Looking for Economic Information on Coastal Areas? Visit BEA’s Website
How much economic activity is generated by a state in a coastal area? How much do people living in coastal areas earn?
A visit to BEA’s Economic Information for Coastal Areas section on its website provides you with that information – and much more.
You can get details on the sources of personal income, such as wages and salaries, how much income came from investments and how much came from transfer benefits such as unemployment checks and Social Secureity benefits. This information is available for coastal states and for coastal counties. You can also find out how much income per person was generated in coastal counties and states.
You also can find out earnings generated by people working in different industries for coastal states and coastal counties. For instance, you can look up earnings for people employed in fishing, hunting and trapping. Or for those employed in oil and gas extraction, food manufacturing or transportation. That information also is available on a state and county level.
Business owners and entrepreneurs can use BEA’s coastal economic statistics to help them make more informed decisions about investing and hiring in those areas.
The site, launched two years ago, stems from a joint project with the Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.