Jean Dousset Signature Stone®
The Signature Stone®, exclusively from Jean Dousset, is located just below the diamond center stone of your engagement ring. The Signature Stone® can be either a diamond, in varying shapes (i.e. Round or Emerald cut) or a colored gemstone-of-choice. Both the color and the cut of The Signature Stone® can be tailored to something of personal significance (i.e. a birthstone or favorite color). #EngagementRing #EngagementRings #DiamondRing #Diamond #Ring #DreamRing #Engagement #unique
31 Pins
Best Lab Grown Engagement Rings | Jean Dousset
November’s birthstone brings a sense of vitality, optimism, and abundance to those who wear it. Personalize your ring with a Citrine Signature Stone® detail at the link in bio. Place your order by 11/19 to ensure delivery by 12/25. #ouibyjeandousset #bespokejeweler #signaturestone #customring #diamondring
Best Lab Grown Engagement Rings | Jean Dousset
January’s birthstone symbolizes love and friendship and promotes protection. Customize your ring this new year with our exclusive Garnet Signature Stone® detail at the link in bio. #ouibyjeandousset #bespokejeweler #signaturestone #radiantcut #engagementring
Karen is a custom engagement ring designed by Jean Dousset - - set with a Fancy Vivid yellow Oval cut diamond inside a seamless halo™ and a Pink diamond Signature Stone®. #DreamRing #OvalCut ##ovaldiamond #ovalcutdiamond #YellowDiamond #EngagementRing #Engagement #weddingring #unique #seamlesshalo #signaturestone #pinkdiamond
Best Lab Grown Engagement Rings | Jean Dousset
Wear December’s birthstone to tap into your intuition, clear your mind, and create a calming presence. Customize your very own ring with a Tanzanite Signature Stone® detail at the link in bio. #ouibyjeandousset #bespokejeweler #signaturestone #customring #birthstone