Event Summary
Estimated Maximum Wind:
90 mph
None |
Damage Path Length:
4.40 miles
Maximum Path Width:
225 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
1 NNE Ward
at 317 PM CST
Approximate End Point/Time:
5 NE Ward
at 324 PM CST
NWS Meteorologists surveyed damage in southern Sumter County near Ward and determined it was the result of an EF-1 tornado.
The tornado touched down west of County Rd 9 where timber damage was observed from the highway. The tornado then damaged two homes near Chapel Branch. Each sustained varying degrees of roof damage, mostly minor. Timber damage in this area was also blown in varying directions, mostly westward. One home had roof material peeled away and was lofted to the northwest, and the porch had been lifted. A couple of nearby farm structures had roof and minor structural damage with debris lofted to the north. The tornado then continued northeast crossing Gully Rd where addition non-divergent timber damage was observed. The next accessible road was Hwy 17 and Wright Rd where additional timber damage was observed, though of a lesser degree. No observable damage was found downstream of Wright Rd though road access was limited. No damage was found upstream of Ward on Charles Spur Rd or Ward Rd 16, near the Choctaw County line.
The data is PRELIMINARY and may be subject to change.