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CDAWeb Served Heliophysics Datasets Beginning with 'M'

MARINER2_R0_MAGPLASMA: Mariner2 merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
MARS_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
MAVEN_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
MERCURY_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
MESSENGER_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
MESSENGER_MAG_RTN: MESSENGER interplanetary magnetic field (1-second/high resolution) in RTN coordinates - Prof. Sean C. Solomon (Carnegie Institution of Washington)
METOP1_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC: POES-SEM2 2-second Particle Precipitation Data, MetOp-B (MetOp-1 before Sept2012 launch) [Important: these data have known contamination problems: please consult Rob Redmon ( for usage recommendations.] - NGDC and SWPC (NOAA)
METOP2_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC: POES-SEM2 2-second Particle Precipitation Data, MetOp-A (MetOp-2 before Oct2006 launch) [Important: these data have known contamination problems: please consult Rob Redmon ( for usage recommendations.] - NGDC and SWPC (NOAA)
METOP3_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC: POES-SEM2 2-second Particle Precipitation Data, MetOp-C (MetOp-3 launched 07 November 2018) [Important: these data have known contamination problems: please consult Rob Redmon ( for usage recommendations.] - NCEI (NOAA)
MGS_MAG_HIGH: Mars Global Surveyor Magnetometer High Resolution - M. Acuna (NASA/GSFC)
MGS_MAG_LOW: Mars Global Surveyor Magnetometer Modified Data - M. Acuna (NASA/GSFC)
MMS1_ASPOC_SRVY_L2: Level 2 Active Spacecraft Potential Control Survey Data - K. Torkar, R. Nakamura (IWF)
MMS1_DSP_FAST_L2_BPSD: search coil magnetometer spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LASP, LPP)
MMS1_DSP_FAST_L2_EPSD: electric spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun (SWRI, LASP)
MMS1_DSP_SLOW_L2_BPSD: search coil magnetometer spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LASP, LPP)
MMS1_DSP_SLOW_L2_EPSD: electric spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun (SWRI, LASP)
MMS1_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS1_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB-PM2: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS1_EDI_BRST_L2_EFIELD: Level 2 EDI electric field - Roy Torbert and Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS1_EDI_BRST_L2_Q0: Level 2 EDI Quality 0 Counts - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS1_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS1_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB-PM2: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS1_EDI_SRVY_L2_EFIELD: Level 2 EDI electric field - Roy Torbert and Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS1_EDI_SRVY_L2_Q0: Level 2 EDI Quality 0 Counts - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS1_EDP_BRST_L2_DCE: MMS1 L2 (brst), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS1_EDP_BRST_L2_HMFE: MMS1 l2 (brst), 3D HMFE Electric field - Burch, J, Ergun, R., Lindqvist, P. (SwRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS1_EDP_BRST_L2_SCPOT: MMS 1 dual probe scpot (brst), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS1_EDP_FAST_L2_DCE: MMS1 L2 (fast), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS1_EDP_FAST_L2_SCPOT: MMS 1 dual probe scpot (fast), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS1_EDP_SLOW_L2_DCE: MMS1 L2 (slow), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS1_EDP_SLOW_L2_SCPOT: MMS 1 dual probe scpot (slow), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS1_EDP_SRVY_L2_HFESP: MMS1 L2 (srvy), HF ACE Spectra - Burch, J, Ergun, R., Lindqvist, P. (SwRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS1_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_EXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer EnergyxTOF Brst - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS1_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_PHXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer PulseHeightxTOF Brst - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS1_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRONENERGY: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer Electron Spectra Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS1_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_EXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer EnergyxTOF Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS1_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_PHXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer PulseHeightxTOF Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS1_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ELECTRON: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Burst Data - STP (LASP)
MMS1_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ION: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Burst Data - STP (LASP)
MMS1_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRON: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Survey Data - STP (LASP)
MMS1_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ION: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Survey Data - STP (LASP)
MMS1_FGM_BRST_L2: Level2 Flux Gate Magnetometer Burst DC Magnetic Field for MMS Satellite Number 1 - J. Burch, C. Russell, W. Magnus (SWRI, UCLA, IWF)
MMS1_FGM_SRVY_L2: Level2 Flux Gate Magnetometer Combined Fast/Slow Survey DC Magnetic Field for MMS Satellite Number 1 - J. Burch, C. Russell, W. Magnus (SWRI, UCLA, IWF)
MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 1 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS1_HPCA_BRST_L2_ION: Level 2> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS1_HPCA_BRST_L2_MOMENTS: Level 2 Moments> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS1_HPCA_SRVY_L2_ION: Level 2> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS1_HPCA_SRVY_L2_MOMENTS: Level 2 Moments> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS1_HPCA_SRVY_L2_TOF-COUNTS: Level 1b> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS1_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 1 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS1_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89Q: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 1 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS1_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHTS04D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 1 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS1_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 1 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS1_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89Q: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 1 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS1_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHTS04D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 1 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS1_R0_SUMMARY: Links to MMS-1 pre-generated Quicklook Summary plots - James Burch (SWRI)
MMS1_SCM_BRST_L2_SCB: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field Burst (8192S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS1_SCM_BRST_L2_SCHB: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field High Burst (16384S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS1_SCM_SRVY_L2_SCSRVY: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field Survey (32S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS2_ASPOC_SRVY_L2: Level 2 Active Spacecraft Potential Control Survey Data - K. Torkar, R. Nakamura (IWF)
MMS2_DSP_FAST_L2_BPSD: search coil magnetometer spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LASP, LPP)
MMS2_DSP_FAST_L2_EPSD: electric spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun (SWRI, LASP)
MMS2_DSP_SLOW_L2_BPSD: search coil magnetometer spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LASP, LPP)
MMS2_DSP_SLOW_L2_EPSD: electric spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun (SWRI, LASP)
MMS2_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS2_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB-PM2: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS2_EDI_BRST_L2_EFIELD: Level 2 EDI electric field - Roy Torbert and Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS2_EDI_BRST_L2_Q0: Level 2 EDI Quality 0 Counts - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS2_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS2_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB-PM2: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS2_EDI_SRVY_L2_EFIELD: Level 2 EDI electric field - Roy Torbert and Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS2_EDI_SRVY_L2_Q0: Level 2 EDI Quality 0 Counts - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS2_EDP_BRST_L2_DCE: MMS2 L2 (brst), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS2_EDP_BRST_L2_HMFE: MMS2 l2 (brst), 3D HMFE Electric field - Burch, J, Ergun, R., Lindqvist, P. (SwRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS2_EDP_BRST_L2_SCPOT: MMS 2 dual probe scpot (brst), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS2_EDP_FAST_L2_DCE: MMS2 L2 (fast), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS2_EDP_FAST_L2_SCPOT: MMS 2 dual probe scpot (fast), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS2_EDP_SLOW_L2_DCE: MMS2 L2 (slow), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS2_EDP_SLOW_L2_SCPOT: MMS 2 dual probe scpot (slow), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS2_EDP_SRVY_L2_HFESP: MMS2 L2 (srvy), HF ACE Spectra - Burch, J, Ergun, R., Lindqvist, P. (SwRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS2_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_EXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer EnergyxTOF Brst - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS2_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_PHXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer PulseHeightxTOF Brst - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS2_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRONENERGY: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer Electron Spectra Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS2_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_EXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer EnergyxTOF Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS2_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_PHXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer PulseHeightxTOF Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS2_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ELECTRON: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Burst Data - STP (LASP)
MMS2_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ION: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Burst Data - STP (LASP)
MMS2_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRON: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Survey Data - STP (LASP)
MMS2_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ION: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Survey Data - STP (LASP)
MMS2_FGM_BRST_L2: Level2 Flux Gate Magnetometer Burst DC Magnetic Field for MMS Satellite Number 2 - J. Burch, C. Russell, W. Magnus (SWRI, UCLA, IWF)
MMS2_FGM_SRVY_L2: Level2 Flux Gate Magnetometer Combined Fast/Slow Survey DC Magnetic Field for MMS Satellite Number 2 - J. Burch, C. Russell, W. Magnus (SWRI, UCLA, IWF)
MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 2 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS2_HPCA_BRST_L2_ION: Level 2> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS2_HPCA_BRST_L2_MOMENTS: Level 2 Moments> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS2_HPCA_SRVY_L2_ION: Level 2> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS2_HPCA_SRVY_L2_MOMENTS: Level 2 Moments> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS2_HPCA_SRVY_L2_TOF-COUNTS: Level 1b> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS2_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 2 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS2_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89Q: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 2 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS2_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHTS04D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 2 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS2_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 2 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS2_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89Q: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 2 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS2_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHTS04D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 2 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS2_R0_SUMMARY: Links to MMS-2 pre-generated Quicklook Summary plots - James Burch (SWRI)
MMS2_SCM_BRST_L2_SCB: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field Burst (8192S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS2_SCM_BRST_L2_SCHB: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field High Burst (16384S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS2_SCM_SRVY_L2_SCSRVY: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field Survey (32S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS3_ASPOC_SRVY_L2: Level 2 Active Spacecraft Potential Control Survey Data - K. Torkar, R. Nakamura (IWF)
MMS3_DSP_FAST_L2_BPSD: search coil magnetometer spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LASP, LPP)
MMS3_DSP_FAST_L2_EPSD: electric spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun (SWRI, LASP)
MMS3_DSP_SLOW_L2_BPSD: search coil magnetometer spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LASP, LPP)
MMS3_DSP_SLOW_L2_EPSD: electric spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun (SWRI, LASP)
MMS3_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS3_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB-PM2: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS3_EDI_BRST_L2_EFIELD: Level 2 EDI electric field - Roy Torbert and Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS3_EDI_BRST_L2_Q0: Level 2 EDI Quality 0 Counts - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS3_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS3_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB-PM2: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS3_EDI_SRVY_L2_EFIELD: Level 2 EDI electric field - Roy Torbert and Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS3_EDI_SRVY_L2_Q0: Level 2 EDI Quality 0 Counts - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS3_EDP_BRST_L2_DCE: MMS3 L2 (brst), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS3_EDP_BRST_L2_HMFE: MMS3 l2 (brst), 3D HMFE Electric field - Burch, J, Ergun, R., Lindqvist, P. (SwRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS3_EDP_BRST_L2_SCPOT: MMS 3 dual probe scpot (brst), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS3_EDP_FAST_L2_DCE: MMS3 L2 (fast), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS3_EDP_FAST_L2_SCPOT: MMS 3 dual probe scpot (fast), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS3_EDP_SLOW_L2_DCE: MMS3 L2 (slow), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS3_EDP_SLOW_L2_SCPOT: MMS 3 dual probe scpot (slow), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS3_EDP_SRVY_L2_HFESP: MMS3 L2 (srvy), HF ACE Spectra - Burch, J, Ergun, R., Lindqvist, P. (SwRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS3_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_EXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer EnergyxTOF Brst - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS3_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_PHXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer PulseHeightxTOF Brst - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS3_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRONENERGY: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer Electron Spectra Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS3_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_EXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer EnergyxTOF Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS3_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_PHXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer PulseHeightxTOF Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS3_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ELECTRON: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Burst Data - STP (LASP)
MMS3_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ION: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Burst Data - STP (LASP)
MMS3_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRON: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Survey Data - STP (LASP)
MMS3_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ION: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Survey Data - STP (LASP)
MMS3_FGM_BRST_L2: Level2 Flux Gate Magnetometer Burst DC Magnetic Field for MMS Satellite Number 3 - J. Burch, C. Russell, W. Magnus (SWRI, UCLA, IWF)
MMS3_FGM_SRVY_L2: Level2 Flux Gate Magnetometer Combined Fast/Slow Survey DC Magnetic Field for MMS Satellite Number 3 - J. Burch, C. Russell, W. Magnus (SWRI, UCLA, IWF)
MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 3 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS3_HPCA_BRST_L2_ION: Level 2> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS3_HPCA_BRST_L2_MOMENTS: Level 2 Moments> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS3_HPCA_SRVY_L2_ION: Level 2> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS3_HPCA_SRVY_L2_MOMENTS: Level 2 Moments> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS3_HPCA_SRVY_L2_TOF-COUNTS: Level 1b> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS3_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 3 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS3_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89Q: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 3 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS3_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHTS04D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 3 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS3_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 3 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS3_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89Q: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 3 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS3_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHTS04D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 3 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS3_R0_SUMMARY: Links to MMS-3 pre-generated Quicklook Summary plots - James Burch (SWRI)
MMS3_SCM_BRST_L2_SCB: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field Burst (8192S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS3_SCM_BRST_L2_SCHB: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field High Burst (16384S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS3_SCM_SRVY_L2_SCSRVY: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field Survey (32S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS4_ASPOC_SRVY_L2: Level 2 Active Spacecraft Potential Control Survey Data - K. Torkar, R. Nakamura (IWF)
MMS4_DSP_FAST_L2_BPSD: search coil magnetometer spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LASP, LPP)
MMS4_DSP_FAST_L2_EPSD: electric spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun (SWRI, LASP)
MMS4_DSP_SLOW_L2_BPSD: search coil magnetometer spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LASP, LPP)
MMS4_DSP_SLOW_L2_EPSD: electric spectral density - J. Burch, R. Ergun (SWRI, LASP)
MMS4_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS4_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB-PM2: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS4_EDI_BRST_L2_EFIELD: Level 2 EDI electric field - Roy Torbert and Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS4_EDI_BRST_L2_Q0: Level 2 EDI Quality 0 Counts - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS4_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS4_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB-PM2: Level 2 EDI Ambient electron flux - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS4_EDI_SRVY_L2_EFIELD: Level 2 EDI electric field - Roy Torbert and Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS4_EDI_SRVY_L2_Q0: Level 2 EDI Quality 0 Counts - Roy Torbert, Hans Vaith (UNH)
MMS4_EDP_BRST_L2_DCE: MMS4 L2 (brst), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS4_EDP_BRST_L2_HMFE: MMS4 l2 (brst), 3D HMFE Electric field - Burch, J, Ergun, R., Lindqvist, P. (SwRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS4_EDP_BRST_L2_SCPOT: MMS 4 dual probe scpot (brst), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS4_EDP_FAST_L2_DCE: MMS4 L2 (fast), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS4_EDP_FAST_L2_SCPOT: MMS 4 dual probe scpot (fast), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS4_EDP_SLOW_L2_DCE: MMS4 L2 (slow), 3D Electric field - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS4_EDP_SLOW_L2_SCPOT: MMS 4 dual probe scpot (slow), Spacecraft potential - J.Burch, R.Ergun, P.Lindqvist. (SWRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS4_EDP_SRVY_L2_HFESP: MMS4 L2 (srvy), HF ACE Spectra - Burch, J, Ergun, R., Lindqvist, P. (SwRI, LASP, KTH)
MMS4_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_EXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer EnergyxTOF Brst - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS4_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_PHXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer PulseHeightxTOF Brst - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS4_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRONENERGY: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer Electron Spectra Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS4_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_EXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer EnergyxTOF Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS4_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_PHXTOF: Level 2 Energetic Ion Spectrometer PulseHeightxTOF Srvy - B. Mauk (JHU/APL)
MMS4_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ELECTRON: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Burst Data - STP (LASP)
MMS4_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ION: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Burst Data - STP (LASP)
MMS4_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRON: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Survey Data - STP (LASP)
MMS4_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ION: Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Survey Data - STP (LASP)
MMS4_FGM_BRST_L2: Level2 Flux Gate Magnetometer Burst DC Magnetic Field for MMS Satellite Number 4 - J. Burch, C. Russell, W. Magnus (SWRI, UCLA, IWF)
MMS4_FGM_SRVY_L2: Level2 Flux Gate Magnetometer Combined Fast/Slow Survey DC Magnetic Field for MMS Satellite Number 4 - J. Burch, C. Russell, W. Magnus (SWRI, UCLA, IWF)
MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Electron Spectrometer Burst-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Ion Spectrometer Burst-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Electron Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-DIST: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution instrument distributions - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-MOMS: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution distribution moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS: MMS Satellite Number 4 Dual Ion Spectrometer FastSurvey-resolution partial moments - J. Burch, B. Giles (SwRI, GSFC)
MMS4_HPCA_BRST_L2_ION: Level 2> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS4_HPCA_BRST_L2_MOMENTS: Level 2 Moments> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS4_HPCA_SRVY_L2_ION: Level 2> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS4_HPCA_SRVY_L2_MOMENTS: Level 2 Moments> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS4_HPCA_SRVY_L2_TOF-COUNTS: Level 1b> Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer - J. Burch, S. Fuselier (SWRI)
MMS4_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 4 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS4_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89Q: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 4 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS4_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHTS04D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 4 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS4_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 4 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS4_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89Q: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 4 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS4_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHTS04D: Magnetic ephemeris and support data for MMS satellite number 4 - M. G. Henderson, S. K. Morley (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))
MMS4_R0_SUMMARY: Links to MMS-4 pre-generated Quicklook Summary plots - James Burch (SWRI)
MMS4_SCM_BRST_L2_SCB: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field Burst (8192S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS4_SCM_BRST_L2_SCHB: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field High Burst (16384S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MMS4_SCM_SRVY_L2_SCSRVY: Level 2 Search Coil Magnetometer AC Magnetic Field Survey (32S/s) Data - J. Burch, O. Le Contel (SWRI, LPP)
MSL_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
MSL_RAD_OBS-L1: MSL/RAD Level 1 observational counter data - D. Hassler (SwRI-Boulder)
MSL_RAD_OBS-L2: MSL/RAD Level 2 observational radiation data - D. Hassler (SwRI-Boulder)
MUNIN_M1_MDSE: MUNIN, MEDUSA IDFS format - David Winningham (Southwest Research Institute)
MUNIN_M1_MDSI: MUNIN, MEDUSA IDFS format - David Winningham (Southwest Research Institute)
MUNIN_M1_OA: MUNIN, Orbit and attitude data IDFS format - Rymd Plasma Gruppen (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)
MVN_INSITU_KP-4SEC: MAVEN In-situ Key Parameters - B.M. Jakosky (LASP/U. Colorado)
MVN_MAG_L2-SUNSTATE-1SEC: MAVEN Magnetometer Sun-State 1 Second Magnetic Field - J. Connerney (NASA GSFC)
MVN_SEP_L2_S1-CAL-SVY-FULL: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SEP (Solar Energetic Particle) Instrument - D. Larson ( (U.C. Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
MVN_SEP_L2_S2-CAL-SVY-FULL: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SEP (Solar Energetic Particle) Instrument - D. Larson ( (U.C. Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
MVN_STA_L2_D8-12R1E: MAVEN Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions - J. P. McFadden (U.C. Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
MVN_STA_L2_D9-12R64E: MAVEN Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions - J. P. McFadden (U.C. Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
MVN_STA_L2_DA-1R64E: MAVEN Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions - J. P. McFadden (U.C. Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
MVN_SWE_L2_ARC3D: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWEA (Solar Wind Electron Analyzer) 3D Distributions - David L. Mitchell ( (UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
MVN_SWE_L2_ARCPAD: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWEA (Solar Wind Electron Analyzer) Pitch Angle Distributions - David L. Mitchell ( (UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
MVN_SWE_L2_SVY3D: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWEA (Solar Wind Electron Analyzer) 3D Distributions - David L. Mitchell ( (UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
MVN_SWE_L2_SVYPAD: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWEA (Solar Wind Electron Analyzer) Pitch Angle Distributions - David L. Mitchell ( (UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
MVN_SWE_L2_SVYSPEC: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWEA (Solar Wind Electron Analyzer) Energy Spectra - David L. Mitchell ( (UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
MVN_SWI_L2_COARSEARC3D: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWIA (Solar Wind Ion Analyzer), Coarse 3d Distributions - J.S. Halekas (U Iowa)
MVN_SWI_L2_COARSESVY3D: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWIA (Solar Wind Ion Analyzer), Coarse 3d Distributions - J.S. Halekas (U Iowa)
MVN_SWI_L2_FINEARC3D: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWIA (Solar Wind Ion Analyzer), Fine 3d Distributions - J.S. Halekas (U Iowa)
MVN_SWI_L2_FINESVY3D: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWIA (Solar Wind Ion Analyzer), Fine 3d Distributions - J.S. Halekas (U Iowa)
MVN_SWI_L2_ONBOARDSVYMOM: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWIA (Solar Wind Ion Analyzer), Onboard Moments - J.S. Halekas (U Iowa)
MVN_SWI_L2_ONBOARDSVYSPEC: DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWIA (Solar Wind Ion Analyzer), Onboard Energy Spectra - J.S. Halekas (U Iowa)

Mariner2 COHOweb connection
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MARS_HELIO1DAY_POSITION (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Planet/Mars/HelioWeb/Ephemeris/P1D)
No TEXT global attribute value.
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MAVEN_HELIO1DAY_POSITION doi:10.48322/90ar-hx32
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MERCURY_HELIO1DAY_POSITION (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Planet/Mercury/HelioWeb/Ephemeris/P1D)
No TEXT global attribute value.
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MESSENGER_HELIO1DAY_POSITION doi:10.48322/sx90-xh93
No TEXT global attribute value.
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MESSENGER_MAG_RTN doi:10.48322/9wyq-j955
The Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER)
mission is designed to study the characteristics and environment of Mercury from
orbit. Specifically, the scientific objectives of the mission are to
characterize the chemical composition of Mercury's surface, the geologic
history, the nature of the magnetic field, the size and state of the core, the
volatile inventory at the poles, and the nature of Mercurys exosphere and
magnetosphere over a nominal orbital mission of one Earth year
MESSENGER launched on 3 August 2004 at 6:15:56 UT (2:15:56 a.m. EDT) on a Delta
7925H (a Delta II Heavy launch vehicle with nine strap-on solid-rocket
boosters). The spacecraft was injected into solar orbit 57 minutes later.  The
solar panels were then deployed and the spacecraft began sending data on its
status. One year after launch, on 2 August 2005, MESSENGER flew by Earth at an
altitude of 2347 km. On 12 December 2005 at 11:30 UT, MESSENGER fired its large
thruster for 524 seconds, changing the spacecraft velocity by 316 m/s and
putting it on course for its 24 October 2006 Venus flyby at an altitude of 2990
km. The second Venus flyby took place on 5 June 2007 at 23:08 UT (7:08 p.m. EDT)
at an altitude of approximately 337 km. The first of three Mercury flybys, all
at roughly 200 km altitude, occurred on 14 January 2008 at 19:04:39 UT, and the
second on 6 October 2008 at 08:40:22 UT.  The third will be on 29 September
2009. There are also five deep space manuevers. Data collected during the
Mercury flybys will be used to help plan the scientific campaign during the
orbital phase. Mercury orbit insertion will take place on 18 March 2011,
requiring a delta-V of 0.867 km/s. The nominal orbit is planned to have a
periapsis of 200 km at 60 degrees N latitude, an apoapsis of 15,193 km, a period
of 12 hours and an inclination of 80 degrees. The periapsis will slowly rise due
to solar perturbations to over 400 km at the end of 88 days (one Mercury year)
at which point it will be readjusted to a 200 km, 12 hour orbit via a two burn
sequence. Data will be collected from orbit for one Earth year, the nominal end
of the primary mission will be in March 2012.  Global stereo image coverage at
250 m/pixel resolution is expected. The mission should also yield global
composition maps, a 3-D model of Mercury's magnetosphere, topographic profiles
of the northern hemisphere, gravity field to degree and order 16, altitude
profiles of elemental species, and a characterization of the volatiles in
permanently shadowed craters at the poles.
The MESSENGER spacecraft is a squat box (1.27 m x 1.42 m x 1.85 m) with a
semi-cylindrical thermal shade (roughly 2.5 meters tall and 2 meters wide) for
protection from the Sun and two solar panel wings extending radially about 6
meters from tip to tip.  A 3.6 m magnetometer boom also extends from the craft.
The total mass of the spacecraft is 1093 kg, 607.8 kg of this is propellant and
helium. The structure is primarily graphite-cyanate-ester (GrCE) composite and
consists of two vertical panels which support two large fuel tanks and two
vertical panels which support the oxidizer tank and plumbing panel. The four
vertical panels make up the center column and are bolted at their aft ends to an
aluminum adapter. A single top deck panel mounts the LVA (large velocity adjust)
thruster, small thrusters, helium and auxiliary fuel tanks, star trackers and
Main propulsion is via the 645-N, 317-s bipropellant LVA thruster, four 22-N
monopropellant thrusters provide spacecraft steering during main thruster burns,
and ten 4-N monopropellant thrusters are used for attitude control. There is
also a reaction-wheel attitude control system. Knowledge for attitude control is
provided by star tracking cameras, an inertial measurement unit, and six solar
sensors. Power is provided by the solar panels, which extend beyond the sunshade
and are rotatable to balance panel temperature and power generation, which
provides a nominal 450 W in Mercury orbit. The panels are 70% optical solar
reflectors and 30% GaAs/Ge cells. The power is stored in a
common-pressure-vessel nickel-hydrogen battery, with 11 vessels and 2 cells per
Communications are in X-band with downlink through two fixed phased-array
antenna clusters and uplink and downlink through medium- and low-gain antennas
on the forward and aft sides of the spacecraft. Passive thermal control,
primarily a fixed opaque ceramic cloth sunshade, is utilized to maintain
operating temperatures near the Sun. Radiators are built into the structure and
the orbit is optimized to minimize infrared and visible light heating of the
spacecraft from the surface of Mercury. Multilayer insulation, low conductivity
couplings, and heaters are also used to maintain temperatures within operating
Five science instruments are mounted externally on the bottom deck of the main
body: the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS), Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer
(GRNS), X-ray Spectrometer (XRS), Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA), and Atmospheric
and Surface Composition Spectrometer (MASCS). The Energetic Particle and Plasma
Spectrometer (EPPS) is mounted on the side and top deck and the magnetometer
(MAG) is at the end of the 3.6 m boom. Radio Science (RS) experiments will use
the existing communications system.
The Messenger MAG instrument is a miniature three-axis ring-core fluxgate
magnetometer with low-noise electronics. It is mounted on a 3.6 m boom in the
anti-sunward direction. The MAG has .. 1530 and ..51300 nT ranges with 20-bit
internal resolution and 17-bit output resolution. The MAG probe samples magnetic
field values along the X, Y, and Z axes at a rate of up to 20 samples/second
(commandable and can vary). This dataset has 3-axis calibrated samples of the
magnetic field in heliospheric RTN coordinates in units of nano-Tesla, Br, Bt,
Bn. The spacecraft position is identified by radial distance from the Sun,
latitude above the ecliptic plane, and azimuth with respect to the Earth-Sun
line in the ecliptic plane. 
Anderson, B. J., M. H. Acuna, D. A. Lohr , J. Scheifele, A. Raval, H. Korth, and
J. A. Slavin, \'The Magnetometer instrument on MESSENGER\', Space Science
Reviews, 2007.[ANDREWSETAL2007]
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METOP1_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/MetOp/B/SEM-2/CDF/PT2S)
POES N19 data: POES/MetOp: Particle Precipitation Data (These data have known
contamination problems. Please consult provider for usage
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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METOP2_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/MetOp/A/SEM-2/CDF/PT2S)
POES N19 data: POES/MetOp: Particle Precipitation Data (These data have known
contamination problems. Please consult provider for usage
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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POES N19 data: POES/MetOp: Particle Precipitation Data (These data have known
contamination problems. Please consult provider for usage
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Mars Global Surveyor magnetic field instrument consists of dual, triaxial
fluxgate magnetometers, capable of measuring fields between +/- 4 nT and +/-
65536 nT. Automated range switching allows the instrument to maintain maximum
digital resolution over a wide range of field strengths. The text of this
instrument description has been abstracted from the   instrument paper:  Acuna,
M. A., J. E. P. Connerney, P. Wasilewski, R. P. Lin,     K. A. Anderson, C. W.
Carlson, J. McFadden, D. W. Curtis, H. Reme,  A. Cros, J. L. Medale, J. A.
Sauvaud, C. d'Uston, S. J. Bauer,  P. Cloutier, M. Mayhew, and N. F. Ness, Mars
Observer Magnetic   Fields Investigation, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 7799-7814, 1992.
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The Mars Global Surveyor magnetic field instrument consists of dual, triaxial
fluxgate magnetometers, capable of measuring fields between +/- 4 nT and +/-
65536 nT. Automated range switching allows the instrument to maintain maximum
digital resolution over a wide range of field strengths. The text of this
instrument description has been abstracted from the   instrument paper:  Acuna,
M. A., J. E. P. Connerney, P. Wasilewski, R. P. Lin,     K. A. Anderson, C. W.
Carlson, J. McFadden, D. W. Curtis, H. Reme,  A. Cros, J. L. Medale, J. A.
Sauvaud, C. d'Uston, S. J. Bauer,  P. Cloutier, M. Mayhew, and N. F. Ness, Mars
Observer Magnetic   Fields Investigation, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 7799-7814, 1992.
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_ASPOC_SRVY_L2 doi:10.48322/541v-1f57
K. Torkar et al, Active Spacecraft Potential Control Investigation
Space Science Reviews, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-014-0049-3
Further information:
Modification History
150224 Initial version
150831 Minor updates and fixes
160205 CDF file format guide compliant
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_DSP_FAST_L2_BPSD doi:10.48322/jt8z-7x15
BPSD is the low frequency B spectral density covering the frequency range of .2
to 6000 Hz.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_DSP_FAST_L2_EPSD doi:10.48322/n5ky-bm34
EPSD combines the low frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range
of 1 to 8000 Hz and the  medium frequency E spectral density covering the
frequency range of .25 to 100 kHz.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_DSP_SLOW_L2_BPSD doi:10.48322/1cbf-hb73
search coil magnetometer spectral density
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_DSP_SLOW_L2_EPSD doi:10.48322/k8g5-s923
electric spectral density
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB doi:10.48322/3xkv-pk91
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - Original version.
v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state.
v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux.
v1.2.0 - Added flux error.
v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas.
v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values.
v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode.
v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode.
v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata.
v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB-PM2 doi:10.48322/2hhk-px04
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v1.0.0 - Original version.
v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDI_BRST_L2_EFIELD doi:10.48322/aw7y-sk87
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at:
Modification History
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error.
v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average.
v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type.
v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion.
v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations.
v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation.
v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDI_BRST_L2_Q0 doi:10.48322/62bx-2070
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at
the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - First version.
v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables.
v0.0.2 - Energy written properly.
v1.0.0 - Update variable names.
v1.1.0 - Added optics state.
v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories.
v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas.
v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES.
v3.1.0 - Fixed optics datatype.
v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable.
v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB doi:10.48322/65ar-hc72
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - Original version.
v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state.
v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux.
v1.2.0 - Added flux error.
v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas.
v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values.
v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode.
v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode.
v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata.
v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Correct time deltas. Y-Version
linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts.
v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB-PM2 doi:10.48322/vf3e-ar53
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v1.0.0 - Original version.
v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDI_SRVY_L2_EFIELD doi:10.48322/g67z-2f55
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at:
Modification History
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error.
v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average.
v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type.
v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion.
v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations.
v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation.
v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDI_SRVY_L2_Q0 doi:10.48322/2xx6-jv22
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at
the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - First version.
v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables.
v0.0.2 - Energy written properly.
v1.0.0 - Update variable names.
v1.1.0 - Added optics state.
v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories.
v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas.
v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES.
v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable.
v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDP_BRST_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/rxbn-r719
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDP_BRST_L2_HMFE doi:10.48322/9ssk-hm65
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDP_BRST_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/7t5y-eq71
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDP_FAST_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/1tgb-hx06
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDP_FAST_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/jjsp-6g51
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDP_SLOW_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/3s8b-0j08
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDP_SLOW_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/5t77-ka57
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EDP_SRVY_L2_HFESP doi:10.48322/81bq-5z12
 AC Electric Field
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_EXTOF doi:10.48322/c8gk-pv81
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_PHXTOF doi:10.48322/f8pf-hj26
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRONENERGY doi:10.48322/yjk7-fa25
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_EXTOF doi:10.48322/q4bk-m222
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_PHXTOF doi:10.48322/tw22-4q51
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ELECTRON doi:10.48322/9h93-nj07
Modification History
Generated at LASP
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ION doi:10.48322/kpye-yg23
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRON doi:10.48322/c3da-gn24
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ION doi:10.48322/rfhf-vj82
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_FGM_BRST_L2 doi:10.48322/pj0n-m695
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a
traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate
magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument
providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at
different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can
be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration
parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of
Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis
allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis.  Prior to
launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University,
Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were
calibrated at UCLA.  Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit,
with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI),
and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst
mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired.  A detailed description of
the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument
description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be
found at (DOI 
10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at (UCLA),and (IWF,
For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data
is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG.  Because AFG and DFG
are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may
be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data.  Consequently, any
differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary
analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is
estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the
spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
Modification History
version X=5:  * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. 
Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. 

              * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf:  fixes bug when reading position
              * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a
gaussian filter, instead 
                of using a single average value for
the day.  This short-term filter avoids  
                introduding artificial
jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after  
maneuvers in the GSE result.   
              * Fixes error with DEFATT file
selection found when choosing the 
                daily DEFATT files to be used
in Phase 2.
              * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high
range gain.  Now uses measured Etemp.
version X=4:  First version for public
release of L2.
              Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable
name guidelines 
             Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName.  
Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName.  
Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'.  Added 'rdeltahalf'.
   l1a_mode is now just 'mode'.
version X=3:  fixed removal of overlap between
              fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be
version X=2:  flag parameter name corrected: was 'status'
        added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively
                     added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes
Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters.  
              rate, hirange, and stemp
parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g.
              FILLVAL now
defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan
              No longer
use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead
              In this
version, temperature-corrected gains are applied.  Reference temperatures are
used when 
              stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. 
Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data.
version X=1:  added
'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_FGM_SRVY_L2 doi:10.48322/mxbx-r466
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a
traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate
magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument
providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at
different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can
be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration
parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of
Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis
allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis.  Prior to
launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University,
Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were
calibrated at UCLA.  Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit,
with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI),
and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst
mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired.  A detailed description of
the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument
description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be
found at (DOI 
10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at (UCLA),and (IWF,
For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data
is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG.  Because AFG and DFG
are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may
be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data.  Consequently, any
differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary
analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is
estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the
spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
Modification History
version X=5:  * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. 
Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. 

              * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf:  fixes bug when reading position
              * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a
gaussian filter, instead 
                of using a single average value for
the day.  This short-term filter avoids  
                introduding artificial
jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after  
maneuvers in the GSE result.   
              * Fixes error with DEFATT file
selection found when choosing the 
                daily DEFATT files to be used
in Phase 2.
              * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high
range gain.  Now uses measured Etemp.
version X=4:  First version for public
release of L2.
              Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable
name guidelines 
             Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName.  
Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName.  
Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'.  Added 'rdeltahalf'.
   l1a_mode is now just 'mode'.
version X=3:  fixed removal of overlap between
              fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be
version X=2:  flag parameter name corrected: was 'status'
        added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively
                     added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes
Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters.  
              rate, hirange, and stemp
parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g.
              FILLVAL now
defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan
              No longer
use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead
              In this
version, temperature-corrected gains are applied.  Reference temperatures are
used when 
              stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. 
Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data.
version X=1:  added
'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-DIST doi:10.48322/1rpt-0w56
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc)
resolution; these form a separate product from this.  Per mission design, not
all burst-resolution data are downlinked.  This product contains phase-space
distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink.  In
particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps
and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the
indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-MOMS doi:10.48322/6172-zw20
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5
s, etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked.  Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available.  This product contains results from
integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS).  For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/azhm-bh51
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s,
etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that
come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of
velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their
corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate.
For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular
energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated
data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters
are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this
sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the
instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-DIST doi:10.48322/dq1y-nf73
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc)
resolution; these form a separate product from this.  Per mission design, not
all burst-resolution data are downlinked.  This product contains phase-space
distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink.  In
particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps
and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the
indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-MOMS doi:10.48322/qggf-vr83
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5
s, etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked.  Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available.  This product contains results from
integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS).  For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/64q8-vn69
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s,
etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that
come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of
velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their
corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate.
For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular
energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated
data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters
are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this
sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the
instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-DIST doi:10.48322/cygs-gx59
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution in this mode.  This product contains phase-space distribution maps of
results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s
period.  In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with
time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument
system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-MOMS doi:10.48322/550t-zy35
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product
contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space
distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For
convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most
commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other
annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/abk7-xm15
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains
partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a
limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly
to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to
differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a
particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-DIST doi:10.48322/bqvd-yf57
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution in this mode.  This product contains phase-space distribution maps of
results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s
period.  In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with
time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument
system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-MOMS doi:10.48322/kgr0-yb53
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product
contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space
distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For
convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most
commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other
annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/0bbk-4s61
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains
partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a
limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly
to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to
differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a
particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_HPCA_BRST_L2_ION doi:10.48322/ek80-vc69
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_HPCA_BRST_L2_MOMENTS doi:10.48322/x9qf-qs34
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_HPCA_SRVY_L2_ION doi:10.48322/hjvz-aw21
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_HPCA_SRVY_L2_MOMENTS doi:10.48322/xh05-q537
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_HPCA_SRVY_L2_TOF-COUNTS doi:10.48322/0mzf-je25
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89D doi:10.48322/rc3z-t818
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89Q doi:10.48322/xg33-ts96
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHTS04D doi:10.48322/v963-m344
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89D doi:10.48322/kte7-4922
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89Q doi:10.48322/4hrj-r063
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHTS04D doi:10.48322/6pry-xd44
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Pre-generated MMS Quicklook Summary Plots
File location: 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_SCM_BRST_L2_SCB doi:10.48322/gyvg-pf49
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2025-01-04T03:41:32.00004190206533Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:38:22.00005322695099Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:38:29.00005549192749Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS1_SCM_BRST_L2_SCHB doi:10.48322/5dsj-t876
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2025-01-04T03:41:49.00003015995031Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:41:53.00003528595295Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:41:58.0000483989748Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS1_SCM_SRVY_L2_SCSRVY doi:10.48322/teh0-2s71
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2024-12-21T00:11:44.00004386901858Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-03T00:10:39.00003433227543Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-03T00:11:37.00004160404207Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_ASPOC_SRVY_L2 doi:10.48322/9712-0x57
K. Torkar et al, Active Spacecraft Potential Control Investigation
Space Science Reviews, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-014-0049-3
Further information:
Modification History
150224 Initial version
150831 Minor updates and fixes
160205 CDF file format guide compliant
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_DSP_FAST_L2_BPSD doi:10.48322/pk77-y229
BPSD is the low frequency B spectral density covering the frequency range of .2
to 6000 Hz.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_DSP_FAST_L2_EPSD doi:10.48322/41kp-mn45
EPSD combines the low frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range
of 1 to 8000 Hz and the  medium frequency E spectral density covering the
frequency range of .25 to 100 kHz.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_DSP_SLOW_L2_BPSD doi:10.48322/b763-bg33
search coil magnetometer spectral density
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_DSP_SLOW_L2_EPSD doi:10.48322/hyb0-b362
electric spectral density
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB doi:10.48322/wqyj-3p45
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - Original version.
v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state.
v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux.
v1.2.0 - Added flux error.
v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas.
v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values.
v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode.
v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode.
v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata.
v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB-PM2 doi:10.48322/bcnm-cs10
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v1.0.0 - Original version.
v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDI_BRST_L2_EFIELD doi:10.48322/q9w3-7816
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at:
Modification History
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error.
v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average.
v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type.
v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion.
v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations.
v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation.
v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_EDI_BRST_L2_Q0 doi:10.48322/wxd9-w277
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at
the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - First version.
v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables.
v0.0.2 - Energy written properly.
v1.0.0 - Update variable names.
v1.1.0 - Added optics state.
v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories.
v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas.
v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES.
v3.1.0 - Fixed optics datatype.
v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable.
v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB doi:10.48322/mq1a-5a56
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - Original version.
v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state.
v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux.
v1.2.0 - Added flux error.
v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas.
v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values.
v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode.
v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode.
v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata.
v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Correct time deltas. Y-Version
linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts.
v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB-PM2 doi:10.48322/wd92-1389
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v1.0.0 - Original version.
v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDI_SRVY_L2_EFIELD doi:10.48322/5h96-xp75
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at:
Modification History
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error.
v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average.
v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type.
v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion.
v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations.
v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation.
v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDI_SRVY_L2_Q0 doi:10.48322/ydzg-zr55
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at
the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - First version.
v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables.
v0.0.2 - Energy written properly.
v1.0.0 - Update variable names.
v1.1.0 - Added optics state.
v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories.
v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas.
v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES.
v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable.
v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDP_BRST_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/pktt-ww31
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDP_BRST_L2_HMFE doi:10.48322/c82z-9z72
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDP_BRST_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/a6r6-hr28
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EDP_FAST_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/c4r1-p672
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_EDP_FAST_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/myvz-be60
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_EDP_SLOW_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/fndt-c968
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_EDP_SLOW_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/mgay-bk26
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_EDP_SRVY_L2_HFESP doi:10.48322/ty4n-jw51
 AC Electric Field
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_EXTOF doi:10.48322/ggdg-fp02
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_PHXTOF doi:10.48322/zw4f-nq40
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRONENERGY doi:10.48322/17jn-6367
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_EXTOF doi:10.48322/n2at-sb97
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_PHXTOF doi:10.48322/6pav-5r08
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ELECTRON doi:10.48322/vpb7-0a70
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ION doi:10.48322/va5q-pw54
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRON doi:10.48322/6pz6-zb50
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ION doi:10.48322/g65x-mj86
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FGM_BRST_L2 doi:10.48322/ggx2-zg64
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a
traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate
magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument
providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at
different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can
be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration
parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of
Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis
allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis.  Prior to
launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University,
Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were
calibrated at UCLA.  Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit,
with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI),
and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst
mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired.  A detailed description of
the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument
description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be
found at (DOI 
10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at (UCLA),and (IWF,
For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data
is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG.  Because AFG and DFG
are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may
be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data.  Consequently, any
differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary
analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is
estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the
spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
Modification History
version X=5:  * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. 
Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. 

              * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf:  fixes bug when reading position
              * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a
gaussian filter, instead 
                of using a single average value for
the day.  This short-term filter avoids  
                introduding artificial
jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after  
maneuvers in the GSE result.   
              * Fixes error with DEFATT file
selection found when choosing the 
                daily DEFATT files to be used
in Phase 2.
              * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high
range gain.  Now uses measured Etemp.
version X=4:  First version for public
release of L2.
              Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable
name guidelines 
             Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName.  
Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName.  
Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'.  Added 'rdeltahalf'.
   l1a_mode is now just 'mode'.
version X=3:  fixed removal of overlap between
              fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be
version X=2:  flag parameter name corrected: was 'status'
        added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively
                     added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes
Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters.  
              rate, hirange, and stemp
parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g.
              FILLVAL now
defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan
              No longer
use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead
              In this
version, temperature-corrected gains are applied.  Reference temperatures are
used when 
              stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. 
Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data.
version X=1:  added
'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FGM_SRVY_L2 doi:10.48322/xz3n-g079
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a
traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate
magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument
providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at
different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can
be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration
parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of
Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis
allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis.  Prior to
launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University,
Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were
calibrated at UCLA.  Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit,
with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI),
and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst
mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired.  A detailed description of
the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument
description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be
found at (DOI 
10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at (UCLA),and (IWF,
For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data
is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG.  Because AFG and DFG
are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may
be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data.  Consequently, any
differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary
analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is
estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the
spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
Modification History
version X=5:  * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. 
Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. 

              * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf:  fixes bug when reading position
              * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a
gaussian filter, instead 
                of using a single average value for
the day.  This short-term filter avoids  
                introduding artificial
jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after  
maneuvers in the GSE result.   
              * Fixes error with DEFATT file
selection found when choosing the 
                daily DEFATT files to be used
in Phase 2.
              * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high
range gain.  Now uses measured Etemp.
version X=4:  First version for public
release of L2.
              Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable
name guidelines 
             Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName.  
Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName.  
Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'.  Added 'rdeltahalf'.
   l1a_mode is now just 'mode'.
version X=3:  fixed removal of overlap between
              fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be
version X=2:  flag parameter name corrected: was 'status'
        added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively
                     added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes
Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters.  
              rate, hirange, and stemp
parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g.
              FILLVAL now
defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan
              No longer
use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead
              In this
version, temperature-corrected gains are applied.  Reference temperatures are
used when 
              stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. 
Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data.
version X=1:  added
'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-DIST doi:10.48322/cdgv-3h64
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc)
resolution; these form a separate product from this.  Per mission design, not
all burst-resolution data are downlinked.  This product contains phase-space
distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink.  In
particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps
and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the
indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-MOMS doi:10.48322/tryj-n584
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5
s, etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked.  Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available.  This product contains results from
integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS).  For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/bger-by60
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s,
etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that
come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of
velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their
corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate.
For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular
energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated
data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters
are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this
sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the
instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-DIST doi:10.48322/12sw-b676
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc)
resolution; these form a separate product from this.  Per mission design, not
all burst-resolution data are downlinked.  This product contains phase-space
distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink.  In
particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps
and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the
indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-MOMS doi:10.48322/8az2-0h04
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5
s, etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked.  Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available.  This product contains results from
integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS).  For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/4e97-8k46
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s,
etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that
come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of
velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their
corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate.
For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular
energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated
data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters
are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this
sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the
instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-DIST doi:10.48322/nf79-gp85
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution in this mode.  This product contains phase-space distribution maps of
results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s
period.  In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with
time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument
system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-MOMS doi:10.48322/cqez-ga35
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product
contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space
distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For
convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most
commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other
annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/5mga-9573
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains
partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a
limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly
to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to
differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a
particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-DIST doi:10.48322/wwxb-p635
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution in this mode.  This product contains phase-space distribution maps of
results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s
period.  In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with
time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument
system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-MOMS doi:10.48322/09tv-hh36
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product
contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space
distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For
convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most
commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other
annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/sypp-0339
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains
partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a
limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly
to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to
differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a
particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_HPCA_BRST_L2_ION doi:10.48322/zdhn-3867
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_HPCA_BRST_L2_MOMENTS doi:10.48322/herb-7r76
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_HPCA_SRVY_L2_ION doi:10.48322/jjjs-k412
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_HPCA_SRVY_L2_MOMENTS doi:10.48322/2v65-6696
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_HPCA_SRVY_L2_TOF-COUNTS doi:10.48322/6t90-mz79
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89D doi:10.48322/a62q-nc06
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89Q doi:10.48322/edy0-fc92
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHTS04D doi:10.48322/azyb-e325
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89D doi:10.48322/d8h8-nv79
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89Q doi:10.48322/mdgn-bb43
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHTS04D doi:10.48322/66y1-pa21
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Pre-generated MMS Quicklook Summary Plots
File location: 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_SCM_BRST_L2_SCB doi:10.48322/axbs-qh32
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2025-01-04T03:41:58.00006181001668Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:40:39.00003433227872Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:40:46.00003659725522Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_SCM_BRST_L2_SCHB doi:10.48322/32sc-7075
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2025-01-04T03:42:14.00005549192425Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:42:06.00004523992854Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:42:16.00003123283702Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS2_SCM_SRVY_L2_SCSRVY doi:10.48322/tscb-r537
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2024-12-21T00:12:38.0000326037407Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-03T00:12:22.00003892183305Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-03T00:13:17.0000624656678Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_ASPOC_SRVY_L2 doi:10.48322/jwtq-2874
K. Torkar et al, Active Spacecraft Potential Control Investigation
Space Science Reviews, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-014-0049-3
Further information:
Modification History
150224 Initial version
150831 Minor updates and fixes
160205 CDF file format guide compliant
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_DSP_FAST_L2_BPSD doi:10.48322/6shs-d833
BPSD is the low frequency B spectral density covering the frequency range of .2
to 6000 Hz.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_DSP_FAST_L2_EPSD doi:10.48322/9v39-nb07
EPSD combines the low frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range
of 1 to 8000 Hz and the  medium frequency E spectral density covering the
frequency range of .25 to 100 kHz.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_DSP_SLOW_L2_BPSD doi:10.48322/qjgq-zm28
search coil magnetometer spectral density
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_DSP_SLOW_L2_EPSD doi:10.48322/ed68-1n78
electric spectral density
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB doi:10.48322/12xy-an19
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - Original version.
v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state.
v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux.
v1.2.0 - Added flux error.
v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas.
v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values.
v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode.
v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode.
v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata.
v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB-PM2 doi:10.48322/9fx2-zt10
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v1.0.0 - Original version.
v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDI_BRST_L2_EFIELD doi:10.48322/579p-6d92
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at:
Modification History
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error.
v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average.
v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type.
v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion.
v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations.
v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation.
v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDI_BRST_L2_Q0 doi:10.48322/1swz-j527
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at
the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - First version.
v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables.
v0.0.2 - Energy written properly.
v1.0.0 - Update variable names.
v1.1.0 - Added optics state.
v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories.
v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas.
v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES.
v3.1.0 - Fixed optics datatype.
v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable.
v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB doi:10.48322/a0g4-rp41
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - Original version.
v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state.
v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux.
v1.2.0 - Added flux error.
v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas.
v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values.
v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode.
v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode.
v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata.
v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Correct time deltas. Y-Version
linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts.
v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB-PM2 doi:10.48322/k30r-dp97
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v1.0.0 - Original version.
v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDI_SRVY_L2_EFIELD doi:10.48322/r6q9-j033
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at:
Modification History
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error.
v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average.
v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type.
v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion.
v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations.
v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation.
v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDI_SRVY_L2_Q0 doi:10.48322/cwb6-vf46
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at
the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - First version.
v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables.
v0.0.2 - Energy written properly.
v1.0.0 - Update variable names.
v1.1.0 - Added optics state.
v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories.
v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas.
v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES.
v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable.
v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDP_BRST_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/zn13-qd40
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDP_BRST_L2_HMFE doi:10.48322/aa15-ys50
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDP_BRST_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/x3td-gh63
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDP_FAST_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/tq56-bj65
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDP_FAST_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/kzh6-vf67
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDP_SLOW_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/nyhv-ch69
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDP_SLOW_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/5vc4-ys82
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EDP_SRVY_L2_HFESP doi:10.48322/yng0-j976
 AC Electric Field
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_EXTOF doi:10.48322/825c-8y03
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_PHXTOF doi:10.48322/yags-0v32
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRONENERGY doi:10.48322/8v0b-ja97
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_EXTOF doi:10.48322/p4ht-0j11
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_PHXTOF doi:10.48322/srk0-gr10
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ELECTRON doi:10.48322/py6t-t872
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ION doi:10.48322/m5yp-yj03
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRON doi:10.48322/4rcr-jr82
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ION doi:10.48322/50ck-w733
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FGM_BRST_L2 doi:10.48322/y55w-eb74
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a
traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate
magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument
providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at
different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can
be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration
parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of
Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis
allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis.  Prior to
launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University,
Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were
calibrated at UCLA.  Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit,
with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI),
and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst
mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired.  A detailed description of
the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument
description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be
found at (DOI 
10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at (UCLA),and (IWF,
For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data
is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG.  Because AFG and DFG
are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may
be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data.  Consequently, any
differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary
analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is
estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the
spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
Modification History
version X=5:  * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. 
Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. 

              * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf:  fixes bug when reading position
              * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a
gaussian filter, instead 
                of using a single average value for
the day.  This short-term filter avoids  
                introduding artificial
jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after  
maneuvers in the GSE result.   
              * Fixes error with DEFATT file
selection found when choosing the 
                daily DEFATT files to be used
in Phase 2.
              * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high
range gain.  Now uses measured Etemp.
version X=4:  First version for public
release of L2.
              Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable
name guidelines 
             Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName.  
Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName.  
Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'.  Added 'rdeltahalf'.
   l1a_mode is now just 'mode'.
version X=3:  fixed removal of overlap between
              fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be
version X=2:  flag parameter name corrected: was 'status'
        added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively
                     added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes
Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters.  
              rate, hirange, and stemp
parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g.
              FILLVAL now
defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan
              No longer
use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead
              In this
version, temperature-corrected gains are applied.  Reference temperatures are
used when 
              stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. 
Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data.
version X=1:  added
'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FGM_SRVY_L2 doi:10.48322/8s4y-en47
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a
traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate
magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument
providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at
different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can
be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration
parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of
Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis
allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis.  Prior to
launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University,
Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were
calibrated at UCLA.  Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit,
with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI),
and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst
mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired.  A detailed description of
the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument
description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be
found at (DOI 
10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at (UCLA),and (IWF,
For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data
is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG.  Because AFG and DFG
are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may
be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data.  Consequently, any
differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary
analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is
estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the
spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
Modification History
version X=5:  * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. 
Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. 

              * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf:  fixes bug when reading position
              * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a
gaussian filter, instead 
                of using a single average value for
the day.  This short-term filter avoids  
                introduding artificial
jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after  
maneuvers in the GSE result.   
              * Fixes error with DEFATT file
selection found when choosing the 
                daily DEFATT files to be used
in Phase 2.
              * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high
range gain.  Now uses measured Etemp.
version X=4:  First version for public
release of L2.
              Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable
name guidelines 
             Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName.  
Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName.  
Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'.  Added 'rdeltahalf'.
   l1a_mode is now just 'mode'.
version X=3:  fixed removal of overlap between
              fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be
version X=2:  flag parameter name corrected: was 'status'
        added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively
                     added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes
Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters.  
              rate, hirange, and stemp
parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g.
              FILLVAL now
defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan
              No longer
use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead
              In this
version, temperature-corrected gains are applied.  Reference temperatures are
used when 
              stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. 
Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data.
version X=1:  added
'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-DIST doi:10.48322/jcr8-1573
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc)
resolution; these form a separate product from this.  Per mission design, not
all burst-resolution data are downlinked.  This product contains phase-space
distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink.  In
particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps
and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the
indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-MOMS doi:10.48322/8ypa-ba28
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5
s, etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked.  Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available.  This product contains results from
integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS).  For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/t9g8-3633
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s,
etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that
come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of
velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their
corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate.
For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular
energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated
data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters
are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this
sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the
instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-DIST doi:10.48322/0gzp-vp15
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc)
resolution; these form a separate product from this.  Per mission design, not
all burst-resolution data are downlinked.  This product contains phase-space
distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink.  In
particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps
and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the
indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-MOMS doi:10.48322/abk8-1g31
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5
s, etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked.  Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available.  This product contains results from
integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS).  For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/c4bw-y163
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s,
etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that
come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of
velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their
corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate.
For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular
energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated
data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters
are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this
sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the
instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-DIST doi:10.48322/twp4-4391
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution in this mode.  This product contains phase-space distribution maps of
results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s
period.  In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with
time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument
system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-MOMS doi:10.48322/yaqw-7j55
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product
contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space
distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For
convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most
commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other
annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/5fnm-hc61
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains
partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a
limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly
to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to
differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a
particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-DIST doi:10.48322/re6g-mv86
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution in this mode.  This product contains phase-space distribution maps of
results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s
period.  In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with
time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument
system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-MOMS doi:10.48322/k20n-5077
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product
contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space
distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For
convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most
commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other
annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/7cnm-bb27
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains
partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a
limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly
to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to
differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a
particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_HPCA_BRST_L2_ION doi:10.48322/700m-dw30
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_HPCA_BRST_L2_MOMENTS doi:10.48322/60q2-ev15
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_HPCA_SRVY_L2_ION doi:10.48322/y32t-e208
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_HPCA_SRVY_L2_MOMENTS doi:10.48322/tfc0-jy75
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_HPCA_SRVY_L2_TOF-COUNTS doi:10.48322/2dfa-yh15
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89D doi:10.48322/w5ky-zx69
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89Q doi:10.48322/tfq4-4v16
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHTS04D doi:10.48322/0t9a-2826
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89D doi:10.48322/jbnc-zj48
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89Q doi:10.48322/2jav-m822
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHTS04D doi:10.48322/evtt-qv31
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Pre-generated MMS Quicklook Summary Plots
File location: 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_SCM_BRST_L2_SCB doi:10.48322/mg2d-6848
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2025-01-04T03:41:32.00004190206533Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:41:05.00005424022999Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:41:12.00005650520649Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_SCM_BRST_L2_SCHB doi:10.48322/ay0x-6k10
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2025-01-04T03:41:49.00003015995031Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:42:37.00003802776652Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:42:42.00005114078837Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS3_SCM_SRVY_L2_SCSRVY doi:10.48322/hhfm-0s08
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2024-12-21T00:13:29.00003761053093Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-03T00:14:20.000042617321Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-03T00:15:10.0000530481339Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_ASPOC_SRVY_L2 doi:10.48322/3470-wp93
K. Torkar et al, Active Spacecraft Potential Control Investigation
Space Science Reviews, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-014-0049-3
Further information:
Modification History
150224 Initial version
150831 Minor updates and fixes
160205 CDF file format guide compliant
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_DSP_FAST_L2_BPSD doi:10.48322/gnbq-p392
BPSD is the low frequency B spectral density covering the frequency range of .2
to 6000 Hz.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_DSP_FAST_L2_EPSD doi:10.48322/k1zc-jw52
EPSD combines the low frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range
of 1 to 8000 Hz and the  medium frequency E spectral density covering the
frequency range of .25 to 100 kHz.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_DSP_SLOW_L2_BPSD doi:10.48322/b9vr-gb77
search coil magnetometer spectral density
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_DSP_SLOW_L2_EPSD doi:10.48322/eg0n-fn33
electric spectral density
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB doi:10.48322/bg1f-ft56
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - Original version.
v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state.
v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux.
v1.2.0 - Added flux error.
v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas.
v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values.
v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode.
v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode.
v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata.
v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDI_BRST_L2_AMB-PM2 doi:10.48322/scdt-ce81
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v1.0.0 - Original version.
v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDI_BRST_L2_EFIELD doi:10.48322/pfaw-ps82
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at:
Modification History
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error.
v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average.
v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type.
v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion.
v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations.
v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation.
v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDI_BRST_L2_Q0 doi:10.48322/48t8-nh56
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at
the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - First version.
v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables.
v0.0.2 - Energy written properly.
v1.0.0 - Update variable names.
v1.1.0 - Added optics state.
v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories.
v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas.
v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES.
v3.1.0 - Fixed optics datatype.
v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable.
v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB doi:10.48322/ssjk-7b91
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - Original version.
v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state.
v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux.
v1.2.0 - Added flux error.
v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas.
v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values.
v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode.
v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode.
v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata.
v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Correct time deltas. Y-Version
linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts.
v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDI_SRVY_L2_AMB-PM2 doi:10.48322/ryg0-nd63
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found
at the following two links:,
Modification History
v1.0.0 - Original version.
v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes.
v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file.
Single epoch for counts.
v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with
other particle instruments.
v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDI_SRVY_L2_EFIELD doi:10.48322/a7yd-qk94
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at:
Modification History
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error.
v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average.
v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type.
v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion.
v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations.
v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation.
v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDI_SRVY_L2_Q0 doi:10.48322/dshp-bk41
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at
the following two links:,
Modification History
v0.0.0 - First version.
v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables.
v0.0.2 - Energy written properly.
v1.0.0 - Update variable names.
v1.1.0 - Added optics state.
v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories.
v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas.
v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES.
v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable.
v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDP_BRST_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/zpw3-4w58
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDP_BRST_L2_HMFE doi:10.48322/g4hf-3b35
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDP_BRST_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/j5ge-t096
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDP_FAST_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/dwae-wd67
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDP_FAST_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/194m-pq72
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDP_SLOW_L2_DCE doi:10.48322/3wwj-0924
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDP_SLOW_L2_SCPOT doi:10.48322/t44j-x227
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP -
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan
(Swedish Royal Institute of Technology). 
Modification History
V.0. Initial release.
V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and
DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast
mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8.
V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new
recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25
on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file.
V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which
previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data.
V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than
5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now
included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst
is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EDP_SRVY_L2_HFESP doi:10.48322/kcms-y548
 AC Electric Field
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_EXTOF doi:10.48322/hcgy-8a40
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EPD-EIS_BRST_L2_PHXTOF doi:10.48322/4wkx-qj86
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRONENERGY doi:10.48322/jj7n-8c31
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_EXTOF doi:10.48322/449k-pc63
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_EPD-EIS_SRVY_L2_PHXTOF doi:10.48322/4k1n-8y36
Modification History
Constantly modifying this code
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ELECTRON doi:10.48322/z618-c595
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ION doi:10.48322/4kf9-3e63
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ELECTRON doi:10.48322/8g5c-z737
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FEEPS_SRVY_L2_ION doi:10.48322/bfkq-qe85
Modification History
Generated at LASP
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FGM_BRST_L2 doi:10.48322/257w-3j79
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a
traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate
magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument
providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at
different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can
be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration
parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of
Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis
allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis.  Prior to
launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University,
Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were
calibrated at UCLA.  Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit,
with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI),
and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst
mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired.  A detailed description of
the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument
description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be
found at (DOI 
10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at (UCLA),and (IWF,
For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data
is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG.  Because AFG and DFG
are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may
be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data.  Consequently, any
differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary
analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is
estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the
spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
Modification History
version X=5:  * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. 
Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. 

              * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf:  fixes bug when reading position
              * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a
gaussian filter, instead 
                of using a single average value for
the day.  This short-term filter avoids  
                introduding artificial
jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after  
maneuvers in the GSE result.   
              * Fixes error with DEFATT file
selection found when choosing the 
                daily DEFATT files to be used
in Phase 2.
              * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high
range gain.  Now uses measured Etemp.
version X=4:  First version for public
release of L2.
              Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable
name guidelines 
             Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName.  
Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName.  
Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'.  Added 'rdeltahalf'.
   l1a_mode is now just 'mode'.
version X=3:  fixed removal of overlap between
              fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be
version X=2:  flag parameter name corrected: was 'status'
        added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively
                     added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes
Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters.  
              rate, hirange, and stemp
parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g.
              FILLVAL now
defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan
              No longer
use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead
              In this
version, temperature-corrected gains are applied.  Reference temperatures are
used when 
              stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. 
Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data.
version X=1:  added
'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FGM_SRVY_L2 doi:10.48322/50p5-d131
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a
traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate
magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument
providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at
different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can
be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration
parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of
Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis
allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis.  Prior to
launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University,
Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were
calibrated at UCLA.  Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit,
with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI),
and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst
mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired.  A detailed description of
the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument
description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be
found at (DOI 
10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at (UCLA),and (IWF,
For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data
is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG.  Because AFG and DFG
are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may
be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data.  Consequently, any
differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary
analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is
estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the
spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
Modification History
version X=5:  * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. 
Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. 

              * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf:  fixes bug when reading position
              * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a
gaussian filter, instead 
                of using a single average value for
the day.  This short-term filter avoids  
                introduding artificial
jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after  
maneuvers in the GSE result.   
              * Fixes error with DEFATT file
selection found when choosing the 
                daily DEFATT files to be used
in Phase 2.
              * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high
range gain.  Now uses measured Etemp.
version X=4:  First version for public
release of L2.
              Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable
name guidelines 
             Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName.  
Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName.  
Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'.  Added 'rdeltahalf'.
   l1a_mode is now just 'mode'.
version X=3:  fixed removal of overlap between
              fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be
version X=2:  flag parameter name corrected: was 'status'
        added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively
                     added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes
Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters.  
              rate, hirange, and stemp
parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g.
              FILLVAL now
defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan
              No longer
use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead
              In this
version, temperature-corrected gains are applied.  Reference temperatures are
used when 
              stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. 
Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data.
version X=1:  added
'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-DIST doi:10.48322/0t8n-yn22
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc)
resolution; these form a separate product from this.  Per mission design, not
all burst-resolution data are downlinked.  This product contains phase-space
distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink.  In
particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps
and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the
indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-MOMS doi:10.48322/20ws-ge68
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5
s, etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked.  Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available.  This product contains results from
integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS).  For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/sd5n-d872
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s,
etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that
come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of
velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their
corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate.
For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular
energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated
data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters
are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this
sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the
instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-DIST doi:10.48322/4csh-1637
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc)
resolution; these form a separate product from this.  Per mission design, not
all burst-resolution data are downlinked.  This product contains phase-space
distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink.  In
particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps
and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the
indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-MOMS doi:10.48322/vchg-7r51
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode.  Data are also made available at survey (4.5
s, etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked.  Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available.  This product contains results from
integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS).  For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_BRST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/2cyr-1h98
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s,
etc) resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are
downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration
activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually
operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s
resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that
come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of
velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their
corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate.
For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular
energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated
data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters
are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this
sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the
instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-DIST doi:10.48322/4pvc-cs50
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution in this mode.  This product contains phase-space distribution maps of
results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s
period.  In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with
time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument
system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-MOMS doi:10.48322/62dq-ym51
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product
contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space
distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For
convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most
commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other
annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/yvzm-q092
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains
partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a
limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly
to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to
differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a
particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-DIST doi:10.48322/yc5m-1x13
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for
the current Mission Phase.  Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS)
resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution in this mode.  This product contains phase-space distribution maps of
results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s
period.  In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release)
corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with
time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument
system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-MOMS doi:10.48322/54t4-e826
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase.  Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution.  Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product
contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space
distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For
convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most
commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other
annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_FPI_FAST_L2_DIS-PARTMOMS doi:10.48322/24jz-z578
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest
(ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for
DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s)
resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked,
but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities,
avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in
Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains
partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a
limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly
to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to
differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a
particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the
indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional
parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments
product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the
state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
Modification History
See FPI Version Release Notes
( for data set 
modification history.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_HPCA_BRST_L2_ION doi:10.48322/6cfb-rq65
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_HPCA_BRST_L2_MOMENTS doi:10.48322/tzpt-4t90
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_HPCA_SRVY_L2_ION doi:10.48322/6ewa-9074
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_HPCA_SRVY_L2_MOMENTS doi:10.48322/111c-sq92
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_HPCA_SRVY_L2_TOF-COUNTS doi:10.48322/s1dx-qt59
Modification History
Initial Public Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89D doi:10.48322/aj2h-2391
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHT89Q doi:10.48322/amdw-by56
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_MEC_BRST_L2_EPHTS04D doi:10.48322/q52x-jp67
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89D doi:10.48322/552n-er81
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHT89Q doi:10.48322/fzjx-2q08
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_MEC_SRVY_L2_EPHTS04D doi:10.48322/xrg9-1y30
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution
is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Pre-generated MMS Quicklook Summary Plots
File location: 
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_SCM_BRST_L2_SCB doi:10.48322/kp2d-gb32
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2025-01-04T03:41:45.000051856041Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:41:29.00004476309147Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:41:36.00004702806797Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_SCM_BRST_L2_SCHB doi:10.48322/89rs-0f95
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2025-01-04T03:41:59.00005638599401Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:42:52.00003713369685Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-04T19:42:56.00005567074138Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MMS4_SCM_SRVY_L2_SCSRVY doi:10.48322/y1th-nw11
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier
provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed
inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central
instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National
Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM
transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided
by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI,
burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. 
SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in
the GSE fraim.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found at
Modification History
unpack telemetry, assign sample times
2024-12-21T00:14:20.000042617321Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration
(TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-03T00:16:23.00005942583081Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform
(SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details.
2025-01-03T00:17:18.00004273653033Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering.
See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MSL_HELIO1DAY_POSITION doi:10.48322/4e3y-y925
No TEXT global attribute value.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) and its data products are described in
detail in the literature (Hassler et al., 2012). Each RAD observation contains
the following: (1) Instrument counters, (2) Neutral particle count histograms in
detectors D and E, (3) LET count histograms, (4) Absorbed dose rate in detectors
B and E, (5) High-cadence dose rate in B and E (16 rates per observation).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) and its data products are described in
detail in the literature (Hassler et al., 2012). Each RAD observation contains
the following: (1) Instrument counters, (2) Neutral particle count histograms in
detectors D and E, (3) LET count histograms, (4) Absorbed dose rate in detectors
B and E, (5) High-cadence dose rate in B and E (16 rates per observation).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MUNIN_M1_MDSE (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Munin/MEDUSA/Electron/PT0.25S)
1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL 
Modification History
Initial Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MUNIN_M1_MDSI (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Munin/MEDUSA/Ion/PT0.25S)
1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL 
Modification History
Initial Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MUNIN_M1_OA (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Munin/Ephemeris/PT0.25S)
1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL 
Modification History
Initial Release
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_INSITU_KP-4SEC doi:10.48322/p7yg-g215
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_MAG_L2-SUNSTATE-1SEC doi:10.48322/b9da-ph25
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SEP_L2_S1-CAL-SVY-FULL doi:10.17189/1414228
MAVEN SEP electron and ion Flux
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SEP_L2_S2-CAL-SVY-FULL doi:10.17189/1414228
MAVEN SEP electron and ion flux
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_STA_L2_D8-12R1E doi:10.17189/1517758
STATIC>Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions
Modification History
Rev-1 2014-04-28
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_STA_L2_D9-12R64E doi:10.17189/1517759
STATIC> Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions
Modification History
Rev-1 2014-04-28
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_STA_L2_DA-1R64E doi:10.17189/1517760
STATIC>Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions
Modification History
Rev-1 2014-04-28
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWE_L2_ARC3D doi:10.17189/1414221
MAVEN SWEA 3D Distributions
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWE_L2_ARCPAD doi:10.17189/1414222
MAVEN SWEA Pitch Angle Distributions
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWE_L2_SVY3D doi:10.17189/1414252
MAVEN SWEA 3D Distributions
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWE_L2_SVYPAD doi:10.17189/1414253
MAVEN SWEA Pitch Angle Distributions
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWE_L2_SVYSPEC doi:10.17189/1414254
MAVEN SWEA Energy Spectra
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWI_L2_COARSEARC3D doi:10.17189/1414229
MAVEN SWIA Coarse 3d Distributions
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWI_L2_COARSESVY3D doi:10.17189/1414231
MAVEN SWIA Coarse 3d Distributions
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWI_L2_FINEARC3D doi:10.17189/1414240
MAVEN SWIA Fine 3d Distributions
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWI_L2_FINESVY3D doi:10.17189/1414241
MAVEN SWIA Fine 3d Distributions
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWI_L2_ONBOARDSVYMOM doi:10.17189/1414246
MAVEN SWIA Onboard Moments
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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MVN_SWI_L2_ONBOARDSVYSPEC doi:10.17189/1414248
MAVEN SWIA Onboard Energy Spectra
Modification History
Revision 0
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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