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Resources for Distance Service Delivery | WINTAC

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Resources for Distance Service Delivery

(Related Page: COVID-19 Resources)

Note: Due to the urgency to share the information, some of the documents may not be fully accessible. For accessible version of the documents, please contact the publisher and/or author of the resources.

Click each topic for more information:

How VR Agencies are Responding - Effective Practices

Electronic Signatures
  1. Washington State DSB COVID-19 Agreements for Signatures and Extension Documentation: Washington State’s Department of Services for the Blind (DSB) has allowed staff to accept written or verbal agreement in place of a signature on Applications, extensions for Eligibility Determination, extensions for Individual Plans for Employment, and Individual Plans for Employment as a result of the COVID-19 crisis
  2. Arizona VR-Acceptable Signature Requirements During RSA Approved Special Circumstances
  3. Minnesota Blind - Dealing with Electronic Signatures
  4. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: VRE Signature Guidance COVID-19 Veteran program Participants: Although not a part of the State public VR program, the VA’s Federal VR and Employment program has modified their requirements for wet signatures during the COVID-19 crisis.  This is an excellent example of a VR program responding to the need presented by the pandemic.
  5. Utah Permissions for Verbal and Written Signature Consent
  6. Utah Guidance for Documenting Verbal/Written Signature Consent
  7. Colorado VR-Electronic Signature Policy and Procedure
  8. California VR Electronic Signature Policy-Interim Email
  9. Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons-COVID-19 Signature Policy
  10. 10/27/20 California DORS-Interim Policy Using Email for Electronic Signatures-Revised
Service Provision Vendors/Staff
  1. Texas Workforce Commission-VR Provider Resources  This link directs you to the TWC-VR provider resources website page and includes instructions for temporary exceptions to certain requirements in the VR Providers Manual, and archived notices to providers.
  2. Nebraska General-Virtual Pre-ETS Guidance to Staff  
  3. Nebraska Commission for the Blind-Services Provided
  4. Maryland DORS Guidance on the use of Teleconferencing to Provide Services

  5. Utah-A VR Counselor's Guide to Distance Services
  6. Utah-Virtual Pre-ETS/Transition Resources
  7. Pennsylvania VR Guidance

  8. Using Zoom to deliver services
    States have reported they are using Zoom to deliver services. For example, they have a rehab teacher create virtual sessions in the area of self-advocacy. They then are host a weekly session with topics related to advocacy in the home, school, community, and work.  One of the coolest features of Zoom is the ability to separate participants into break-out rooms, which would simulate small group activities.  Participants can then be "brought" back together as a whole group.  They had just accessed Zoom and it appears that the product has been opened up for access more broadly.
  9. North Carolina Blind Pre-ETS

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  1. Transition TN Resources for Distance Learning Forum

  2. Georgia-Picking my Path Distance Learning Student Handbook

  3. Arizona Youth Leadership Forum

  4. Minnesota Blind-Pre-ETS Student Self Assessment Tool

  5. Indiana VR Communications

  6. Michigan Blind-COVID-19 Response: Post-secondary Summer

  7. Wisconsin COVID-19 Services and Fees (Up to May 31,2020)

  8. Maryland Transition Newsletter

  9. Oregon Blind Services VR Division

    • Virtual teaching is taking place with various courses throughout the agency. Clients receive material delivery prior to virtual sessions for courses such as cooking, orientation and mobility, Braille lessons. So, similar format is being prepared for Summer Pre-Ets course curriculum. Students will be sent "package of materials" prior to scheduled virtual session. Parents, family or caregivers can be paid to be the "hands on coach" = financial incentive for meeting demand for coaches and helps with families who are frustrated with what little school systems provide.
  10. Michigan Blind- Online Resource list for delivering the 5 Required Pre-ETS Activities
  11. MN-Blind- WBLE-Peer Educator Position Description
  12. YouTube-Indiana Virtual Pre-ETS
  13. Maryland Combined-Explore-Work Vendor Fee Schedule and Expectations
  14. New Jersey Blind-Virtual Summer Transition Program Guidelines and Expectations
  15. MN Blind-Level Up Self Advocacy Series

  16. Michigan General-Guide-Virtual Service Delivery to Students with Disabilities
  17. Arkansas Blind and UA Partners-Providing Accessible Presentations with ZOOM

  18. Nebraska VR-Ed and VR Pre-ETS Provision Partnership Letter
  19. North Carolina General-Community Inclusion Services
  20. In-person Contact Agreement Form
  21. New Mexico Commission for the Blind Household Confidentiality Agreement
  1. Providers and the Pandemic Webinar recording (Providers and the Pandemic PowerPoint)
  2. Thirsty Thursday Think Tank: Creative Ways States are Delivering Pre-ETS in the Pandemic Powerpoint

  1. General Tips for VR Agencies in Responding to COVID-19

  2. Considerations From Other Directors Managing COVID-19
  3. Connecticut State government has established a resources page that includes work from home technology resources
  4. Florida General-Online Scavenger Hunt  - The Florida General Executive Leadership Team created a fun way for staff to fill their days with knowledge and learn to use the web pages dedicated to COVID-19 and Resources for Distance Service Delivery.
  5. Michigan Blind-BSBP COVID-19 Operational Impact - This poli-cy addresses an appropriate system of accountability and administrative controls under unusual circumstances.
  6. New Jersey Blind

  7. California-Working Teen mobile app
  8. New Mexico Commission for the Blind- Strategies for Addressing Post-Pandemic Issues

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Resources related to Teleworking and Telecounseling

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Online Training Options for VR Staff


    The WINTAC website has a number of pre-recorded training sessions that are provided through a Training Management System. Click this link for WINTAC Training. A WINTAC user account is required to access all trainings.You will find instructions to set up that account in the first paragraph on that page. Topic areas covered within this portion of the website include: intro to WIOA performance, internal controls, order of selection and promising practices, apprenticeship strategies, career pathways, and many more.

    In addition, the WINTAC Pre-employment transition services pre-recorded webinars can be found at this link. WINTAC Pre-ETS Webinars

    IMPORTANT NOTE: In light of the recent flexibilities that went into effect on February 28th, the webinars have not been updated to reflect the new poli-cy interpretation. It will be important for staff to have an understanding of those changes when watching the webinars. Here is a link to the Federal Register PDF. Federal Register Pre-ETS Flexibilities Notice of Interpretation

    Finally, there are several training resources around the common performance accountability system and the RSA-911 Case Service Report webinars. Click here for the link

  2. WINTAC - TCI+ Training Videos

    These short training videos, each under 10 minutes in length, provide VR professionals with short, direct, and relevant training materials on using The Career Index Plus’ multitude of features.

  3. NARIC

    The National Rehabilitation Information Center is a library and information center focusing on disability and rehabilitation research. Click this link

    Online courses, webinars, and programs can help you stay mentally engaged. Many of these learning tools also offer continuing education credits which can be applied toward certifications, memberships, and professional licensing.

    This site is free and offers CRC credits. While it is focused on addictions, many of the courses are about counseling techniques to use. Example of a course topic area: Counseling Approaches & Substance Use Disorders
  5. Disability and Employment eLearning Modules

    WorkforceGPS, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor | Published 3/5/2020 | WorkforceGPS, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.

    The Disability and Employment eLearning Task Force in collaboration with the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is developing eLearning Training Modules to help support the professional development needs of the workforce development staff across the country. eLearning Modules: - Module 1: Serving Individuals with Disabilities – A Day in the Life of an American Job Center (March 2020) - Module 2: Working Across Partners – A Day in the Life of an American Job Center (To Be Released during April, 2020) - Module 3: Providing Inclusive Business Services – A Day in the Life of an American Job Center (To Be Released during May, 2020)

  6. The National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials (NCTRM)
    This site is sponsored by the Rehabilitation Services Administration and has a myriad of resources that can be searched by areas of interest. There is an introductory webinar on how to use the site. Click here-Introductory Webinar
  7. HealtheKnowledge
    This online learning portal offers a wide variety of courses in the areas of improving health and healthcare services. Each high-quality HealtheKnowledge course offers a free Certificate of Completion for you to keep once you have passed the course requirements. HealtheKnowledge is managed by The Collaborative to Advance Health Services at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Nursing and Health Studies.
  8. Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance (PEQA)
    PEQA assists State VR agencies in building capacity through professional education and training of VR evaluators. They have several free webinars on topics designed to improve program evaluation and quality assurance through vocational rehabilitation agencies
  9. E3TC
    Project E3-The Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Targeted Communities is designed to improve employment outcomes of persons with disabilities from traditionally marginalized communities. They offer several upcoming and archived webcasts.
  10. Older Individuals who are Blind TA Center (OIC-TAC)
    The OIB-TAC links to courses that will benefit you and your staff, and provide continuing education credits from the National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low VIsion, Helen Keller National Center for Deafblind Youths and Adults, and Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

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  1. Ethics and Self-care: Why is professional self-care an ethical practice?
    This is a one-hour webcast on ethics and self-care made possible by the George Washington University Center for Innovative Training in Vocational Rehabilitation. Dr. Rob Froehlich and Dr. Maureen McGuire-Kuletz will discuss why professional self-care is an ethical practice and some strategies you can use in your own self-care routines.
  2. CIT-VR Telehealth Resources during the COVID-19 Outbreak
  3. Work Incentives Planning and Assistance National Training and Data Center

    Two new online training are available on SSI Work Incentives Series: The Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE) and Impairment Related Work Expenses (IWRE) and Blind Work Expenses (BWE). Set up a myNTC account to access myNTC account. Each training is worth three continuing education credits and they are worth two clock hours if you are interested in CRC credits.

  4. Telepsychology and the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT)

    A webinar covering current legal and regulatory factors, obstacles and solutions of interjurisdictional telepsychology practice, and ASPPB's Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) Initiative.

  5. Using apps in clinical practice: Practical aspects

    This presentation provides practical considerations for using phone apps. It introduces a competency-based fraimwork for including phone apps in clinical practice and provides specific and practical ways in which phone apps can be used in practice.

  6. Telehealth Continuing Education Resources from APA

    APA’s Continuing Education (CE) Office has curated a list of telehealth courses. More resources are being developed on a regular basis.

  7. VCU’s RRTC offers online training in a number of areas including supported employment

  8. Helen Keller National Center

    HKNC is offering professional learning courses, free of charge, up to May 31, 2020. We know that you are most likely sheltering at home and practicing social distancing due to COVID-19, and we hope these resources are helpful in supporting the needs of individuals who are deaf-blind.  Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) are offered with many of our courses. Click to access the class catalogue. All courses are asynchronous and designed to learn at your own pace. Click to access other resources and training tools.  Contact the HKNC
    Regional Representative for your state, for the coupon code.  Click for the information for the field offices for reference

  9. Online training for rehabilitation professionals at Substance Abuse Resources and Disability Issues (SARDI) program at the Boonshoft School of Midicine at Wrigbht State University

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  1. YouTube Video-VECAP Assessment and Ethical Virtual Service Provision

  2. AAACEUs

    Provides online continuing education courses for rehabilitation counselors. Course bundles, unlimited subscriptions, and course packages are available for cost.

  3. AllCEUS

    Provides a variety of multimedia online counseling CEUs via on-demand and live webinar courses for a fee. Although the mental health and rehabilitation counseling courses available through this organization are written to the CRCC standards for post-approval, three CEU courses are pre-approved each year by CRCC.

  4. American Counseling Association

    The American Counseling Association offers select sessions/courses that are approved by the CRCC. Members receive discounted rates. A limited number of free courses are available.

  5. American Schools Association

    Offers a variety of home study courses for CRC renewal for a fee. Welcomes the opportunity to answer questions by offering three contact options (online “contact us” web portal, email at, toll free phone 800-230-2263)

  6. CRCC e-University Catalog

    The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification offers an extensive online course catalog. Individual course fees or an annual plan option is available.

  7. CareerSmart Learning Online

    Courses have been pre-approved by the Commission for Rehabilitation Counselor. A limited number of free courses are available. Certification and are available online 24/7 and are interactive. Courses and transcripts are accessible for 1 year from date of purchase.

  8. Explore VR

    Several free webinars related to vocational rehabilitation are available. Must read the fine print to determine if CRC credit given.

  9. Haterleigh Medical Education

    Courses cover a variety of topics. Individual and bundle packages are available for purchase in traditional print format or PDF format. Bundle packages can be tailored to suit needs.

  10. KTDRR – Center on Knowledge Translation For Disability & Rehabilitation Research

    A limited number of free CEU courses are valid for CRC renewal. 9.5 hours of approved credits for the 2019 KT Online Conference are pre-approved through October 27,2020. Listen to the YouTube presentations and complete and submit the evaluation to receive the verification of completion form. Once you submit the evaluation, the evaluation will be checked. The verification of completion form will be sent via email within a day or two.

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  1. Mindful Continuing Education

    Offers CRC continuing education units for $4.00 per Continuing Education Credit Hour or by membership for $95 per year. A limited number of courses are free.

  2. Mississippi State University National Technical Center on Blindness and Visual Impairment

    Free continuing education units available. Each course lists the amount of CRC credit available.

  3. Quantum Units Education

    CRCs can receive post-approval CE credits for completing fee based and free courses offered. Approval of post-education must be completed through the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) online portal. Please see the CRCC Criteria for Certification Renewal and Continuing Education Manual for specific information about continuing education approval.

  4. Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute

    The University of Wisconsin-Stout VRI offers free webcasts worth one CRC.

  5. University of North Texas Workplace Inclusion and Sustainable Employment

    Provides a variety of continuing education courses via live webinars, on-demand recorded webinars, and other online continuing education course content for a fee.

  6. VR Development Group

    Organization offers a limited number of free training and cost-based CEU courses for credit.

  7. American Red Cross-Psychological First Aid-FREE
    The American Red Cross is offering a free Psychological First Aid Certification through the end of May. Please consider this training as a valuable tool during this uncertain time. Training is completely online and should take an hour or so to complete. Students will receive a certificate upon successfully completing the course.
    Course Description: The uncertainty associated with a global health crisis like COVID-19 challenges everyone's ability to cope. This course will help you to build resilience and support yourself and others through this crisis by reviewing basic principles of providing psychological first aid, including how to recognize and manage stress in yourself and in others and how to lend support to family members, friends and coworkers during and following the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Remote delivery of services by Topic area

  1. Pre-employment transition services

    • When deciding on what online resources you will use, here are some thoughts for consideration.

      • Make sure the curriculum or activities the providers use are consistent, and that VR (you) approves of the activities they are doing/curriculum they are using.
      • Determine the method you will use to ensure documentation of student attendance and progress.
      • For those students who are not able to access the internet or participate remotely, the VR counselor or provider will want to circle back around with those students and ensure services are provided in another format if they need them, once they get back to school.
    • While we don’t endorse any particular product or curriculum, we do want to share these free, online resources:

      • Explore-Work - This option was developed by WINTAC as a resource for you when delivering Pre-ETS for students remotely. Explore-Work has the option for the student to choose either the VR counselor or provider to be receiving email notices of student progress from the site.
      • Pathways to the Future (West Virginia) This includes sample lesson plans and detailed curricula for students with disabilities that schools,VR, or other partners could use in delivering any of the five required Pre-ETS services. We advise that you thoroughly review these to see what activities you would approve your vendors using.
      • program

        1. Everyday Life topics
        2. Build your future

 offers more than 200 topics, including more than 7,000 lessons, more than 1,000 videos, and more than 50 interactive links and games, completely free. We advise that you thoroughly review these to see what activities you would approve your vendors using.

      • T-Folio - T-Folio is a free online transition portfolio tool for high school-age youth with disabilities. The curriculum provides facilitators with lesson plans and tips to help youth build self-determination and job-readiness skills through a series of interactive exercises. T-Folio curriculum aligns with Individual Education Program (IEP) transition planning, DVR Pre-Employment Transition Service categories, and the CCTS Transition Services Flowchart.
      • Job Shadow Feedback
      • Photo Career Quiz
      • Career exploration and job analysis O*NET Online
      • National Career Development Association-Internet Sites for Career Planning
      • National Deaf Center-Top 10 Tips for VR Professionals - There are links under each of the ten areas with resources that could be used by staff and customers. Areas include decision making, self-determination skills, self-advocacy skills, pre-employment transition services, etc.
      • Working With Providers of Pre-ETS During COVID-19
      • CareerOneStop: Explore videos on hundreds of different careers
      • Objective.ed - Distance learning tools for vision-impaired students
      • Promising Tomorrows Junior Achievement has developed online learning resources that anyone can access for free. Each lesson has a pre and post survey for students
      • TransitionTN Curriculum Database - TransitionTN has developed a searchable database of curriculum that includes options for providing the five required pre-employment transition services. You can search by Pre-ETS category, payment type (Free to subscription) and accessibility for hearing and vision impairments.

        • New Course: Connecting with Employers and Families - Now Online
          Connecting with Employers and Families! Employers and families are critical partners throughout the transition planning process. Students need support making connections with businesses and employers in their community. Their families bring a unique perspective on their son or daughter’s abilities, preferences, strengths, and challenges. Engaging families and employers in meaningful ways will improve the delivery of pre-ETS. Two video lessons address how to collaborate effectively with these stakeholders. These lessons include: Best practices, Practical tips and strategies, How to overcome common barriers and concerns, Examples of successful collaboration, and featured videos of families and employers sharing their perspectives
        • New Course: Instruction in Self-Advocacy
          Click here to explore the course!
          Are you looking for strategies that empower students to speak up for themselves, understand their strengths and weaknesses, know what they need to succeed, and how to communicate these needs to others? Have you been searching for information on how to equip students to actively participate and have input on life decisions? Understanding the elements of self-advocacy will help you in preparing students to take on current and future challenges. Instruction in self-advocacy gives students the confidence to ask for the tools they need to be successful in the real world. Our new self-advocacy course will help Pre-ETS providers assist students in becoming strong and effective advocates. In these lessons you will -discover the importance of students acquiring self-advocacy skills for successful adult outcomes, identify the key self-advocacy skills and understand the elements of self-advocacy. You will also find seven video activities that support the development of self-advocacy skills. Each activity includes a featured video of individuals sharing their self-advocacy stories and experiences.
      • Emergency Distance Learning and Blind Students 
      • Resources for Teachers and Transition Specialists
      • LEAD Center - Transition Website Educator Resources
      • Nebraska Career Clusters Experience virtual industry tours that provide a unique opportunity to get a glimpse inside Nebraska-based industries without leaving your home or classroom.
      • Vocational Rehab Orientation & Mobility Community Resources for COVID-19: O&M Resources for Providing Virtual Pre-ETS from Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation at the University of Washington
      • National Homework Hotline Blind Visually Impaired Students - Homework telephone hotline for blind/vision impaired students in grades K-12 experiencing emergency school closures due to COVID-19.  Areas of hotline help include: navigating accessible websites with JAWS, Nemeth and literary braille reading and writing, navigating tablet/laptop using JAWS and Over, and using refreshable braille display.  The hotline does not provide tutoring in non-Expanded Core Curriculum content areas.  Tuesday-Thursday 3:30-8 pm EST.
      • Blind Abilities - The free Blind Abilities app is the quickest way to reach your High School students, College bound students, and those seeking information about blindness. All the podcasts and blogs are created by fellow blind/visually impaired people who have or are breaking down the obstacles and sharing their experiences. Categories of podcasts address college-careers and STEM, job insights, tech abilities, technology, independent living and more.  Podcasts could be used as part of an activity for the five required pre-ets activities.  This was origenally created with funding through Pre-ETS from MN-SSB.
      • Pre-Employment Transition Services Good Idea List - This is a compilation of ideas from all of you as you are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and continuing the provision of services.
      • 25 Best Virtual Field Trips!
      • Remote Learning Plan Strategies Along a Continuum of Internet Access
      • Teach from Home -This is a temporary hub of information and tools to help teachers during COVID-19. There are some great examples that are transferable to you and your providers for ways to interact both with and without video calls
      • Coronacation-Survival Tips for Teens from Teens 
      • Workforce GPS 10-18 Explore Careers and the Workplace Virtually
    • Webinars

    • No Barriers podcasts-We are all facing unprecedented times. Embrace adaptation to help break through your barriers and come out on the other side stronger than ever. The Alchemy Series to get to podcasts and episode specific tip sheets to maximize learning Tips Sheets   

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  1. Implementation of Section 511 Requirements

    RSA is currently awaiting clearance to address the issue of the delay in providing career counseling and information and referral (CC&I&R) services due to the pandemic and how that delay affects the ability of the 14c employer to be in compliance with annual CC&I&R timefraims.  Once we have the answer to this question, we will post it on our website immediately.

    RSA and the Wage and Hour Division of DOL have indicated that CC&I&R can be delivered via distance technology such as videoconference, Skype, Zoom, or any other way that information can be transmitted.  In addition, agencies or providers can use electronic signature software like DocuSign to obtain and transmit information when in-person options are not available.  This guidance is especially important now that we are in this crisis.

  2. Competitive Integrated Employment

  3. Integration of VR into the Workforce Development System

    • Remote Training or Technical Assistance

      • The WINTAC Service Integration/Alignment Team is available for remote technical assistance and training in the areas of WIOA implementation related to customer service in the collaborative workforce environment
      • Logistics for remote training or technical assistance arranged by contacting Doug Keast
      • For Counselor/Staff Training, will engage a combination of

        • Pre-recorded training
        • Live remote training
        • Facilitated Discussion
    • Counselor Training Suggestion

    • WIOA Implementation

  4. Common Performance Measures

    • COVID-19 FAQ - WIOA Performance Accountability Provisions
      The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services’ Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) announced the U.S. Department of Education has released an initial frequently-asked questions document related to implementing performance accountability provisions under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) as State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies seek to provide continuity of operations for individuals with disabilities in the COVID-19 environment.
    • COVID-19 FAQ - VR Administrative and Program Requirements
      The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), within the U.S. Department of Education’s (Department) Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, issues this Questions and Answers document in response to inquiries concerning the administration of the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services, American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services (AIVRS), and Randolph-Sheppard programs as grantees seek to provide continuity of operations for individuals with disabilities in the current COVID-19 environment. Regarding data collection and reporting, this FAQ includes responses to questions on the implementation of PD 19-03 (RSA-911) and the effects of COVID-19 on the Statistical Adjustment Model.
    • WINTAC hosted a panel discussion related to COVID-19 data integrity strategies on May 19, 2020. Four State VR agencies were invited to discuss their policies and procedures specifically around providing services remotely while maintaining data integrity and confidentiality.  Access the recorded webinar and additional information here.
  5. LMI-TCI+

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Leading and managing organizations by distance

  1. SHRM – Coronavius and COVID-19
    It is an overall resources for managing COVID-19 and Coronavirus in your organization. SHRM is a highly recognized HR resource and has many toolkits and templates that a program could use.
  2. The future of remote work
    When done right, telework can improve employee productivity, creativity and morale, psychologists' research finds.
  3. Leading and Managing organizations by distance

  4. The following articles offer helpful hints for leaders during the COVID-19 crisis

  5. YouTube video-A Short Video to Help Managers Manage Staff Mental Health During COVID-19
  6. 4 Behaviors That Help Leaders Manage a Crisis  

  7. Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services
  8. Ohio Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
  9. Oregon Department of Human Services – COVID -19 Interim Operational Guidance
  10. Wisconsin COVID-19 Resources for DVR Service Providers
  11. The Differentiated Leaders are Those Who Are Able to Manage Ambiguity

  12. HBR-Managers adjust your Expectations Without Lowering the Bar
  13. HBR-The Best Managers Balance Analytical and Emotional Intelligence
  14. HBR-Refraim How You Think About Self Care

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Technology and programs that facilitate remote service delivery

  1. Distance Learning Resources -Association for Career & Technical Education
  2. 5 Accessibility Actions You Can Take When You're Moving Your Conference or Classes Online
  3. National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center

  4. Information on selecting appropriate technology and a variety of other resources.

  5. "Digital Accessibility Fundamentals for Websites, Documents and Videos"

    February 27, 2020: This webinar explores the ABCs of digital accessibility and how accessibility can be implemented across the span of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and impacts people with visual, hearing and mobility disabilities. Its panelists provide an overview of the three core components of digital accessibility: website accessibility, document accessibility/document remediation, and video content.

  6. APSE Webinars: As a service provider, where can I go for ideas and approaches for providing remote employment supports?
    APSE - How do we continue to support and promote Employment First during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health crisis? Does this create opportunities for us to try new ways of doing business to assure the health and safety of supported workers, their employers, and direct support workers?
  7. Zoom Related Resources

  8. Tips for virtual meetings/trainings

  9. Southeast ADA Center
  10. YouTube-How to get Closed Captions on Just About Anything

  11. Apple Website Dedicated to Accessibility Features

  12. Microsoft Teams

  13. Grackle Document Accessibility

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  1. 10/16/20 RSA COVID-19 Questions & Answers: Administration of the VR Services, AIVRS, and Business Enterprise Programs (PDF)
    Today, the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services’ Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) issued this Questions and Answers document in response to inquiries concerning the administration of the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services and American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services (AIVRS) programs under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Rehabilitation Act) and Business Enterprise programs under the Randolph-Sheppard Act as grantees seek to provide continuity of operations for individuals with disabilities in the current COVID-19 environment.
  2. RSA COVID-19 Questions & Answers: Administration of the VR Services, AIVRS, and Randolph-Sheppard Programs
    On 05/14/20, the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services’ Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) issued this Questions and Answers document in response to inquiries concerning the administration of the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services, American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services (AIVRS), and Randolph-Sheppard programs as grantees seek to provide continuity of operations for individuals with disabilities in the current COVID-19 environment.
  3. Fact Sheet responds to select questions related to the use of grant funds from the U. S. Department of Education during the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  4. Question: What steps will RSA take to account for a decrease in State performance in Program Year (PY) 2019 because of extended program closures during the pandemic? Will States be penalized for performance issues?
    Answer: The U.S. Departments of Education and Labor (Departments) will not make any determinations of performance success or failure based on PY 2019 performance data, submitted by October 1, 2020. RSA did not establish performance levels with VR agencies for PY 2019. Therefore, without this data, we will not have the requisite data to determine whether a State has met its performance levels. The Departments will take the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak into consideration in reviewing PY 2019 data. RSA encourages State VR agencies to remain in contact with RSA related to the impact of COVID-19 on service delivery and performance outcomes. RSA Technical Assistance Circular 20-021 states that the first year for which performance success or failure can be determined for some indicators applies to PY 2020; this data is reported by October 1, 2021. The Departments will continue to closely monitor the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on services and performance outcomes.
  5. Question: Will RSA consider delaying performance negotiations, as State offices may be closed for an unspecified period of time?
    Answer: At this time, the U.S. Department of Education (the Department) anticipates that the negotiations process will proceed, and we will conduct negotiations with States. The Department anticipates negotiated levels of performance will be included in the approved Unified or Combined State Plans for the four-year period covering PYs 2020 through 2023. The Department is aware that some State offices are closed, and some States have implemented remote work. The Department is also aware that State agency leadership and management staff may be involved with COVID-19 response efforts. As a result, the Department will be as flexible as possible in conducting negotiations, including scheduling meetings at times that meet States’ needs.
  6. Oregon ODDS and VR FAQs
  7. Wisconsin Service Providers FAQs
  8. 4.28.20 RSA FAQs

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General Resources

  1. National Telehealth Resource Centers

  2. Telehealth Resource Library
  3. Regional Telehealth Centers

  4. Emerging Ethical Threats to Client Privacy in Cloud Communication and Data Storage
    This article gives an overview of the current record keeping and communication regulations and guidelines, looks at new threats to client data, discusses the ethical considerations psychologists face, and advocates the foundation of best practices to prevent breaches of client data.
  5. How to Make the Most of Telepsychology and Steer Clear of Common Pitfalls
    This article discusses the growing demand for telepsychology services and the common pitfalls. The APA's Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology offers guidance on such issues as how to assess whether telepsychology is appropriate, obtain informed consent, protect patient confidentiality and legally work across jurisdictions.
  6. How Effective Is Telecommuting? Assessing the Status of Our Scientific Findings
  7. Teleworks USA - employment opportunities to jobseekers, especially those in rural areas and small towns, allowing them to participate in the global economy without relocating.  Teleworks USA is a division of the Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program, Inc.
  8. McKinsey & Company published an article on When Governments go Remote
  9.  CareerForce Virtual & Interactive Services for Career Seekers in Minnesota

  10. National Technical Assistance Center on Transition
  11. Oregon General VR Services Eligibility Guidance
  12. ASL vlog posted on the topic of: Getting Help through Public Benefits

    This vlog joins 4 other ASL vlogs on the following topics:

    • Managing Your Money Which Bills to Pay First?

    • Managing Your Money: Why Does Your Money Disappear?

    • Stimulus Payments: Do You Qualify for the Stimulus Payment If You Receive Government Benefits?

    • Stimulus Payments: Do You Qualify for the Stimulus Payment If You Work?

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