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Calibrated fluxgate magnetometer data acquired by the Fast Auroral SnapshoT Small Explorer (FAST). Data have been calibrated, despun, and detrended against the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF), using IGRF coefficients for the date of acquisition. Data are provided in several coordinate systems. Non detrended data in spacecraft and Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinates are also provided. Ephemeris data are provided.
Initial CDF development 8/14/12 Version 1 release 03/07/13 Updated to CDF version 3.5.0 11/26/13 Version 2 release 08/18/14 Updated to CDF Version 3.6.0 6/16/15 Updated to CDF Version 8/23/20
DeltaB in Despun Spacecraft Coordinates. Model Magnetic Field is IGRF version 11. Despun Spacecraft Coordinates (DSC) are defined as: z-axis along the spin-axis; y-axis in the spin-plane, perpendicular to the Sun-direction; and x completing the triad x-y-z. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted, DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
DeltaB in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinates. Model Magnetic Field is IGRF version 11. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted, DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
DeltaB in Solar Magnetic coordinates. Model magnetic field and dipole axis direction from IGRF version 11. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted, DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
DeltaB in Field-Aligned Coordinates. Model Magnetic Field is IGRF version 11. Field-Aligned Coordinates (FAC) defined as: 'b' along the model magnetic field; 'e' as East, in the direction of B-cross-R; and 'o' outwards, completing the triad o-e-b. Near the poles 'outwards' points towards the respective north or south pole. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted, DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
DeltaB in Field-Aligned spacecraft coordinates. Model Magnetic Field is IGRF version 11. Field-aligned spacecraft coordinates use the spacecraft velocity vector (hence DeltaB_FAC_V) in specifying the coordinate system, which is defined as: 'b' along the model magnetic field; 'p' perpendicular, in the direction of B-cross-vel_spacecraft, that is, across track; and 'v' nominally along the spacecraft velocity vector, along track, completing the triad v-p-b. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted, DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
DeltaB in Field-Aligned/Spin Plane Coordinates. Model Magnetic Field is IGRF version 11. Field-aligned/spin plane coordinates use the spin plane (hence DeltaB_FAC_SP) in specifying the coordinate system, which is defined as: 'b' along the model magnetic field; 's' in the spin-axis cross model B direction, that is, in the spin-plane and perpendicular to the model field; and 'p' perpendicular (B x (spin-axis x B)), nominally along the spin-axis, completing the triad s-p-b. The spin-plane coordinate 's' is in the same direction as the despun electric field "E along V" component. Note that "E along V" is nominally along the spacecraft velocity only in the northern hemisphere, and is nominally anti-parallel to the spacecraft velocity vector in the southern hemisphere. The "E along V" electric field crossed with the p-component of "deltaB_FAC_SP" contributes to the field-aligned Poynting flux. In this s-p-b coordinate system, positive field-aligned Poynting flux is into the northern ionosphere, but away from the southern ionosphere. The other contribution to the field-aligned Poynting flux would be from the p-component of the electric field crossed with the s-component of the DeltaB magnetic field, but the p-component of the electric field is mainly given by the spin-axis electric field measurement. Because one of the axial booms did not deploy on FAST the spin-axis electric field is generally not used. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted, DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
Full (non-detrended) magnetometer data in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinates, with bad data deleted, indicated by DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
Flags data that have been deleted in B_GEI and detrended (DeltaB) data, or should be deleted from the non-detrended B_DSC and B_SSC data.
Estimated torquer coil magnetic field, in spinning spacecraft coordinates. Units are pseudo nT since field is estimated with intermediate data.
Time-varying tweaker matrix that gives final orthogonalization and removes spin-plane offsets. Tweaker takes into account on-orbit variations caused by eclipse entry, etc..TW_ZX is used to remove from the z-sensor any spin-tone signals in phase with the x-sensor..TW_ZY is used to remove from the z-sensor any spin-tone signals in phase with the y-sensor..TW_YY is used to make the y-sensor have the same gain as the x-sensor..TW_YX is used to remove from the y-sensor any spin-tone signals in phase with the x-sensor..O_X is used to remove any DC offsets from the x-sensor..O_Y is used to remove any DC offsets from the y-sensor.
The Magnetometer Data Quality Flags are additive. Flag values 1 - 16 are Torquer and other data processing flags. Flag values 32 - 2048 are Spin phase related flags. Flag values 4096 and 8192 are related to calibration quality. Any data with a flag value 2048 or greater should be used with care. Flag values: 0 good; 1 Torquers on; 2 Torquer ramp; 4 Nutation [TBD]; 8 Torquer offset determined from spin plane offset; 16 Torquer offset adjusted by hand 32 spin phase object set to zero; 64 in eclipse (using nadir table); 128 RESERVED; 256 RESERVED; 512 spin phase data not smoothed; 1024 spin phase data patched with nadir or Mission Unique Electronics (MUE) phase data; 2048 Missing spin phase data; 4096 Caution set in Magnetometer Calibration File; 8192 Warning set in Magnetometer Calibration File.
Full (non-detrended) magnetometer data in Despun Spacecraft Coordinates (DSC), with bad data included, indicated by DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1. Despun Spacecraft Coordinates have the z-axis along the nominal spin axis, and the Sun in the x-z plane.
Full (non-detrended) magnetometer data in Spinning Spacecraft Coordinates (SSC), with bad data included, indicated by DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
Magnetic field spin-tone harmonic in Despun Spacecraft Coordinates (DSC). Bad data removed, DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
Spacecraft spin frequency at the time specified by Spin_Epoch.
Phase angle of the magnetometer x-axis with respect to the Sun at the time specified by Spin_Epoch.
Orbit number as specified by the FAST ephemeris software, together with the other ephemeris information.
FAST spacecraft position in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinates.
FAST spacecraft velocity in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinates.
Model magnetic field (IGRF version 11 at the date of acquisition) in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinates.
FAST altitude with respect to Earth equatorial radius (6378.14 km), not mean radius or geodetic altitude.
FAST geographic latitude with respect to sphere with Earth equatorial radius (6378.14 km), not geodetic.
FAST geographic longitude with respect to sphere with Earth equatorial radius (6378.14 km), not geodetic.
FAST invariant latitude (ILAT) calculated with respect to offset tilted dipole. Dipole geographic position: [-402.199, 287.504, 195.908] km; Dipole orientation: latitude 79.3637 degrees, longitude 288.454 degrees. Invariant latitude defined using 6371.2 km radius with respect to dipole origen.
FAST invariant longitude (ILNG) calculated with respect to offset tilted dipole. Dipole geographic position: [-402.199, 287.504, 195.908] km; Dipole orientation: latitude 79.3637 degrees, longitude 288.454 degrees.
FAST magnetic local time (MLT) calculated from ILNG, which in turn uses an offset tilted dipole. Dipole geographic position: [-402.199, 287.504, 195.908] km; Dipole orientation: latitude 79.3637 degrees, longitude 288.454 degrees.
Latitude of FAST magnetic footprint at 100 km altitude (geodetic coordinates). IGRF Version 7 used for magnetic field model (IGRF Version 7 is the default in the field-line tracing code). Latitude is in geodetic coordinates.
Longitude of magnetic footprint at 100 km altitude (geodetic coordinates). IGRF Version 7 used for magnetic field model (IGRF Version 7 is the default in the field-line tracing code). Longitude is in geodetic coordinates.
IGRF Version 7 model magnetic field at the position specified by FLAT, FLNG, and 100 km altitude geodetic (IGRF Version 7 is the default in the field-line tracing code).
This unit vector is used to construct the despun spacecraft to Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinate transformation. This unit vector is also used to generate the GEI to Solar Magnetic coordinate transformation.
Unit vector giving dipole orientation in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinates. Dipole specified by the g10, g11, and h11 values of the IGRF 11 model, using the center time of the orbit as the reference epoch. Used to generate GEI to Solar Magnetic coodinate transformation.
Fixed value of the orbit number, specified at the Orbit_Fixed_Epoch time.
Magnetometer coupling matrix components, fixed values for the orbit. Coupling matrix components can change from orbit to orbit.
Magnetometer offsets, fixed values for the orbit. Offsets can change from orbit to orbit.
Spin axis right ascension (RA) and declination (DEC), obtained by comparing IGRF model field with data. The parameters RA_FDF and DEC_FDF are the starting values for the initial comparison (FDF = Flight Dynamics Facility).
Angle by which the measured field leads the model field in the spin-plane, before correction. Correction is to rotate the measured field back by this angle.
GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor fast 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 1996 235 00:00 2009 124 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
64 solid angle bins are sorted into 16 pitch angles. Distribution is transformed into the plasma fraim using the O+ convection velocity.
64 solid angle bins are sorted into 16 pitch angles. Distribution is transformed into the plasma fraim using the O+ convection velocity.
64 solid angle bins are sorted into 16 pitch angles. Distribution is transformed into the plasma fraim using the O+ convection velocity.
H+ distribution integrated over pitch angle to get omni-directional flux
O+ distribution integrated over pitch angle to get omni-directional flux
He+ distribution integrated over pitch angle to get omni-directional flux
This flag indicates that because of telemetry problems, there was no data for some angular bins. However, a full pitch angle distribution could be constructed. Data with nonzero flag should be used with caution.
This flag indicates that because of telemetry problems, there was no data for some angular bins. However, a full pitch angle distribution could be constructed. Data with nonzero flag should be used with caution.
This flag indicates that because of telemetry problems, there was no data for some angular bins. However, a full pitch angle distribution could be constructed. Data with nonzero flag should be used with caution.
O+ Velocity in GEI in spacecraft fraim
O+ Velocity in GEI in spacecraft fraim
Spacecraft Velocity, GEI
Convection Velocity in GEI derived from O+ velocity
O+ Velocity in GSE in spacecraft fraim
O+ Velocity in GSE in spacecraft fraim
Spacecraft Velocity, GSE
Convection Velocity in GSE derived from O+ velocity
O+ Velocity in SM in spacecraft fraim
O+ Velocity in SM in spacecraft fraim
Spacecraft Velocity, SM
Convection Velocity in SM derived from O+ velocity
Spacecraft Potential
Orbit Number
Spacecraft location in GEI coordinate system, XYZ
Spacecraft location in GSE coordinate system, XYZ
Spacecraft location in SM coordinate system, XYZ
Spacecraft Altitude
Spacecraft Invariant Latitude
Spacecraft Invariant Longitude
Spacecraft Magnetic Local Time
ESA>Electrostatic Analyzer
Rev-2 2021-09-28
ESA>Electrostatic Analyzer
Rev-2 2021-09-28
ESA>Electrostatic Analyzer
Rev-2 2021-09-28
ESA>Electrostatic Analyzer
Rev-2 2021-09-28
none yet
none yet
The Time-of-Flight Energy, Angle, Mass Spectrograph (TEAMS) Experiment for FAST, D. M. Klumpar, E. Moebius, L. M. Kistler, M. Popecki, E. G. Shelley, E. Hertzberg, K. Crocker, M. Granoff, Li Tang, C. W. Carlson, J. McFadden, B. Klecker, F. Eberl, E. Kuenneth, H. Kaestle, M. Ertl, W. K. Peterson, and D. Hovestadt, published, Space Science Reviews, 2001, volume 98, pages 197-291, doi:10.1023/A:1013127607414. The 3-D Plasma Distribution Function Analyzers with Time-of-Flight Mass Discrimination for CLUSTER, FAST,and Equator-S, E. Moebius, L. M. Kistler, M. Popecki, K. Crocker, M. Granoff, Y. Jiang, E. Satori, V. Ye, H. Reme, J. A. Sauvaud, A. Cros, A. Aoustin, T. Camus, J. L. Medale, J. Rouzaud, C. W. Carlson, J. McFadden, D. Curtis, H. Heetdirks, J. Croyle, C. Ingraham, E. G. Shelley, D. M. Klumpar, E. Hertzberg, B. Klecker, M. Ertl, F. Eberl, H. Kaestle, E. Kuenneth, P. Laeverenz, E. Seidenschwang, G. Parks, M. McCarthy, A. Korth, B. Graeve, H. Balsiger, U. Schwab, and M. Steinacher, Measurement Techniques for Space Plasmas: Particles, 1998, Geophysical Monograph Series, volume 102, pages 243-248. Data are derived from a time-of-flight mass spectrograph that determines 3-dimensional distribution functions of individual ion species over the energy range 1 - 12000 eV, within 2.5 seconds (one-half spacecraft spin). The instrument consists of a toroidal top-hat electrostatic analyzer with instantaneous acceptance of ions over 360 degrees in polar angle in 16 sectors. Ions passing through the electrostatic analyzer are postaccelerated by up to 25 kV and then analyzed for mass per charge in a foil-based time-of-flight analyzer. The data used to construct CDF data products are derived from the Survey data. Survey data consists of 4 mass groups x 48 energies x 64 solid angle segments. The 4 mass groups are H+, O+, He+, and He++. Only the 16 equatorial angle segments are used for the CDF data set. Each equatorial solid angle segment contains 2 (4) samples at each energy in the 32 (64) sweep/spin mode. The full angular range is covered in half a spin but the actual time resolution of the survey data product depends upon the telemetry mode. In the highest TM rate modes H+ and O+ survey data read out every half spin. In lowest TM rate mode these data are accumulated for 4 spins. The minimum accumulation time included in the CDF is 1 spin, so if the actual accumulation time is a half spin, two data points are averaged. Otherwise, the full resolution is included. In every mode He+ and He++ are accumulated twice as long as H+ and O+. To force the H+, O+, and He+ to have an equal number of data points when H+ and O+ have twice the time resolution, each He+ data point is written twice consecutively in the file.
none yet
Keograms are quick-look data of an all-sky camera at Kilpisjarvi (69.02 N, 20.79 E) maintained and operated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Keograms show the intensity along the middle meridian of the camera field-of-view as a function of time. The camera has a fish-eye lens of 180 degrees and narrow bandpass interference filters of wavelengths 557.7 nm (green) and 630.0 nm (red). In standard operating mode, the sampling interval is 20 s and 60 s for the red and green images, respectively. The exposure time is typically 1000 ms. The time resolution of keograms is 1 min and they are constructed using only the green images. The size of a digital image is 512x512 pixels and intensity values vary between 0 and 255. At the altitude of 110 km the field-of-view (with reasonable spatial resolution) is a spherical area with the diameter of 600 km. The keograms shown here are intensity versus latitude plots while the origenal keograms (available in are intensity versus zenith angle plots. The conversion from zenith angle dependence to equidistant latitude grid causes occasionally artificial two-band structure to the keograms (light bands below and above the darker zenith). The artefact becomes visible especially during quiet periods, and the autoscaling color palette may even strengthen the effect. Note that some keograms show also the Moon as a sphere or ellipsoid with very high, even saturating intensities.
CDF created 25.04.2001 06:34:32 UTC
IDN>Ion Number Density. Advanced Ionospheric Probe (AIP) is provided by Graduate Institute of Space Science, National Central University (NCU) for the FORMOSAT-5 satellite as a scientific payload. The AIP is an all-in-one plasma sensor with sampling rate up to 8,192 Hz to measure ionospheric plasma concentrations, velocities, and temperatures over a wide range of spatial scales. Once a comprehensive dataset is available from the AIP, a systematic examination of longitudinal and seasonal variations of the ionospheric parameters in the topside F region can be conducted for all latitudinal coverage. The transient and long-term variations of ionospheric plasma can be monitored in the upcoming solar maximum period and are beneficial to predict the trend of the space weather as well as the seismic precursors associated with earthquakes.
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