Precipitation Forecasts
Note to users: As of December 18, 2012, the Day 4-5 QPFs have been moved to a new
page, http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/day4-7.shtml. Please update your
bookmarks accordingly as the links and graphics displayed below are no longer operationally supported.
48 Hour Precipitation Total - Days 4-5
WPC Day 4-5 QPF is also available in the following formats:
- GRIB 1
(Proposed for discontinuation on Feb 19, 2013)
- GRIB 2
- Shapefiles
-- (viewable in Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth, ArcGIS Explorer, and numerous other Geographic
Information System (GIS) mapping applications)
About the Day 4-5 QPF
24-Hour Observed Precipitation Charts
WPC QPF Archive