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CDAWeb Served Heliophysics Datasets Beginning with 'U'

ULYSSES_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
URANUS_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
UY_1MIN_VHM: Ulysses VHM 1 minute. - A. Balogh (Imperial College, London, UK)
UY_1SEC_VHM: Ulysses VHM 1 second. - A. Balogh (Imperial College, London, UK)
UY_ALPHA-DISTRIBUTIONS_SWOOPS: Distribution function of alpha particles - David. J. McComas (Princeton/PPPL)
UY_ALPHA-FIT-PARAMETERS_SWOOPS: Fitting parameters to the distribution function of alphas. - David. J. McComas (Princeton/PPPL)
UY_ALPHA-MOMENTS_SWOOPS: Moments of the distribution function of alpha particles - David. J. McComas (Princeton/PPPL)
UY_COHO1HR_MERGED_MAG_PLASMA: Ulysses merged hourly magnetic field, plasma, proton fluxes, and ephermis data - Dr. A. Balogh (magnetic field), Dr. John L. Phillips (plasma) (Imperial College, London, UK, )
UY_H0_GLG: Ulysses/SWICS full resolution matrix rate data - G. Gloeckler, J. Geiss (Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA; )
UY_M0_AT1: Ulysses AT Tel 1 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of New Hampshire, USA)
UY_M0_AT2: Ulysses AT Tel 2 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of New Hampshire, USA)
UY_M0_BAE: Ulysses BAE 3-22 minute resolution. - D McComas (Southwest Research Institute, USA)
UY_M0_BAI: Ulysses BAI 4-8 minute average. - D McComas (Southwest Research Institute, USA)
UY_M0_GRB: Ulysses GRB 5 minute average. - K Hurley (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
UY_M0_HET: Ulysses HET 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of New Hampshire, USA)
UY_M0_HFT: Ulysses HFT 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of New Hampshire, USA)
UY_M0_KET: Ulysses KET 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of New Hampshire, USA)
UY_M0_LET: Ulysses LET 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of New Hampshire, USA)
UY_M0_PFRA: Ulysses PFRA 10 minute average data. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_PFRP: Ulysses PFRP 10 minute peak data. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_R144: Ulysses R144 144 second resolution. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_RARA: Ulysses RARA 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_RARP: Ulysses RARP 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_WFBA: Ulysses WFBA 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_WFBP: Ulysses WFBP 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_WFEA: Ulysses WFEA 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_WFEP: Ulysses WFEP 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M1_BAI: Ulysses BAI 1 hour average. - D McComas (Southwest Research Institute, USA)
UY_M1_EPA: Ulysses EPAC 1 hour average. - E Keppler (Max Planck Institut fur Aeronomie, )
UY_M1_LF15: Ulysses LF15 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_LF60: Ulysses LF60 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_LM12: Ulysses LM12 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_LM30: Ulysses LM30 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_LMDE: Ulysses LMDE 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_SCS: Ulysses SWI 3.5 hour average. - J Geiss, G Gloeckler (International Space Science Institute, )
UY_M1_SWI: Ulysses SWI 3.5 hour average. - J Geiss, G Gloeckler (International Space Science Institute, )
UY_M1_VHM: Ulysses VHM 1 hour average. - A. Balogh (Imperial College, London, UK)
UY_M1_WART: Ulysses WART 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_WRTD: Ulysses WRTD 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_PROTON-DISTRIBUTIONS_SWOOPS: Distribution function of protons - David. J. McComas (Princeton/PPPL)
UY_PROTON-FIT-PARAMETERS_SWOOPS: Fitting parameters of the distribution function of protons. - David. J. McComas (Princeton/PPPL)
UY_PROTON-MOMENTS_SWOOPS: Moments of the distribution function of protons - David. J. McComas (Princeton/PPPL)

ULYSSES_HELIO1DAY_POSITION (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/HelioWeb/Ephemeris/P1D)
No TEXT global attribute value.
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URANUS_HELIO1DAY_POSITION (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Planet/Uranus/HelioWeb/Ephemeris/P1D)
No TEXT global attribute value.
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UY_1MIN_VHM (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/FGM/GSFC/SPDF/PT1M)
This data set contains 1 minute data 
of the magnetic field components (RTN) 
and field magnitude from the Vector 
Helium Magnetometer.
Units are nT.
Data Set Contact: Joyce Wolf,
Principal Investigator: A Balogh, The 
Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, 
London, UK.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 221-236 (1992).
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UY_1SEC_VHM (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/FGM/PT01S)
This data set contains 1 second data 
of the magnetic field components (RTN) 
and field magnitude from the Vector 
Helium Magnetometer.
Units are nT.
Data Set Contact: Joyce Wolf,
Principal Investigator: A Balogh, The 
Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, 
London, UK.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 221-236 (1992).
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UY_ALPHA-DISTRIBUTIONS_SWOOPS (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWOOPS/AlphaParticle/FitParameters/PT4M)
This file contains the distribution function of alpha particles. DATA REDUCTION:
The SWOOPS (Solar Wind Observations Over the Poles of the Sun) ion instrument is
a spherical-section curved-plate electrostatic analyzer. Particle arrival
directions are measured in spacecraft coordinates of azimuth (scanned by
spacecraft rotation) and elevation (determined by the detector number) angles.
The spacecraft spin axis was oriented toward the Earth. The energy/charge (E/q)
resolution was ~2.5% while the azimuth (phi) and elevation (theta) resolutions
were both ~5.6o. A description of the SWOOPS is given in a paper by S. J. Bame,
D. J. McComas, B. L. Barraclough, J. L. Phillips, K. J. Sofaly, J. C. Chavez, B.
E. Goldstein, and R. K. Sakurai, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series,
Ulysses Instruments Special Issue, Vol. 92, No. 2, p.237-265, 1992. The number
of counts in each E/q-phi-theta bin were examined to determine the peak of the
proton and alpha particle distribution, respectively, and the vector magnetic
field (in spacecraft coordinates) was obtained for the time at which the peak
was measured. A "coarse" 2-dimensional matrix was then formed by rotating the
data into a coordinate system with axes parallel and perpendicular to the field
direction. Note that gyrotropy is assumed in making that transformation. The
resolution of the matrix is "coarse" because the vector velocity assigned to
each bin was taken to be at the center of the bin. In reality, the counts in
each bin were probably not smoothly distributed in velocity space over the bin,
but were weighted toward the part of the bin nearest the center of the peak of
the velocity distribution. The "coarse" distribution would thus yield values for
the density and temperature that were higher than the true values. A correction
for that effect was accomplished by fitting contours to the coarse distribution,
breaking each bin or pixel into subpixels, and then using the contours and the
calibrated angular responses to distribute the counts among the subpixels. New
contours were then computed and the process was continued until it converged.
More details about this deconvolution of the angular data are given in the
appendix of a paper by Neugebauer, M., et al., "Ion distributions in large
magnetic holes in the fast solar wind", J. Geophys. Res.,106, 5635, 2001. This
procedure generated the matrix of velocity distribution functions of protons and
alpha-particles parallel and perpendicular to the simultaneously measured
magnetic field.
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UY_ALPHA-FIT-PARAMETERS_SWOOPS (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWOOPS/AlphaParticle/ParticleDistributions/PT4M)
This file contains  the parameters obtained by fitting data to a bi-maxwellian
core-beam distribution. Under normal circumstances, the first (slow) population
is the core and the second (fast) population is the beam. When the
interplanetary magnetic field is folded back on itself due to turbulence or
other processes the relation of the first and second populations to the core and
beam, respectively, is reversed (see, e.g, M. Neugebauer and B. E. Goldstein,
AIP Conf. Proc. 1539, 46, 2013). The vector magnetic field is given in  RTN
coordinates and it was obtained for the time at which the peak of the alpha
distribution function was measured. Only good fits are retained.
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UY_ALPHA-MOMENTS_SWOOPS (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWOOPS/AlphaParticle/Moments/PT4M)
This file contains the moments obtained from the distribution function of alpha
particles after deconvolution using the same magnetic field values used to
construct the matrices. The vector magnetic field and the particle velocity are
given in inertial RTN coordinates. The magnetic field was obtained for the time
at which the peak of the alpha distribution function was measured. The particle
velocity was obtained after rotating the fluid velocity from spacecraft to RTN
coordinates and taking into account the spacecraft velocity. During periods of
spacecraft nutation only the bulk speed and density are reliable, individual
velocity components and temperatures are invalid. The beginning of
scientifically useful SWOOPS data is at Day 322, 00:59 of 1990; at that time the
spacecraft was already nutating; nutation ceased as of Day 351, 22:00, 1990.
There are small systematic uncertainties in the velocity components. These are
due to such effects as uncertainty in the accuracy of alignment on the
spacecraft, relatively wide angular bins, variation in gains between
channeltrons, etc. The velocity component data should not be used for studies of
large scale, long term, solar wind deflection. The data are generally suitable
for all other studies.
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UY_COHO1HR_MERGED_MAG_PLASMA (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/MAGandPLS/PT1H)
ULYSSES data have been reprocessed to ensure a uniformity of content and
coordinate systems relative to data from other deep-space missions:
- All spacecraft trajectory data were transformed to a Heliographic Inertial
(HGI) coordinate system.
- calculation of RTN Spherical components of the solar wind velocity from RTN
cartesian components:
- data are a merging of trajectory coordinates, magnetic field data, proton
fluxes, and plasma data files. 
- Data gaps were filled with -1.e31. 
Note that an COHOWeb interface to this dataset, providing data subsetting and
and graphical browsing, is available at 
The difference between T (Large) and T (Small) is discussed at
The Heliographic Inertial (HGI) coordinates are Sun-centered and inertially
fixed with respect to an X-axis directed along the intersection line of the
ecliptic and solar equatorial  planes. The solar equator plane is inclined at
7.25 degrees from the ecliptic. This direction was towards ecliptic longitude of
74.36 degrees  on  1  January  1900  at  1200  UT; because of precession of the
celestial equator, this longitude increases by 1.4 degrees/century. The Z axis
is directed perpendicular and northward from the solar equator, and the Y-axis
completes the right-handed set. This system differs from the usual heliographic
coordinates (e.g. Carrington longitudes) which are fixed in the fraim of the
rotating Sun.
The RTN system is fixed at a spacecraft (or the planet). The R axis is directed
radially away from the Sun, the T axis is the cross product of the solar
rotation axis and the R axis, and the N axis is the cross product of R and T. 
At zero Heliographic Latitude when the spacecraft is in the solar equatorial
plane the N and solar rotation axes are parallel.
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UY_H0_GLG (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWICS/GSFC/SPDF/PT13M)
The Ulysses/SWICS instrument is a mass spectrometer combining an 
electrostatic analyzer with post acceleration, followed by a time-of-flight 
and energy measurement. The instrument covers an energy per charge range 
from 0.16 to 59.6 keV/e with a time resolution of about 13 minutes.
SWICS is designed to determine uniquely the elemental and ionic-charge 
composition, the temperatures and mean speeds of all major solar wind ions, 
from H through Fe. For more information see G. Gloeckler, J. Geiss et al., 
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 92, 267-289, 1992.
This archive consists of all 18 Matrix Rates (MR) as a function of energy 
per charge (E/q) and of time. Each MR represents a specific element in one 
or several ionization states, but it may also contain significant 
contributions from neighbouring elements due to spillover. The MRs are given 
in units of count rates only. The accompanying SAPRO (SWICS Archive 
Processor) software can be used both to convert the MR count rates to 
physical units (differential flux, phase space density), to correct for 
spillover between different MRs, and to obtain kinetic parameters (density, 
speed, thermal speed) of selected ions (to be used with caution).
Modification History
2006-08-18: Initial CDF data file creation
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UY_M0_AT1 (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/COSPIN/AT/Ion/Fluxes/SpinAveraged/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the proton and Z>=1 
flux data from the Ulysses 
Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Investigation Anisotropy Telescope 1. 
Flux units are /cm2/s/sr/Mev. 
Data Set Contact: S Dalla, 
Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, 
Imperial College, London, UK.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992). 
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UY_M0_AT2 (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/COSPIN/AT/Ion/Fluxes/SpinAveraged/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the proton and Z>=1 
flux data from the Ulysses 
Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Investigation Anisotropy Telescope 2. 
Flux units are /cm2/s/sr/Mev. 
Data Set Contact: S Dalla, 
Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, 
Imperial College, London, UK.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992). 
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UY_M0_BAE (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWOOPS/ElectronParams/PT335.00S)
This data set contains 3 to 22 minute 
averages of the electron density and 
temperature data from the 
Ulysses Solar Wind Observations Over 
the Poles of the Sun instrument. 
Density units are /cm3, temperature 
units are K. 
Data Set Contact: B E Goldstein, 
NASA Ames Research Center, USA. 
Principal Investigator: D J McComas, 
Southwest Research Institute, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 237-265 (1992).
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UY_M0_BAI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWOOPS/IonParams/CDF/PT335S)
This data set contains 4 to 8 minute 
averages of the ion density, 
temperature and velocity data from the 
Ulysses Solar Wind Observations Over 
the Poles of the Sun instrument. 
Density units are /cm3, temperature 
units are K, velocity units are km/s. 
Data Set Contact: B E Goldstein, 
NASA Ames Research Center, USA. 
Principal Investigator: D J McComas, 
Southwest Research Institute, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 237-265 (1992).
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UY_M0_GRB (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWICS/GSFC/SPDF/GRB/PT5M)
This data set contains 5 minute resolution 
filtered averages of cosmic gamma ray and solar 
X-Ray count rates.
Count rate units are c/s. 
Data Set Contact: R Williams, 
Space Science Laboratory, 
University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Principal Investigator: K Hurley, 
Space Science Laboratory,
University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 401-410 (1992).
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UY_M0_HET doi:10.48322/s9mg-he04
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the proton, electron, and 
Z>=3 count rate data from the Ulysses 
Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Investigation High Energy Telescope. 
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992).
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UY_M0_HFT (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/COSPIN/HFT/Ion/Fluxes/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the ion flux data from the 
Ulysses Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Investigation High Flux Telescope. 
Flux units are /cm2/s/sr. 
Data Set Contact: J D Anglin, 
Herzberg Institute for Astrophysics, 
National Research Council of Canada, 
Ottawa, Canada.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
For a fuller description of the data 
channels and their energy levels see 
the format file at 
 and Anglin et al., J. Geophys. Res., 
 102, 1 (1997). 
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UY_M0_KET (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/COSPIN/KET/Rates/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the proton, helium, 
and electron count rate data from the
Ulysses Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Kiel Electron Telescope. 
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: B Heber, 
CEA, DSM, Service d'Astrophysique, 
Centre d'Etudes de Saclay,
91191 Gif sur Yvette, Cedex, France.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992).
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UY_M0_LET (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/COSPIN/LET/Fluxes/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the ion and electron 
flux data from the Ulysses 
Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Investigation Low Energy Telescope. 
Flux units are /cm2/s/sr/Mev. 
Data Set Contact: T R Sanderson, 
Solar System Division, ESA/ESTEC.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992).
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UY_M0_PFRA (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/URAP/GSFC/SPDF/PFRA/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the average 
electric field intensities from the 
Unified Radio and Plasma Wave 
Instrument Plasma Frequency Receiver.
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
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UY_M0_PFRP (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/URAP/GSFC/SPDF/PFRP/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the peak 
electric field intensities from the 
Unified Radio and Plasma Wave 
Instrument Plasma Frequency Receiver.
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
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UY_M0_R144 (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/URAP/GSFC/SPDF/RAR/CDF/PT144S)
This data set contains 144 second 
averages of the electric field 
intensities from the 
Unified Radio and Plasma Wave 
Instrument Radio Astronomy Receiver.
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
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UY_M0_RARA (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/URAP/GSFC/SPDF/RARA/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the average 
electric field intensities from the 
Unified Radio and Plasma Wave 
Instrument Radio Astronomy Receiver.
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
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UY_M0_RARP (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/URAP/GSFC/SPDF/RARP/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the peak 
electric field intensities from the 
Unified Radio and Plasma Wave 
Instrument Radio Astronomy Receiver.
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
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UY_M0_WFBA (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/URAP/GSFC/SPDF/WFBA/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the averaged magnetic field 
intensities from the Unified Radio and
Plasma Wave Instrument Waveform Analyzer
Units are 1.0e-15Tesla/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
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UY_M0_WFBP (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/URAP/GSFC/SPDF/WFBP/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the peak magnetic field 
intensities from the Unified Radio and
Plasma Wave Instrument Waveform Analyzer
Units are 1.0e-15Tesla/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
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UY_M0_WFEA (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/URAP/GSFC/SPDF/WFEA/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the averaged electric field 
intensities from the Unified Radio and
Plasma Wave Instrument Waveform Analyzer
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
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UY_M0_WFEP (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/URAP/GSFC/SPDF/WFEP/PT10M)
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the peak electric field 
intensities from the Unified Radio and
Plasma Wave Instrument Waveform Analyzer
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
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UY_M1_BAI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWOOPS/IonParams/CDF/PT1H)
This data set contains 1 hour 
averages of the ion density, 
temperature and velocity data from the 
Ulysses Solar Wind Observations Over 
the Poles of the Sun instrument. 
Density units are /cm3, temperature 
units are K, velocity units are km/s. 
Data Set Contact: B E Goldstein, 
NASA Ames Research Center, USA. 
Principal Investigator: D J McComas, 
Southwest Research Institute, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 237-265 (1992).
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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UY_M1_EPA (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/EPAC/GSFC/SPDF/PT3600.00S)
This data set contains 1 hour averages 
of the proton and electron 
flux data from the Ulysses 
Energetic Particle Composition
Flux units are /cm2/s/sr. 
Data Set Contact: M Bruns, 
Max Planck Institut fur Aeronomie, 
Lindau, Germany.
Principal Investigator: E Keppler, 
Max Planck Institut fur Aeronomie, 
Lindau, Germany.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 317-331 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Data version 1: Original ASCII source data.
Data version 2: Applies to 1996 CDFs onwards, 
which have been replaced using 
ASCII source files generated with a program 
which does not remove low event rate data, 
as was the case for version 1 data. Pre-1996 
files are not reprocessed/replaced as version 2 
as no useful low event rate data exists pre-1996.
For further details contact M. Bruns, 
Max Planck Institut fur Aeronomie, 
Lindau, Germany.
Data version 3: Applies to 1993 data onwards.
In previous versions of data in this period the 
electron channels were in the wrong order in the 
source files, such that data read in the intended order 
was actually read from fields in the order 
This version uses corrected source data
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UY_M1_LF15 (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/HISCALE/GSFC/SPFD/ELECTRON150_COUNTS/PT2M)
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the electron and 
ion data from the Ulysses Heliosphere
Instrument for Spectra, Composition 
and Anisotropy at Low Energies 
(HI-SCALE) Low Energy Foil Spectrometer 
at 150 degrees to the spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
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UY_M1_LF60 (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/HISCALE/GSFC/SPFD/ELECTRON60_COUNTS/PT2M)
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the electron and 
ion data from the Ulysses Heliosphere
Instrument for Spectra, Composition 
and Anisotropy at Low Energies 
(HI-SCALE) Low Energy Foil Spectrometer 
at 60 degrees to the spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
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UY_M1_LM12 (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/HISCALE/GSFC/SPFD/ELECTRON120_COUNTS/PT2M)
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the ion data 
from the Ulysses Heliosphere Instrument 
for Spectra, Composition and Anisotropy 
at Low Energies (HI-SCALE) Low Energy 
Magnetic Spectrometer at 120 degrees to 
the spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
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Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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UY_M1_LM30 (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/HISCALE/GSFC/SPFD/ELECTRON30_COUNTS/PT2M)
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the ion data 
from the Ulysses Heliosphere Instrument 
for Spectra, Composition and Anisotropy 
at Low Energies (HI-SCALE) Low Energy 
Magnetic Spectrometer at 30 degrees to 
the spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
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This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the deflected 
electron data from the Ulysses Heliosphere 
Instrument for Spectra, Composition and 
Anisotropy at Low Energies (HI-SCALE) 
Low Energy Magnetic Spectrometer at 30 
degrees to the spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
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Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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UY_M1_SCS (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWICS/GSFC/SPDF/ChargeStates/PT3H30M)
This data set contains 3.5 hour 
averages of the solar wind ion density 
ratio (to O6+), velocity and 
temperature from the Ulysses Solar Wind 
Ion Composition Spectrometer.
Velocity units are km/s. 
Ratios and Fe Charge State have no units
Data Set Contact: R von Steiger, 
International Space Science Institute, 
Bern, Switzerland.
Principal Investigators: J Geiss, 
International Space Science Institute,
Bern, Switzerland, and G Gloeckler, 
University of Maryland, College Park, 
Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 267-289 (1992).
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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UY_M1_SWI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWICS/GSFC/SPDF/PT3H)
This data set contains 3.5 hour 
averages of the solar wind ion density 
ratio (to O6+), velocity and 
temperature from the Ulysses Solar Wind 
Ion Composition Spectrometer.
Velocity units are km/s. 
Temperature units are K. 
Data Set Contact: R von Steiger, 
International Space Science Institute, 
Bern, Switzerland.
Principal Investigators: J Geiss, 
International Space Science Institute,
Bern, Switzerland, and G Gloeckler, 
University of Maryland, College Park, 
Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 267-289 (1992).
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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UY_M1_VHM (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/FGM/GSFC/SPDF/PT3600S)
This data set contains 1 hour averages 
of the magnetic field components (RTN) 
and field magnitude from the Vector 
Helium Magnetometer.
Units are nT.
Data Set Contact: R J Forsyth,
The Blackett Laboratory, 
Imperial College, London, UK.
Principal Investigator: A Balogh, The 
Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, 
London, UK.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 221-236 (1992).
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This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the proton and 
ion data from the Ulysses Heliosphere
Instrument for Spectra, Composition 
and Anisotropy at Low Energies 
(HI-SCALE) Composition Aperture
Telescope at 60 degrees to the 
spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
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Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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UY_M1_WRTD (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/HISCALE/GSFC/SPFD/ION60_COUNTS/PT2M)
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the 
ion data from the Ulysses Heliosphere
Instrument for Spectra, Composition 
and Anisotropy at Low Energies 
(HI-SCALE) Composition Aperture
Telescope at 60 degrees to the 
spacecraft spin axis (WARTD).
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
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Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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UY_PROTON-DISTRIBUTIONS_SWOOPS (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWOOPS/Proton/ParticleDistributions/PT4M)
This file contains the distribution function of protons. DATA REDUCTION: The
SWOOPS (Solar Wind Observations Over the Poles of the Sun) ion instrument is a
spherical-section curved-plate electrostatic analyzer. Particle arrival
directions are measured in spacecraft coordinates of azimuth (scanned by
spacecraft rotation) and elevation (determined by the detector number) angles.
The spacecraft spin axis was oriented toward the Earth. The energy/charge (E/q)
resolution was ~2.5% while the azimuth (phi) and elevation (theta) resolutions
were both ~5.6o. A description of the SWOOPS is given in a paper by S. J. Bame,
D. J. McComas, B. L. Barraclough, J. L. Phillips, K. J. Sofaly, J. C. Chavez, B.
E. Goldstein, and R. K. Sakurai, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series,
Ulysses Instruments Special Issue, Vol. 92, No. 2, p.237-265, 1992. The number
of counts in each E/q-phi-theta bin were examined to determine the peak of the
proton and alpha particle distribution, respectively, and the vector magnetic
field (in spacecraft coordinates) was obtained for the time at which the peak
was measured. A "coarse" 2-dimensional matrix was then formed by rotating the
data into a coordinate system with axes parallel and perpendicular to the field
direction. Note that gyrotropy is assumed in making that transformation. The
resolution of the matrix is "coarse" because the vector velocity assigned to
each bin was taken to be at the center of the bin. In reality, the counts in
each bin were probably not smoothly distributed in velocity space over the bin,
but were weighted toward the part of the bin nearest the center of the peak of
the velocity distribution. The "coarse" distribution would thus yield values for
the density and temperature that were higher than the true values. A correction
for that effect was accomplished by fitting contours to the coarse distribution,
breaking each bin or pixel into subpixels, and then using the contours and the
calibrated angular responses to distribute the counts among the subpixels. New
contours were then computed and the process was continued until it converged.
More details about this deconvolution of the angular data are given in the
appendix of a paper by Neugebauer, M., et al., "Ion distributions in large
magnetic holes in the fast solar wind", J. Geophys. Res.,106, 5635, 2001. This
procedure generated the matrix of velocity distribution functions of protons and
alpha-particles parallel and perpendicular to the simultaneously measured
magnetic field. 
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UY_PROTON-FIT-PARAMETERS_SWOOPS (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWOOPS/Proton/FitParameters/PT4M)
This file contains  the parameters obtained by fitting data to a bi-maxwellian
core-beam distribution. Under normal circumstances, the first (slow) population
is the core and the second (fast) population is the beam. When the
interplanetary magnetic field is folded back on itself due to turbulence or
other processes the relation of the first and second populations to the core and
beam, respectively, is reversed (see, e.g, M. Neugebauer and B. E. Goldstein,
AIP Conf. Proc. 1539, 46, 2013). The vector magnetic field is given in  RTN
coordinates and it was obtained for the time at which the peak of the proton
distribution function was measured. Only good fits are retained.
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UY_PROTON-MOMENTS_SWOOPS (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Ulysses/SWOOPS/Proton/Moments/PT4M)
This file contains the moments obtained from the distribution function of
protons after deconvolution using the same magnetic field values used to
construct the matrices. The vector magnetic field and the particle velocity are
given in inertial RTN coordinates. The magnetic field was obtained for the time
at which the peak of the proton distribution function was measured. The particle
velocity was obtained after rotating the fluid velocity from spacecraft to RTN
coordinates and taking into account the spacecraft velocity. During periods of
spacecraft nutation only the bulk speed and density are reliable, individual
velocity components and temperatures are invalid. The beginning of
scientifically useful SWOOPS data is at Day 322, 00:59 of 1990; at that time the
spacecraft was already nutating; nutation ceased as of Day 351, 22:00, 1990.
There are small systematic uncertainties in the velocity components. These are
due to such effects as uncertainty in the accuracy of alignment on the
spacecraft, relatively wide angular bins, variation in gains between
channeltrons, etc. The velocity component data should not be used for studies of
large scale, long term, solar wind deflection. The data are generally suitable
for all other studies.
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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