May the Simple Things Bring You the Most Joy

Coffee in hand on a snowy day.

The holiday season can be filled with so much excitement. Families gather to celebrate, many take pride in decorating their homes, cooking becomes a marathon event, and last-minute shopping can be unavoidable. I truly enjoy the holidays because it brings people together and kind gestures are plentiful. The generosity seen during the holiday season is inspiring, and no act of kindness is too small. It is easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays and lose track of the true meaning behind our traditions.

Preparations during this time can be exhausting. While I love family gatherings, parties, and yummy food, cleaning the house, purchasing must-haves, and meal preparation can be overwhelming. For those caregivers who provide an abundance of support and care throughout the year, the holidays can be especially hectic with added responsibilities. Let’s take a moment to be fully present. Make the conscious decision to focus on the here and now and enjoy each moment. Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present in the moment and being aware of our bodies, thoughts, and surroundings, can provide a much-needed break from the to-do list.

Having a picture-perfect holiday may not be achievable, and that is perfectly okay. Enjoy each and every moment and let go of unrealistic expectations. At the end of the day, the fondest memories are those in which you felt the happiest, regardless of the overcooked meal or the mismatched decorations. Whether it be enjoying quality time with family or having a few hours to yourself with a cup of tea, the holiday season is meant to be enjoyed.

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