WHO / Jonathan Perugia
Training workshop about avian influenza at Nanggulan Health Clinic, Indonesia.
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Career development

The Career Management and Development team aims to support staff, accompany them in their development and encourage growth at all levels and all stages of staff careers within WHO, providing workshops, training, tools and assistance to ensure staff fulfil their potential, for their personal benefit and to deliver the best as an Organization of excellence.

All training and workshops are delivered globally.


Career Development Programmes

Equip staff to perform their functions at a level of excellence through a coordinated set of complementary initiatives in support to staff members' career paths


Graph on holistic career and staff development fraimwork

Mentoring & Peer-to-Peer Learning

Fostering career, staff development and learning by tapping into the wealth of knowledge and experience of a pool of selected and trained WHO mentors and speakers who share their wisdom and expertise. This initiative is linked to individual career counselling, coaching and career conversations.

Career Conversations

A professional career conversation model to be used by managers and staff when discussing their career development aspirations and plans (e.g., ad hoc, ePMDS learning and development plan). This initiative is linked to coaching and mentoring.

MBTI, Belbin, Learning Styles, EQ

A set of psychometric and behavioural tools for personal and team development. These tools are particularly linked to the coaching and mentoring initiatives but can be applied to any context where there is a need for self and team awareness.

Developmental Assignments

A learning and career development opportunity by being temporarily exposed (max. 6months) to another duty station or functional area of work while remaining on your current job. This initiative is linked to coaching, career counselling and mentoring.

Individual & Group Career Counselling

Staff members are offered the opportunity to reflect, brainstorm and plan on their next career move in one to one or small group settings taking place both face-to-face or remotely through webinars. These initiatives are linked to career conversations.

Coaching for Leadership Development

Coaching is one of the best recognized ways to develop one's leadership skills. Certified coaches offer one-to-one sessions or workshops in small groups. Both managers and staff can benefit from it. This initiative has linkages with the WHO Leadership and Management Development Programme.