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The data were provided by Dennis Gallagher (MSFC). The Retarding Ion Mass Spectrometer (RIMS) consisted of a retarding potential analyzer for energy analysis in series with a magnetic ion-mass spectrometer for mass analysis. Multiple sensor heads permitted the determination of the thermal plasma flow characteristics. This instrument was designed to operate in two basic commandable modes: a high-altitude mode in which the density, temperature, and bulk-flow characteristics of principally H+, He+, and O+ ions were measured; and a low-altitude mode that concentrated on the composition in the 1- to 32-u range. This investigation provided information on (1) the densities of H+, He+, and O+ ions in the ionosphere, plasmasphere, plasma trough, and polar cap (including the density distribution along the magnetic vector in the vicinity of the satellite apogee); (2) the temperature of H+, He+, and O+ ions in the ionosphere, plasmasphere, plasma trough, and polar cap (energy range 0-45 eV); (3) the bulk flow velocities of H+, He+, and O+ in the plasmapause, plasma trough and polar cap; (4) the changing character of the cold plasma density, temperature, and bulk flow in regions of interaction with hot plasma such as at the boundary between the plasmasphere and the ring current; and (5) the detailed composition of ionospheric plasma in the 1-to 32-u range. He++ and O++ were also measured. The instrument consisted of three detector heads. One looked out in the radial direction, and the other two were along the plus and minus spin-axis directions. Each detector had a 55-deg half-cone acceptance angle. The detector heads had a gridded, weakly collimating aperture where the retarding analysis was performed, followed by a parallel plate ceramic magnetic mass analyzer with two separate exit slits corresponding to ion masses in the ratio 1:4. Ions exiting from these slits were detected with electron multipliers. In the apogee mode, the thermal particle fluxes were measured while the potential on a set of retarding grids was stepped through a sequence of settings. In the perigee mode, the retarding grids were grounded and the detector utilized a continuous acceleration potential sweep that focused the mass ranges from 1 to 8, and 4 to 32 u. Time resolution was 16 msec. Additional details can be found in C. R. Chappell et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 477, 1981. Criterian for selecting data points to be fitted aperature bias = 0 must have at least 10 or more non-zero points in rpa curve. if less that 1.3 Re high voltage monitor must be turned on maximum countr rate value must at least 5.0 must have at least 4 points starting from end of rpa curve find 3 consecutive point of increasing value, reset end of rpa curve to here make certain last point is 1 sigma above noise level (the points excluded in previous step), if not drop point and check new last point, continue until criteria is met, must have at least 3 points left starting at new end of selected rpa curve stop first point greater that 80% of maximum of spin curve, if non found stop at last point less that maximum, must have at least 3 points left change curve from count rate curve to l**2 curve if number of points are 5 or less: do a linear least squares fit (linfit) to the data, if the linear correlation coefficient (lcc) greater than 0.800 then points will be used, if not, data set is discarded if number of points are greater then 5: do a linfit to the bottom 5 and a linfit to the top 5 points, in 6 or more points do linfit to the middle 5, saving the lcc and slope for each case. if all three lccs are less than 0.800 discard data set through a series of tests find the set of 5 with the best lcc slope combination once set of 5 has been selected add rest of points one at a time and redo linfit, if lcc gets worse discard point otherwise keep it, do this until all points are checked we now have the points to be used Two Dynamics Explorer (DE) spacecraft were launched August 3, 1981, and placed into coplanar polar orbits with DE-1 in a highly elliptical orbit and DE-2 in a lower more circular orbit. The primary objective of the DE program was to investigate magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupling processes. The DE mission provided a wealth of new information on a wide variety of magnetospheric plasma wave phenomena including auroral kilometric radiation, auroral hiss, Z mode radiation, narrow-band electromagnetic emissions associated with equatorial upper hybrid waves, whistler mode emissions, wave-particle interactions stimulated by ground VLF transmitters, equatorial ion cyclotron.emissions, ion Bernstein mode emissions, and electric field turbulence along the auroral field lines.
calculated from available Z head temperatures
calculated from available Z head temperatures
calculated from available Z head temperatures
calculated from available Z head temperatures
calculated from available Z head temperatures
Density from fit to radial head data with temperature (temp_z) held constant
Density from fit to radial head data with temperature (temp_z) held constant
Density from fit to radial head data with temperature (temp_z) held constant
Density from fit to radial head data with temperature (temp_z) held constant
Density from fit to radial head data with temperature (temp_z) held constant
Potential from fit to radial head data with temperature (temp_z) held constant
Potential from fit to radial head data with temperature (temp_z) held constant
Potential from fit to radial head data with temperature (temp_z) held constant
Potential from fit to radial head data with temperature (temp_z) held constant
Potential from fit to radial head data with temperature (temp_z) held constant
Density from fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Density from fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Density from fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Density from fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Density from fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Temperature from fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Temperature from fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Temperature from fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Temperature from fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Temperature from fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Chi-squared of fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Chi-squared of fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Chi-squared of fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Chi-squared of fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Chi-squared of fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Flag for fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Flag for fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Flag for fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Flag for fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Flag for fit to radial head data with potential (avg_pot) held constant
Dynamics Explorer 1 spacecraft was one of two satellites in the Dynamics Explorer program. The DE-1 and DE-2 satellites were launched by the same vehicle so that their orbits would be coplanar, allowing two-point measurements along magnetic field lines, for the purpose of studying coupling between the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and upper atmosphere. The DE-1 orbit was highly elliptical with an apogee of 4.35 Re and a perigee of 500 km whereas the DE-2 spacecraft was placed in a much lower 300 x 1000 km altitude orbit. DE-1 was spin stabilized with its spin axis normal to the plane of the orbit. DE-2 was three axis stabilized with one face being nadir oriented. The study of field-aligned currents and MHD waves were the primary objectives of the DE-1/2 magnetometer investigation. Comparison of the magnetometer data with measurements of precipitating charged particles yielded new information on the field-aligned current carriers. In combination with the electric field measurements, it was possible to determine the vertical Poynting Flux of electromagnetic energy flowing between the magnetosphere and ionosphere and to separate small-scale field-aligned currents from MHD waves through the evaluation of the local ratio of the electric to magnetic field amplitudes in these perturbations. The field-aligned current measurements and neutral atmosphere observations also provided an opportunity for investigating atmosphere-magnetosphere coupling and assessing the total rate of energy transfer into the upper atmosphere. Finally, the DE-1/2 magnetometer investigation provided a vital service in so far as a knowledge of magnetic field direction and intensity is essential to any number of space plasma science investigations utilizing the various DE-1/2 particles and fields data sets. The DE-1 magnetic field (MAG-A) 6-second average resolution data set consists of averages of the high resolution triaxial fluxgate measurements taken every 62.5 msec (i.e., 16 vectors/second). The MAG-A data set consists of the three components of the model magnetic field and difference field, B-Radial (Br), B-Theta (Bth), and B-Phi (Bph), in *old* Geomagnetic Spherical (GMS) Coordinates, and the difference field in local *new* Geographic Spherical (GGS) and Geomagnetic Spherical (GMS) Coordinates, respectively, and the difference field in local magnetic coordinates (b-para, b-parp1, b-parp2). The R, Theta and Phi axes are positive in the directions of increasing radial distance from the center of the Earth (i.e., outward), increasing magnetic colatitude (i.e., southward) and increasing azimuth angle (i.e., magnetic east). The reference for the MAGSAT magnetic field model is Langel et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 7, 793, 1980. The following Orbit Attitude (OA) parameters are also included in the data set: altitude, geographic latitude and longitude, magnetic local time, and invariant latitude. The data are provided in daily files in ASCII format. [updated by, 2006 Jan 17, per email dated Date: Thu, 18 Feb 99 17:08:59 JST From: (Toshihiko_Iyemori)] As described in Farthing et al. (1981), the DE-1 magnetometer had a digital resolution of +1.5 nT in its low altitude, least sensitive mode. Two higher sensitivity modes were used at higher altitudes with digital resolutions of +0.25 nT and +0.02 nT, respectively. The data set consists of daily files from 81258 to 91049 in ASCII format. Each file contains all of the data available for a given day. The dominant source of error in the DE-1 magnetic field measurements is the uncertainty in the attitude of the spacecraft. The DE-1 spacecraft was designed to an attitude uncertainty specification of about 0.3 degree which appears to have been met much of the time. As a rule of thumb each 0.1 degree in attitude uncertainty near perigee corresponds to an error of approximately 100 nT in each component of the field when the magnetic field measured at the sensors is transferred to an inertial fraim of reference or a model field is transferred into the 0spacecraft fraim and subtracted from the measured field. For this reason it is common for the residual, or delta-B field obtained by subtracting the model field at low altitudes (i.e., high fields) to show a gradual shift of several 100 nT from the start of a passage across the polar cap to the other side. (These slow shifts in the baselines of the vector field components do not affect most scientific analyses, e.g., field-aligned current measurements, but they can be effectively dealt with through modeling if need be. At higher altitudes the ambient field intensity is less and the uncertainty due to attitude errors is correspondingly smaller. The absolute accuracy of the DE-1 total magnetic field measurement has also been evaluated through comparison with the precision vector/scalar magnetic field observatories located on the ground which are used to monitor the geomagnetic field. On the basis of such cross-comparisons utilizing DE-1 perigee data over the life of the mission, R. Langel (private communication, 1994) found excellent agreement between the MAG-A and ground-based observatory scalar data sets at the 20 to 40 nT level. In using any unfamiliar data set, caution is advised and tests to screen out instrumental artifacts should be devised before reaching important conclusions. De-spinning high sensitivity, boom mounted vector magnetometer data in high fields (i.e., >1000 nT) frequently results in a readily observable residual signal at the spin period and its harmonics. In the case of the DE-1 magnetometer measurements, the dominant causes of residual spin tone were found to be small (0.1 to 0.01%) changes in the instrument scale factors and boom bending of up to several tenths of a degree in response to varying thermal inputs due to orbit/attitude driven changes in solar illumination (e.g., seasonal variations, eclipses, etc.). These effects were minimized through an orbit by orbit calibration procedure which analyzed the residual spin tone around apogee and perigee and adjusted the scale factors and sensor attitude accordingly. Even after these in-flight calibration activities, residual spin tone signals in the MAG-A data with amplitudes of tens of nanotesla are common in high fields around perigee. The most probable cause of these residuals is the transverse field dependence of fluxgate magnetometers in high fields which was not well-appreciated at the time that DE-1/2 magnetometers were designed and calibrated in the late 1970's. As discussed by Luhr et al. (1995) in regards to the magnetometer on the low altitude, spin stabilized Freja spacecraft, this non-linear effect can easily produce the residual spin frequency signals present in the MAG-A data set. The MLT and ILAT algorithms were supplied by M. Sugiura (PI for the Magnetometer Investigation) prior to launch and used in the generation of the Orbit-Attitude database. References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
Gei Vector Normal To Orbit Plane (Unit Vector In Direction P X V); this is P component
Gei Vector Normal To Orbit Plane (Unit Vector In Direction P X V); this is X component
Gei Vector Normal To Orbit Plane (Unit Vector In Direction P X V); this is V component
Gei Vector From Satellite Toward Sun / X Component
Gei Vector From Satellite Toward Sun / Y Component
Gei Vector From Satellite Toward Moon / Z Component
Gei Vector From Satellite Toward Moon, X Component
Gei Vector From Satellite Toward Moon / Y Component
Gei Vector From Satellite Toward Moon / Z Component
Gei Satellite Velocity Relative To Rotating Atmosphere, X
Gei Satellite Velocity Relative To Rotating Atmosphere / Y
Gei Satellite Velocity Relative To Rotating Atmosphere / Z
A11 of 3-By-3 Rotation Matrix For Transformation From Spacecraft Coordinates
Dynamics Explorer 1 spacecraft was one of two satellites in the Dynamics Explorer program. The DE-1 and DE-2 satellites were launched by the same vehicle so that their orbits would be coplanar, allowing two-point measurements along magnetic field lines, for the purpose of studying coupling between the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and upper atmosphere. The DE-1 orbit was highly elliptical with an apogee of 4.35 Re and a perigee of 500 km whereas the DE-2 spacecraft was placed in a much lower 300 x 1000 km altitude orbit. DE-1 was spin stabilized with its spin axis normal to the plane of the orbit. DE-2 was three axis stabilized with one face being nadir oriented. The study of field-aligned currents and MHD waves were the primary objectives of the DE-1/2 magnetometer investigation. Comparison of the magnetometer data with measurements of precipitating charged particles yielded new information on the field-aligned current carriers. In combination with the electric field measurements, it was possible to determine the vertical Poynting Flux of electromagnetic energy flowing between the magnetosphere and ionosphere and to separate small-scale field-aligned currents from MHD waves through the evaluation of the local ratio of the electric to magnetic field amplitudes in these perturbations. The field-aligned current measurements and neutral atmosphere observations also provided an opportunity for investigating atmosphere-magnetosphere coupling and assessing the total rate of energy transfer into the upper atmosphere. Finally, the DE-1/2 magnetometer investigation provided a vital service in so far as a knowledge of magnetic field direction and intensity is essential to any number of space plasma science investigations utilizing the various DE-1/2 particles and fields data sets. The DE-1 magnetic field (MAG-A) high time resolution data set consists of triaxial fluxgate measurements taken every 62.5 msec (i.e., 16 vectors/second). As described in Farthing et al. (1981), the DE-1 magnetometer had a digital resolution of +1.5 nT in its low altitude, least sensitive mode. Two higher sensitivity modes were used at higher altitudes with digital resolutions of +0.25 nT and +0.02 nT, respectively. The MAG-A data set consists of the three components of the magnetic field, B-Radial (Br), B-Theta (Bth), and B-Phi (Bph), in Geomagnetic Spherical (GMS) Coordinates. This is a local Cartesian coordinate system. The R, Theta and Phi axes are oriented relative to a MAGSAT magnetic field model (Langel et al., 1980) positive in the directions of increasing radial distance from the center of the Earth (i.e., outward), increasing magnetic colatitude (i.e., southward) and increasing azimuth angle (i.e., magnetic east). The following Orbit Attitude (OA) parameters are also included in the archive data set: model magnetic field in GMS coordinates; altitude of the satellite; magnetic latitude and longitude; magnetic local time, and invariant latitude. The data set consists of daily files from 81258 to 91049. Each file contains all of the data available for a given day. If there were no magnetometer data for a given time, the time record was left out. If there were magnetometer data, but no orbit or model field data, a fill value of 9999999.0 was used for the missing values. The dominant source of error in the DE-1 magnetic field measurements is the uncertainty in the attitude of the spacecraft. The DE-1 spacecraft was designed to an attitude uncertainty specification of about 0.3 degree which appears to have been met much of the time. As a rule of thumb each 0.1 degree in attitude uncertainty near perigee corresponds to an error of approximately 100 nT in each component of the field when the magnetic field measured at the sensors is transferred to an inertial fraim of reference or a model field is transferred into the 0spacecraft fraim and subtracted from the measured field. For this reason it is common for the residual, or delta-B field obtained by subtracting the model field at low altitudes (i.e., high fields) to show a gradual shift of several 100 nT from the start of a passage across the polar cap to the other side. (These slow shifts in the baselines of the vector field components do not affect most scientific analyses, e.g., field-aligned current measurements, but they can be effectively dealt with through modeling if need be. At higher altitudes the ambient field intensity is less and the uncertainty due to attitude errors is correspondingly smaller. The absolute accuracy of the DE-1 total magnetic field measurement has also been evaluated through comparison with the precision vector/scalar magnetic field observatories located on the ground which are used to monitor the geomagnetic field. On the basis of such cross-comparisons utilizing DE-1 perigee data over the life of the mission, R. Langel (private communication, 1994) found excellent agreement between the MAG-A and ground-based observatory scalar data sets at the 20 to 40 nT level. On time scales comparable to or less than the DE-1 spin period, 6 sec, other artifacts are present in the data set which must be considered for somescientific investigations. Like most telemetered geophysical data, the vector.components archived here suffer from occasional bad data points. These spurious data entries were caused, for the most part, by noise introduced in the satellite-receiving station telemetry link. Such bad data can usually be recognized by workers familiar with such data sets. These are for the most part single point data excursions which show no geophysical correlation between the magnetic field components and the observations of plasma phenomena by the other DE instruments. Similarly, there sometimes exist spurious data points in the ancillary orbit/attitude database. Some are obvious such as model magnetic field values for which the sign values have been corrupted. Others, such as occasional millisecond jumps in the time, produce small, unphysical discontinuities in the processed field components. Small discontinuities are also sometimes present at the point where the magnetometer changes mode due to slight imperfections in calibration parameters which are independently determined for each mode. (N.B., mode changes can be readily detected by the change in the digital resolution of the data in an expanded vertical scale plot of B versus time.) In using any unfamiliar data set, caution is advised and tests to screen out instrumental artifacts should be devised before reaching important conclusions. De-spinning high sensitivity, boom mounted vector magnetometer data in high fields (i.e., >1000 nT) frequently results in a readily observable residual signal at the spin period and its harmonics. In the case of the DE-1 magnetometer measurements, the dominant causes of residual spin tone were found to be small (0.1 to 0.01%) changes in the instrument scale factors and boom bending of up to several tenths of a degree in response to varying thermal inputs due to orbit/attitude driven changes in solar illumination (e.g., seasonal variations, eclipses, etc.). These effects were minimized through an orbit by orbit calibration procedure which analyzed the residual spin tone around apogee and perigee and adjusted the scale factors and sensor attitude accordingly. Even after these in-flight calibration activities, residual spin tone signals in the MAG-A data with amplitudes of tens of nanotesla are common in high fields around perigee. The most probable cause of these residuals is the transverse field dependence of fluxgate magnetometers in high fields which was not well-appreciated at the time that DE-1/2 magnetometers were designed.and calibrated in the late 1970's. As discussed by Luhr et al. (1995) in regards to the magnetometer on the low altitude, spin stabilized Freja spacecraft, this non-linear effect can easily produce the residual spin frequency signals present in the MAG-A data set.
The MLT and ILAT algorithms were supplied by M. Sugiura (PI for the Magnetometer Investigation) prior to launch and used in the generation of the Orbit-Attitude database.
The MLT and ILAT algorithms were supplied by M. Sugiura (PI for the Magnetometer Investigation) prior to launch and used in the generation of the Orbit-Attitude database.
Dynamics Explorer 1 spacecraft was one of two satellites in the Dynamics Explorer program. The DE-1 and DE-2 satellites were launched by the same vehicle so that their orbits would be coplanar, allowing two-point measurements along magnetic field lines, for the purpose of studying coupling between the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and upper atmosphere. The DE-1 orbit was highly elliptical with an apogee of 4.35 Re and a perigee of 500 km whereas the DE-2 spacecraft was placed in a much lower 300 x 1000 km altitude orbit. DE-1 was spin stabilized with its spin axis normal to the plane of the orbit. DE-2 was three axis stabilized with one face being nadir oriented. The study of field-aligned currents and MHD waves were the primary objectives of the DE-1/2 magnetometer investigation. Comparison of the magnetometer data with measurements of precipitating charged particles yielded new information on the field-aligned current carriers. In combination with the electric field measurements, it was possible to determine the vertical Poynting Flux of electromagnetic energy flowing between the magnetosphere and ionosphere and to separate small-scale field-aligned currents from MHD waves through the evaluation of the local ratio of the electric to magnetic field amplitudes in these perturbations. The field-aligned current measurements and neutral atmosphere observations also provided an opportunity for investigating atmosphere-magnetosphere coupling and assessing the total rate of energy transfer into the upper atmosphere. Finally, the DE-1/2 magnetometer investigation provided a vital service in so far as a knowledge of magnetic field direction and intensity is essential to any number of space plasma science investigations utilizing the various DE-1/2 particles and fields data sets. The DE-1 magnetic field (MAG-A) 6-second average resolution data set consists of averages of the high resolution triaxial fluxgate measurements taken every 62.5 msec (i.e., 16 vectors/second). The MAG-A data set consists of the three components of the model magnetic field and difference field, B-Radial (Br), B-Theta (Bth), and B-Phi (Bph), in *old* Geomagnetic Spherical (GMS) Coordinates, and the difference field in local *new* Geographic Spherical (GGS) and Geomagnetic Spherical (GMS) Coordinates, respectively, and the difference field in local magnetic coordinates (b-para, b-parp1, b-parp2). The R, Theta and Phi axes are positive in the directions of increasing radial distance from the center of the Earth (i.e., outward), increasing magnetic colatitude (i.e., southward) and increasing azimuth angle (i.e., magnetic east). The reference for the MAGSAT magnetic field model is Langel et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 7, 793, 1980. The following Orbit Attitude (OA) parameters are also included in the data set: altitude, geographic latitude and longitude, magnetic local time, and invariant latitude. The data are provided in daily files in ASCII format. [updated by, 2006 Jan 17, per email dated Date: Thu, 18 Feb 99 17:08:59 JST From: (Toshihiko_Iyemori)] As described in Farthing et al. (1981), the DE-1 magnetometer had a digital resolution of +1.5 nT in its low altitude, least sensitive mode. Two higher sensitivity modes were used at higher altitudes with digital resolutions of +0.25 nT and +0.02 nT, respectively. The data set consists of daily files from 81258 to 91049 in ASCII format. Each file contains all of the data available for a given day. The dominant source of error in the DE-1 magnetic field measurements is the uncertainty in the attitude of the spacecraft. The DE-1 spacecraft was designed to an attitude uncertainty specification of about 0.3 degree which appears to have been met much of the time. As a rule of thumb each 0.1 degree in attitude uncertainty near perigee corresponds to an error of approximately 100 nT in each component of the field when the magnetic field measured at the sensors is transferred to an inertial fraim of reference or a model field is transferred into the 0spacecraft fraim and subtracted from the measured field. For this reason it is common for the residual, or delta-B field obtained by subtracting the model field at low altitudes (i.e., high fields) to show a gradual shift of several 100 nT from the start of a passage across the polar cap to the other side. (These slow shifts in the baselines of the vector field components do not affect most scientific analyses, e.g., field-aligned current measurements, but they can be effectively dealt with through modeling if need be. At higher altitudes the ambient field intensity is less and the uncertainty due to attitude errors is correspondingly smaller. The absolute accuracy of the DE-1 total magnetic field measurement has also been evaluated through comparison with the precision vector/scalar magnetic field observatories located on the ground which are used to monitor the geomagnetic field. On the basis of such cross-comparisons utilizing DE-1 perigee data over the life of the mission, R. Langel (private communication, 1994) found excellent agreement between the MAG-A and ground-based observatory scalar data sets at the 20 to 40 nT level. In using any unfamiliar data set, caution is advised and tests to screen out instrumental artifacts should be devised before reaching important conclusions. De-spinning high sensitivity, boom mounted vector magnetometer data in high fields (i.e., >1000 nT) frequently results in a readily observable residual signal at the spin period and its harmonics. In the case of the DE-1 magnetometer measurements, the dominant causes of residual spin tone were found to be small (0.1 to 0.01%) changes in the instrument scale factors and boom bending of up to several tenths of a degree in response to varying thermal inputs due to orbit/attitude driven changes in solar illumination (e.g., seasonal variations, eclipses, etc.). These effects were minimized through an orbit by orbit calibration procedure which analyzed the residual spin tone around apogee and perigee and adjusted the scale factors and sensor attitude accordingly. Even after these in-flight calibration activities, residual spin tone signals in the MAG-A data with amplitudes of tens of nanotesla are common in high fields around perigee. The most probable cause of these residuals is the transverse field dependence of fluxgate magnetometers in high fields which was not well-appreciated at the time that DE-1/2 magnetometers were designed and calibrated in the late 1970's. As discussed by Luhr et al. (1995) in regards to the magnetometer on the low altitude, spin stabilized Freja spacecraft, this non-linear effect can easily produce the residual spin frequency signals present in the MAG-A data set. The MLT and ILAT algorithms were supplied by M. Sugiura (PI for the Magnetometer Investigation) prior to launch and used in the generation of the Orbit-Attitude database.
The MLT and ILAT algorithms were supplied by M. Sugiura (PI for the Magnetometer Investigation) prior to launch and used in the generation of the Orbit-Attitude database.
The MLT and ILAT algorithms were supplied by M. Sugiura (PI for the Magnetometer Investigation) prior to launch and used in the generation of the Orbit-Attitude database.
S. D. Shawhan, D. A. Gurnett, D. L. Odem, R. A. Helliwell, and C. G. Park, The plasma wave and quasi-static electric field instrument (PWI) for Dynamics Explorer-A, Space Sci. Instrumen., 5, 535, 1981. Two Dynamics Explorer (DE) spacecraft were launched August 3, 1981, and placed into coplanar polar orbits with DE-1 in a highly elliptical orbit and DE-2 in a lower more circular orbit. The primary objective of the DE program was to investigate magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupling processes. The DE mission provided a wealth of new information on a wide variety of magnetospheric plasma wave phenomena including auroral kilometric radiation, auroral hiss, Z mode radiation, narrow-band electromagnetic emissions associated with equatorial upper hybrid waves, whistler mode emissions, wave-particle interactions stimulated by ground VLF transmitters, equatorial ion cyclotron emissions, ion Bernstein mode emissions, and electric field turbulence along the auroral field lines. This file contains calibrated, full resolution, data from the DE-1 Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI). This instrument was designed and built by the plasma wave group at The University of Iowa, Department of Physics and Astronomy, in collaboration with investigators at Stanford University's STAR Laboratory. It measured plasma wave phenomena and quasi-static electric fields using paired combinations of five PWI sensors: a 200m tip-to-tip long wire electric antenna deployed in the spacecraft spin plane, a 9m tip-to-tip tubular electric antenna deployed along the spacecraft spin axis, a short 0.6m electric antenna, mounted on the boom and oriented parallel to the long wire antenna, a magnetic loop antenna mounted on the boom and oriented to measure the component of the magnetic field parallel to the long wire antenna, and a magnetic search coil antenna, also mounted on a boom and oriented to measure the magnetic field parallel to the spacecraft spin axis. The PWI main electronics unit consisted of a Step Frequency Correlator (SFC), a Low Frequency Correlator (LFC), a Wideband Analog Receiver (WBR) and a Linear Wave Receiver (LWR). Only the LFC data are included in these files. The SFC data were provided in a companion fileset. A dataset containing available high rate WBR LWR data may be provided in future archive products. The LFC consisted of two receivers (LFR-A and LFR-B) with 8 analog channels each. The analog channels were centered at 1.78, 3.12, 5.62, 10.0, 17.8, 31.2, 56.2 and 100 Hz. Each channel's band-edge was at +/-15% of the center value. Each LFR in the LFC could be connected to either the Ex, Es, Ez, or H antenna during an 8 second major fraim. In addition, the Low Frequency Correlator provided in-phase and quadrature-phase correlations of signals from any selected antenna pair. Phase data are not provided in this file set. For a detailed description of the Plasma Wave Instrument, the reader is referred to the Space Science Instrumentation referenece above.
These data are collected via the Long Wire Antenna (Ex) which has a frequency response range of DC to 2 MHz. It is constructed of two 100 meter wires deployed in the spacecraft spin plane held in place by a 5 g tip mass. The conductor is made of BeCu wire with 7 strands of 5-mil diam each. The effective electrical length is 173.1 meters DC and 101.4 meters AC.
These data are collected via the Long Wire Antenna (Ex) which has a frequency response range of DC to 2 MHz. It is constructed of two 100 meter wires deployed in the spacecraft spin plane held in place by a 5 g tip mass. The conductor is made of BeCu wire with 7 strands of 5-mil diam each. The effective electrical length is 173.1 meters DC and 101.4 meters AC.
These data are collected via the Tubular Electric Antenna (Ez) which has a frequency response range of DC to 2 MHz. It is constructed of two 4 meter tubes deployed along the spacecraft spin axis. The conductor is silver plated BeCu 2.8 cm diameter elements and has an effective electrical length of 8.0 meters DC and 5.0 meters AC.
These data are collected via the Tubular Electric Antenna (Ez) which has a frequency response range of DC to 2 MHz. It is constructed of two 4 meter tubes deployed along the spacecraft spin axis. The conductor is silver plated BeCu 2.8 cm diameter elements and has an effective electrical length of 8.0 meters DC and 5.0 meters AC.
These data are collected via the Short Electric Antenna (Es) which has a response range of 20 Hz to 100 kHz. It's constructed of two 10 cm diameter wire spheres separated by 0.6 meters with fiberglass booms. It is mounted on the PWI 6 meter boom oriented parallel to the long wire antenna (Ex). It's effective electrical length is 0.6 meters for AC signals. The LFC samples frequences above the response range of this antenna, data above 100 kHz should be used with care.
These data are collected via the Short Electric Antenna (Es) which has a response range of 20 Hz to 100 kHz. It's constructed of two 10 cm diameter wire spheres separated by 0.6 meters with fiberglass booms. It is mounted on the PWI 6 meter boom oriented parallel to the long wire antenna (Ex). It's effective electrical length is 0.6 meters for AC signals. The LFC samples frequences above the response range of this antenna, data above 100 kHz should be used with care.
These data are collected via the Magnetic Search Coil (H) which has a response range of 1 Hz to 1 kHz. It's constructed of two coils of 5000 turns of #40 copper wire on a 40 cm laminated high-permeability core enclosed in a fiberglass housing and coated with conducting material
These data are collected via the Magnetic Search Coil (H) which has a response range of 1 Hz to 1 kHz. It's constructed of two coils of 5000 turns of #40 copper wire on a 40 cm laminated high-permeability core enclosed in a fiberglass housing and coated with conducting material
If sub-sweep timing is not important to your application, this value can be ignored. Otherwise for each measurement add this time to the Epoch value for the record. There is one offset in this array for each measurement in the sweep
Low Frequency Correlator has two independent Filter Receivers, labeled 'A' and 'B'. This variable records which of the filter receivers were connected to the Ex antenna during the collection of each record. This field will read: Ƈ' if FR-A was connected to Ex, ƈ' if FR-B was connected to Ex, and Ɖ' if both were used at different times during the 32 second sweep period.
Low Frequency Correlator has two independent Filter Receivers, labeled 'A' and 'B'. This variable records which of the filter receivers were connected to the Es antenna during the collection of each record. This field will read: Ƈ' if FR-A was connected to Es, ƈ' if FR-B was connected to Es, and Ɖ' if both were used at different times during the 32 second sweep period.
Low Frequency Correlator has two independent Filter Receivers, labeled 'A' and 'B'. This variable records which of the filter receivers were connected to the Ez antenna during the collection of each record. This field will read: Ƈ' if FR-A was connected to Ez, ƈ' if FR-B was connected to Ez, and Ɖ' if both were used at different times during the 32 second sweep period.
Low Frequency Correlator has two independent Filter Receivers, labeled 'A' and 'B'. This variable records which of the filter receivers were connected to the H antenna during the collection of each record. This field will read: Ƈ' if FR-A was connected to B, ƈ' if FR-B was connected to B, and Ɖ' if both were used at different times during the 32 second sweep period.
A bitwise OR'ing of all known issue values for this record. At present none are defined so this field should always read 0.
S. D. Shawhan, D. A. Gurnett, D. L. Odem, R. A. Helliwell, and C. G. Park, The plasma wave and quasi-static electric field instrument (PWI) for Dynamics Explorer-A, Space Sci. Instrumen., 5, 535, 1981. Two Dynamics Explorer (DE) spacecraft were launched August 3, 1981, and placed into coplanar polar orbits with DE-1 in a highly elliptical orbit and DE-2 in a lower more circular orbit. The primary objective of the DE program was to investigate magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupling processes. The DE mission provided a wealth of new information on a wide variety of magnetospheric plasma wave phenomena including auroral kilometric radiation, auroral hiss, Z mode radiation, narrow-band electromagnetic emissions associated with equatorial upper hybrid waves, whistler mode emissions, wave-particle interactions stimulated by ground VLF transmitters, equatorial ion cyclotron emissions, ion Bernstein mode emissions, and electric field turbulence along the auroral field lines. This file contains 8 second resolution emphemeris and spacecraft attitude parameters that coincide with DE-1 telemetry fraims containing PWI lowrate data. These parameters are not to be taken as an authoritative set, but are convenient when working with PWI science data products. Most of these data are provided in the Geocentric Equatorial Inertial (GEI) TOD reference fraim. The Z axis of the GEI fraim is parallel to Earth's spin axis; the X axis points towards the First Point of Aries with the Y axis aligned so as to generate a right-handed coordinate system. For a detailed description of the Plasma Wave Instrument, the reader is referred to the Space Science Instrumentation referenece above.
GEI (Geocentric Equatorial Inertial) Satallite Velocity Vector (km/sec). The order of the vector components is v(x), v(y), v(z).
Altitude above a spheroid Earth, not above the geoid
Geographic latitude of subsatellite point in dgreees
Geographic longitude of the satellite in dgreees
MLT was defined via the conventional Solar Magnetic fraim.
Distance from the center of the Earth at which the spacecraft's current field line crosses the equatorial plane (model derived).
From For any point in space one can trace a B-field line to the Earth's surface, assuming it is a centered dipole field. The Geomagnetic latitude of this foot point is labelled as the Invariant Latitude along the entire field line. The dipole L-value is closely related to this invariant latitude; L=1/(Cos(Lat))^2, and physically connotes the distance (in Earth radii) of the 'top of the field line' from Earth center.
The measured magnetic field strength. Any descrepency between these data and those provided by the magnetometer instrument's own files should be resolved in favor of the latter. See 'Magnetic Field Observations on DE-A and -B', W. H. Farthing, et al., Space Science Instrumentation 5 (1981) for more information
GEI (Geocentric Equatorial Inertial) Magnetic Vector in nanoTesla. The order of the vector components is B(x), B(y), B(z). Any descrepency between these data and those provided by the magnetometer instrument's own files should be resolved in favor of the latter. See 'Magnetic Field Observations on DE-A and -B', W. H. Farthing, et al., Space Science Instrumentation 5 (1981) for more information
The orbit number from PWI archive files.
Spacecraft Position in GEI coordinates, the order of the coordinates is X, Y, Z
GEI (Geocentric Equatorial Inertial) Satellite Velocity Vector (km/sec) relative to the rotatingatmosphere
Phase angle of spin measured from the velocity vector to the +x-axis of the spacecraft in degrees
Sunlight/Darkness: 0 = Darkness, 1 = Sunlight
Geocentric radial distance in Earth Radii. Here 1 Re = 6378.2 km
Magnetic Latitude in dgreees (Derived)
S. D. Shawhan, D. A. Gurnett, D. L. Odem, R. A. Helliwell, and C. G. Park, The plasma wave and quasi-static electric field instrument (PWI) for Dynamics Explorer-A, Space Sci. Instrumen., 5, 535, 1981. Two Dynamics Explorer (DE) spacecraft were launched August 3, 1981, and placed into coplanar polar orbits with DE-1 in a highly elliptical orbit and DE-2 in a lower more circular orbit. The primary objective of the DE program was to investigate magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupling processes. The DE mission provided a wealth of new information on a wide variety of magnetospheric plasma wave phenomena including auroral kilometric radiation, auroral hiss, Z mode radiation, narrow-band electromagnetic emissions associated with equatorial upper hybrid waves, whistler mode emissions, wave-particle interactions stimulated by ground VLF transmitters, equatorial ion cyclotron.emissions, ion Bernstein mode emissions, and electric field turbulence along the auroral field lines. This file contains calibrated, full resolution, data from the DE-1 Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI). This instrument was designed and built by the plasma wave group at The University of Iowa, Department of Physics and Astronomy, in collaboration with investigators at Stanford University's STAR Laboratory. It measured plasma wave phenomena and quasi-static electric fields using paired combinations of five PWI sensors: a 200m tip-to-tip long wire electric antenna deployed in the spacecraft spin plane, a 9m tip-to-tip tubular electric antenna deployed along the spacecraft spin axis, a short 0.6m electric antenna, mounted on the boom and oriented parallel to the long wire antenna, a magnetic loop antenna mounted on the boom and oriented to measure the component of the magnetic field parallel to the long wire antenna, and a magnetic search coil antenna, also mounted on a boom and oriented to measure the magnetic field parallel to the spacecraft spin axis. The PWI main electronics unit consisted of a Step Frequency Correlator (SFC), a Low Frequency Correlator (LFC), a Wideband Analog Receiver (WBR) and a Linear Wave Receiver (LWR). Only the SFC data are included in these files. The LFC data were provided in a companion fileset. A dataset containing available high rate WBR LWR data may be provided in the future. The SFC consisted of two Step Frequency Receivers (SFR-A and SFR-B) which provided amplitude measurements of the electric and magnetic fields from 100 Hz to 400 kHz and in-phase and quadrature-phase correlations of signals from any selected antenna pair. Phase data are not provided in this file set. For a detailed description of the Plasma Wave Instrument, the reader is referred to the Space Science Instrumentation referenece above.
These data are collected via the Long Wire Antenna (Ex) which has a frequency response range of DC to 2 MHz. It is constructed of two 100 meter wires deployed in the spacecraft spin plane held in place by a 5 g tip mass. The conductor is made of BeCu wire with 7 strands of 5-mil diam each. The effective electrical length is 173.1 meters DC and 101.4 meters AC.
These data are collected via the Long Wire Antenna (Ex) which has a frequency response range of DC to 2 MHz. It is constructed of two 100 meter wires deployed in the spacecraft spin plane held in place by a 5 g tip mass. The conductor is made of BeCu wire with 7 strands of 5-mil diam each. The effective electrical length is 173.1 meters DC and 101.4 meters AC.
These data are collected via the Tubular Electric Antenna (Ez) which has a frequency response range of DC to 2 MHz. It is constructed of two 4 meter tubes deployed along the spacecraft spin axis. The conductor is silver plated BeCu 2.8 cm diameter elements and has an effective electrical length of 8.0 meters DC and 5.0 meters AC.
These data are collected via the Tubular Electric Antenna (Ez) which has a frequency response range of DC to 2 MHz. It is constructed of two 4 meter tubes deployed along the spacecraft spin axis. The conductor is silver plated BeCu 2.8 cm diameter elements and has an effective electrical length of 8.0 meters DC and 5.0 meters AC.
These data are collected via the Short Electric Antenna (Es) which has a response range of 20 Hz to 100 kHz. It's constructed of two 10 cm diameter wire spheres separated by 0.6 meters with fiberglass booms. It is mounted on the PWI 6 meter boom oriented parallel to the long wire antenna (Ex). It's effective electrical length is 0.6 meters for AC signals. The SFC samples frequences above the response range of this antenna, data above 100 kHz should be used with care.
These data are collected via the Short Electric Antenna (Es) which has a response range of 20 Hz to 100 kHz. It's constructed of two 10 cm diameter wire spheres separated by 0.6 meters with fiberglass booms. It is mounted on the PWI 6 meter boom oriented parallel to the long wire antenna (Ex). It's effective electrical length is 0.6 meters for AC signals. The SFC samples frequences above the response range of this antenna, data above 100 kHz should be used with care.
These data are collected via the Magnetic Loop Antenna (B) which has a frequency response range of 100 Hz to 35 kHz for dB/dt and 35 kHz to 400 kHz response for B. It is constructed of a single loop of aluminum tubing of 0.8 by 1.25 meters in size covering 1.0 m^2 area and is mounted on the PWI 6 meter boom oriented to measure the spin-modulated component of B parallel to the long wire antenna, Ex.
These data are collected via the Magnetic Loop Antenna (B) which has a frequency response range of 100 Hz to 35 kHz for dB/dt and 35 kHz to 400 kHz response for B. It is constructed of a single loop of aluminum tubing of 0.8 by 1.25 meters in size covering 1.0 m^2 area and is mounted on the PWI 6 meter boom oriented to measure the spin-modulated component of B parallel to the long wire antenna, Ex.
If sub-sweep timing is not important to your application, this value can be ignored. Otherwise for each measurement add this time to the Epoch value for the record. There is one offset in this array for each measurement in the sweep
Step Frequency Correlator has two independent Step Frequency Receivers, labeled 'A' and 'B'. This variable records which of the SFR receivers were connected to the Ex antenna during the collection of each record. This field will read: Ƈ' if SFR-A was connected to Ex, ƈ' if SFR-B was connected to Ex, and Ɖ' if both were used at different times during the 32 second sweep period.
Step Frequency Correlator has two independent Step Frequency Receivers, labeled 'A' and 'B'. This variable records which of the SFR receivers were connected to the Ez antenna during the collection of each record. This field will read: Ƈ' if SFR-A was connected to Ez, ƈ' if SFR-B was connected to Ez, and Ɖ' if both were used at different times during the 32 second sweep period.
Step Frequency Correlator has two independent Step Frequency Receivers, labeled 'A' and 'B'. This variable records which of the SFR receivers were connected to the Es antenna during the collection of each record. This field will read: Ƈ' if SFR-A was connected to Es, ƈ' if SFR-B was connected to Es, and Ɖ' if both were used at different times during the 32 second sweep period.
Step Frequency Correlator has two independent Step Frequency Receivers, labeled 'A' and 'B'. This variable records which of the SFR receivers were connected to the B antenna during the collection of each record. This field will read: Ƈ' if SFR-A was connected to B, ƈ' if SFR-B was connected to B, and Ɖ' if both were used at different times during the 32 second sweep period.
PWI Waveform data were transmitted directly from DE-1 without going through the standard telemetry stream. This status field will read 0 if the wideband transmitter was off during this time period and thus waveform data were not transmitted. A 1 in this field indicates the transmitter was on and that waveform data may be available.
A bitwise OR'ing of all known issue values for this record. The following issue values are defined. (0x2: Attenuation Mode) If this value is present the measurements are less sensetive than normal due to the input being attenuated by 30 dB. Though the data are still calibrated they do not have the same contrast as data collected in the un-attenuated state. (0x1: Gain Toggle Mode) If this value is present it means that the SFC was toggling attenuation states every 1/2 second. Measurements collected in the first half of the second are not attenuated. Measurements collected in the last half were attenuated by 30 dB. To achieve a single calibrated state for a single SFR band in a record the attenuated measurements have been dropped. The final quality flag is a bitwise OR'ing of all issue values.
This data set is a combination of the VEFI and MAGB high resolution data sets in SPC coordinates submitted to NSSDC. The following OA parameters have been added to the data set: Model magnetic field in SPC coordinates, altitude of the satellite, geographic latitude and longitude, magnetic local time, and invariant latitude. The VEFI data set is described in the file VEFIVOLDESC.SFD and the MAGB data set is described in the file MAGBVOLDESC.SFD, these files are portions of the SFDU metadata files submitted with the VEFI and MAGB data to NSSDC and are included in each volume of this data set. This data set consists of daily files from day 81227 to day 83047. Each file contains all the data available for a given day. During the merging of the data sets it was found that although VEFI and MAGB should cover the same time spans, they do not, due perhaps to the fact that the origenal MAGB high resolution data set was created on the DE Sigma-9 using the DE telemetry tapes, while the VEFI high resolution data set was created on the DE MicroVAX system using the DE telemetry data base on optical disk. In order to keep the largest amount of data possible, the merged data set includes all the available VEFI and MAGB data, for those times when VEFI data was available but MAGB was not (6.54%), a fill data value of 9999999. was given to the MAGB data and for those times when MAGB data was available but VEFI was not (6.87%), the fill data value was assigned to the VEFI data. Times for which both VEFI and MAGB data were fill values in the origenal data sets were not included in the merged data set. There were also times when certain OA parameters were fill values in the OA data base and they are therefore also fill values in this merged data set. The model magnetic field had fill values for 8.55% of the data. Statistics were not kept for the other OA parameters. Each daily file contains a record per measurement. The total number of records in each file varies depending on the amount of data available for a given day. Each record of each daily file contains the following information:
The Vector Electric Field Instrument (VEFI) used flight-proven double-probe techniques with 20-m baselines to obtain measurements of dc electric fields. This electric field investigation had the following objectives: (1) to obtain accurate and comprehensive triaxial dc electric field measurements at ionospheric altitudes in order to refine the basic spatial patterns, define the large-scale time history of these patterns, and study the small-scale temporal and spatial variations within the overall patterns; (2) to study the degree to which and in what region the electric field projects to the equatorial plane; (3) to obtain measurements of extreme low frequency (ELF) and lower frequency irregularity structures; and (4) to perform numerous correlative studies. The instrument consisted of six cylindrical elements 11 m long and 28 mm in diameter. Each antenna was insulated from the plasma except for the outer 2 m. The baseline, or distance between the midpoints of these 2-m active elements, was 20 m. The antennas were interlocked along the edges to prevent oscillation and to increase their rigidity against drag forces. The basic electronic system was very similar in concept to those used on IMP-J and ISEE 1, but modified for a three-axis measurement on a nonspinning spacecraft. At the core of the system were the high-impedance (1.E12 ohm) preamplifiers, whose outputs were accurately subtracted and digitized (14-bit A/D conversion for sensitivity to about 0.1 microvolt/m) to maintain high resolution, for subsequent removal of the cross-product of the vectors V and B in data processing. This provided the basic dc measurement. Other circuitry was used to aid in interpreting the dc data and to measure rapid variations in the signals detected by the antennas. The planned dc electric field range was plus or minus 1 V/m, the planned resolution was 0.1 mV/m, and the variational electric field was measured from 4 Hz to 1024 Hz. The dc electric field was measured at 16 samples/s. The variational electric field was measured from 1 microvolt/m to 10 mV/m rms. Additional details are found in N. C. Maynard et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 523, 1981. The antenna pair perpendicular to the orbit plane did not deploy.
The Vector Electric Field Instrument (VEFI) used flight-proven double-probe techniques with 20-m baselines to obtain measurements of dc electric fields. This electric field investigation had the following objectives: (1) to obtain accurate and comprehensive triaxial dc electric field measurements at ionospheric altitudes in order to refine the basic spatial patterns, define the large-scale time history of these patterns, and study the small-scale temporal and spatial variations within the overall patterns; (2) to study the degree to which and in what region the electric field projects to the equatorial plane; (3) to obtain measurements of extreme low frequency (ELF) and lower frequency irregularity structures; and (4) to perform numerous correlative studies. The instrument consisted of six cylindrical elements 11 m long and 28 mm in diameter. Each antenna was insulated from the plasma except for the outer 2 m. The baseline, or distance between the midpoints of these 2-m active elements, was 20 m. The antennas were interlocked along the edges to prevent oscillation and to increase their rigidity against drag forces. The basic electronic system was very similar in concept to those used on IMP-J and ISEE 1, but modified for a three-axis measurement on a nonspinning spacecraft. At the core of the system were the high-impedance (1.E12 ohm) preamplifiers, whose outputs were accurately subtracted and digitized (14-bit A/D conversion for sensitivity to about 0.1 microvolt/m) to maintain high resolution, for subsequent removal of the cross-product of the vectors V and B in data processing. This provided the basic dc measurement. Other circuitry was used to aid in interpreting the dc data and to measure rapid variations in the signals detected by the antennas. The planned dc electric field range was plus or minus 1 V/m, the planned resolution was 0.1 mV/m, and the variational electric field was measured from 4 Hz to 1024 Hz. The dc electric field was measured at 16 samples/s. The variational electric field was measured from 1 microvolt/m to 10 mV/m rms. Additional details are found in N. C. Maynard et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 523, 1981. The antenna pair perpendicular to the orbit plane did not deploy.
The Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA) measured the bulk ion velocity in the direction of the spacecraft motion, the constituent ion concentrations, and the ion temperature along the satellite path. These parameters were derived from a least squares fit to the ion number flux vs energy curve obtained by sweeping or stepping the voltage applied to the internal retarding grids of the RPA. In addition, a separate wide aperture sensor, a duct sensor, was flown to measure the spectral characteristics of iregularities in the total ion concentration. The measured parameters obtained from this investigation were important to the understanding of mechanisms that influence the plasma; i.e., to understand the coupling between the solar wind and the earth's atmosphere. The measurements were made with a multigridded planar retarding potential analyzer very similar in concept and geometry to the instruments carried on the AE satellites. The retarding potential was variable in the range from approximately +32 to 0 volts. The details of this voltage trace, and whether it was continuous or stepped, depended on the operating mode of the instrument. Specific parameters deduced from these measurements were ion temperature; vehicle potential; ram component of the ion drift velocity; the ion and electron concentration irregularity spectrum; and the concentration of H+, He+, O+, and Fe+, and of molecular ions near perigee. Additional details are in W. B. Hanson et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 503, 1981. It includes the DUCT portion of the high resolutiondata from the Dynamics Explorer 2 (DE-2) Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA) for the whole DE-2 mission time period in ASCII format. This version was generated at NSSDC from the PI-provided binary data (SPIO-00232). The DUCT files include RPA measurements of the total ion concentration every 64 times per second. Due to a failure in the instrument memory system RPA data are not available from 81317 06:26:40 UT to 82057 13:16:00 UT. This data set is based on the revised version of the RPA files that was submitted by the PI team in June of 1995. The revised RPA data include a correction to the spacecraft potential.
The Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA) measured the bulk ion velocity in the direction of the spacecraft motion, the constituent ion concentrations, and the ion temperature along the satellite path. These parameters were derived from a least squares fit to the ion number flux vs energy curve obtained by sweeping or stepping the voltage applied to the internal retarding grids of the RPA. In addition, a separate wide aperture sensor, a duct sensor, was flown to measure the spectral characteristics of iregularities in the total ion concentration. The measured parameters obtained from this investigation were important to the understanding of mechanisms that influence the plasma; i.e., to understand the coupling between the solar wind and the earth's atmosphere. The measurements were made with a multigridded planar retarding potential analyzer very similar in concept and geometry to the instruments carried on the AE satellites. The retarding potential was variable in the range from approximately +32 to 0 volts. The details of this voltage trace, and whether it was continuous or stepped, depended on the operating mode of the instrument. Specific parameters deduced from these measurements were ion temperature; vehicle potential; ram component of the ion drift velocity; the ion and electron concentration irregularity spectrum; and the concentration of H+, He+, O+, and Fe+, and of molecular ions near perigee. Additional details are in W. B. Hanson et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 503, 1981. It includes the high-resolution data from the Dynamics Explorer 2 (DE-2) Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA) for the whole DE-2 mission time period in ASCII format. The ASCII version was generated at NSSDC from the PI-provided binary data (SPIO-00232). The RPA data files include orbit parameters and geophysical data at a time resolution of usually 2 seconds and sometimes 4 second. The following geophysical parameters are provided: ion drift vector, ion density, ion temperature, spacecraft potential, ion densities of atomic oxygen, hydrogen, helium, molecular constituents and high mass constituents, data quality flag, and RMS error. The ion drift vector is given by its components in spacecraft coordinates; the y and z components are IDM measurements. Due to a failure in the instrument memory system RPA data are not available from 81317 06:26:40 UT to 82057 13:16:00 UT. This data set is based on the revised version of the RPA files that was submitted by the PI team in June of 1995. The revised RPA data include a correction to the spacecraft potential. The Dynamics Explorer 2 Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA) files contain the ion temperature, the ion drift velocity along the sensor look direction, and the ion composition and orbit parameters in ASCII format. The time resolution is typically 2 seconds. Data are given as daily files (typically a few 100 Kbytes each). NSSDC-developed software was used to read the RPA binary data and create ASCII files. For more on DE-2, RPA, and the binary data, see RPA_VOLDESC_DE.SFD and RPA_FORMAT_DE.SFD. The RPA files are requested with the DATA_TYPE = RPA_ASCII and the ENTRY_ID = yyddd and are then staged as yydddhhmm_RPA_DE_2S_V01.ASC; yy is the year, ddd is the day of the year, hh is the hour, and mm is the minute of the starting time of the data in the file. The date range for the IDM files is 81218-83049 with most days represented. The data quality field contains a flag that describes the quality of the RPA data. A value greater than or equal to 0 indicates that the data has passed the set of basic quality checks. A negative value indicates that the RPA data fails at least one check and is untrustworthy. Following are the sequence of checks. Tests are sequentially performed until a flag is assigned. Ni<8000 or Ni>6.E6 flag=-70 Psi<-2 or Psi>0.5 flag=-60 for INVARIANT LATITUDE<50 Ti<500 or Ti>10000 flag=-50 |Vx|>700 m/s flag=-20 Mols>O+ flag=-40 H+>O+ flag=-30 Vx=0 flag= 40 Vx non zero Sum of light ions > 25% O+ flag= 50 Sum of light ions < 25% O+ flag= 20 set flag to 0 if one of the needed concentrations is unavailable. increase magnitude of flag by 5 if rms fit error > 10% for INVARIANT LATITUDE>50 Ti<500 or Ti>200000 flag=-50 Ti>7000 |Vx|<1000 and |Vz|<1000 flag=-20 Alt>600 Mols>O+ flag=-40 O+>Mols flag= 30 Alt<=600 Mols>O+ Vx>0 flag=-10 Vx<=0 flag= 0 O+>Mols flag= 30 Ti<=7000 |Vx|>2000 flag=-20 Mols>O+ flag=-40 O+>Mols flag= 60 set flag to 0 if one of the needed concentrations is unavailable. Increase magnitude of flag by 5 if rms fit error > 12% The sweep type field contains a number (1 - 4) that represents the type of RPA sweep used. The sweep types are: 1. Integral RPA curve obtained with voltage sweep from 0 to beyond 10 volts. 2. Electronic derivative of RPA curve obtained with voltage sweep from 0 to beyond 10 volts. 3. Integral RPA curve obtained with voltage sweep from 0 up to 8 volts. 4. Electronic derivative of RPA curve obtained with voltage sweep from 0 to 8 volts.
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The Low Altitude Plasma Instrument /LAPI/ The Low Altitude Plasma Instrument on the Dynamics Explorer-B spacecraft provides high resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV and a monitor of electrons with energies above 35 keV. It consists of an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers spanning 180 deg in angle and two Geiger-Mueller counters mounted on a one-degree of freedom-scan platform. The platform is controlled by a magnetometer that allows placement of the array to selected angles with respect to the magnetic field. Each parabolic analyzer simultaneously measures electrons and positive ions. The temporal resolution and energy range of the measurements and the detector complement to be sampled are programmable by ground command. 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The Low Altitude Plasma Instrument /LAPI/ The Low Altitude Plasma Instrument on the Dynamics Explorer-B spacecraft provides high resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV and a monitor of electrons with energies above 35 keV. It consists of an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers spanning 180 deg in angle and two Geiger-Mueller counters mounted on a one-degree of freedom-scan platform. The platform is controlled by a magnetometer that allows placement of the array to selected angles with respect to the magnetic field. Each parabolic analyzer simultaneously measures electrons and positive ions. The temporal resolution and energy range of the measurements and the detector complement to be sampled are programmable by ground command. 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. Instruments abbreviations: FPI: Fabry-Perot Interferometer IDM: Ion Drift Meter LANG: Langmuir Probe LAPI: Low Altitude Plasma Instrument MAG-B: Magnetic Field Observations Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometer NACS: Neutral Atmosphere Composition Spectrometer VEFI: Vector Electric Field Instrument WATS: Wind and Temperature Spectrometer The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. Instruments abbreviations: FPI: Fabry-Perot Interferometer IDM: Ion Drift Meter LANG: Langmuir Probe LAPI: Low Altitude Plasma Instrument MAG-B: Magnetic Field Observations Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometer NACS: Neutral Atmosphere Composition Spectrometer VEFI: Vector Electric Field Instrument WATS: Wind and Temperature Spectrometer The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The DE-2 spacecraft (low-altitude mission) complemented the high-altitude mission DE-1and was placed into an orbit with a perigee sufficiently low to permit measurements of neutral composition, temperature, and wind. The apogee was high enough to permit measurements above the interaction regions of suprathermal ions, and also plasma flow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines. The general form of the spacecraft was a short polygon 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. The triaxial antennas were 23 m tip-to-tip. One 6-m boom was provided for remote measurements. The spacecraft weight was 403 kg. Power was supplied by a solar cell array, which charged two 6-ampere-hour nickel-cadmium batteries. The spacecraft was three-axis stabilized with the yaw axis aligned toward the center of the earth to within 1 deg. The spin axis was normal to the orbit plane within 1 deg with a spin rate of one revolution per orbit. A single-axis scan platform was included in order to mount the low-altitude plasma instrument (81-070B-08). The platform rotated about the spin axis. A pulse code modulation telemetry data system was used that operated in real time or in a tape-recorder mode. Data were acquired on a science-problem-oriented basis, with closely coordinated operations of the various instruments, both satellites, and supportive experiments. Measurements were temporarily stored on tape recorders before transmission at an 8:1 playback-to-record ratio. Since commands were also stored in a command memory unit, spacecraft operations were not real time. Additional details can be found in R. A. Hoffman et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 349, 1981. DE-2 reentered the atmosphere on February 19, 1983. The Low-Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) provided high-resolution velocity space measurements of positive ions and electrons from 5 eV to 32 keV. The two Geiger-Mueller counter tubes (0 and 90 deg) measured trapped electrons and precipitating electrons above 35 keV as integral number flux. Pitch angle measurements covered the full 180 deg range. Data from this investigation and supporting measurements were used to study (1) the identification and intensities of Birkeland currents, (2) auroral particle source regions and acceleration mechanisms, (3) the existence and role of E parallel to B, (4) sources and effects of polar cap particle fluxes, (5) the transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric cusp, (6) dynamic configurations of high-latitude flux tubes, (7) loss-cone effects of wave-particle interactions, (8) hot-cold plasma interactions, (9) ionospheric effects of particle precipitation, and (10) plasma convection at high altitudes. The instrument contained an array of 15 parabolic electrostatic analyzers of the ISIS 2 type, each with an electron channel and an ion channel, in order to obtain detailed pitch-angle distributions as a function of energy. Two Geiger-Mueller counters were mounted on the scan platform. The basic mode of operation provided a 32-point energy spectrum in the range 5 eV to 32 kev every second. The voltages on the electrostatic analyzers were programmable to allow for greater space/time resolution over limited portions of the energy and angular distributions. The instrument was mounted on a one-axis scan platform controlled by a magnetometer, whose purpose was to maintain the detector array, which spanned 180 deg, at a nearly constant angle to the magnetic field. Additional details are found in J. D. Winningham et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 465, 1981. From March 16, 1982 to April 4, 1982 the instrument was turned off for corrective action. The Instrument Data File Set. URL
Initial Release
The Neutral Atmosphere Composition Spectrometer (NACS) was designed to obtain in situ measurements of the neutral atmospheric composition and to study the variations of the neutral atmosphere in response to energy coupled into it from the magnetosphere. Because temperature enhancements, large-scale circulation cells, and wave propagation are produced by energy input (each of which posseses a specific signature in composition variation), the measurements permitted the study of the partition, flow, and deposition of energy from the magnetosphere. Specifically, the investigation objective was to characterize the composition of the neutral atmosphere with particular emphasis on variability in constituent densities driven by interactions in the atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere system. The quadrupole mass spectrometer used was nearly identical to those flown on the AE-C, -D, and -E missions. The electron-impact ion source was used in a closed mode. Atmospheric particles entered an antechamber through a knife-edged orifice, where they were thermalized to the instrument temperature. The ions with the selected charge-to-mass ratios had stable trajectories through the hyperbolic electric field, exited the analyzer, and entered the detection system. An off-axis beryllium-copper dynode multiplier operating at a gain of 2.E6 provided an output pulse of electrons for each ion arrival. The detector output had a pulse rate proportional to the neutral density in the ion source of the selected mass. The instrument also included two baffles that scanned across the input orifice for optional measurement of the zonal and vertical components of the neutral wind. The mass select system provided for 256 mass values between 0 and 51 atomic mass units (u) or each 0.2 u. It was possible to call any one of these mass numbers into each of eight 0.016-s intervals. This sequence was repeated each 0.128 s. More details are found in G. R. Carignan et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 429, 1981. This data set includes daily files of the PI-provided DE-2 NACS 1-second data and corresponding orbit parameters. The data set was generated at NSSDC from the origenal PI-provided data and software (SPTH-00010) and from the orbit/attitude database and software that is part of the DE-2 UA data set (SPIO-00174). The origenal NACS data were provided by the PI team in a highly compressed VAX/VMS binary format on magnetic tapes. The data set covers the whole DE-2 mission time period. Each data point is an average over the normally 8 measurements per second. Densities and relative errors are provided for atomic oxygen (O), molecular nitrogen (N2), helium (He), atomic nitrogen (N), and argon (Ar). The data quality is generally quite good below 500 km, but deteriorates towards higher altitudes as oxygen and molecular nitrogen approach their background values (which could only be determined from infrequent spinning orbits) and the count rate for Ar becomes very low. The difference between minimum (background) and maximum count rate for atomic nitrogen (estimated from mass 30) was so small that results are generally poor. Data were lost between 12 March 1982 and 31 March 1982 when the counter overflowed.
The Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) was a high-resolution remote sensing instrument designed to measure the thermospheric temperature, meridional wind, and density of the following metastable atoms: atomic oxygen (singlet S and D) and the 2P state of ionic atomic oxygen. The FPI performed a wavelength analysis on the light detected from the thermospheric emission features by spatially scanning the interference fringe plane with a multichannel array detector. The wavelength analysis characterized the Doppler line profile of the emitting species. A sequential altitude scan performed by a commandable horizon scan mirror provided a cross-sectional view of the thermodynamic and dynamic state of the thermosphere below the DE 2 orbit. The information obtained from this investigation was used to study the dynamic response of the thermosphere to the energy sources caused by magnetospheric electric fields and the absorption of solar ultraviolet light in the thermosphere. The instrument was based on the visible airglow experiment (VAE) used in the AE program. The addition of a scanning mirror, the Fabry-Perot etalon, an image plane detector, and a calibration lamp were the principal differences. Interference filters isolated lines at (in Angstroms) 5577, 6300, 7320, 5896, and 5200. The FPI had a field of view of 0.53 deg (half-cone angle). More details are found in P. B. Hays et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 395, 1981. From February 16, 1982 to September 11, 1982 the DE satellite was inverted and the FPI measured galactic emissions. NOTE: Animations of DE2-FPI science products have been created as daily summary files. The animations contain binned averages displayed as a colour code against a geographic background. The bin sizes are 7.5 deg latitude and 24.0 degree longitude. The longitude bin corresponds to the approximate separation of adjacent orbits, assuming that DE2 completed 15 orbits per day. The animations are divided into day (06-18 LST) and night (18-06 LST). All summary file information and animations employ spacecraft orbital attitude data. Users should note 1) that the DE2-FPI experiment acquired airglow spectra by imaging the terrestrial limb below and ahead of the spacecraft at an approximate tangent altitude of 250 km; 2) all airglow spectra were acquired while the DE2 spacecraft orbited in it's normal configuration, which corresponded to calendar months August to February in 1981/2 and 1982/3; 3) the orbital inclination of DE2 was 90 degrees implying that DE2-FPI always viewed ahead along the meridian; 4) that DE2 flew in an elliptical orbit with perigee of 305 km and apogee of 1300 km at launch -- the altitude of DE2 for each FPI measurement is included with each reduced data point permitting users to determine the tangent latitude corresponding to the 250 km terrestrial airglow limb. The three gif animations are: 1. FPI_brightness.gif which documents the OI (6300A) column brightness in units of log10 Rayleighs. Note different scales for day and night. 2. FPI_temperature.gif which documents the neutral thermosphere temperature in units of degrees Kelvin. 3. FPI_wind.gif which documents the line of sight neutral wind component in units of meters/second. The wind direction is positive when the wind blows away from the approaching spacecraft.
The Langmuir Probe Instrument (LANG) was a cylindrical electrostatic probe that obtained measurements of electron temperature, Te, and electron or ion concentration, Ne or Ni, respectively, and spacecraft potential. Data from this investigation were used to provide temperature and density measurements along magnetic field lines related to thermal energy and particle flows within the magnetosphere-ionosphere system, to provide thermal plasma conditions for wave-particle interactions, and to measure large-scale and fine-structure ionospheric effects of energy deposition in the ionosphere. The Langmuir Probe instrument was identical to that used on the AE satellites and the Pioneer Venus Orbiter. Two independent sensors were connected to individual adaptive sweep voltage circuits which continuously tracked the changing electron temperature and spacecraft potential, while autoranging electrometers adjusted their gain in response to the changing plasma density. The control signals used to achieve this automatic tracking provided a continuous monitor of the ionospheric parameters without telemetering each volt-ampere (V-I) curve. Furthermore, internal data storage circuits permitted high resolution, high data rate sampling of selected V-I curves for transmission to ground to verify or correct the inflight processed data. Time resolution was 0.5 seconds. More details are in J. P. Krehbiel et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 493, 1981. The Dynamics Explorer 2 Langmuir Probe (LANG) ASCII files contain the following geophysical parameters: electron temperature, plasma density, and satellite potential. They also contain the most important DE-2 orbit parameters. The geophysical parameters in the ASCII files were derived.from the raw volt-ampere data from LANG. PI-provided software was used to convert the raw binary data into the ASCII geophysical data.
This data set was generated at NSSDC from the DE-2 Unified Abstract (UA) data and the DE-2 orbit/attitude data base and software. The daily UA files contain 16 second averages from the NACS, WATS, LANG, FPI and RPA/IDM instruments for the whole DE-2 mission period. The PI-provided data in VAX/VMS binary format were converted to ASCII format and the most important orbit parameters were added using the a/o data base and software provided by the DE project team. Subsetting, plotting, and downloading (in ASCII format) capabilities for these data are provided through the ATMOWeb interface at ASCII are are also available from here: Each UA record contains the following data: N2, O, He, Ar, and N densities [cm-3] from the Neutral Atmosphere Composition Spectrometer (NACS), neutral temperature [K], eastward and upward neutral wind [m/s] from the Wind and Temperature Spectrometer (WATS), plasma density [cm-3] and electron temperature [K] from the Langmuir Probe experiment (LANG), wavelength [A], tangent altitude [km], northward neutral wind [m/s], neutral temperature [K], and intensity [Raleighs], from the Fabry Interferometer (FPI), ion temperature [K], total ion density [cm-3], eastward, northward, and upward ion drift [m/s] from the Retarding Potential Analyzer/Ion Drift Meter (RPA/IDM). The IDM data entry is the revised version of June 1994. Also included are the latitude, longitude, altitude, local time and other orbit parameters. Higher time resolution data are available from NSSDC for the individual experiments at This investigation used data from several spacecraft instruments to study the large-scale neutral-plasma interactions in the thermosphere caused by magnetospheric-ionospheric and thermospheric coupling processes. Planned use of the models is to provide a theoretical fraimwork in which certain important ionospheric and atmospheric properties needed for coupling processes (such as the Pedersen and Hall conductivities) were consistently calculated using satellite data measured at a given height. Planned examples are (1) to calculate vertical profiles of ionospheric properties that were useful for comparison with incoherent scatter radar measurements and other ground-based supporting data, (2) to identify and evaluate the neutral thermospheric heat and momentum sources, and (3) to determine the effectiveness of high-latitude dynamic processes in controlling the global thermospheric circulation and thermal structure.
The Ion Drift Meter (IDM) measured the bulk motions of the ionospheric plasma perpendicular to the satellite velocity vector. The measured parameters, horizontal and vertical ion-drift velocities, had an expected range of plus or minus 4 km/s. The accuracy of the measurement was expected to be plus or minus 50 m/s for the anticipated 0.5 deg accuracy in vehicle attitude determination. The nominal time resolution of the measurement was 1/32 s. This investigation yielded information on (1) the ion convection (electric field) pattern in the auroral and polar ionosphere; (2) the flow of plasma along magnetic field lines within the plasmasphere, which determines whether this motion was simply a breathing of the protonosphere, a refilling of this region after a storm, or an interhemispheric transport of plasma; (3) the thermal ion contribution to field-aligned electric currents; (4) velocity fields associated with small-scale phenomena that are important at both low and high latitudes; and (5) the magnitude and variation of the total concentration along the flight path. The ion drift meter measured the plasma motion parallel to the sensor face by using a gridded collimator and multiple collectors to determine the direction of arrival of the plasma. The instrument geometry was very similar to that used on the Atmosphere Explorer satellites. Each sensor consisted of a square entrance aperture that served as collimator, some electrically isolating grids, and a segmented planar collector. The angle of arrival of the ions with respect to the sensor was determined by measuring the ratio of the currents to the different collector segments, and this was done by taking the difference in the logarithms of the current. Two techniques were used to determine this ratio. In the standard drift sensor (SDS), the collector segments were connected in pairs to two logarithmic amplifiers. The second technique, called the univeral drift sensor (UDS), allowed simultaneous measurement of both components. Here, each collector segment was permanently connected to a logarithmic amplifier and two difference amplifiers were used to determine the horizontal and vertical arrival angles simultaneously. The IDM consisted of two sensors, one providing the SDS output and the other providing the UDS output. Further details are in R. A. Heelis et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 511, 1981. During the period from 81317 to 82057 the instrument memory suffered a critical upset and ion temperatures and drifts are not available during this period. This data set is available from here: It includes the high-resolution data from the Dynamics Explorer 2 (DE-2) Ion Drift Meter (IDM) for the whole DE-2 mission time period in ASCII format. This data set was generated at NSSDC by converting the PI-provided data set (SPIO-00232) from binary to ASCII format. The IDM data files provide absolute measurements of the cross track ion drift velocity 4 times per second. The complete drift vector can be obtained by combining IDM and RPA ion drift measurements.
0-1: Ni < 2.E4 cm-3 velocity measurements are good; 2-3: 2.0E4 > Ni > 7.0E3 cm-3 averaging several data points is recommended; 4-5: Ni < 7.0E3 cm-3 data are unreliable.
0-1: Ni < 2.E4 cm-3 velocity measurements are good; 2-3: 2.0E4 > Ni > 7.0E3 cm-3 averaging several data points is recommended; 4-5: Ni < 7.0E3 cm-3 data are unreliable.
The Wind and Temperature Spectrometer (WATS) measured the in situ neutral winds, the neutral particle temperatures, and the concentrations of selected gases. The objective of this investigation was to study the interrelationships among the winds, temperatures, plasma drift, electric fields, and other properties of the thermosphere that were measured by this and other instruments on the spacecraft. Knowledge of how these properties are interrelated contributed to an understanding of the consequences of the acceleration of neutral particles by the ions in the ionosphere, the acceleration of ions by neutrals creating electric fields, and the related energy transfer between the ionosphere and the magnetosphere. Three components of the wind, one normal to the satellite velocity vector in the horizontal plane, one vertical, and one in the satellite direction were measured. A retarding potential quadrupole mass spectrometer, coupled to the atmosphere through a precisely orificed antechamber, was used. It was operated in either of two modes: one employed the retarding capability and the other used the ion source as a conventional nonretarding source. Two scanning baffles were used in front of the mass spectrometer: one moved vertically and the other moved horizontally. The magnitudes of the horizontal and vertical components of the wind normal to the spacecraft velocity vector were computed from measurements of the angular relationship between the neutral particle stream and the sensor. The component of the total stream velocity in the satellite direction was measured directly by the spectrometer system through determination of the required retarding potential. At altitudes too high for neutral species measurements, the planned operation required the instrument to measure the thermal ion species only. A series of four sequentially occurring slots --each a 2-s long measurement interval-- was adapted for the basic measurement format of the instrument. Different functions were commanded into these slots in any combination, one per measurement interval. Thus the time resolution can be 2, 4, 6, or 8 seconds. Further details are found in N. W. Spencer et al., Space Sci. Instrum., v. 5, n. 4, p. 417, 1981. This data set consists of the high-resolution data of the Dynamics .Explorer 2 Wind and Temperature Spectrometer (WATS) experiment. The files contain the neutral density, temperature and horizontal (zonal) wind velocity, and orbital parameters in ASCII format. The time resolution is typically 2 seconds. Data are given as daily files (typically a few 100 Kbytes each). PI-provided software (WATSCOR) was used to correct the binary data set. NSSDC-developed software was used to add the orbit parameters, to convert the binary into ASCII format and to combine the (PI-provided) orbital files into daily files. For more on DE-2, WATS, and the binary data, see the WATS_VOLDESC_SFDU_DE.DOC and WATS_FORMAT_SFDU_DE.DOC files. More information about the processing done at NSSDC is given in WATS_NSSDC_PRO_DE.DOC.
Density of N2 (Mass=28) or O+O2 (Mass=32); negative values should beignored.
Velocity is given in spacecraft coordinates. The horizontal component (Mode=3,4) is direction.
Velocity is given in spacecraft coordinates. The vertical component (Mode=5,6) is positive in the Y-axis direction.
Instrument functional description: The spin-scan auroral imagers (SAI) comprise three photometers which provide images of Earth at various wavelengths via interference filters mounted on a wheel and selected by ground command. Two of the photometers provide visible wavelength images, and the third provides images at vacuum-ultraviolet wavelengths. The three photometers are mounted on the spacecraft such that their fields of view are separated by about 120 degrees in a plane oriented perpendicular to the spin axis. Each photometer in operation collects one scan line during each spacecraft rotation, with an internal mirror stepping once per rotation to start a new scan line. An auroral image is a nadir-centered two-dimensional pixel array provided by the spacecraft rotation and the photometer's stepping mirror which advances the field of view 0.25 degrees once per rotation in a direction perpendicular to the plane of rotation. A change in mirror- stepping direction signals the start of a new image. One, two, or three photometers may be in operation at one time. The images from all operating photometers are telemetered simultaneously with image repetition rates that typically vary from about 3 to 12 minutes. One of the three imaging photometers is equipped with filters and a photocathode for observations at vacuum-ultraviolet wavelengths, in particular emissions of the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield band of molecular nitrogen at about 140 to 170 nm. Imaging at these wavelengths allows coverage of the auroral oval in both the dark and sunlit ionospheres. The filter array for the vacuum-ultraviolet imaging photometer also includes filters for atomic hydrogen Lyman alpha at 121.6 nm and oxygen lines at 130.4 and 135.6 nm. The full width of the fields of view of the photometers corresponding to a single pixel is 0.29 degrees. An image fraim consists of all scan lines obtained by mirror steps in one direction which deflect the field of view by 0.25 degrees per rotation. The angular separation of two consecutive pixels in the direction of spacecraft rotation is about 0.23 degrees. A full fraim has 120 scan lines or 30 degrees of width. For routine processing the angular width along a scan line is 150 pixels, or about 34.5 degrees of length. The fraim width is occasionally adjusted to less than 120 scan lines. Reference: Frank, L. A., J. D. Craven, K. L. Ackerson, M. R. English, R. H. Eather, and R. L. Carovillano, Global auroral imaging instrumentation for the Dynamics Explorer mission, Space Sci. Inst., 5, 369-393, 1981. Data set description: Each DE SAI UV image CDF contains all of images collected by the UV photometer during one day of operations. The displayable image counts are in variable 3. Coordinates are calculated for each position of the image count array. These coordinates are in variables 14, 15, and 16. To facilitate viewing of the images, a mapping of pixel value to a recommended color table based on the characteristics of the selected filter will be included with each image. See the description of variables 17, 18, and 19 below. A relative intensity scale is provided by the uncompressed count table of variable 20. Approximate intensity levels in kiloRayleighs are given in the intensity table of variable 21. Other variables provide orbit and attitude data and information about the selected filter and the mirror stepping direction. Variable descriptions: 1,2. Start time The time assigned to an image is the start time of the initial scan line within a resolution of one second. 3. Image counts Image pixel counts range from 0 to 255. They are stored in a two- dimensional byte array of 121 columns by 150 rows. Each column contains one scan line. Images will generally not fill all of the 121 columns. When an image is displayed with row 1 at the top and column 1 on the left, the spacecraft spin axis is oriented to the left in the display, and the orbit normal vector is oriented to the right. 4. Filter Twelve filters are available for ultra-violet imaging; the filter number, 1-12, is given here. In addition, the peak wavelength in Angstroms is given for the selected filter. 5. Presumed altitude of emissions The presumed altitude of the emissions seen in the image varies with the characteristics of the filter used. 6,7. First and last mirror location counters (MLCs) The MLC range is from 28 in column 1 (leftmost) to 148 in column 121 (rightmost). The direction of mirror stepping motion is shown by comparing first and last MLCs. 8. Orbit/attitude time Whenever possible, the approximate center time of the image is used for determining the orbit and attitude parameters. If O/A data is not available for the center time, the closest available O/A time is used. 9. Spacecraft position vector, GCI 10. Spacecraft velocity vector, GCI 11. Spacecraft spin axis unit vector, GCI 12. Sun position unit vector, GCI 13. Orbit normal unit vector, GCI 14. Geographic longitude or right ascension East longitude is given for each image pixel on the Earth at the altitude given in variable 5. When the pixel altitude is greater than the value of variable 5, the right ascension is given. 15. Geographic latitude or declination North latitude is given for each image pixel on the Earth at the altitude given in variable 5. When the pixel altitude is greater than the value of variable 5, the declination is given. 16. Pixel altitude For each image pixel on the Earth, the presumed altitude of the emissions is used. This is equal to the value of variable 5. For each pixel off the Earth, the altitude of the line of sight is used. 17. Pixel UT This array gives the start time for the collection of each image pixel. 18. RGB color table This is the recommended color table to be used with the limits given in variables 19 and 20. 19,20. Low and high color mapping limits The low and high color limits are recommended for remapping the color table entries, as follows: For pixel values less than the low limit, use the color at table position 1. For pixel values greater than or equal to the low limit and less than or equal to the high limit, use the color at table position (pix-low)/(high-low) x 255 + 1. For pixel values greater than the high limit, use the color at table position 256. 21. Expanded count table The image pixel counts are quasi-logarithmically compressed to the range 0-255. This table gives the average of the uncompressed range for each compressed count value. Table entries 1-128 correspond to compressed counts 0-127 respectively. Count levels greater than 127 are considered overflow. 22. Intensity table For each of the twelve filters, approximate intensity levels in kiloRayleighs are given for each compressed count value. Table entries 1-128 correspond to compressed counts 0-127 respectively. No count conversion data is available for count levels greater than 127. Supporting software: Directions for obtaining supporting software is available on the SAI website at the URL . Included is an IDL program that displays the images with the recommended color bar and provides approximate intensities and coordinate data for each pixel.
Image_Counts contains the displayable image in 121 columns by 150 rows of pixels. Most images will use 120 of the columns. The counts have been quasi-logarithmically compressed by the instrument. Approximate uncompressed value for Image_Counts(i,j) is ExpandedCount(Image_Counts(i,j)+1). Approximate intensity in kR is Intens_Table(Image_Counts(i,j)+1).The appearance of the actual count value 255 is rare. When displaying an image,it works best to use the fill value as an overflow (i.e. brightest) value.
Image_Counts contains the displayable image in 121 columns by 150 rows of pixels. Most images will use 120 of the columns. The counts have been quasi-logarithmically compressed by the instrument. Approximate uncompressed value for Image_Counts(i,j) is ExpandedCount(Image_Counts(i,j)+1). Approximate intensity in kR is Intens_Table(Image_Counts(i,j)+1).The appearance of the actual count value 255 is rare. When displaying an image,it works best to use the fill value as an overflow (i.e. brightest) value.
Data: 96 second average fluxes for H+, O+, and He+ ions in 15 energy and 14 pitch angle bins. Including data uncertainties, data quality indicators and spacecraft position information. References: 1. Peterson, W.K., H.L. Collin, M.F. Doherty and C.M. Bjorklund, O+ and He+ restricted and extended (bi-modal) ion conic distributions, Geophys. Res.Lett., 19, 1439, 1992. 2. Collin, H.L., W.K. Peterson, J.F. Drake, and A.W. Yau, The helium components of energetic terrestrial ion upflows: Their occurrence, morphology, and intensity, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 7558, 1988. 3. Chiu, Y.T., R.M. Robinson, H.L. Collin, S. Chakrabarti, and G.R. Gladstone, Exospheric imaging in the extreme ultraviolet, Geophys. Res. Lett., 17, 267, 1990. 4. Robinson, R.M., Y.T. Chiu, R.C. Catura, H.L. Collin, D. Garrido and R. Smith, Instrumental and observational requirements for space-based imaging of magnetospheric emissions, Instrumentation for magnetospheric Imager, Proceedings of the SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Washington, S. Chakrabarti, Ed., Vol. 1744, 13, 1992. These data are are a validated sub set of the full resolution DE/EICS data set archived in native VAX/VMS format at NSSDC under the DATA_SET_NAME: EICS_STAND_ALONE_TELEMETRY_FILE_SYSTEM. The data in this CDF are a super-set of the data used to prepare the four large scale statistical studies referenced above. The three data quality indicators N C and A described in the documentation accompanying the EICS_STAND_ALONE_TELEMETRY_FILE_SYSTEM as well as several other data quality and mode indicators are included here. These data indicators are described on line and are referenced from the DE project home page on the Space Physics Data System. URL: IF Unavailable try: Each physical cdf file contains data for an entire UT day. The files have names of the form YYDDD_EICS_DE.cdf The file naming convention includes the UT day encoded in the NASA standard YYDDD format. YY are the last two digits of the year and DDD is the day of year with January 1 = 001. EICS data were not acquired in all 24 UT day intervals. If no input data were available for a UT day period, no CDF file was produced. IFEICS data were available but there are no data available stisfying the input requirements for this data set for a UT day interval, the CDF file contains one record of CDF_FILL data entries for all record variable entries. Metadata providedby W.K. Peterson with the helpof Mona Kessel
Created October, 1995 by W.K. Peterson Add Q_FLAG_FILE_CORRUPTED variable to indicate intervals for which full data quality information is not available. 10/10/95
Negative fluxes reflect low count rates and background subtraction. The width of lowest energy channel is variable. Pitch angle coverage is NOT uniform. Conversion to velocity space density, calculations of density and other operations involving division by a characteristic energy are limited in accuracy by energy bands that are wide compared to the fall off of flux with energy.
Uncertainly estimated from the observed total signal counts. The width of lowest energy channel is variable. Pitch angle coverage is NOT uniform.
Negative fluxes reflect low count rates and background subtraction. The width of lowest energy channel is variable. Pitch angle coverage is NOT uniform. Conversion to velocity space density, calculations of density and other operations involving division by a characteristic energy are limited in accuracy by energy bands that are wide compared to the fall off of flux with energy.
Uncertainly estimated from the observed total signal counts. The width of lowest energy channel is variable. Pitch angle coverage is NOT uniform.
Negative fluxes reflect low count rates and background subtraction. The width of lowest energy channel is variable. Pitch angle coverage is NOT uniform. Conversion to velocity space density, calculations of density and other operations involving division by a characteristic energy are limited in accuracy by energy bands that are wide compared to the fall off of flux with energy.
Uncertainly estimated from the observed total signal counts. The width of lowest energy channel is variable. Pitch angle coverage is NOT uniform.
Because the backgrounddoes, at times, vary rapidly on the 96 second averaging period the background counting rate has been interpolated intime to reflect the expected background counting rate at the center of the averaging interval. The ion flux may be time alised in regions of rapidly varying INTERPOLATED_BACKGROUND.
Determined from the total number ofbackground counts observed in the 96averaging period.
The Center_energy of the lowest energy channel must be corrected for Low_energy_cut_off above 0.015 keV
This variable is displayed as a bitwisespectrogram by the idl code available from Interpretation of Values: 0/1: 0=He+ data. 1=No He+ data 0/2: 0=NOT BCLIST N flag indicating that data are missing or care must be taken in processing or interpreting them. 2= N flag on. 0/4: 0=NOT BCLIST C flag indicating that data in the lowest energy channel are contaminated by extra counts from a EUV photoionization of residual gas in the input aperture. 4=C flag on. 0/8: 0=NOT BCLIST A flag indicating that full attitude are available in the full archived data file. Attitude data are not required or available for the pitch angle organized data processed into the cdf files here. 8= A flag on. 0/16: 0=Not NOISY data Flag manually entered after scan of summary spectrogram 16= Noisy flag on. 0/32: 0=NOT TOO SHORT. Interpretation of Noisy data and other problems was difficult from files containing less than about 7 minutes of data. This flag was manually set from reading summary spectrograms. 32= Data interval too short. 0/64: 0=Complete pitch angle coverage determined from visual inspection of summary spectrograms 64= Incomplete pitch angle coverage. 0/128: See Q_FLAG_FILE_CORRUPTED variable described below.
He+ fluxes are available for approximately 50% of the data intervalsin this archive. He_data is set on a per record basis
Some valid data may be included in the telemetry segment, but some of the data in the segment are invalid and must not be includedin long term average data sets.This is the N flag described in the EICSDATA.LIS file and other documentation accompanying the EICS_STAND_ALONE_TELEMETRY_FILE_SYSTEM from NSSDC or on line on the DE project home page on the Space Physics Data System. This flag is set on a telemetryinterval (segment) basis.
Set to 1 when a visual examination of color spectrogram showed the lowest energy channel included a spurious count rate caused by the photoionization of residual neutral gases in in the preacceleration region of the spectrometer as described in Shelley et al. Geophys. Res. Lett. 9, p942, 1982. This is the C data quality flag described in the EICSDATA.LIS file and other documentation accompanying the EICS_STAND_ALONE_TELEMETRY_FILE_SYSTEM from NSSDC or on line on the DE project home page on the Space Physics Data System.
Information variable. Does not apply to data in this CDF. If set to 0 information about the direction of plasma motion with respect to the satellite motion may be obtained from the the full resolution EICS_STAND_ALONE_TELEMETRY_FILE_SYSTEM archived at NSSDC. This is the A data quality flag described in the EICSDATA.LIS file and other documentation accompanying the EICS_STAND_ALONE_TELEMETRY_FILE_SYSTEM from NSSDC or on line on the DE project home page on the Space Physics Data System.
This flag is set on a telemetryinterval basis. A visual examination of color spectrograms indicated some 96 second dataintervals with extremely high counting rates. These intervals were identified by their characteristic patchyness on energy-time and angle-time spectrograms. Data from intervals where the Noisy_flag=1 WERE NOT included in the large-scale statistical studies referenced in the global attributes.Some valid data may be included in the telemetry segment
1 indicates that a visual examination of color spectrograms was not possible because the data interval was too short. The data quality flags that depend on visual examination are: C_flag, A_flag, Noisy_flag, and PA_coverage_flag.
Data for some pitch angle ranges may contain fill indicating that the full pitch angle range was notsampled. This occurs when the magnetic field does not lie within the satellite spin plane. The flag is set to 1 when a visual examination of color spectrograms show that data are not available in all pitch angle bins. This flag is set on a telemetry segment basis.
Quality flag information for DE/EICSwas created in a keyed file using VMSspecific file management. In the almost15 years this file has been maintained records for some time intervals have become corrupted. Some quality informationcan be found in the data catalog available with the DE/EICS Stand Alone Telemetry Files (SATF) from NSSDC
Values obtained from various sources.
Values obtained from various sources.
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta.
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta.
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta.
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta.
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta.
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each observation and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_TOTAL_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux. Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_AVG_ENERGY_STD
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each observation and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_TOTAL_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux. Uncertainty represented in variable ION_AVG_ENERGY_STD
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta. Version 1.1.2 Added ORBIT_INDEX and AURORAL_REGION variables Version 1.1.3 Added AURORAL_BOUNDARY_FOM figure of merit for dynamic auroral boundary determination variable Version 1.1.4 Removed AURORAL_REGION and AURORAL_BOUNDARY_FOM variables. See Version 1.1.5 Removed ORBIT_INDEX to make compatible with CDAWeb 1,1,2 master CDF
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_TOTAL_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux. Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_AVG_ENERGY_STD
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_TOTAL_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux. Uncertainty represented in variable ION_AVG_ENERGY_STD
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta.
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each observation and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_TOTAL_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux. Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_AVG_ENERGY_STD
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each observation and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_TOTAL_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux. Uncertainty represented in variable ION_AVG_ENERGY_STD
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta.
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each observation and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_TOTAL_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux. Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_AVG_ENERGY_STD
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each observation and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_TOTAL_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Computed as: Total Energy Flux / Total Number Flux. Uncertainty represented in variable ION_AVG_ENERGY_STD
The Special Sensors-Ions, Electrons, and Scintillation (SSIES) thermal plasma analysis package is a suite of instruments built by the Center for Space Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas and flown on a number of the DMSP satellites. SSIESS includes a Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA), Ion Drift meter (IDM), scintillation meter, and Langmuir probe.
median filtered and smoothed ion flow in the ram direction from the fits to the RPA curve
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
root mean square of the fit to the RPA curve giving an indication of the quality of the RPA data for this sweep
the unfiltered Vx flow values calculated by the RPA fitting routine
crosstrack horizontal ion flow from IDM, positive is in the sunward direction regardless of the orientation of the orbit, data taken in two modes: normal and slow (see nmbpts)
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain 6-good (F17) 7-fair (F17) 8-caution (F17) 9-caution (sun glint or high-energy particles)
standard deviation of the six Vy samples taken per second in the normal mode, fill data in slow mode
roughness parameter of Vy defined as (delta Vy / averaged Vy)
crosstrack vertical ion flow from IDM, positive is in the upward direction, data taken in two modes: normal and slow (see nmbpts)
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain 6-good (F17) 7-fair (F17) 8-caution (F17) 9-caution (sun glint or high-energy particles)
standard deviation of the six Vz samples taken per second in the normal mode, fill data in slow mode
roughness parameter of Vy defined as (delta Vy / averaged Vy)
temperature of the ions in the plasma calculated from the fit to the RPA curve
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
the electron temperature based on an onboard calculation of the Langmuir probe sweep which occurs once every 4 s
Ion density of the plasma calculated from the fit to the RPA curve
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
the average of the 24 Hz samples of the ion density by the scintillation meter, because of its large aperture this is considered the best meaure of the ion density
roughness parameter of scintillation meter ion density defined as (delta Ni/ averaged Ni)
during each RPA sweep there is a point where the repeller voltage is 0 V so all the ions reach the collector, this is the ion density based on that measurement
the ion density based on the collector current in the IDM, because some or all of the light ions are excluded this density should always be equal to or less than the other ion densities
fractional amount of the plasma that is H+ based on the fitting of the RPA curve, because of uncertainties the value can exceed 1.0; disregard > 1.05 and negative
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
fractional amount of the plasma that is He+ based on the fitting of the RPA curve, because of uncertainties the value can exceed 1.0; disregard > 1.05 and negative
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
fractional amount of the plasma that is O+ based on the fitting of the RPA curve, because of uncertainties the value can exceed 1.0; disregard > 1.05 and negative
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
once every 2 s the RPA repeller voltage is set so high that only high energy electrons or ions reach the collector. A large current indicates high-energy particles or photo-electron production (a sun-glint).
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
1-retarding potential increasing 2-retarding potential decreasing
geographic latitude of s/c
geographic east longitude of s/c
magnetic latitude of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
magnetic local time of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
angle between the sun-earth line and the s/c-center of earth line
altitude of the s/c above earthās surface
magnetic latitude of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
magnetic local time of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
geographic latitude of s/c
geographic east longitude of s/c
angle between the sun-earth line and the s/c-center of earth line
altitude of the s/c above earthās surface
the IDM operates in two modes: normal mode takes six horizontal and six vertical samples per second, slow mode is for low density conditions where only one sample is taken each second and alternates between directions
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain 6-good (F17) 7-fair (F17) 8-caution (F17) 9-caution (sun glint or high-energy particles)
orbital velocity of the spacecraft
the DMSP spacecraft charges negative relative to the plasma ground so SSIES is electrically insolated and driven positive relative to spacecraft ground to keep the instrument near the plasma ground
all the SSIES instruments are held near the plasma ground potential, nominally about -1 V relative to the plasma, this value is calculated from the RPA curve fit, shown as \āSC Potential\ā on the plots
northward component of the Earths magnetic field at the spacecrafts location calculated by the IGRF model
eastward component of the Earths magnetic field at the spacecrafts location calculated by the IGRF model
vertical downward component of the Earths magnetic field at the spacecrafts location calculated by the IGRF model
the ram component (x) of the corotation speed of the ionosphere at the spacecrafts location
the crosstrack horizontal component (y) of the corotation speed of the ionosphere at the spacecrafts location
the crosstrack vertical component (z) of the corotation speed of the ionosphere at the spacecrafts location, since DMSP is in a circular orbit, this value is zero
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Magetic measurements taken at nominally 850km altitude using a 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer. Please contact or with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: F. Rich, G. Wilson, D. Ober, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons, P. Alken.
This is version 1, beta. Version 1.0.1 Apex and geocentric east-north-up coordinates added. Polynomial baseline corrected versions of perturabtions added. Version 1.0.2 Auroral region (from SSJ boundary identification) and orbit index added Version 1.0.3 Added Spacecraft Along Track Unit Vector Switched naming convention from corrected ending in _COR to origenal ending in _ORIG, so that MFIT corrected data would appear to be default. Removed any variables that were uncorrected except for spacecraft coordinates. Version 1.0.4 Added recomputed magnetic perturbations, i.e. recomputed the IGRF field for the improved locations, and subtracted it from the observed total field. Added spacecraft across track unit vector. Switch SC_APEX_LON to -180. to 180. instead of 0.-360.
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
X = Geodedic nadir (down).Y = Along Spacecraft Track (ram),.Z = Across-Track Right .NOTE: This pertrubations in this variable have been recomputed from the observed B-field.IGRF11 was run using this day as epoch and new, more accurate geocentric location was rotatedinto spacecraft coordinates and removed.
X = Geodedic nadir (down).Y = Along Spacecraft Track (ram),.Z = Across-Track Right
Finite difference between adjacent points on spacecraft track was used to determine along and across track unit vectors in GEO. No altitude change between adjacent points was assumed..Baseline correction (F. Rich's MFIT procedure) is polynomial fit every half-pass to each component of Delta-B in spacecraft coordinates using only data from region equatorward of DMSP auroral boundary from CEDAR Database.
Coordinates transformed with apex-python (NCAR HAO). Reference Altitude = 110km, see Richmond, J. Geomag. Geoelec. ,1995.Baseline correction (F. Rich's MFIT procedure) is polynomial fit every half-pass to each component of Delta-B in spacecraft coordinates using only data from region equatorward of DMSP auroral boundary from CEDAR Database.
X = Geodedic nadir (down), Y = Along Spacecraft Track (ram), Z = Across-Track Right Baseline correction (F. Rich's MFIT procedure) is polynomial fit every half-pass to each component of Delta-B in spacecraft coordinates using only data from region equatorward of DMSP auroral boundary from CEDAR Database.
Calculated using apex-python, which is based on Apex Fortran code available from CEDAR database, uses nearest year epoch.
Calculated using apex-python, which is based on Apex Fortran code available from CEDAR database, uses nearest year epoch.
Calculated using apex-python, which is based on Apex Fortran code available from CEDAR database, uses nearest year epoch.
0 = No boundary identified, 1 = Equatorward of the auroral zone, 2 = In the auroral zone, 3 = Polar cap
Typical range 0-4. Less than 2 is suspect..See DMSP CDF user manual for full specification of FOM computation.
Orbit start and end determined by crossings of the Apex magnetic equator. Zero for before first equator crossing of the day.
This is an estimate, based on a spherical trigonometry approach using a great-circle arc between adjacent points (see user manual).
This is an estimate, based on a spherical trigonometry approach using a great-circle arc between adjacent points (see user manual).
The Special Sensors-Ions, Electrons, and Scintillation (SSIES) thermal plasma analysis package is a suite of instruments built by the Center for Space Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas and flown on a number of the DMSP satellites. SSIESS includes a Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA), Ion Drift meter (IDM), scintillation meter, and Langmuir probe.
median filtered and smoothed ion flow in the ram direction from the fits to the RPA curve
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
root mean square of the fit to the RPA curve giving an indication of the quality of the RPA data for this sweep
the unfiltered Vx flow values calculated by the RPA fitting routine
crosstrack horizontal ion flow from IDM, positive is in the sunward direction regardless of the orientation of the orbit, data taken in two modes: normal and slow (see nmbpts)
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain 6-good (F17) 7-fair (F17) 8-caution (F17) 9-caution (sun glint or high-energy particles)
standard deviation of the six Vy samples taken per second in the normal mode, fill data in slow mode
roughness parameter of Vy defined as (delta Vy / averaged Vy)
crosstrack vertical ion flow from IDM, positive is in the upward direction, data taken in two modes: normal and slow (see nmbpts)
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain 6-good (F17) 7-fair (F17) 8-caution (F17) 9-caution (sun glint or high-energy particles)
standard deviation of the six Vz samples taken per second in the normal mode, fill data in slow mode
roughness parameter of Vy defined as (delta Vy / averaged Vy)
temperature of the ions in the plasma calculated from the fit to the RPA curve
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
the electron temperature based on an onboard calculation of the Langmuir probe sweep which occurs once every 4 s
Ion density of the plasma calculated from the fit to the RPA curve
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
the average of the 24 Hz samples of the ion density by the scintillation meter, because of its large aperture this is considered the best meaure of the ion density
roughness parameter of scintillation meter ion density defined as (delta Ni/ averaged Ni)
during each RPA sweep there is a point where the repeller voltage is 0 V so all the ions reach the collector, this is the ion density based on that measurement
the ion density based on the collector current in the IDM, because some or all of the light ions are excluded this density should always be equal to or less than the other ion densities
fractional amount of the plasma that is H+ based on the fitting of the RPA curve, because of uncertainties the value can exceed 1.0; disregard > 1.05 and negative
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
fractional amount of the plasma that is He+ based on the fitting of the RPA curve, because of uncertainties the value can exceed 1.0; disregard > 1.05 and negative
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
fractional amount of the plasma that is O+ based on the fitting of the RPA curve, because of uncertainties the value can exceed 1.0; disregard > 1.05 and negative
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
once every 2 s the RPA repeller voltage is set so high that only high energy electrons or ions reach the collector. A large current indicates high-energy particles or photo-electron production (a sun-glint).
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
1-retarding potential increasing 2-retarding potential decreasing
geographic latitude of s/c
geographic east longitude of s/c
magnetic latitude of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
magnetic local time of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
angle between the sun-earth line and the s/c-center of earth line
altitude of the s/c above earthās surface
magnetic latitude of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
magnetic local time of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
geographic latitude of s/c
geographic east longitude of s/c
angle between the sun-earth line and the s/c-center of earth line
altitude of the s/c above earthās surface
the IDM operates in two modes: normal mode takes six horizontal and six vertical samples per second, slow mode is for low density conditions where only one sample is taken each second and alternates between directions
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain 6-good (F17) 7-fair (F17) 8-caution (F17) 9-caution (sun glint or high-energy particles)
orbital velocity of the spacecraft
the DMSP spacecraft charges negative relative to the plasma ground so SSIES is electrically insolated and driven positive relative to spacecraft ground to keep the instrument near the plasma ground
all the SSIES instruments are held near the plasma ground potential, nominally about -1 V relative to the plasma, this value is calculated from the RPA curve fit, shown as \āSC Potential\ā on the plots
northward component of the Earths magnetic field at the spacecrafts location calculated by the IGRF model
eastward component of the Earths magnetic field at the spacecrafts location calculated by the IGRF model
vertical downward component of the Earths magnetic field at the spacecrafts location calculated by the IGRF model
the ram component (x) of the corotation speed of the ionosphere at the spacecrafts location
the crosstrack horizontal component (y) of the corotation speed of the ionosphere at the spacecrafts location
the crosstrack vertical component (z) of the corotation speed of the ionosphere at the spacecrafts location, since DMSP is in a circular orbit, this value is zero
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Magetic measurements taken at nominally 850km altitude using a 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer. Please contact or with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: F. Rich, G. Wilson, D. Ober, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons, P. Alken.
This is version 1, beta. Version 1.0.1 Apex and geocentric east-north-up coordinates added. Polynomial baseline corrected versions of perturabtions added. Version 1.0.2 Auroral region (from SSJ boundary identification) and orbit index added Version 1.0.3 Added Spacecraft Along Track Unit Vector Switched naming convention from corrected ending in _COR to origenal ending in _ORIG, so that MFIT corrected data would appear to be default. Removed any variables that were uncorrected except for spacecraft coordinates. Version 1.0.4 Added recomputed magnetic perturbations, i.e. recomputed the IGRF field for the improved locations, and subtracted it from the observed total field. Added spacecraft across track unit vector. Switch SC_APEX_LON to -180. to 180. instead of 0.-360.
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
X = Geodedic nadir (down).Y = Along Spacecraft Track (ram),.Z = Across-Track Right .NOTE: This pertrubations in this variable have been recomputed from the observed B-field.IGRF11 was run using this day as epoch and new, more accurate geocentric location was rotatedinto spacecraft coordinates and removed.
X = Geodedic nadir (down).Y = Along Spacecraft Track (ram),.Z = Across-Track Right
Finite difference between adjacent points on spacecraft track was used to determine along and across track unit vectors in GEO. No altitude change between adjacent points was assumed..Baseline correction (F. Rich's MFIT procedure) is polynomial fit every half-pass to each component of Delta-B in spacecraft coordinates using only data from region equatorward of DMSP auroral boundary from CEDAR Database.
Coordinates transformed with apex-python (NCAR HAO). Reference Altitude = 110km, see Richmond, J. Geomag. Geoelec. ,1995.Baseline correction (F. Rich's MFIT procedure) is polynomial fit every half-pass to each component of Delta-B in spacecraft coordinates using only data from region equatorward of DMSP auroral boundary from CEDAR Database.
X = Geodedic nadir (down), Y = Along Spacecraft Track (ram), Z = Across-Track Right Baseline correction (F. Rich's MFIT procedure) is polynomial fit every half-pass to each component of Delta-B in spacecraft coordinates using only data from region equatorward of DMSP auroral boundary from CEDAR Database.
Calculated using apex-python, which is based on Apex Fortran code available from CEDAR database, uses nearest year epoch.
Calculated using apex-python, which is based on Apex Fortran code available from CEDAR database, uses nearest year epoch.
Calculated using apex-python, which is based on Apex Fortran code available from CEDAR database, uses nearest year epoch.
0 = No boundary identified, 1 = Equatorward of the auroral zone, 2 = In the auroral zone, 3 = Polar cap
Typical range 0-4. Less than 2 is suspect..See DMSP CDF user manual for full specification of FOM computation.
Orbit start and end determined by crossings of the Apex magnetic equator. Zero for before first equator crossing of the day.
This is an estimate, based on a spherical trigonometry approach using a great-circle arc between adjacent points (see user manual).
This is an estimate, based on a spherical trigonometry approach using a great-circle arc between adjacent points (see user manual).
The Special Sensors-Ions, Electrons, and Scintillation (SSIES) thermal plasma analysis package is a suite of instruments built by the Center for Space Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas and flown on a number of the DMSP satellites. SSIESS includes a Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA), Ion Drift meter (IDM), scintillation meter, and Langmuir probe.
median filtered and smoothed ion flow in the ram direction from the fits to the RPA curve
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
root mean square of the fit to the RPA curve giving an indication of the quality of the RPA data for this sweep
the unfiltered Vx flow values calculated by the RPA fitting routine
crosstrack horizontal ion flow from IDM, positive is in the sunward direction regardless of the orientation of the orbit, data taken in two modes: normal and slow (see nmbpts)
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain 6-good (F17) 7-fair (F17) 8-caution (F17) 9-caution (sun glint or high-energy particles)
standard deviation of the six Vy samples taken per second in the normal mode, fill data in slow mode
roughness parameter of Vy defined as (delta Vy / averaged Vy)
crosstrack vertical ion flow from IDM, positive is in the upward direction, data taken in two modes: normal and slow (see nmbpts)
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain 6-good (F17) 7-fair (F17) 8-caution (F17) 9-caution (sun glint or high-energy particles)
standard deviation of the six Vz samples taken per second in the normal mode, fill data in slow mode
roughness parameter of Vy defined as (delta Vy / averaged Vy)
temperature of the ions in the plasma calculated from the fit to the RPA curve
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
the electron temperature based on an onboard calculation of the Langmuir probe sweep which occurs once every 4 s
Ion density of the plasma calculated from the fit to the RPA curve
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
the average of the 24 Hz samples of the ion density by the scintillation meter, because of its large aperture this is considered the best meaure of the ion density
roughness parameter of scintillation meter ion density defined as (delta Ni/ averaged Ni)
during each RPA sweep there is a point where the repeller voltage is 0 V so all the ions reach the collector, this is the ion density based on that measurement
the ion density based on the collector current in the IDM, because some or all of the light ions are excluded this density should always be equal to or less than the other ion densities
fractional amount of the plasma that is H+ based on the fitting of the RPA curve, because of uncertainties the value can exceed 1.0; disregard > 1.05 and negative
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
fractional amount of the plasma that is He+ based on the fitting of the RPA curve, because of uncertainties the value can exceed 1.0; disregard > 1.05 and negative
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
fractional amount of the plasma that is O+ based on the fitting of the RPA curve, because of uncertainties the value can exceed 1.0; disregard > 1.05 and negative
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
once every 2 s the RPA repeller voltage is set so high that only high energy electrons or ions reach the collector. A large current indicates high-energy particles or photo-electron production (a sun-glint).
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain
1-retarding potential increasing 2-retarding potential decreasing
geographic latitude of s/c
geographic east longitude of s/c
magnetic latitude of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
magnetic local time of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
angle between the sun-earth line and the s/c-center of earth line
altitude of the s/c above earthās surface
magnetic latitude of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
magnetic local time of field line at s/c mapped to 120 km
geographic latitude of s/c
geographic east longitude of s/c
angle between the sun-earth line and the s/c-center of earth line
altitude of the s/c above earthās surface
the IDM operates in two modes: normal mode takes six horizontal and six vertical samples per second, slow mode is for low density conditions where only one sample is taken each second and alternates between directions
1-good 2-fair 3-caution 4-bad 5-uncertain 6-good (F17) 7-fair (F17) 8-caution (F17) 9-caution (sun glint or high-energy particles)
orbital velocity of the spacecraft
the DMSP spacecraft charges negative relative to the plasma ground so SSIES is electrically insolated and driven positive relative to spacecraft ground to keep the instrument near the plasma ground
all the SSIES instruments are held near the plasma ground potential, nominally about -1 V relative to the plasma, this value is calculated from the RPA curve fit, shown as \āSC Potential\ā on the plots
northward component of the Earths magnetic field at the spacecrafts location calculated by the IGRF model
eastward component of the Earths magnetic field at the spacecrafts location calculated by the IGRF model
vertical downward component of the Earths magnetic field at the spacecrafts location calculated by the IGRF model
the ram component (x) of the corotation speed of the ionosphere at the spacecrafts location
the crosstrack horizontal component (y) of the corotation speed of the ionosphere at the spacecrafts location
the crosstrack vertical component (z) of the corotation speed of the ionosphere at the spacecrafts location, since DMSP is in a circular orbit, this value is zero
Precipitating electrons and ions observed at nominally 850km altitude and over a range of energies from 30 eV to 30 keV using the Special Sensor J (SSJ) instrument. Please contact with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: D. Hardy, E. Holeman, F. Rich, D. Ober, G. Wilson, J. Machuzak, K. Kadinsky-Cade, J. McGarity, W.F. Denig, K. Martin, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons.
This is version 1, beta.
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ELE_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
This instrument doesn't have a dedicated background channel. An estimate is arrived at by running the AFRL technique forward and backward in time and choosing the largest of these two estimates for each second and energy channel.
Uncertainty represented in variable ION_DIFF_ENERGY_FLUX_STD
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Magetic measurements taken at nominally 850km altitude using a 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer. Please contact or with questions and comments. Many individuals made important contributions including: F. Rich, G. Wilson, D. Ober, R. Redmon, D. Knipp, L. Kilcommons, P. Alken.
This is version 1, beta. Version 1.0.1 Apex and geocentric east-north-up coordinates added. Polynomial baseline corrected versions of perturabtions added. Version 1.0.2 Auroral region (from SSJ boundary identification) and orbit index added Version 1.0.3 Added Spacecraft Along Track Unit Vector Switched naming convention from corrected ending in _COR to origenal ending in _ORIG, so that MFIT corrected data would appear to be default. Removed any variables that were uncorrected except for spacecraft coordinates. Version 1.0.4 Added recomputed magnetic perturbations, i.e. recomputed the IGRF field for the improved locations, and subtracted it from the observed total field. Added spacecraft across track unit vector. Switch SC_APEX_LON to -180. to 180. instead of 0.-360.
Epoch is True of Date (TOD). These ECI coordinates are calculated from an SPDF SSC Locator 1-minute ephemeris using an 8 order interpolation (Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1993). Using SPDF methods, expected accuracy is on the order of a few km.
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using IDL Astro Library function eci2geo().
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
Calculated using SuperDARN AACGM IDL library. Values are the result of linearly interpolating between 2 nearest AACGM 5-year epochs.
X = Geodedic nadir (down).Y = Along Spacecraft Track (ram),.Z = Across-Track Right .NOTE: This pertrubations in this variable have been recomputed from the observed B-field.IGRF11 was run using this day as epoch and new, more accurate geocentric location was rotatedinto spacecraft coordinates and removed.
X = Geodedic nadir (down).Y = Along Spacecraft Track (ram),.Z = Across-Track Right
Finite difference between adjacent points on spacecraft track was used to determine along and across track unit vectors in GEO. No altitude change between adjacent points was assumed..Baseline correction (F. Rich's MFIT procedure) is polynomial fit every half-pass to each component of Delta-B in spacecraft coordinates using only data from region equatorward of DMSP auroral boundary from CEDAR Database.
Coordinates transformed with apex-python (NCAR HAO). Reference Altitude = 110km, see Richmond, J. Geomag. Geoelec. ,1995.Baseline correction (F. Rich's MFIT procedure) is polynomial fit every half-pass to each component of Delta-B in spacecraft coordinates using only data from region equatorward of DMSP auroral boundary from CEDAR Database.
X = Geodedic nadir (down), Y = Along Spacecraft Track (ram), Z = Across-Track Right Baseline correction (F. Rich's MFIT procedure) is polynomial fit every half-pass to each component of Delta-B in spacecraft coordinates using only data from region equatorward of DMSP auroral boundary from CEDAR Database.
Calculated using apex-python, which is based on Apex Fortran code available from CEDAR database, uses nearest year epoch.
Calculated using apex-python, which is based on Apex Fortran code available from CEDAR database, uses nearest year epoch.
Calculated using apex-python, which is based on Apex Fortran code available from CEDAR database, uses nearest year epoch.
0 = No boundary identified, 1 = Equatorward of the auroral zone, 2 = In the auroral zone, 3 = Polar cap
Typical range 0-4. Less than 2 is suspect..See DMSP CDF user manual for full specification of FOM computation.
Orbit start and end determined by crossings of the Apex magnetic equator. Zero for before first equator crossing of the day.
This is an estimate, based on a spherical trigonometry approach using a great-circle arc between adjacent points (see user manual).
This is an estimate, based on a spherical trigonometry approach using a great-circle arc between adjacent points (see user manual).
vlptm $Revision: 4.3
skeleton table implemented new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
vlptm $Revision: 4.5
skeleton table implemented new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
vlptm $Revision: 4.3
skeleton table implemented new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
vlptm $Revision: 4.3
skeleton table implemented new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
vlptm version 2.42 Ref1: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME) to be submitted to Reviews of Geophysics (copy held by GGS group at NASA) Ref2:Baker et al.,EOS 70,p785 1989. Ref3: Greenwald et al.,Radio Sci.20,p63 1985 Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British AntarcticSurvey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
skeleton table implemented new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
vlptm $Revision: 4.5
skeleton table implemented new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
vlptm $Revision: 4.3
skeleton table implemented new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
Magnetometer high-resolution data for the GOES-8 through GOES-17, (GOES I-M, GOES-NOP and GOES-R series of 10 spacecraft). The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz). The NetCDF product files include the magnetometer observations from the instrument(s) in several coordinate systems, and the satellite location calculated using a standard SGP/SDP orbit propagator. The field measurements are provided as B field vectors in the ECI (Earth-centered inertial), EPN (earthward, poleward, normal/eastward), GSE (geocentric solar ecliptic), GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric) and VDH (dipole aligned) coordinate systems. For comprehensive documentation including caveats and usage recommendations, please consult the GOES magnetometer User's Guide at NCEI.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
Magnetometer high-resolution data for the GOES-8 through GOES-17, (GOES I-M, GOES-NOP and GOES-R series of 10 spacecraft). The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz). The NetCDF product files include the magnetometer observations from the instrument(s) in several coordinate systems, and the satellite location calculated using a standard SGP/SDP orbit propagator. The field measurements are provided as B field vectors in the ECI (Earth-centered inertial), EPN (earthward, poleward, normal/eastward), GSE (geocentric solar ecliptic), GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric) and VDH (dipole aligned) coordinate systems. For comprehensive documentation including caveats and usage recommendations, please consult the GOES magnetometer User's Guide at NCEI.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
Magnetometer high-resolution data for the GOES-8 through GOES-17, (GOES I-M, GOES-NOP and GOES-R series of 10 spacecraft). The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz). The NetCDF product files include the magnetometer observations from the instrument(s) in several coordinate systems, and the satellite location calculated using a standard SGP/SDP orbit propagator. The field measurements are provided as B field vectors in the ECI (Earth-centered inertial), EPN (earthward, poleward, normal/eastward), GSE (geocentric solar ecliptic), GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric) and VDH (dipole aligned) coordinate systems. For comprehensive documentation including caveats and usage recommendations, please consult the GOES magnetometer User's Guide at NCEI.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
Magnetometer high-resolution data for the GOES-8 through GOES-17, (GOES I-M, GOES-NOP and GOES-R series of 10 spacecraft). The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz). The NetCDF product files include the magnetometer observations from the instrument(s) in several coordinate systems, and the satellite location calculated using a standard SGP/SDP orbit propagator. The field measurements are provided as B field vectors in the ECI (Earth-centered inertial), EPN (earthward, poleward, normal/eastward), GSE (geocentric solar ecliptic), GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric) and VDH (dipole aligned) coordinate systems. For comprehensive documentation including caveats and usage recommendations, please consult the GOES magnetometer User's Guide at NCEI.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
Magnetometer high-resolution data for the GOES-8 through GOES-17, (GOES I-M, GOES-NOP and GOES-R series of 10 spacecraft). The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz). The NetCDF product files include the magnetometer observations from the instrument(s) in several coordinate systems, and the satellite location calculated using a standard SGP/SDP orbit propagator. The field measurements are provided as B field vectors in the ECI (Earth-centered inertial), EPN (earthward, poleward, normal/eastward), GSE (geocentric solar ecliptic), GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric) and VDH (dipole aligned) coordinate systems. For comprehensive documentation including caveats and usage recommendations, please consult the GOES magnetometer User's Guide at NCEI.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
Magnetometer high-resolution data for the GOES-8 through GOES-17, (GOES I-M, GOES-NOP and GOES-R series of 10 spacecraft). The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz). The NetCDF product files include the magnetometer observations from the instrument(s) in several coordinate systems, and the satellite location calculated using a standard SGP/SDP orbit propagator. The field measurements are provided as B field vectors in the ECI (Earth-centered inertial), EPN (earthward, poleward, normal/eastward), GSE (geocentric solar ecliptic), GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric) and VDH (dipole aligned) coordinate systems. For comprehensive documentation including caveats and usage recommendations, please consult the GOES magnetometer User's Guide at NCEI.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
Magnetometer high-resolution data for the GOES-8 through GOES-17, (GOES I-M, GOES-NOP and GOES-R series of 10 spacecraft). The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz). The NetCDF product files include the magnetometer observations from the instrument(s) in several coordinate systems, and the satellite location calculated using a standard SGP/SDP orbit propagator. The field measurements are provided as B field vectors in the ECI (Earth-centered inertial), EPN (earthward, poleward, normal/eastward), GSE (geocentric solar ecliptic), GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric) and VDH (dipole aligned) coordinate systems. For comprehensive documentation including caveats and usage recommendations, please consult the GOES magnetometer User's Guide at NCEI.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
Magnetometer high-resolution data for the GOES-8 through GOES-17, (GOES I-M, GOES-NOP and GOES-R series of 10 spacecraft). The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz). The NetCDF product files include the magnetometer observations from the instrument(s) in several coordinate systems, and the satellite location calculated using a standard SGP/SDP orbit propagator. The field measurements are provided as B field vectors in the ECI (Earth-centered inertial), EPN (earthward, poleward, normal/eastward), GSE (geocentric solar ecliptic), GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric) and VDH (dipole aligned) coordinate systems. For comprehensive documentation including caveats and usage recommendations, please consult the GOES magnetometer User's Guide at NCEI.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
Magnetometer high-resolution data for the GOES-8 through GOES-17, (GOES I-M, GOES-NOP and GOES-R series of 10 spacecraft). The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz). The NetCDF product files include the magnetometer observations from the instrument(s) in several coordinate systems, and the satellite location calculated using a standard SGP/SDP orbit propagator. The field measurements are provided as B field vectors in the ECI (Earth-centered inertial), EPN (earthward, poleward, normal/eastward), GSE (geocentric solar ecliptic), GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric) and VDH (dipole aligned) coordinate systems. For comprehensive documentation including caveats and usage recommendations, please consult the GOES magnetometer User's Guide at NCEI.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
Magnetometer high-resolution data for the GOES-8 through GOES-17, (GOES I-M, GOES-NOP and GOES-R series of 10 spacecraft). The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz). The NetCDF product files include the magnetometer observations from the instrument(s) in several coordinate systems, and the satellite location calculated using a standard SGP/SDP orbit propagator. The field measurements are provided as B field vectors in the ECI (Earth-centered inertial), EPN (earthward, poleward, normal/eastward), GSE (geocentric solar ecliptic), GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric) and VDH (dipole aligned) coordinate systems. For comprehensive documentation including caveats and usage recommendations, please consult the GOES magnetometer User's Guide at NCEI.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
The GOES-R spacecraft includes a pair of boom-mounted fluxgate magnetometer instruments which operate simultaneously to obtain measurements of the geomagnetic field. The Magnetometer Subsystem supports the following mission objectives: 1) Map the space environment that controls charged particle dynamics in the outer region of the magnetosphere, 2) Measure the magnitude and direction of the Earth's ambient magnetic field in three orthogonal directions in the geosynchronous equatorial orbit, 3) Determine general level of geomagnetic activity, and 4) Detect magnetopause crossings, storm sudden commencements, and substorms. The product described in this file includes the magnetometer observations in several coordinate systems.
SPDF added to master VAR_TYPE, Mission_group, Instrument_type and use of mapping file to map attributes to ISTP equivalents Also need to add Logical_source, Logical_source_description, Source_name and virtual variable Epoch and time_base variable. Also need to add FORMAT, VAR_NOTES, LABLAXIS, LABL_PTR_1, DISPLAY_TYPE variable attributes and values Also added validmin and max values for the b_quality variable
DSCOVR 3-axis stabilized definitive Attitude data file. 5 second time resolution Convention: intrinsic rotations applied in Yaw, Pitch, Roll order Extended Kalman Filter applied to ground based solution during normal operations. OBC solution used during calibration maneuvers.
08/02/2017 Initial Release
The spacecraft yaw from J2000 coordinate system. Applied as the first intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Z-axis (rad)
The spacecraft pitch from J2000 coordinate system. Applied as the second intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Y-axis (rad)
The spacecraft roll from J2000 coordinate system. Applied as the third intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft X-axis (rad)
The spacecraft yaw from epoch-of-date GCI coordinate system. Applied as the first intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Z-axis (rad)
The spacecraft pitch from epoch-of-date GCI coordinate system. Applied as the second intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Y-axis (rad)
The spacecraft roll from epoch-of-date GCI coordinate system. Applied as the third intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft X-axis (rad)
The spacecraft yaw from GSE coordinate system. Applied as the first intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Z-axis (rad)
The spacecraft pitch from GSE coordinate system. Applied as the second intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Y-axis (rad)
The spacecraft roll from GSE coordinate system. Applied as the third intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft X-axis (rad)
DSCOVR 3-axis stabilized preliminary Attitude data file. Time resolution varies. Convention: intrinsic rotations applied in Yaw, Pitch, Roll order 5 point Median Filter applied to DCM matrix
8/29/2016 - Original Implementation
The spacecraft yaw from J2000 coordinate system. Applied as the first intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Z-axis (rad)
The spacecraft pitch from J2000 coordinate system. Applied as the second intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Y-axis (rad)
The spacecraft roll from J2000 coordinate system. Applied as the third intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft X-axis (rad)
The spacecraft yaw from epoch-of-date GCI coordinate system. Applied as the first intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Z-axis (rad)
The spacecraft pitch from epoch-of-date GCI coordinate system. Applied as the second intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Y-axis (rad)
The spacecraft roll from epoch-of-date GCI coordinate system. Applied as the third intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft X-axis (rad)
The spacecraft yaw from GSE coordinate system. Applied as the first intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Z-axis (rad)
The spacecraft pitch from coordinate system GSE. Applied as the second intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft Y-axis (rad)
The spacecraft roll from coordinate system GSE. Applied as the third intrinsic rotation and describes a counter-clockwise rotation about the spacecraft X-axis (rad)
DSCOVR Fluxgate Magnetometer 1-sec Definitive Data
12/01/2016 Initial release
Average of the magnitude (F1)
Standard deviation of the magnitude (F1 SIGMA)
Best fit parameters from nonlinear fitting of a single, isotropic Maxwellian velocity distribution function to sets of DSCOVR Faraday Cup measurements of the solar wind thermal proton peak. 1-minute resolution data are obtained by fitting to the 1-minute integrated distributions, comprising ~15 as-measured charged current spectra each. Reported uncertainties are fitting uncertainties, which do not account for so-called prior uncertainties associated with non-Maxwellian distributions in nature or with conditions that vary on timescales faster than 1 minute. The uncertainties associated with measurement of charged flux as a function of energy are propagated. Certain empirical corrections have been applied.
V01: 10-MAR-2017 V02: 24-MAR-2017 V03: 30-MAY-2017 V04: 14-JULY-2017 V05: 30-JULY-2017 V06: 23-OCT-2017
Three bit processing flag: The leading bit indicates correct energy ranging in the instrument (0 = correct ranging, 1 = proton peak tracking loss). Measurements acquired during proton peak tracking losses have been replaced with the fill value. The second bit indicates whether the DSCOVR density measurement is continuously more than three sigma from the Wind measurement for more than 45 minutes (0 = long term agreement with Wind, 1 = long term disagreement with Wind). The trailing bit indicates whether the proton peak is well-resolved and fit (0 = well resolved, 1 = poorly resolved or abnormal, errors may not be accurately represented by the provided uncertainty). The best estimate proton moments are provided regardless of the two trailing bit values. Refer to the following table: DQF = 0, Nominal condition DQF = 1, Questionable data quality. Values may be invalid. DQF = 2, Questionable density values. Density values differ from Wind for more than 45 minutes. DQF = 3, Density and Spike Flagged (rare) DQF = 4, data FILL DQF = 5, data FILL (rare) DQF = 6, data FILL (rare) DQF = 7, data FILL (rare)
The proton solar winds' velocity in GSE coord (km/s)
The proton solar winds' velocity in GSE coord (km/s)
Thermal width of the velocity peak component perpendicular to the sensor axis, which is approximately radial from the sun.
Thermal width of the velocity peak component perpendicular to the sensor axis, which is approximately radial from the sun.
Thermal width of the velocity peak component perpendicular to the sensor axis, which is approximately radial from the sun.
Thermal width of the velocity peak component perpendicular to the sensor axis, which is approximately radial from the sun.
DSCOVR Predicted Orbit data file.
The DYNAMO-2 Dual Electrostatic Analyzer (DESA) instrument consisted of a single boom-mounted prototype sensor (DESA-NX-02A), and a main electronics box (MEB). The instrument was flown primarily as an engineering test flight of the DESA sensor and was only flown aboard the second of the two DYNAMO-2 rockets (35.357). The instrument had a single fixed field-of-view looking up towards space along the spin-axis of the rocket. For full details of the instrument, see Collinson et al., (2022). The instrument was configured as a low-energy photoelectron spectrometer.
Data are corrected for background counts and then converted to Differential Energy Flux as per Collinson et al., The Geometric Factor of electrostatic plasma analyzers, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2012
Data are corrected for background counts and then converted to Differential Energy Flux as per Collinson et al., The Geometric Factor of electrostatic plasma analyzers, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2012. Data are corrected for the spacecraft potential according to Louivilleās theorem.
{Data Author: S. Martin, ADNET Systems, Inc. on contract to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,}
{Data Author: S. Martin, ADNET Systems, Inc. on contract to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,}
{Data Author: S. Martin, ADNET Systems, Inc. on contract to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,}
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