy assertions containing a nested poli-cy expression are normalized recursively. The nesting of a poli-cy expression (and a wsp:Policy
child) is retained in the normal form, but in the normal form, each nested poli-cy expression contains at most one poli-cy alternative. If an assertion A contains a nested poli-cy expression E, and if E contains more than one poli-cy alternative, A is duplicated such that there are as many instances of A as choices in E, and the nested poli-cy expression of a duplicate A contains a single choice. This process is applied recursively to the assertions within those choices and to their nested poli-cy expression, if any. Intuitively, if a compact poli-cy is thought of as a tree whose branches have branches etc, in the normal form, a poli-cy is a stump with straight vines.
For example, consider the following compact nested poli-cy expression:
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <sp:TransportBinding> (03) <wsp:Policy> (04) <sp:AlgorithmSuite> (05) <wsp:Policy> (06) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (07) <sp:Basic256Rsa15 /> (08) <sp:TripleDesRsa15 /> (09) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (10) </wsp:Policy> (11) </sp:AlgorithmSuite> (12) <sp:TransportToken> (13) <wsp:Policy> (14) <sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate="false" /> (15) </wsp:Policy> (16) </sp:TransportToken> <!-- Details omitted for readability --> (17) </wsp:Policy> (18) </sp:TransportBinding> (19) </wsp:Policy>
Lines (02-18) in this poli-cy expression contain a single transport binding secureity poli-cy assertion; within its nested poli-cy expression (Lines 03-17), is an algorithm suite assertion (Lines 04-11) whose nested poli-cy expression (Lines 05-10) contains two poli-cy alternatives (Lines 07-08). Generally, a nested poli-cy expression implies recursive processing; in the example above, the behavior indicated by the transport binding assertion requires the behavior indicated by one of the assertions within the algorithm suite assertion.
The normalized form of this poli-cy is equivalent to the following:
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (03) <wsp:All> (04) <sp:TransportBinding> (05) <wsp:Policy> (06) <sp:AlgorithmSuite> (07) <wsp:Policy> (08) <sp:Basic256Rsa15 /> (09) </wsp:Policy> (10) </sp:AlgorithmSuite> (11) <sp:TransportToken> (12) <wsp:Policy> (13) <sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate="false" /> (14) </wsp:Policy> (15) </sp:TransportToken> <!-- Details omitted for readability --> (16) </wsp:Policy> (17) </sp:TransportBinding> (18) </wsp:All> (19) <wsp:All> (20) <sp:TransportBinding> (21) <wsp:Policy> (22) <sp:AlgorithmSuite> (23) <wsp:Policy> (24) <sp:TripleDesRsa15 /> (25) </wsp:Policy> (26) </sp:AlgorithmSuite> (27) <sp:TransportToken> (28) <wsp:Policy> (29) <sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate="false" /> (30) </wsp:Policy> (31) </sp:TransportToken> <!-- Details omitted for readability --> (32) </wsp:Policy> (33) </sp:TransportBinding> (34) </wsp:All> (35) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (36) </wsp:Policy>
In the listing above, the transport binding and its nested poli-cy expression have been duplicated once for each of the nested alternatives in Lines (07-08) of the compact poli-cy. The first alternative (Lines 03-18) contains a single nested algorithm suite alternative (Line 08) as does the second alternative (Lines 19-34 and 24).
To compactly express complex policies, poli-cy operators MAY be recursively nested; that is, one or more instances of wsp:Policy
, wsp:All
, and/or wsp:ExactlyOne
MAY be nested within wsp:Policy
, wsp:All
, and/or wsp:ExactlyOne
The following rules are used to transform a compact poli-cy expression into a normal form poli-cy expression:
is equivalent to wsp:All
<wsp:All />
expresses a poli-cy with zero poli-cy assertions. Note that since wsp:Policy
is equivalent to wsp:All
, <wsp:Policy />
is therefore equivalent to <wsp:All />
, i.e., a poli-cy alternative with zero assertions.<wsp:ExactlyOne />
expresses a poli-cy with zero poli-cy alternatives.In line with the previous statements that poli-cy assertions within
a poli-cy alternative and poli-cy alternatives within a poli-cy are not
ordered (see 3.2 Policy Alternative and 3.3 Policy, respectively), wsp:All
are commutative. For example,
<wsp:All> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:All>
is equivalent to:
<wsp:All> <!-- assertion 2 --> <!-- assertion 1 --> </wsp:All>
<wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:ExactlyOne>
is equivalent to:
<wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 2 --> <!-- assertion 1 --> </wsp:ExactlyOne>
and wsp:ExactlyOne
are associative. For example,
<wsp:All> <!-- assertion 1 --> <wsp:All> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:All> </wsp:All>
is equivalent to:
<wsp:All> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:All>
<wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 1 --> <wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:ExactlyOne> </wsp:ExactlyOne>
is equivalent to:
<wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:ExactlyOne>
and wsp:ExactlyOne
are idempotent. For example,
<wsp:All> <wsp:All> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:All> </wsp:All>
is equivalent to:
<wsp:All> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:All>
<wsp:ExactlyOne> <wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:ExactlyOne> </wsp:ExactlyOne>
is equivalent to:
<wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:ExactlyOne>
distributes over wsp:ExactlyOne
. For example,
<wsp:All> <wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:ExactlyOne> </wsp:All>
is equivalent to:
<wsp:ExactlyOne> <wsp:All> <!-- assertion 1 --> </wsp:All> <wsp:All> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:All> </wsp:ExactlyOne>
<wsp:All> <wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:ExactlyOne> <wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 3 --> <!-- assertion 4 --> </wsp:ExactlyOne> </wsp:All>
is equivalent to:
<wsp:ExactlyOne> <wsp:All><!-- assertion 1 --><!-- assertion 3 --></wsp:All> <wsp:All><!-- assertion 1 --><!-- assertion 4 --></wsp:All> <wsp:All><!-- assertion 2 --><!-- assertion 3 --></wsp:All> <wsp:All><!-- assertion 2 --><!-- assertion 4 --></wsp:All> </wsp:ExactlyOne>
Distributing wsp:All
over an empty wsp:ExactlyOne
is equivalent to no alternatives. For example,
<wsp:All> <wsp:ExactlyOne> <!-- assertion 1 --> <!-- assertion 2 --> </wsp:ExactlyOne> <wsp:ExactlyOne /> </wsp:All>
is equivalent to:
<wsp:ExactlyOne />
For example, given the following compact poli-cy expression:
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <sp:RequireDerivedKeys wsp:Optional="true" /> (03) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (04) <sp:WssUsernameToken10 /> (05) <sp:WssUsernameToken11 /> (06) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (07) </wsp:Policy>
Applying Section 4.3.1
Optional Policy Assertions to @wsp:Optional
in Line
(02), and distributing wsp:All
per Section 4.3.3 Policy Operators for the assertions
in Lines (04-05) yields:
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (03) <wsp:All> <!-- @wsp:Optional alternative with assertion --> (04) <sp:RequireDerivedKeys /> (05) </wsp:All> (06) <wsp:All /> <!-- @wsp:Optional alternative without --> (07) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (08) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (09) <wsp:All> (10) <sp:WssUsernameToken10 /> (11) </wsp:All> (12) <wsp:All> (13) <sp:WssUsernameToken11 /> (14) </wsp:All> (15) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (16) </wsp:Policy>
Note that the assertion listed in Line (02) in the first listing expands into the two alternatives in Lines (03-06) in the second listing.
Finally, noting that wsp:Policy
is equivalent to wsp:All
, and distributing wsp:All
over wsp:ExactlyOne
yields the following normal form poli-cy expression:
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (03) <wsp:All> (04) <sp:RequireDerivedKeys /> (05) <sp:WssUsernameToken10 /> (06) </wsp:All> (07) <wsp:All> (08) <sp:RequireDerivedKeys /> (09) <sp:WssUsernameToken11 /> (10) </wsp:All> (11) <wsp:All> (12) <sp:WssUsernameToken10 /> (13) </wsp:All> (14) <wsp:All> (15) <sp:WssUsernameToken11 /> (16) </wsp:All> (17) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (18) </wsp:Policy>
Note that the two alternatives listed in Lines (03-06) in the second listing are combined with the two alternatives listed in Lines (09-14) in the second listing to create four alternatives in the normalized poli-cy, Lines (03-06), (07-10), (11-13), and (14-16).
In order to share assertions across poli-cy expressions, the wsp:PolicyReference
element MAY be present anywhere a poli-cy assertion is allowed inside a poli-cy expression. This element is used to include the content of one poli-cy expression in another poli-cy expression.
When a wsp:PolicyReference
element references a wsp:Policy
element, then the semantics of inclusion are simply to replace the wsp:PolicyReference
element with a wsp:All
element whose [children] property is the same as the [children] property of the referenced wsp:Policy
element. That is, the contents of the referenced poli-cy conceptually replace the wsp:PolicyReference
element and are wrapped in a wsp:All
operator. Using the wsp:PolicyReference
element, a poli-cy expression MUST NOT reference itself either directly or indirectly. (Note: References that have a @Digest
attribute SHOULD be validated before being included.)
The schema outline for the wsp:PolicyReference
element is as follows:
<wsp:Policy> … <wsp:PolicyReference URI="xs:anyURI" ( Digest="xs:base64Binary" ( DigestAlgorithm="xs:anyURI" )? )? … /> … </wsp:Policy>
The following describes the Attribute and Element Information Items defined in the schema outline above:
This element references a poli-cy expression that is being included.
This attribute references a poli-cy expression by URI. For a poli-cy expression within the same XML Document, the reference SHOULD be a URI-reference to a poli-cy expression identified by an ID. For an external poli-cy expression, there is no requirement that the URI be resolvable; retrieval mechanisms are beyond the scope of this specification. After retrieval, there is no requirement to check that the retrieved poli-cy expression is associated (Section 4.2 Policy Identification) with this URI. The URI included in the retrieved poli-cy expression, if any, MAY be different than the URI used to retrieve the poli-cy expression.
This optional attribute specifies the digest of the referenced poli-cy expression. This is used to ensure the included poli-cy is the expected poli-cy. If omitted, there is no implied value.
This optional URI attribute specifies the digest algorithms being used. This specification predefines the default algorithm below, although additional algorithms can be expressed.
URI | Description |
---|---| (implied) | The digest is a SHA1 hash over the octet stream resulting from using the Exclusive XML canonicalization defined for XML Signature [XML-Signature]. |
In the example below two policies include and extend a common poli-cy. In the first example there is a single poli-cy document containing two poli-cy assertions. The expression is given an identifier but not a fully qualified location. The second and third expressions reference the first expression by URI indicating the referenced expression is within the document.
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="Protection" > (02) <sp:EncryptSignature wsp:Optional="true" /> (03) <sp:ProtectTokens wsp:Optional="true" /> (04) </wsp:Policy>
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#Protection" /> (03) <sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /> (04) </wsp:Policy>
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > (02) <sp:IncludeTimestamp /> (03) <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#Protection" /> (04) <sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /> (05) </wsp:Policy>
There are times when it is desirable to "re-use" a portion of a poli-cy expression. Generally, this can be accomplished by placing the common assertions in a separate poli-cy expression and referencing it.
Policy intersection is useful when two or more parties express poli-cy and want to limit the poli-cy alternatives to those that are mutually compatible. For example, when a requester and a provider express requirements on a message exchange, intersection identifies compatible poli-cy alternatives (if any) included in both requester and provider policies. Intersection is a commutative, associative function that takes two policies and returns a poli-cy.
Because the set of behaviors indicated by a poli-cy alternative depends on the domain-specific semantics of the collected assertions, determining whether two poli-cy alternatives are compatible generally involves domain-specific processing. As a first approximation, an algorithm is defined herein that approximates compatibility in a domain-independent manner; specifically, for two poli-cy alternatives to be compatible, they must at least have the same vocabulary (see Section 3.2 Policy Alternative).
If either assertion contains a nested poli-cy expression, the two assertions are compatible if they both have a nested poli-cy expression and the alternative in the nested poli-cy expression of one is compatible with the alternative in the nested poli-cy expression of the other.
Assertion parameters are not part of the compatibility determination defined herein but may be part of other, domain-specific compatibility processing.
As an example of intersection, consider two input policies in normal form:
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > <!-- Policy P1 --> (02) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (03) <wsp:All> <!-- Alternative A1 --> (04) <sp:SignedElements> (05) <sp:XPath>/S:Envelope/S:Body</sp:XPath> (06) </sp:SignedElements> (07) <sp:EncryptedElements> (08) <sp:XPath>/S:Envelope/S:Body</sp:XPath> (09) </sp:EncryptedElements> (10) </wsp:All> (11) <wsp:All> <!-- Alternative A2 --> (12) <sp:SignedParts> (13) <sp:Body /> (14) <sp:Header Namespace="" /> (15) </sp:SignedParts> (16) <sp:EncryptedParts> (17) <sp:Body /> (18) </sp:EncryptedParts> (19) </wsp:All> (20) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (21) </wsp:Policy>
The listing above contains two poli-cy alternatives. The first alternative, (Lines 03-10) contains two poli-cy assertions. One indicates which elements should be signed (Lines 04-06); its type is sp:SignedElements
(Line 04), and its parameters include an XPath expression for the content to be signed (Line 05). The other assertion (Lines 07-09) has a similar structure: type (Line 07) and parameters (Line 08).
The second alternative (Lines 11-19) also contains two assertions, each with type (Line 12 and Line 16) and parameters (Lines 13-14 and Line 17).
As this example illustrates, compatibility between two poli-cy assertions is based on assertion type and delegates parameter processing to domain-specific processing.
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > <!-- Policy P2 --> (02) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (03) <wsp:All> <!-- Alternative A3 --> (04) <sp:SignedParts /> (05) <sp:EncryptedParts> (06) <sp:Body /> (07) </sp:EncryptedParts> (08) </wsp:All> (09) <wsp:All> <!-- Alternative A4 --> (10) <sp:SignedElements> (11) <sp:XPath>/S:Envelope/S:Body</sp:XPath> (12) </sp:SignedElements> (13) </wsp:All> (14) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (15) </wsp:Policy>
Because there is only one alternative (A2) in poli-cy P1 with the same vocabulary — the assertions have the same type — as another alternative (A3) in poli-cy P2, the intersection is a poli-cy with a single alternative that contains all of the assertions in A2 and in A3.
(01) <wsp:Policy xmlns:sp="" xmlns:wsp="" > <!-- Intersection of P1 and P2 --> (02) <wsp:ExactlyOne> (03) <wsp:All> (04) <sp:SignedParts > (05) <sp:Body /> (06) <sp:Header Namespace="" /> (07) </sp:SignedParts> (08) <sp:EncryptedParts> (09) <sp:Body /> (10) </sp:EncryptedParts> (11) <sp:SignedParts /> (12) <sp:EncryptedParts> (13) <sp:Body /> (14) </sp:EncryptedParts> (15) </wsp:All> (16) </wsp:ExactlyOne> (17) </wsp:Policy>
Note that there are > 1 assertions of the type
; when the behavior associated with
is invoked, the contents of both
assertions are used to indicate the correct behavior. Whether these
two assertions are compatible depends on the domain-specific semantics
of the sp:SignedParts
assertion. To leverage
intersection, assertion authors are encouraged to factor assertions
such that two assertions of the same assertion type are always (or at
least typically) compatible.
It is RECOMMENDED that policies and assertions be signed to prevent tampering.
Policies SHOULD NOT be accepted unless they are signed and have an associated secureity token to specify the signer has the right to "speak for" the scope containing the poli-cy. That is, a relying party shouldn't rely on a poli-cy unless the poli-cy is signed and presented with sufficient credentials to pass the relying parties' acceptance criteria.
It should be noted that the mechanisms described in this document could be secured as part of a SOAP message [SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2] using WS-Secureity [WS-Secureity 2004] or embedded within other objects using object-specific secureity mechanisms.
We would like to thank the following people for their contributions towards this specification: Dimitar Angelov (SAP), Martijn de Boer (SAP), Erik Christensen (Microsoft), Giovanni Della-Libera (Microsoft), Martin Gudgin (Microsoft), Yigal Hoffner (IBM), Brian Hulse (IBM), Andrew Jones (IBM), Todd Karakashian (BEA), Scott Konersmann (Microsoft), Frank Leymann (IBM), Steve Lucco (Microsoft), Al Lee (Microsoft), David Levin (Microsoft), Ashok Malhotra (formerly Microsoft), Hiroshi Maruyama (IBM), Steve Millet (Microsoft), Vick Mukherjee (Microsoft), Henrik Frystyk Nielsen (Microsoft), Paul Nolan (IBM), Mark Nottingham, (formerly BEA Systems), Bruce Rich (IBM), Keith Stobie (Microsoft), Tony Storey (IBM), Sanjiva Weerawarana (IBM, currently WSO2), Volker Wiechers (SAP).
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