Papers by Angela Svoronou
The Architectural Review Mediterranean issue April, 2024
My contribution to the AR Mediterranean issue is part of my "Summer in Greece" photographic series.
Θα παρουσιαστεί η επιτελεστική (performative) διαδρομή που πραγματοποίησε η Αγγελική Σβορώνου στο... more Θα παρουσιαστεί η επιτελεστική (performative) διαδρομή που πραγματοποίησε η Αγγελική Σβορώνου στον Αρχαιολογικό Χώρο της Αρχαίας Αγοράς της Αθήνας την Άνοιξη του 2018. Η έμπνευση για τη δράση αυτή προήλθε από την έρευνα της Σβορώνου στο Φωτογραφικό Αρχείο της Αμερικάνικης Σχολής Κλασικών Σπουδών Αθήνας (ASCSA) για τη διδακτορική της διατριβή. Η «συνάντηση» της με το εκπληκτικό αυτό φωτογραφικό υλικό το οποίο απεικονίζει μια εξαφανισμένη περιοχή της Αθήνας, της δημιούργησε απρόσμενα συναισθήματα και στάθηκε η αφορμή για μια διαφορετική θεώρηση της αντικειμενικότητας και της σκοπιμότητας τόσο της αρχαιολογικής έρευνας όσο και της φωτογραφικής αποτύπωσης. Στόχος της καλλιτεχνικής αυτής δράσης είναι να διερευνήσει τα όρια της μνήμης του χώρου και να καταγράψει τις περιοχές επικάλυψης του πραγματικού ως παρόν και του φανταστικού ως παρελθόν, ορίζοντας έτσι μια γεωγραφία του μυαλού και του συναισθήματος.
Books by Angela Svoronou
Η ΕΙΚΟΝΑ ΤΗΣ ΠΟΛΗΣ - ΟΠΤΙΚΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΘΕΣΕΙΣ ΜΕ ΦΟΝΤΟ ΤΗΝ ΑΘΗΝΑ, επιστημονική επιμέλεια Τιτίκα Καραβία - Ηώ Πάσχου, Εκδόσεις Ποταμός, 2016
Η καταγωγή του παρακάτω κειμένου βρίσκεται στην πρακτική μου ως εικαστικού και φωτογράφου αλλά κα... more Η καταγωγή του παρακάτω κειμένου βρίσκεται στην πρακτική μου ως εικαστικού και φωτογράφου αλλά και στη βιωματική μου εμπειρία ως κατοίκου της πόλης. Στόχος μου δεν είναι παρά να ψηλαφίσω τη σχέση του flâneur, της εμβληματικής αυτής φιγούρας του μοντερνισμού, με τον φωτογράφο της νύχτας και να διατυπώσω μερικές σκέψεις για το ρόλο της περιπλάνησης στη νυχτερινή φωτογραφία.
Thesis Chapters by Angela Svoronou
Throughout my research, I have come to realize that a systematic research on the various ways lig... more Throughout my research, I have come to realize that a systematic research on the various ways light has been used in photography has not been undertaken yet. There are a number of books that deal with the practical issues of studio or location lighting, night and low-light photography and how to create attractive wedding or children’s’ portraits, but I haven’t come across a single book that deals with the theoretical and aesthetic issues that play a role in the way our perception of light and photography have been in continuous interplay since the invention of the medium.
On the other hand, the uses of light in painting and cinematography have been the subject of numerous books some of which have been useful for the writing of this essay, since the way we view photographs within our ‘modern ocularcentrism’ has been shaped by a long tradition in art. Obviously such a vast and multifaceted subject requires much more time and resources than the ones I have had in my disposal; therefore I have only been able to examine it in a way that is far more superficial than I would have wished.
I have -reluctantly- concentrated on the use of light in the work of four photographers who are the leading contemporary representatives in the area of photographic practice (...) often described as tableau or tableau-vivant photography . I have chosen this particular genre, often referred to as ‘constructed’ or ‘staged’ photography not only because it relates to my own practice but more significantly because the elements depicted (…) are worked out in advance and drawn together to articulate a preconceived idea for the creation of the image and therefore the light has been pre-determined by the photographer.
I am interested in tracing down the ways in which this choice has been informed and shaped as light is one of the key elements –arguably the most important- that help us ‘read’ a picture, greatly influencing its mood and creating possible associations in the mind of the viewer.
Papers by Angela Svoronou
Books by Angela Svoronou
Thesis Chapters by Angela Svoronou
On the other hand, the uses of light in painting and cinematography have been the subject of numerous books some of which have been useful for the writing of this essay, since the way we view photographs within our ‘modern ocularcentrism’ has been shaped by a long tradition in art. Obviously such a vast and multifaceted subject requires much more time and resources than the ones I have had in my disposal; therefore I have only been able to examine it in a way that is far more superficial than I would have wished.
I have -reluctantly- concentrated on the use of light in the work of four photographers who are the leading contemporary representatives in the area of photographic practice (...) often described as tableau or tableau-vivant photography . I have chosen this particular genre, often referred to as ‘constructed’ or ‘staged’ photography not only because it relates to my own practice but more significantly because the elements depicted (…) are worked out in advance and drawn together to articulate a preconceived idea for the creation of the image and therefore the light has been pre-determined by the photographer.
I am interested in tracing down the ways in which this choice has been informed and shaped as light is one of the key elements –arguably the most important- that help us ‘read’ a picture, greatly influencing its mood and creating possible associations in the mind of the viewer.
On the other hand, the uses of light in painting and cinematography have been the subject of numerous books some of which have been useful for the writing of this essay, since the way we view photographs within our ‘modern ocularcentrism’ has been shaped by a long tradition in art. Obviously such a vast and multifaceted subject requires much more time and resources than the ones I have had in my disposal; therefore I have only been able to examine it in a way that is far more superficial than I would have wished.
I have -reluctantly- concentrated on the use of light in the work of four photographers who are the leading contemporary representatives in the area of photographic practice (...) often described as tableau or tableau-vivant photography . I have chosen this particular genre, often referred to as ‘constructed’ or ‘staged’ photography not only because it relates to my own practice but more significantly because the elements depicted (…) are worked out in advance and drawn together to articulate a preconceived idea for the creation of the image and therefore the light has been pre-determined by the photographer.
I am interested in tracing down the ways in which this choice has been informed and shaped as light is one of the key elements –arguably the most important- that help us ‘read’ a picture, greatly influencing its mood and creating possible associations in the mind of the viewer.