Sōþ Iesus Cirice
Sēo Sōðe Iesus Cirice (on Nīwenglisce:True Jesus Church) is selfdēmendlicu Crīstnu cirice þe wæs gestaðelod fram Paul Wei in þǣm 1917an gēare in Beijinge on Cīne.
Tōdæg hæfþ sēo cirice oþþe 1.5 þūsenda þūsenda oþþe 4 þūsenda þūsenda agyldena in twǣm and fīftigum landum and seox worulddǣla. Hēo is cildcirice þǣre Pentecostencirican Crīstendōmes þe tōcōm on þǣm ǣrran 20an hundgēare. Sēo cirice ne frēolsaþ ne Crīstesmæssan ne Langfrīgedæg. Sēo cirice ungeþwǣraþ on þām Þrillihāde.
Þā tīen lāra
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Sēo cirice hæfþ þās lāra.
Se Hālga Gāst
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]"Onfō þone gehātnan Hālgan Gāst, aboren þurh sprǣcunge on tungum, is se weard ūrre erfeweardnesse on Heofones Rīce."
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]"Wæterfulwiht is se hāligdōm for þǣre forgifnesse synna and for ednīwunge. Se fulwiht sceal gelimpan in gecyndelicum libbendum wætere, swā in þǣre ēa, sǣwe, oþþe fynte.
Se Bæzere, þe ǣr onfēng bæþ wæteres and þæs Hālgan Gāstes, fullaþ þurh naman þæs Dryhtnes Iesus Crīstes. And se mann þe onfēhþ þone fulwiht sceal bēon fullīce bedyped in wætere mid gebogenum hēafde and niðerweardum nebbe".
Fōta wæsc
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]"Se hāligdōm fōta wæsces lǣteþ þæt man dǣlnime mid Iesus. Hit stent ēac tō gengre myndgunge þæt man sceolde habban lufe, hālignesse, scamfæstnesse, alǣtnesse, and þegnunge.
Ǣlc mann þe onfēng wæteres fulwiht sceall habban his fēt gewæscen þurh naman Iesus Crīstes. Frēondlic fōta wæsc bēo gedōn þǣr hē sī gehæp". (John 13:1-7)
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]"Sēo Hūselhālgung is hāligdōm tō gemunenne þæt cwealmbealu þæs Dryhtnes Iesus Crīstes.
Hit lǣteþ ūs tō dǣlnimme þæs blōdes and þæs flǣsces ūres Dryhtnes and tō wesenne on ānnesse mid Him swā þæt wē cunnen habban ēcelic līf and wesan rǣred on þǣm æftermestan dæge. Þes hāligdōm biþ gehealden swā oft swā sī meahtlic. Synderlīce þearf man hlāf and wīnberigena sēaw brūcan".
Se Restdæg
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]"Se Restdæg, se seofoða dæg þǣre wuce (Sæternesdæg), is hālig dæg, gebletsod and gehālgod fram Gode. Hē biþ gehealden under þæs Dryhtnes āre tō þǣm gemynde Godes gesceaftes and sparunge and mid þǣm hopan tō restienne ā on þǣm cumendan līfe."
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]"Iesus Crīst, þæt Word þe wearþ flǣsc, wæs gecweled on þǣre rōde for þǣre animunge gylta gyltera, ūp rǣred on þǣm þriddan dæge and astāg tō Heofonum. Hē is se nergend manna, se Meotod þāra Heofona and þǣre eorðan, and se ān sōða God".
Sēo Biblioþēce
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]"Sēo Hālige biblioþēce, þe stent on þǣre Ealdan Gecȳðnesse and Nīwan Gecȳðnesse, is ēðod fram Gode, þæt āncynne lagfæste sōþ, and þæt gemet Crīstna lifunge".
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]"Hreddung is gegifen fram þǣre giefe Godes þurh gelēaffulnesse. Gelīefendas sculon hangian on þǣm Hālgan Gāste tō gesēcenne hālignesse, tō ārienne God, and tō lufienne menn."
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]"Sēo Sōðe Iesus Cirice, gestaðelod fram ūserum Dryhtne Iesus Crīste, þurh þone Hālgan Gāst in þǣre tīde þæs 'æfterran rīces', is sēo edstaðelode cirice þǣre apostoliscan tīde."
Ōðer Cyme
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]"Þæs Dryhtnes Ōðer Cyme gelimpþ on þǣm æftermestan dæge þǣr hē niðer gǣþ fram Heofonum tō dēmenne þā worulde: Þā gōdan sculon fōn ēcelic līf, ac þā yfelan bēoþ ā aniðerod."
Ōðre gelēafan
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Sēo cirice ne frēolsaþ Crīstesmæssan for þǣm þe se 25a dæg Ǣrran Gēolmōnþes wæs on fruman geþōht wesan gesibb hǣðeniscum þēawe þe frēolsode þone gebyrddæg þǣre Sunnan þe wæs lator gesett on þā Crīstnan cirican under þǣm rīce Rēmisc Cāserrīce Constantine cāseres in þǣm 4an hundgēare æfter Crīste. Hīe asecgaþ þæt se rihta dæg Crīstes beorðe is uncūþ and þæt Iesus nā hēt his leornungmenn tō gemunenne his byrddæg.
- Langfrīgedæg ne biþ gefrēolsod for þǣm þe hē hæfþ ēac hǣðeniscne fruman.