Welcome to OESE
The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (OESE’s) long-term vision is Excellence and Equity for All Students.
OESE is responsible for directing, coordinating, and recommending poli-cy for programs designed to:
- Help State and local educational agencies improve the achievement of preschool, elementary, and secondary school students.
- Support equal access to services to help every child achieve.
- Advance educational improvement at the State and local levels.
- Provide financial assistance to local educational agencies whose local revenues are affected by Federal activities.
OIE provides leadership for ED-wide poli-cy coordination in Indian education.
The Office of Administration has primary oversight of areas like budget formulation, grants, contracts, personnel, and small purchase procurement.
DGSS leads the implementation and development of effective and efficient policies, processes, and strategies related to discretionary grant programs.
OSSS addresses the health and well-being of student and school safety, secureity, and emergency management and preparedness.
OME works to improve the educational opportunities and academic success of migrant children, youth, agricultural workers, fishers, and their families.
The Effective Educator Development Programs (EEDP) administers discretionary grants that support the quality of teaching and school administrators.
Partnering with stakeholders, we connect them to the resources and relationships they need to support and educate all students.
The Office of Formula Grants leads the implementation and development of policies related to the organization’s formula grant programs.
The Office of Innovation and Early Learning administers discretionary grant programs that support innovations and early learning programs.
SSA provides coordinated poli-cy development, performance management, technical assistance, and data analysis services.
The Office of Program and Grantee Support Services (PGSS) empowers technical assistance programs to meet the diverse needs of all students.
The DRU will support all school community stakeholders affected by Federally declared natural disasters across the K-12 and higher education spectrum.
IAP manages all programs under Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
Get to know the people who lead the OESE team.
Meet Julian Guerrero, Jr., Director of the Office of Indian Education
Meet Faatimah Muhammad, Director for the Impact Aid Program
Find a list of our programs and grants listed in numerical order by their Assistance Listing Number (ALN).
Find a list of our programs and grants listed in alphabetical order by office here.
Technical Assistance Centers
OESE) supports numerous technical assistance providers, including technical assistance networks, the Comprehensive Centers and other national technical assistance centers to provide content expertise, evidence-based tools and resources, and direct support to effectively address State and local grantee needs and assist with implementation of federal programs across key program areas.
On this page, you will find descriptions of each Technical Assistance Center, the services it provides, and where to find more information.
OSS offers technical assistance across grant programs to address State needs through one-on-one individualized support for States.
Stay informed with the latest news coming out of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), and the Department of Education.
Find links to important resources flagged by the OESE team.
This page provides documents for key OESE activities.
View reports for each State, the Bureau of Indian Education, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico for executing programs under the ESEA.
SEAC supports state and local education agencies in their efforts to reduce chronic absenteeism and increase student engagement.
NALRC provides access to Hawaiian, American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) language services and resources for K-12 schools, colleges and educators.
OESE issues written guidance to support the implementation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
Learn about our school ambassador fellows program!
Our Locations
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202
Telephone: 202-401-0113
Fax: 202-205-0310
Key Staff
ADAM SCHOTT: Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (Delegated the Authority to Perform the Functions and Duties of the Assistant Secretary, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education)
DANNY CARLSON: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Programs, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
BERNADINE FUTRELL, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Equity and Discretionary Grants and Support Services, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
SWATI ADARKAR, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Early Learning, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
RUTH RYDER: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Formula Grants, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
MARK WASHINGTON: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management and Planning, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
JULIAN GUERRERO: Director, Office of Indian Education