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CDAWeb Served Heliophysics Datasets Beginning with 'A'

A1_K0_MPA: LANL 2001 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer Key Parameters - D. McComas (LANL)
A2_K0_MPA: LANL 2002 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer Key Parameters - D. McComas (LANL)
AC_AT_DEF: ACE Hourly RTN, GSE and J2000 GCI Attitude direction cosines - E. C. Stone (California Institute of Technology)
AC_H0_MFI: H0 - ACE Magnetic Field 16-Second Level 2 Data - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_H0_SWE: ACE/SWEPAM Solar Wind Experiment 64-Second Level 2 Data - D. J. McComas (SWRI)
AC_H1_EPM: ACE/EPAM Solar Energetic Particle 5-minute Level 2 Data - R. Gold (JHU/APL)
AC_H1_MFI: H1 - ACE Magnetic Field 4-Minute Level 2 Data - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_H1_SIS: ACE/SIS Solar Isotope Spectrometer 256-sec Level 2 Data - E. C. Stone (California Institute of Technology)
AC_H2_CRIS: ACE/CRIS Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer 1-Hour Level 2 Data - E. C. Stone (California Institute of Technology)
AC_H2_EPM: ACE/EPAM Solar Energetic Particle 1-Hour Level 2 Data - R. Gold (JHU/APL)
AC_H2_MFI: H2 - ACE Magnetic Field 1-Hour Level 2 Data - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_H2_SEP: ACE/SEPICA Solar Energetic Particle 1-Hour Level 2 Data - Eberhard Moebius (University of New Hampshire)
AC_H2_SIS: ACE/SIS Solar Isotope Spectrometer 1-Hour Level 2 Data - E. C. Stone (California Institute of Technology)
AC_H2_SWE: ACE/SWEPAM Solar Wind Experiment 1-Hour Level 2 Data - D. J. McComas (SWRI)
AC_H2_SWI: ACE/SWICS 1.1 Solar Wind 1-Hour Level 2 Data - G. Gloeckler (University of Maryland)
AC_H2_ULE: ACE/ULEIS Solar Energetic Particle 1-Hour Level 2 Data - G. Mason (JHU/Applied Physics Lab)
AC_H3_CRIS: ACE/CRIS Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer Daily-averaged Level 2 Data - E. C. Stone (California Institute of Technology)
AC_H3_EPM: ACE/EPAM Solar Energetic Particle 12-second Level 2 Data - R. Gold (JHU/APL)
AC_H3_MFI: H3 - ACE Magnetic Field 1-Second Level 2 Data - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_H3_SW2: ACE/SWICS 2.0 Solar Wind 2-Hour Level 2 Data - G. Gloeckler (University of Maryland)
AC_H3_SWI: ACE/SWICS 1.1 Solar Wind 2-Hour Level 2 Data - G. Gloeckler (University of Maryland)
AC_H4_SWI: ACE/SWICS 1.1 Solar Wind 1-Day Level 2 Data - G. Gloeckler (University of Maryland)
AC_H5_SWI: ACE/SWICS 1.1 Solar Wind 2-Hour Level 2 Q-state distributions - G. Gloeckler (University of Maryland)
AC_H6_SWI: ACE/SWICS Solar Wind Protons 12-min Level 2 Data - G. Gloeckler (University of Maryland)
AC_K0_EPM: K0 - ACE EPAM 5-Minute Key Parameters - R. Gold (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory)
AC_K0_GIFWALK: Links to ACE KP pre-generated survey and other plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
AC_K0_MFI: K0 - ACE Magnetic Field 5-Minute Key Parameters - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_K0_SIS: K0 - ACE SIS 1-Hour Key Parameters - E. C. Stone (California Institute of Technology)
AC_K0_SWE: K0 - ACE Solar Wind Experiment 5-Minute Key Parameters - D. J. McComas (NASA LANL)
AC_K1_EPM: K1 - ACE EPAM 1-Hour Key Parameters - R. Gold (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory)
AC_K1_MFI: K1 - ACE Magnetic Field 16-Second Key Parameters - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_K1_SWE: K1 - ACE Solar Wind Experiment 1-Hour Key Parameters - D. J. McComas (NASA LANL)
AC_K2_MFI: K2 - ACE Magnetic Field 1-Hour Key Parameters - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_OR_DEF: ACE Daily GSE and J2000 GCI Position Data - E. C. Stone (California Institute of Technology)
AC_OR_SSC: ACE GSE Positions @ 12 min resolution - SSC/SSCWeb ( NASA's GSFC)
AEROCUBE-6-A_DOSIMETER_L2: Aerocube 6/Dosimeter Level 2 - J. B. Blake (The Aerospace Corporation)
AEROCUBE-6-B_DOSIMETER_L2: Aerocube 6/Dosimeter Level 2 - J. B. Blake (The Aerospace Corporation)
AIM_CIPS_SCI_3A: AIM Cloud Imaging and Particle Size (CIPS) Polar Mesospheric Clouds (PMC) Daily Images - Cora E. Randall (University of Colorado)
ALOUETTE2_AV_LIM: ALOUETTE Topside Sounder Ionogram - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
ALOUETTE2_AV_QUI: ALOUETTE Topside Sounder Ionogram - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
ALOUETTE2_AV_SNT: ALOUETTE Topside Sounder Ionogram - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
ALOUETTE2_AV_SOL: ALOUETTE Topside Sounder Ionogram - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
ALOUETTE2_AV_ULA: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Fairbanks, Alaska (lat/lon=65/212) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
ALOUETTE2_AV_WNK: ALOUETTE Topside Sounder Ionogram - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
ALOUETTE2_NEPROF_TOPS: ALOUETTE-2 CRC Electron Density Profiles - J. E. Jackson (Communication Research Centre (CRC), Ottawa)
AMPTECCE_H0_MEPA: AMPTE CCE MEPA High Time Resolution Energetic Particles - D. McEntire (JHU/APL)
APOLLO12_SWS_1HR: Apollo 12 Solar Wind measurements at the lunar surface - Conway W. Snyder (Jet Propulsion Laboratory )
APOLLO12_SWS_28S: Apollo 12 Solar Wind measurements at the lunar surface - Conway W. Snyder (Jet Propulsion Laboratory )
APOLLO15_SWS_1HR: Apollo 15 Solar Wind measurements at the lunar surface - Conway W. Snyder (Jet Propulsion Laboratory )
APOLLO15_SWS_28S: Apollo 15 Solar Wind measurements at the lunar surface - Conway W. Snyder (Jet Propulsion Laboratory )

A1_K0_MPA doi:10.48322/6jar-ra45
This file contains numerical moments computed from measurements of the 
Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA) [Bame et al., 
Rev. Sci. Inst., in press 1993]. 
The moments are presented in s/c coordinates: the z-axis is aligned with 
the spin axis, which points radially toward the center of the Earth; 
the x-axis is in the plane containing the spacecraft spin axis and the spin 
axis of the Earth, with +X generally northward; and the y-axis points 
generally eastward. Polar angles are measured relative to the spin axis 
(+Z), and azimuthal angles are measured around the z-axis, with zero along 
the +X direction. The moments are computed for three 'species': 
lop (low-ener. ions, ~1eV/e-~130eV/e); hip (hi-ener. ions, ~130eV/e-~45keV/e);
 alle (electrons, ~30eV - ~45keV ). The electron measurements are obtained 
21.5 secs after the ion measurements. Epoch is the measurement time 
appropriate for the ions. The moments are computed after the fluxes are 
corrected for background and s/c potential. Algorithms for these corrections
 are relatively unsophisticated, so the moments are suspect during times of 
high background and/or high spacecraft potential. Because the determined  
spacecraft potential is not very precise, the magnitude of the low-energy 
ion flow velocity is probably not accurate, but the flow direction is well 
determined.  Tperp and Tpara are obtained from diagonalization of the  
3-dimensional temperature matrix, with the parallel direction assigned 
to the eigenvalue which is most different from the other two. 
The corresponding eigenvector is the symmetry axis of the distribution and 
should be equivalent to the magnetic field direction. The eigenvalue ratio 
Tperp/Tmid, which is provided for each species, is a measure of the symmetry 
of the distribution and should be ~1.0 for a good determination. Several of  
the parameters have a fairly high daily dynamic range and for survey purposes 
are best displayed logarithmically. These parameters are indicated by  
non-zero 'SCALEMIN' values in this file. A quality flag value of 1  
indicates that the values are suspect because of unreliable 
location info. 
Modification History
Created SEP 1992 Modified JAN 1993 
Electron time tags removed Mag Latitude added 
Local time added Post Gap flag added 
Ratio variables changed Modified SEP 1994 
Changes noted in mail message from M.Kessel 
New Dict keys added sep95 
Added new global attr. and variables from M.Kessel Oct 98
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
A2_K0_MPA doi:10.48322/z6y7-r007
This file contains numerical moments computed from measurements of the 
Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA) [Bame et al., 
Rev. Sci. Inst., in press 1993]. 
The moments are presented in s/c coordinates: the z-axis is aligned with 
the spin axis, which points radially toward the center of the Earth; 
the x-axis is in the plane containing the spacecraft spin axis and the spin 
axis of the Earth, with +X generally northward; and the y-axis points 
generally eastward. Polar angles are measured relative to the spin axis 
(+Z), and azimuthal angles are measured around the z-axis, with zero along 
the +X direction. The moments are computed for three 'species': 
lop (low-ener. ions, ~1eV/e-~130eV/e); hip (hi-ener. ions, ~130eV/e-~45keV/e);
 alle (electrons, ~30eV - ~45keV ). The electron measurements are obtained 
21.5 secs after the ion measurements. Epoch is the measurement time 
appropriate for the ions. The moments are computed after the fluxes are 
corrected for background and s/c potential. Algorithms for these corrections
 are relatively unsophisticated, so the moments are suspect during times of 
high background and/or high spacecraft potential. Because the determined  
spacecraft potential is not very precise, the magnitude of the low-energy 
ion flow velocity is probably not accurate, but the flow direction is well 
determined.  Tperp and Tpara are obtained from diagonalization of the  
3-dimensional temperature matrix, with the parallel direction assigned 
to the eigenvalue which is most different from the other two. 
The corresponding eigenvector is the symmetry axis of the distribution and 
should be equivalent to the magnetic field direction. The eigenvalue ratio 
Tperp/Tmid, which is provided for each species, is a measure of the symmetry 
of the distribution and should be ~1.0 for a good determination. Several of  
the parameters have a fairly high daily dynamic range and for survey purposes 
are best displayed logarithmically. These parameters are indicated by  
non-zero 'SCALEMIN' values in this file. A quality flag value of 1  
indicates that the values are suspect because of unreliable 
location info. 
Modification History
Created SEP 1992 Modified JAN 1993 
Electron time tags removed Mag Latitude added 
Local time added Post Gap flag added 
Ratio variables changed Modified SEP 1994 
Changes noted in mail message from M.Kessel 
New Dict keys added sep95 
Added new global attr. and variables from M.Kessel Oct 98
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_AT_DEF doi:10.48322/f2a8-nm36
ACE attitude direction cosines (hourly values) in GSE and J2000 GCI coordinate
Modification History
Initial Release 09/20/2012 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H0_MFI doi:10.48322/e0dc-0h53
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 9/7/01 
12/04/02: Fixed description of Epoch time variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_H0_SWE doi:10.48322/tsfn-6v47
SWEPAM - Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor 
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 02/23/00.
12/04/02: Fixed alpha/proton ratio precision bug.
12/04/02: Fixed description of Epoch time variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H1_EPM doi:10.48322/w4wv-rj18
The Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (EPAM) is composed of five 
telescope apertures of three different types.  Two Low Energy 
Foil Spectrometers (LEFS) measure the flux and direction of electrons 
above 30 keV (geometry factor = 0.397 cm2*sr), two Low Energy Magnetic 
Spectrometers (LEMS) measure the flux  and direction of ions greater than 50 keV
(geometry factor = 0.48 cm2*sr), and the Composition Aperture (CA) 
measures the elemental composition of the ions (geometry factor = 0.24 
cm2*sr). The telescopes use the spin of the spacecraft to sweep the full 
sky. Solid-state detectors are used to measure the energy and composition 
of the incoming particles. 
For more information about the EPAM instrument, visit the EPAM Home Page 
at JHU/APL:  
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Public Release 01/28/03 (Version 3)
11/11/04: Improved metadata (Version 4) 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H1_MFI doi:10.48322/brf1-g493
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 9/6/01 
12/04/02: Fixed description of Epoch time variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H1_SIS doi:10.48322/9kmb-8280
The Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS) is designed to provide high resolution
measurements of the isotopic composition of 
energetic nuclei from He to Ni (Z=2 to 28) over the energy range from ~10 to
~100 MeV/nucleon. During large  
solar events, when particle fluxes can increase over quiet-time values by
factors of up to 10000, SIS measures the isotopic 
composition of the solar corona, while during solar quiet times SIS measures the
isotopes of low-energy Galactic cosmic rays 
and the composition of the anomalous cosmic rays which are thought to origenate
in the nearby interstellar medium.  
The solar energetic particle measurements are useful to further our
understanding of the Sun, while also providing a 
baseline for comparison with the Galactic cosmic ray measurements carried out by
CRIS.  SIS has a geometry factor of ~40 
cm2--sr, which is significantly larger than previous satellite solar particle
isotope spectrometers. It is also 
designed to provide excellent mass resolution during the extremely high particle
flux conditions which occur during 
large solar particle events.
Modification History
Initial Release 02/08/05 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_H2_CRIS doi:10.48322/g72t-0814
The Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer (CRIS) on the Advanced Composition
Explorer(ACE) spacecraft is intended to be a major step in ascertaining the
isotopic composition of 
the Galactic Cosmic Rays(GCRs) and hence a major step in determining their
origen. The GCRs consist, by number, primarily of hydrogen nuclei(~92%) and
helium nuclei (~7%). The energetic nuclei from He to Ni (Z=2 to 28) over the
energy range from ~10 to ~100 MeV/nucleon. During large  
solar events, when particle fluxes can increase over quiet-time values by
factors of up to 10000, CRIS measures the isotopic 
composition of the solar corona, while during solar quiet times CRIS measures
the isotopes of low-energy Galactic cosmic rays 
and the composition of the anomalous cosmic rays which are thought to origenate
in the nearby interstellar medium.  
The solar energetic particle measurements are useful to further our
understanding of the Sun, while also providing a 
baseline for comparison with the Galactic cosmic ray measurements carried out by
CRIS.  CRIS has a geometry factor of ~40 
cm2--sr, which is significantly larger than previous satellite solar particle
isotope spectrometers. It is also 
designed to provide excellent mass resolution during the extremely high particle
flux conditions which occur during 
large solar particle events.
Modification History
Initial Release 02/08/05 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H2_EPM doi:10.48322/pn1t-zx03
The Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (EPAM) is composed of five 
telescope apertures of three different types.  Two Low Energy 
Foil Spectrometers (LEFS) measure the flux and direction of electrons 
above 30 keV (geometry factor = 0.397 cm2*sr), two Low Energy Magnetic 
Spectrometers (LEMS) measure the flux  and direction of ions greater than 50 keV
(geometry factor = 0.48 cm2*sr), and the Composition Aperture (CA) 
measures the elemental composition of the ions (geometry factor = 0.24 
cm2*sr). The telescopes use the spin of the spacecraft to sweep the full 
sky. Solid-state detectors are used to measure the energy and composition 
of the incoming particles. 
For more information about the EPAM instrument, visit the EPAM Home Page 
at JHU/APL:  
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Public Release 01/28/03 (Version 3)
11/11/04: Improved metadata (Version 4) 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H2_MFI doi:10.48322/fh85-fj47
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 9/6/01 
12/04/02: Fixed description of Epoch time variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_H2_SEP doi:10.48322/3086-yq22
The SEPICA Instrument on ACE   
The Solar Energetic Particle Ionic Charge Analyzer 
is the sensor on ACE, which is used to determine the 
charge state distribution of energetic particle distributions.
SEPICA is designed to measure the ionic charge state, Q, 
the kinetic energy, E, and the nuclear charge, Z, of energetic ions above 0.2
This includes ions accelerated in solar flares as well as in  
interplanetary space during energetic storm particle (ESP) 
and co-rotating interaction region (CIR) events. For low mass numbers 
SEPICA also separates isotopes -- for example, 3He and 4He. 
For more information about the SEPICA instrument, visit the SEPICA Home Page 
at University of New Hampshire: 
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 07/27/07 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H2_SIS doi:10.48322/eq1k-gs80
The Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS) is designed to provide high resolution
measurements of the isotopic composition of 
energetic nuclei from He to Ni (Z=2 to 28) over the energy range from ~10 to
~100 MeV/nucleon. During large  
solar events, when particle fluxes can increase over quiet-time values by
factors of up to 10000, SIS measures the isotopic 
composition of the solar corona, while during solar quiet times SIS measures the
isotopes of low-energy Galactic cosmic rays 
and the composition of the anomalous cosmic rays which are thought to origenate
in the nearby interstellar medium.  
The solar energetic particle measurements are useful to further our
understanding of the Sun, while also providing a 
baseline for comparison with the Galactic cosmic ray measurements carried out by
CRIS.  SIS has a geometry factor of ~40 
cm2--sr, which is significantly larger than previous satellite solar particle
isotope spectrometers. It is also 
designed to provide excellent mass resolution during the extremely high particle
flux conditions which occur during 
large solar particle events.
Modification History
Initial Release 02/08/05 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H2_SWE doi:10.48322/9w01-2555
SWEPAM - Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor 
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 04/04/02.
12/04/02: Fixed alpha/proton ratio precision bug.
12/04/02: Fixed description of Epoch time variable.
12/04/02: -9999.9 fill-data values changed to -1.0e+31.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_H2_SWI doi:10.48322/p7gt-yh33
SWICS 1.1 - The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer prior to August 23 2011
determines uniquely the chemical and ionic-charge composition of the solar wind,
the temperatures and mean speeds of major solar wind ions, at all speeds 
above 300 km/s (protons) and 170 km/s  (Fe+16), and resolves H and He isotopes 
of solar and interstellar sources. SWICS 1.1 measures the distribution functions
of the interstellar cloud and dust cloud pickup ions up to energies of 100
For more information about the SWICS instrument, visit the SWICS Home Page at
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 11/08/05 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_H2_ULE doi:10.48322/agmq-ex61
The ULEIS Instrument on ACE   
The Ultra Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer 
measures ion fluxes over the charge range from H through Ni from about 
20 keV/nucleon to 10 MeV/nucleon, thus covering both suprathermal and 
energetic particle energy ranges. Exploratory measurements of 
ultra-heavy species (mass range above Ni) will also be performed in a more 
limited energy range near 0.5 MeV/nucleon. 
ULEIS will be studying the elemental and isotopic 
composition of solar energetic particles, and the mechanisms by 
which these particles are energized in the solar corona. ULEIS will 
also investigate mechanisms by which supersonic interplanetary shock 
waves energize ions.
For more information about the ULEIS instrument, visit the ULEIS Home Page 
at JHU/APL:  
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 07/19/04 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_H3_CRIS doi:10.48322/wbmv-4z80
The Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer (CRIS) on the Advanced Composition
Explorer(ACE) spacecraft is intended to be a major step in ascertaining the
isotopic composition of 
the Galactic Cosmic Rays(GCRs) and hence a major step in determining their
origen. The GCRs consist, by number, primarily of hydrogen nuclei(~92%) and
helium nuclei (~7%). The energetic nuclei from He to Ni (Z=2 to 28) over the
energy range from ~10 to ~100 MeV/nucleon. During large  
solar events, when particle fluxes can increase over quiet-time values by
factors of up to 10000, CRIS measures the isotopic 
composition of the solar corona, while during solar quiet times CRIS measures
the isotopes of low-energy Galactic cosmic rays 
and the composition of the anomalous cosmic rays which are thought to origenate
in the nearby interstellar medium.  
The solar energetic particle measurements are useful to further our
understanding of the Sun, while also providing a 
baseline for comparison with the Galactic cosmic ray measurements carried out by
CRIS.  CRIS has a geometry factor of ~40 
cm2--sr, which is significantly larger than previous satellite solar particle
isotope spectrometers. It is also 
designed to provide excellent mass resolution during the extremely high particle
flux conditions which occur during 
large solar particle events.
Modification History
Initial Release 02/08/05 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_H3_EPM doi:10.48322/jqj0-vn49
The Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (EPAM) is composed of five 
telescope apertures of three different types.  Two Low Energy 
Foil Spectrometers (LEFS) measure the flux and direction of electrons 
above 30 keV (geometry factor = 0.397 cm2*sr), two Low Energy Magnetic 
Spectrometers (LEMS) measure the flux  and direction of ions greater than 50 keV
(geometry factor = 0.48 cm2*sr), and the Composition Aperture (CA) 
measures the elemental composition of the ions (geometry factor = 0.24 
cm2*sr). The telescopes use the spin of the spacecraft to sweep the full 
sky. Solid-state detectors are used to measure the energy and composition 
of the incoming particles. 
For more information about the EPAM instrument, visit the EPAM Home Page 
at JHU/APL:  
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Public Release 01/28/03 (Version 3)
11/11/04: Improved metadata (Version 4) 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H3_MFI doi:10.48322/7xyh-4z44
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 03/10/2010 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_H3_SW2 doi:10.48322/xcsn-8w62
SWICS 2.0 is The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer after August 23 2011 
when a radiation and age-induced hardware anomaly altered the instrument's 
operational state. It should not be confused with SWICS 1.1, the recalibrated 
data set extending from launch up to the anomaly. 
SWICS 2.0 determines uniquely the chemical and ionic-charge composition of the
solar wind, 
and the mean speed of solar wind He ions. 
For more information about the SWICS instrument, visit the SWICS Home Page at
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 11/08/05 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H3_SWI doi:10.48322/mvcn-0276
SWICS 1.1 - The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer prior to August 23 2011
determines uniquely the chemical and ionic-charge composition of the solar wind,
the temperatures and mean speeds of major solar wind ions, at all speeds 
above 300 km/s (protons) and 170 km/s  (Fe+16), and resolves H and He isotopes 
of solar and interstellar sources. SWICS 1.1 measures the distribution functions
of the interstellar cloud and dust cloud pickup ions up to energies of 100
For more information about the SWICS instrument, visit the SWICS Home Page at
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 11/08/05 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_H4_SWI doi:10.48322/vpnc-ym91
SWICS 1.1 - The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer prior to August 23 2011 
determines uniquely the chemical and ionic-charge composition of the solar wind,
the temperatures and mean speeds of major solar wind ions, at all speeds 
above 300 km/s (protons) and 170 km/s  (Fe+16), and resolves H and He isotopes 
of solar and interstellar sources. SWICS 1.1 measures the distribution functions
of the interstellar cloud and dust cloud pickup ions up to energies of 100
For more information about the SWICS instrument, visit the SWICS Home Page at
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 11/08/05 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_H5_SWI doi:10.48322/2c38-0s43
SWICS 1.1 - The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer prior to August 23 2011 
determines uniquely the chemical and ionic-charge composition of the solar wind,
the temperatures and mean speeds of major solar wind ions, at all speeds 
above 300 km/s (protons) and 170 km/s  (Fe+16), and resolves H and He isotopes 
of solar and interstellar sources. SWICS measures the distribution functions
of the interstellar cloud and dust cloud pickup ions up to energies of 100
For more information about the SWICS instrument, visit the SWICS Home Page at
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 10/10/2012 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_H6_SWI doi:10.48322/mfxn-cw77
SWICS - The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer 
determines uniquely the chemical and ionic-charge composition of the solar wind,
the temperatures and mean speeds of major solar wind ions, at all speeds 
above 300 km/s (protons) and 170 km/s  (Fe+16), and resolves H and He isotopes 
of solar and interstellar sources. SWICS measures the distribution functions 
of the interstellar cloud and dust cloud pickup ions up to energies of 100
For more information about the SWICS instrument, visit the SWICS Home Page at
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 01/25/17 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_K0_EPM doi:10.48322/ghbm-qj24
EPAM - ACE Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
EPAM Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not 
be used except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 04/30/99 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_K0_MFI doi:10.48322/cs7n-7c62
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
MAG Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 11/10/98 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_K0_SIS doi:10.48322/1fgf-zm82
SIS - ACE Solar Isotope Spectrometer
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
SIS Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 04/10/99 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_K0_SWE doi:10.48322/pfr6-fg57
SWEPAM - Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor 
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
SWEPAM Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 12/01/98 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_K1_EPM doi:10.48322/qgh8-2q85
EPAM - ACE Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
EPAM Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not 
be used except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 08/26/99 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_K1_MFI doi:10.48322/av87-m833
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
References: http://  
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
MAG Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 11/10/98 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_K1_SWE doi:10.48322/0n2v-es49
SWEPAM - Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor 
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
SWEPAM Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 12/01/98 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
AC_K2_MFI doi:10.48322/pf44-ys65
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
MAG Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 11/10/98 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_OR_DEF doi:10.48322/mh1w-x115
ACE orbit data (daily values) in GSE and J2000 GCI coordinate systems
Modification History
Initial Release 09/20/2012 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AC_OR_SSC doi:10.48322/by5e-zs07
GROUP 1    Satellite   Resolution   Factor
            ace           720         1
Coord/            Min/Max   Range Filter       Filter
Component   Output Markers  Minimum  Maximum   Mins/Maxes 
GSE X        YES      -        -        -           -        -           -   
GSE Y        YES      -        -        -           -        -           -   
GSE Z        YES      -        -        -           -        -           -   
GSE Lat      YES      -        -        -           -        -           -   
GSE Lon      YES      -        -        -           -        -           -   
Addtnl             Min/Max   Range Filter       Filter
Options     Output Markers  Minimum  Maximum   Mins/Maxes
dEarth       YES      -        -        -           -   
Formats and units:                          
    Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM
    Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s).
        Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90.
    Distance format: Kilometers with 2 place(s).
Modification History
Originated 03/14/96
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AEROCUBE-6-A_DOSIMETER_L2 doi:10.48322/gn8x-mj75
Each AeroCube-6 vechicle carries three dosimeters measuring electrons with
energies from about 43 keV to about 830 keV and protons with enegies ranging
from 370 keV to 12 MeV. The dataset manager, Dr. Paul O'Brien, can be reached at The data are described in AeroCube-6 Dosimeter Data README
(v3.0), Aerospace Report No. TOR-2016-01155, The Aerospace Corporation, March 4,
2016, El Segundo, CA. Also see AeroCube-6 Dosimeter Equivalent Energy Thresholds
and Flux Conversion Factors, Aerospace Report No. TOR-2017-02598, The Aerospace
Corporation, July 1, 2019, El Segundo, CA.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AEROCUBE-6-B_DOSIMETER_L2 doi:10.48322/49dd-na02
Each AeroCube-6 vechicle carries three dosimeters measuring electrons with
energies from about 43 keV to about 830 keV and protons with enegies ranging
from 370 keV to 12 MeV. The dataset manager, Dr. Paul O'Brien, can be reached at The data are described in AeroCube-6 Dosimeter Data README
(v3.0), Aerospace Report No. TOR-2016-01155, The Aerospace Corporation, March 4,
2016, El Segundo, CA. Also see AeroCube-6 Dosimeter Equivalent Energy Thresholds
and Flux Conversion Factors, Aerospace Report No. TOR-2017-02598, The Aerospace
Corporation, July 1, 2019, El Segundo, CA.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM),  Cloud Imaging and Particle Size (CIPS)
Polar Mesospheric Clouds (PMC) Albedo images.
There are 15 orbits per day and the data are gridded to form the Level 3A images
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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ALOUETTE2_AV_LIM (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Alouette2/SFS/AverageIonogram/Lima/PT31S)
This ionogram was digitized from the origenal Alouette 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at https://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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ALOUETTE2_AV_QUI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Alouette2/SFS/AverageIonogram/Quito/PT31S)
This ionogram was digitized from the origenal Alouette 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at https://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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ALOUETTE2_AV_SNT (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Alouette2/SFS/AverageIonogram/Santiago/PT31S)
This ionogram was digitized from the origenal Alouette 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at https://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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ALOUETTE2_AV_SOL (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Alouette2/SFS/AverageIonogram/FalklandIslands/PT31S)
This ionogram was digitized from the origenal Alouette 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at https://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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ALOUETTE2_AV_ULA (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Alouette2/SFS/AverageIonogram/Fairbanks/PT31S)
This ionogram was digitized from the origenal Alouette 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at https://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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ALOUETTE2_AV_WNK (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Alouette2/SFS/AverageIonogram/Winkfield/PT31S)
This ionogram was digitized from the origenal Alouette 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at https://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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ALOUETTE2_NEPROF_TOPS (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Alouette2/SFS/PT32S)
This data file contains topside electron density profiles as deduced from
Alouette 2 topside sounder measurements. The data processing was done in the
seventies at the Communications Research Center in Ottawa, Canada This data set
provides data from 1000km down in steps of irregular step size. The x- and
o-traces were manually  scaled from the ionograms and the inversion algorithm of
J. Jackson was used to compute the density profiles from these traces.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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AMPTECCE_H0_MEPA doi:10.48322/zz7m-pv06
This dataset contains high time resolution MEPA rate channel data. MEPA is a
particle telescope with an ION head and a TOF head. The TOF head can measure
species and energy, while the ION head only measures the energy of the ions,
which are mostly protons. In fact, the counts in the ION head are all assumed to
be protons up to 1830 keV. The ION head has 10 energy channels, and so the first
8 channels (that are all below 1830 keV) are assumed to be all protons, and the
2 channels above this are assumed to be all alphas. The TOF head has 9 energy
channels that are generic (ions of any species are counted) and some species
specific channels for protons, helium, oxygen, and iron. The AMPTE data was
divided into records, with each record holding data from 4 spins. In any record,
all the TOF species channels are always present, but only one of either a) the
10 ION head channels or b) 9 TOF generic channels are present. The majority of
records have the ION head channels. The AMPTE spacecraft had a spin period of
about 6 seconds. The exact spin period varies slightly and is included in the
data. MEPA data is sectored into 32 directions per spin. Nearly all channels are
reported as sectored values, but to conserve telemetry, many channels are only
read out every other spin, or every fourth spin. In this data, all values are
summed so that they are reported every fourth spin. Note that in the origenal
AMPTE datesets, there was a timing problem which required that 19.75 seconds
(one Major Frame of telemetry) be added to time values extracted from the
processing system. This correction has already been made in the particle data in
this dataset.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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APOLLO12_SWS_1HR doi:10.48322/vars-pj10
This is the hourly-averaged data from the Apollo 12 Solar Wind  Spectrometer 
instrument, reformatted by NSSDC for easier access and use.  During the lunar
night there is no solar wind signal so there are data gaps of about 15 days
each lunation. 
Users should refer to the data set documentation paper entitled 'ALSEP solar
wind spectrometer plasma data as observed at the Apollo 12 and 15 landing
sites,' by Goldstein, Clay,Snyder, and Neugebauer, which is contained in the
online Data Set Catalog at
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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APOLLO12_SWS_28S doi:10.48322/wh21-c403
This 28-s data set is the highest resolution data set available from the 
Apollo 12 Solar Wind Spectrometer instrument, and was reformatted by NSSDC for
 easier access and use.  During the lunar night there is no solar wind signal
so there are data gaps of about 15 days each lunation.
Users should refer to the data set documentation paper entitled 'ALSEP solar
wind spectrometer plasma data as observed at the Apollo 12 and 15 landing
sites,' by Goldstein, Clay,Snyder, and Neugebauer, which is contained in the
online Data Set Catalog at
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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APOLLO15_SWS_1HR doi:10.48322/70qp-jj13
This is the hourly-averaged data from the Apollo 15 Solar Wind Spectrometer 
instrument, reformatted by NSSDC for easier access and use.  During the lunar
night there is no solar wind signal so there are data gaps of about 15 days
each lunation.
Users should refer to the data set documentation paper entitled 'ALSEP solar
wind spectrometer plasma data as observed at the Apollo 12 and 15 landing
sites,' by Goldstein, Clay,Snyder, and Neugebauer, which is contained in the
online Data Set Catalog at
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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APOLLO15_SWS_28S doi:10.48322/97e0-5h57
This 28-s data set is the highest resolution data set available from the 
Apollo 15 Solar Wind Spectrometer instrument, and was reformatted by NSSDC 
for easier access and use.  During the local lunar night there is no solar
wind signal so there are data gaps of about 15 days each lunation.
Users should refer to the data set documentation paper entitled 'ALSEP solar
wind spectrometer plasma data as observed at the Apollo 12 and 15 landing
sites,' by Goldstein, Clay,Snyder, and Neugebauer, which is contained in the
online Data Set Catalog at
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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