D2L-Book: A Toolkit for Hands-on Books¶
The D2L Book (d2lbook
) package helps you build and publish a book
with Python code blocks, or Python package documents with
tutorials. You can check Dive into Deep Learning
for a book example and AutoGluon for a
package document site example.
is designed to meet the following two requirements:
Your book may contain a large amount of Python code and you expect your readers to run them. Or your package documents have multiple tutorials to walk readers through your package usage through examples. The code should be runnable and maintainable.
You would like to publish both a HTML website and a printable PDF version. You expect the website should be modern, searchable and mobile friendly, and the PDF version should be at the same quality as written using LaTeX.
To achieve the above goals, d2lbook
combines Jupyter
Notebook, the widely used interactive
environment in Python, and
Sphinx, the de facto document
building system for Python packages. In particular, its main features
Using markdown for your contents.
A minimal configuration file to customize the building so you can focus on the contents.
Evaluating all code blocks to obtain their output before publishing to validate the correctness. By default,
only evaluates the updated code blocks to save cost.Being able to reference sections, figure, tables, equations, function, and class.
Pipelines to publish your website through Github or AWS.
If d2lbook
does not fit your requirements, you may check the
following tools:
Jupyter Book: A similar tool for building books from computational material with Jupyter Notebooks and MyST Markdown.
gitbook: very convenient to push a book written with markdown if you don’t need to run them as Jupyter notebooks.
sphinx-gallery, a Sphinx plugin to evaluate and publish your tutorials. It requires you to know how to use Sphinx and write your tutorials in
format with therst