Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb)
CDAWeb contains selected public non-solar heliophysics data from current and past heliophysics missions and projects. Many datasets from current missions are updated regularly (even daily), including reprocessing older time periods, and SPDF only preserves the latest version. To find all of the public data and documents archived by the SPDF, see the SPDF archive. To search for additional heliophysics data products, check the heliophysics data portal. REMINDER: CDAWeb offers CREATION of subset/supersets of data sets (by date and variables), CREATION of uniformly time binned data, PLOTS in PDF, PS and PNG formatted files, MOVIES of specific image sequences, ON-THE-FLY Inventory plots, ADJUSTABLE height time/spectrogram plots, plus many more options...
January 9, 2025: All SPDF services (CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, etc.) will be unavailable Thursday 1/9/2025 from 8pm - 11pm EST. Please plan your use of the services accordingly.
September 2024: The PSP data have been extended to June 2024 (availability depending on the data sets), covering Encounters 18 and 19 and some of Orbit 20. Please check the system, the PSP inventory plot and the annual inventory plots for details.
August 2024: Wind MFI and SWE Faraday Cup data are now available in RTN coordinates.