Lys van orrelregisters
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'n Orrelstop kan een van drie dinge beteken:
- die beheer op 'n orrelkonsole wat 'n spesifieke klank kies
- die ry orrelpype gebruik om 'n spesifieke klank te skep, meer toepaslik bekend as 'n rang
- die klank self
Orrelstoppe word in vier hoofgrope gesorteer: principale, snaar, riet en fluit .
Dit is 'n sorteerbare lys van name wat gevind kan word wat verband hou met elektroniese en pyp orrel stop. Ontelbare stops is oor die eeue heen ontwerp, en individuele organe mag stoppe hê, of name van stop, wat nêrens anders gebruik word nie. Hierdie nie-omvattende lys handel meestal oor die name van plekke wat op talle barok-, klassieke en romantiese organe voorkom. Hier is 'n paar van die algemeenste:
Registernaam | Alternatiewe naam | Tipe | Notas |
Aeoline | Aéoline Éolienne |
Snaar | 'n Baie klein skaal stop met baie delikate, lugtig klanke; Gebou meestal as 'n enkel-posisie stop, of as 'n duble-posisie celeste. |
Blockflöte | Fluit | Duits vir "blokfluit"; 'n wye skaalvormige koniese of gestopte fluit van 4'- of 2'-toonhoogte, met die naam van die gewone fluit wat 'n "blokfluit" genoem word, wat sy toon nou saamlik is. | |
Bombarde | Riet | 'n kragtige koorstok stop met 'n koperagtige timbre, wat voorkom op die handleidings om 16 '(en soms 8'), of in die pedaal by 'n 16 'of 32' toonhoogte | |
Bourdon | Fluit | 'n grootskaalse gestop-fluit, 16 'of 8' op die sleutelborde, en 16 'of 32' in die pedale (waar dit Subbase of Contra Bourdon genoem kan word) | |
Cello | Violoncelle | Snaar | 'n skaal stop by 8 'of 16'; het 'n warmer, meer "romantiese" toon as die Gamba |
Choralbass | Principal | 'n 4'-sterkte-oktaaf Principaal in die pedaalafdeling, hoofsaaklik vir cantus firmus gebruik | |
Claribel | Clarabel Flute Claribel Flute Melodia |
Fluit | 'n 8 oop hout handleiding stop. |
Clarinet | Clarinette Clarionet |
Riet | 'n riet stop met 'n ryke toon wat die orkesinstrument naboots |
Clarion | Clairon | Riet | 8' (pedaal) of 4' (sleutelbord of pedaal) refrein, soortgelyke toon as die "Trompette" |
Cornet | Fluit | 'n baie-rang-stop wat bestaan uit tot vyf geledere van wydverspreide pype. Die plekke sluit in 8 ', 4', 2 2/3 ', 2' en 1 3/5 '. Drie- en vier-rangkornette skakel 8'- en 4'-geledere uit. Hierdie stop is nie nabootsend van die orkeskornet nie. | |
Cornopean | Riet | 8' koor-riet soortgelyk aan die trompet; gewoonlik in die swell-afdeling geleë. | |
Cromorne | Krummhorn | Riet | Sillindriese solo riet wat 'n duidelike bruisende of blink geluid het, nabootsend van die historiese instrument met dieselfde naam |
Diapason | Montre Open Diapason Principale Principal Prinzipal Tenori[1] |
Principal | 'n ruitstop wat die orgaan se "ruggraat" klank is. Mees algemeen by 8 'in sleutelborde, en 8' of 16 'in die pedale. |
Diaphone | 'n spesiale soort orgaanpyp wat toon produseer deur 'n hamer te gebruik om lug deur die resonator te klop. Gewoonlik op teaterorgane, wat nie dikwels in klassieke instrumente gebruik word nie. | ||
Fagotto | Bassoon Fagott |
Riet | 16' koorriet. Omgekeerde koniese konstruksie, sagter as 'n trompet of trombone. |
Flageolet | Fluit | 'n fluit van 2' of 1' toonhoogte. | |
Fugara | Snaar | 'n fuit stop in 4' of 8' toonhoogte. Die toon het 'n skerp stringagtige gehalte.[2] | |
Gamba | Viola da Gamba Viole |
Snaar | 'n Skraal stop met 'n din klanke, soos 'n tjello stop. Die stop se naamgenoot kom van die viola de gamba. |
Gedackt | Gedeckt | Fluit | 'n gestopte fluit by 8 'in die sleutelborde, en gestop 16' en / of 8 'fluitstem in die pedale |
Gemshorn | Cor de Chamois | Snaar | German for "chamois horn"; a narrow-scale, tapered stop. It is also usually the lowest stop in the organ that has one.[3] |
Gravissima | Name for a resultant 64' flue (a 32' stop combined with a 212⁄3' stop, which is a fifth, producing a difference tone of 8 Hz on low C.) | ||
Harmonic Flute | Fluit | an open metal flute made to sound an octave above its length by means of a small hole at its midpoint. This stop has a very pure flute tone and was popularized by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll. | |
Hohlflöte | Hohlflute Holpijp |
Fluit | a metal or wooden 8' open or stopped flute. |
Larigot | Fluit | Fluit mutation stop at 11⁄3′ pitch | |
Mixture | Fourniture Plein Jeu |
Principal | Multi-rank stops that enhance the harmonics of the fundamental pitch, and are intended for use with foundation stops, not alone. Mixture IV indicates that the stop has four ranks. Mixture indicates the composition. |
Nachthorn | Night Horn Cor de Nuit Corno de Nacht |
Fluit | wide-scaled flute with a relatively small mouth, produces a soft, but penetrating sound; occurring at 8′ and 4′ pitch, and also at 2′ pitch at pedal |
Nasard | Nasat Nazard |
Fluit | Fluit mutation stop of 22⁄3′ (sounding a twelfth above written pitch) |
Oboe | Hautbois | Riet | Riet stop used as both a solo stop and a chorus reed. |
Octave | Oktav Prestant Principal |
Principal | A 4′ Principal. "Prestant" often indicates ranks that have pipes mounted in the front of the organ case.[4] |
Ophicleide | Riet | powerful reed stop, much like the Bombarde; normally a 16′ or 32′ pedal reed; unusually an 8′ or 16′ on the manuals | |
Orchestral Oboe | Riet | a different stop from Oboe; intended to imitate the orchestral instrument; of smaller scale than the non-imitative oboe | |
Piccolo | Fluit | 2′ flute | |
Quarte | Fluit | 2′ flute on 17th and 18th century French organs; short for Quarte de nasard, sounding an interval of a fourth above the nasard stop | |
Regal | Riet | a reed stop with fractional-length resonators; produces a buzzy sound with low fundamental frequency. | |
Rohrflöte | Chimney Flute | Fluit | German for "reed flute"; a semi-capped metal pipe with a narrow, open-ended tube (i.e. "chimney") extending from the top which resembles a reed |
Salicional | Snaar | An 8′ string stop, softer in tone than the Gamba. | |
Scharf | Cymbale | Principal | A high-pitched mixture stop. |
Sesquialtera | Principal | Comprises ranks at 22⁄3' and 13⁄5' | |
Sifflöte | Piccolo Sifflet |
Fluit | 1′ flute |
Super Octave | Doublette Fifteenth |
Principal | the manual 2′ Principal or Diapason; its name merely signifies that it is above (i.e. "super") the 4′ Octave. |
Tibia Clausa | Tibia | Fluit | a large-scale, stopped wood flute pipe, usually with a leathered lip; performs same function in a theatre pipe organ as a principal in a classical organ. |
Tierce | Seventeenth Terz Tertia |
Fluit | mutation stop pitched 13⁄5′, supporting the 8′ harmonic series |
Trichterregal | Riet | an 8-ft reed stop on a pipe organ with funnel-shaped resonators.[5][6] A trichterregal was used by Schnitger in the Schnitger organ that he built for St. James's Church, Hamburg. | |
Trombone | Posaune |
Riet | Chorus reed simulating the trombone; most commonly in the pedal at 16′ or 32′ pitch |
Trompette en Chamade | Riet | Solo trumpet laid horizontally; can often be heard over full organ. | |
Trompette Militaire | Riet | powerful solo reed of the trumpet-family, with a brassy, penetrating tone | |
Trumpovet | Trompete Trompette |
Riet | a loud chorus reed stop, generally a single rank, with inverted conical resonators. |
Tuba | Riet | large-scale, high pressure, smooth solo reed usually 8′ in the manuals and 16′ (sometimes 32′) in the pedal. Tuba is Latin for Trumpovet; it is not named after the orchestral tuba. | |
Twelfth | Principal | principal mutation stop of 22⁄3′ | |
Twenty-Second | Kleine Principal | Principal | a 1′ principal |
Unda Maris | Fluit | Latin for "wave of the sea"; a very soft rank tuned slightly sharp or flat. It is drawn with another soft rank to create an undulating effect. Occasionally built as a double-rank stop called Unda Maris II, which has both a normal-pitched and detuned rank. | |
Voix céleste | Snaar | An 8′ string stop tuned slightly sharp or flat to create an undulating effect when combined with another string stop. Some variants contain both a normal-pitched and detuned rank. | |
Vox humana | Voix humaine | Riet | fractional length regal supposedly intended to imitate the human voice |
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