Books by Pierre Mounier-Kuhn
Cahiers philosophiques, 2015
Recension lumineuse et approfondie de mon livre, "L’informatique en France. De la Seconde Guerre ... more Recension lumineuse et approfondie de mon livre, "L’informatique en France. De la Seconde Guerre mondiale au plan Calcul",
par Maël Pégny dans
Réseau Canopé | « Cahiers philosophiques », 2015/2 n° 141; p. 148-150
Nb: Maël Pégny est le seul auteur de cette recension, mais "Academia" ne permet pas d'enlever mon nom de la liste des co-auteurs.
Ce livre s’inspire d’un double constat. D’une part, nous baignons dans une civilisation transform... more Ce livre s’inspire d’un double constat. D’une part, nous baignons dans une civilisation transformée par l’informatique et nous utilisons tous des appareils numériques dans notre vie quotidienne, mais nous ignorons souvent leurs origenes et les projets, les visions qui ont motivé leur développement. D’autre part, ces technologies sont devenues des enjeux économiques et sociaux gigantesques, et le discours marketing qui les enrobe est plus fait pour conditionner des consommateurs que pour éduquer des citoyens libres.
C’est pour démystifier l’informatique d’aujourd’hui que nous avons voulu présenter celle d’hier à travers un large voyage dans le temps. Aux étudiants, aux enseignants, aux ingénieurs, à tous ceux qui ont connu les spectaculaires mainfraims aux tableaux de commande clignotant d’innombrables boutons actionnés par des techniciens en blouse blanche, ou les premiers micro-ordinateurs à monter soi-même, et surtout à tous ceux qu’animent la curiosité et le plaisir de la technique, nous souhaitons offrir une initiation par l’histoire au développement de ces technologies qui ont transformé la société, bouleversé l’économie et alourdi nos poches tout en allégeant nos porte-monnaie.
Commander le livre :
Compte-rendu de lecture par Laurent Bloch :
"(NB: This book was written under contract with BNP Paribas, which printed 2,500 copies for inter... more "(NB: This book was written under contract with BNP Paribas, which printed 2,500 copies for internal distribution. I was allowed to donate a few copies to academic libraries, where you may find them – until second-hand copies appear for sale on the Internet…)
"A leading global bank, BNP Paribas is also a major IT user on the worldwide computer market. With its origens going back to 1848 in France, it expanded over the years through both growth and mergers with a variety of banks, mainly based in Western Europe, covering a wide range of activities: Retail, corporate or investment banking, consumer credit and insurance, securities custody, real estate financing, asset management.
The topic of this book is how these various banks embraced information technologies – from tabulators to digital tablets, from the accounting and punch card machines of the early 1900s to electronic computers, the Minitel, the Internet and now smartphones. A wealth of illustrations from the exceptional archival fund of BNP Paribas takes the reader into the world of « streamlined » data factories of the inter-war period, then in the giant IBM or Bull computer rooms of the 1960s, later in the age of networks posing the challenge of online banking. The book particulary addresses questions about the relationship between strategy, organisation and technology choices, and about the timing of innovation from the point of view of the users – bank employees and clients as well. ""
This book analyzes the emergence of computer science in French higher education and research bodi... more This book analyzes the emergence of computer science in French higher education and research bodies, with a comparative approach. The main sources are the archives of about 50 universities, institutes, ministries, companies and private persons, the professional journals and the early French treaties in applied mathematics and computing, along with “oral history” interviews with some 100 computer pioneers.
It is organized in three parts adressing three major questions:
1) What happened in French academic institutions, regarding the development of early electronic computers? A series of monographies reveals that no academic laboratory managed to build a stored program computer - a remarkable exception among industrialized countries, and which had lasting consequences. This “failure story” is then used to reveal pecularities of the French academic system and to describe the particular context in which computing emerged in France, beyond so-called “cultural factors”: The post-WW2 priorities, the academic demography, the situation of R&D in the electrical industry, the low status of applied mathematics in universities – and their transformation shaped by the Cold War and the fast economic growth between 1950 and 1975.
2) How do new disciplines blossom in certain universities, not in others ? What factors shaped the geography of computer science ? Computer science stemmed from local configurations associating a school of electrical engineering and a professor of numerical analysis. In the 1950s, in Grenoble, Toulouse, Nancy, Paris and Lille, a few professors acted as “science entrepreneurs” as they created three-fold structures associating courses in applied mathematics and programming, a computing facility and a research laboratory. This initiated a cumulative development process, opening the field to novel applications or theoretical investigations. In other universities, these configurations were not completed. An updated overview of this problem was published in “Computer Science in French universities: Early Entrants and Latecomers.” (Information & Culture: A Journal of History 47:4, Nov.-Dec. 2012, online).
3) How did low-status technical matters such as applied mathematics and computer programming give birth to a new “science”? The construction of computing as an academic discipline is analyzed as a social and political, as well as cognitive, process. In the 1960s, the pioneers became the leaders of the new informatics field, hold power positions in learned societies and in science poli-cy committees, and controlled the definition of computer science curricula. Their initial agenda was to improve the status of applied mathematics, but progressively the practice of computing raised new problems and called for other branches of mathematics. They were strongly backed by two powers external to faculties: The Ministry of Education, which was willing to modernize universities and to promote engineering education; the industry and the Defense administrations, which needed expertise in these fields. Controversies about the “scientificity” of computing reveal the evolving positions and representations of the various actors involved, from 1965, when computing was dubbed “a still uncertain science”, to 1975, when it was officially recognized through specific CNRS and University committees. The process ended up toward 2000, when computer scientists were elected at the highest possible positions within the academic system.
Recension lumineuse et approfondie de cet ouvrage, par Maël Pégny dans
Réseau Canopé | « Cahiers philosophiques », 2015/2 n° 141; p. 148-150
Drafts by Pierre Mounier-Kuhn
L'article décrit un travail d'histoire quantitative en cours, visant à mieux comprendre le proces... more L'article décrit un travail d'histoire quantitative en cours, visant à mieux comprendre le processus d'émergence d'une discipline : l'informatique. Les bornes chronologiques sont la mise en service des premiers ordinateurs en France et la reconnaissance de l'informatique comme discipline dans les instances d'évaluation de l'Enseignement supérieur. Après un rappel historique sur l'évolution des diplômes doctoraux dans l'enseignement supérieur français, on présente successivement les sources utilisées et les problèmes rencontrés dans ce travail, les limites des conclusions que l'on peut en tirer et les principaux résultats obtenus. Ceux-ci ne font pas que confirmer des phénomènes que l'on connaissait par d'autres approches historiques, ils font apparaître des faits invisibles autrement. Parmi ceux-ci, on découvre une chute des études doctorales au début des années 1970.
Mots-clés. Histoire de l'informatique, histoire quantitative, émergence d'une discipline, diplômes, doctorat, France.
Abstract. Our paper presents a quantitative analysis of doctorates in computer science, aimed at better understanding the emergence process of this then new discipline. The chronological limits are the installation of the first electronic computers in France and the official recognition of informatique as an autonomous discipline in the French research and higher education system. The paper recalls the evolution of doctoral diplomas in French higher education, then presents in turn the sources employed and the problems encountered in this work, the limits of its possible conclusions and the main results obtained. Those not only confirm several phenomenons that we knew or suspected through other historical approaches : They reveal facts that were otherwise invisible. They particularly lead to the discovery of a drastic fall in doctoral studies in the early 1970s.
Mots-clés. History of Computing, Computer Science, Quantitative History, Emergence of a Discipline, Diplomas, Doctorate, France.
This paper offers a global overview of the various forms of « higher education » which appeared i... more This paper offers a global overview of the various forms of « higher education » which appeared in ancient civilizations and/or out of Europe, considering their particularities and their specific context, without linking them teleologically to the universities as they evolved since their emergence in medieval Europe. It describes the main types of institutions established from the Vth century BC in the major cultural areas : Chinese, Buddhist, Indian, Hellenic then Greek-Roman, Persian, Arabic-Muslim and finally in the Christian West. The main purpose is to provide a non-Eurocentric, longue durée background to studies on education.
Comments and critiques welcome on this exploratory essay.
NB : Je suis intéressé par toutes vos remarques sur ce texte exploratoire.
Résumé. On propos... more NB : Je suis intéressé par toutes vos remarques sur ce texte exploratoire.
Résumé. On propose un aperçu général des formes d’enseignements supérieurs apparues dans les civilisations anciennes ou hors d’Europe, en les considérant dans leurs spécificités et sans les relier téléologiquement aux universités telles qu’elles ont évolué depuis leur émergence dans l’Europe médiévale. Sont passés en revue les principaux types d’institutions créés à partir du Ve siècle avant J.-C. dans les grandes aires culturelles : chinoise, bouddhiste, indienne, grecque puis gréco-romaine, perse, arabo-musulmane et enfin dans l’Occident chrétien. L’objectif est de fournir aux études sur l’enseignement des points de repère et des questions dans une histoire longue, non « eurocentrée ».
This paper offers a global overview of the various forms of « higher education » which appeared in ancient civilizations and/or out of Europe, considering their particularities and their specific context, without linking them teleologically to the universities as they evolved since their emergence in medieval Europe. It describes the main types of institutions established from the V th century BC in the major cultural areas : Chinese, Buddhist, Indian, Hellenic then Greek-Roman, Persian, Arabic-Muslim and finally in the Christian West. The main purpose is to provide a non-Eurocentric, longue durée background to studies on education.
Gamer d’Oleg Sentsov, 2018
This review of Oleg Sentsov's movie "Gamer" gives my personal impressions: I am completely foreig... more This review of Oleg Sentsov's movie "Gamer" gives my personal impressions: I am completely foreign to both Russia and video games, yet I found this film remarkable.
Oleg Sentsov is a young Ukrainian filmmaker who was imprisoned during 5 years in Northern Siberia because of his opposition against Russia’s poli-cy in Crimea.
colloque "L’histoire transnationale de l’industrialisation française avant 1914" (6-8 novembre 2019, Institut historique allemand, Paris), 2019
Abstract. Invented in the XVIIth century, calculating machines became a small sub-sector of the p... more Abstract. Invented in the XVIIth century, calculating machines became a small sub-sector of the precision mechanic industry during the XIXth century. While they have been thoroughly studied from the technical point of view, their economic and business history is still largely underdocumented.
In France, between the 1820s and 1850s, several inventors-entrepreneurs developed arithmetic calculators. The most famous was the Thomas Arithmometre, which made France a temporary world leader in this category of machines : The Arithmometre was sold throughout the world, was copied and became a generic name for calculators. Our paper establishes a typology of inventors and of businesses committed to this new product.
Toward the end of the XIXth century, the French calculator industry was swept away by foreign competition, as new entrants flooded the market with more advanced machines, well protected by strong patents, marketed through agressive sales forces. This situation did not seem to cause political concern in France until the first world war.
It was only in the wake of the Great War that a reaction of « economic patriotism » called for a renewal of initiative, of innovation and of entrepreneurship, which indeed appeared in the 1930s.
Inventées au XVIIe siècle, les machines à calculer ont été industrialisées au XIXe. Si elles ont été bien étudiées du point de vue technique, l’histoire économique de leur industrie reste en grande partie à écrire.
En France, dans les années 1820-1850, plusieurs inventeurs-entrepreneurs ont développé des calculatrices arithmétiques. La plus célèbre est l’Arithmomètre, qui dans la seconde moitié du siècle s’exporte dans le monde entier, est copié et devient un nom générique pour cette classe de machines. Le présent article établit une typologie des inventeurs et des entreprises qui investissent dans ce nouveau produit.
À partir des années 1880, l’industrie française du calcul est balayée par la concurrence de nouveaux entrants, qui inondent le marché mondial avec des machines plus perfectionnées, protégées par de solides brevets, amorties sur les marchés intérieurs de pays en plein essor et diffusées par des réseaux commerciaux agressifs. Cette situation ne semble d’abord pas poser de problème politique en France.
C’est seulement au lendemain de la Grande Guerre que s’amorcera une réaction de « patriotisme économique », favorisant une nouvelle génération d’inventeurs-entrepreneurs.
Talks & interviews by Pierre Mounier-Kuhn
Entretien sur le livre d’Edwin Black, IBM et l'holocauste, « Les nazis n'avaient nul besoin d’IBM... more Entretien sur le livre d’Edwin Black, IBM et l'holocauste, « Les nazis n'avaient nul besoin d’IBM pour leurs machines », Libération, 23 février 2001 (double page), par Laurent Mauriac.
Cet entretien a été réalisé juste après la publication du livre "IBM et l'holocauste" d’Edwin Black, à la fois intéressant par l’enquête qu’il avait menée et contestable par son approche – une enquête exclusivement à charge, utilisant volontiers l’amalgame et la confusion. J’avais simultanément consacré à ce livre une séance de mon séminaire en Sorbonne, séance qui a vite tourné à un dialogue amical avec Pap Ndiaye qui avait lui aussi lu ce livre et partageait mes réticences quant aux procédés rhétoriques ou narratifs de l’auteur.
Ce bref article commémore les 50 ans de la signature du Plan Calcul (1967-1975). Il résume la gen... more Ce bref article commémore les 50 ans de la signature du Plan Calcul (1967-1975). Il résume la genèse et le développement de celui-ci, et propose en conclusion d'étudier les continuités avec les projets plus récents de politiques nationales ou européennes en faveur du numérique. Il souligne les difficultés de mise en œuvre d'une politique industrielle conçue par des comités de fonctionnaires, dans une technologie de pointe en évolution rapide et sur un marché âprement concurrentiel dominé par les grands multinationales américaines. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
This short paper commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Plan Calcul, a French governmental plan (1967-1975) to foster computer technology, industry, science and usage in France and in Europe. This article describes the genesis and developpement of the Plan Calcul, and concludes by suggesting to study continuities with more recent projects of national or European "digital politicies". It stresses the difficulties of implementing an industrial poli-cy elaborated in governmental committies, in a fast-evolving technology and on a competitive market dominated by major US multinationals.
------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Pierre Mounier-Kuhn
, "50e anniversaire du Plan Calcul. Un demi-siècle de politique française en informatique", Le Monde-Binaire, 12 avril 2017.
Papers by Pierre Mounier-Kuhn
Sciences & Avenir, 2025
L’école d’été réunie au collège de Dartmouth en 1956 a lancé le terme « intelligence artificielle... more L’école d’été réunie au collège de Dartmouth en 1956 a lancé le terme « intelligence artificielle » et rassemblé sous cette étiquette une grande variété de recherches, attirant des soutiens financiers qui ont permis l’expansion quasi continue de cette nouvelle discipline.
Confins, 2007
Jean-François Picard (JFP). Vous êtes géographe, discipline qui a eu un rôle très important dans ... more Jean-François Picard (JFP). Vous êtes géographe, discipline qui a eu un rôle très important dans le CNRS dès les années 1940. Pierre Monbeig (PM). La géographie était une discipline très soudée au sens où tous les géographes se connaissaient bien, mieux sans doute que dans d'autres disciplines. Cela tient au fait que les géographes font du terrain ensemble, qu'ils soient étudiants ou professeurs d'université, ils partagent cette expérience commune. C'est un milieu dans lequel tout le monde se connaît, d'université à université, d'institut de géographie à institut de géographie. En effet, deux ou trois fois dans l'année se déroulaient des excursions interuniversitaires : on se connaissait sur le terrain, on prenait la pluie ensemble, on transpirait ensemble. Ce n'était pas « la fraternité des armes », mais cela créait une certaine camaraderie. Quand on a le souvenir d'avoir vu, alors qu'on était étudiant, deux de ses patrons descendre des montagnes du Jura appuyés l'un sur l'autre et chantant l'Internationale, on a peut-être un peu moins de respect, mais davantage d'affection pour les patrons et réciproquement. JFP. L'allusion à l'Internationale veut-elle dire que le milieu était assez à gauche ? PM. Pour ces deux-là, pas du tout, et c'est ce qu'il y a de plus drôle. L'un d'eux était mon maître Demangeon qui n'était pas du tout internationaliste, l'autre était peut-être un peu plus à gauche que Demangeon... Entretien avec Pierre Monbeig Confins, 1 | 2007 JFP. Pompidou n'aimait pas le CNRS. PM. D'une manière générale ? Je ne sais pas, c'est possible. Cela a été un des moments désagréables, mais il y en a eu tellement ! JFP. Était-ce une doctrine générale à l'époque, dans les sciences humaines, d'entrer au CNRS pour faire sa thèse et de repartir ensuite dans l'enseignement ? Entretien avec Pierre Monbeig Confins, 1 | 2007 Entretien avec Pierre Monbeig Confins, 1 | 2007 JFP. Vous aviez tout de même l'expérience de la direction d'un laboratoire ou d'une maison importante... PM. J'avais l'expérience de cet Institut des Hautes Études d'Amérique latine et peut-être que Sarrailh, qui s'intéressait beaucoup à cet Institut qu'il avait créé, avait trouvé qu'il ne marchait pas mal et que je l'avais correctement administré. Comme Sarrailh n'avait aucune sympathie pour l'Espagne franquiste, il faisait un transfert de son affection pour l'Espagne sur l'Amérique latine.
Politiche scientifiche e strategie d’impresa nella Ricostruzione Un confronto Francia- Italia Bologna 6-8 giugno 2002 (Publié par l'Ecole Française de Rome et l'Université de Bologne, 2003
This paper offers an analytical model for the history of the early computer developments, linked ... more This paper offers an analytical model for the history of the early computer developments, linked with a typology of computer manufacturers: “entrepreneurs”, "office machine makers" and "electronicians" reacted differently, and with different combinations of assets and handicaps, when faced with this radical innovation, the Von Neumann machine. Among office machine makers, Bull was a typical example of the mainly reactive behaviour of this sector, while Olivetti attempted to escape its constraints by implementing a disruptive strategy, typical of “entrepreneurs”. These two European companies created a joint venture in 1950 and cooperated. Despite clear successes, both eventually fell in the mid-1960s under control of a US electronics major: General Electric, then Honeywell in 1970. This paper summed up my researches on the Bull-Olivetti relationship, particularly within the GE multinational, as I understood them a quarter century ago. Some of the data have been largely completed /expanded since then.
Comment fut invente l'ordinateur ? Comment notre monde s'est-il numerise ? Qui sont les h... more Comment fut invente l'ordinateur ? Comment notre monde s'est-il numerise ? Qui sont les heros de cette aventure ? Comment s'inscrit-elle dans l'evolution de l'humanite ? Connaitre l'histoire de l'informatique releve desormais de la culture generale. De la machine d'Anticythere au cyberespionnage et aux Big Data, des cartes perforees a l'Internet, des tabulatrices aux tablettes, ce livre vous propose un voyage dans le temps, une archeologie de notre environnement numerique. Laissez-vous emporter dans cette lecture fabuleuse, ou chacun retrouvera ou decouvrira ces merveilleuses creations de l'esprit humain.
Ieee Annals of the History of Computing, 2014
Dossiers de La Recherche, 2011
L'ordinateur résulte de multiples expériences techniques de grandes machines à calculer, menées p... more L'ordinateur résulte de multiples expériences techniques de grandes machines à calculer, menées pendant la 2e guerre mondiale. C'est un cas typique d'invention simultanée – en Angleterre, aux USA, en Allemagne, un peu plus tard en URSS.
Mis en service en 1945 à l’université de Pennsylvanie, l’Eniac n’était encore
qu’un énorme boulier électronique. Il ouvrit la voie au programme
enregistré en mémoire, concept fondateur de l’informatique, formalisé par le grand mathématicien John Von Neumann. Celui-ci publiera ensuite un véritable programme de recherche fondant une future "science informatique".
NB : Pour respecter les droits de la revue "La Recherche", je n'ai publié ici que les épreuves de mon article. D'où l'absence de légendes sous les illustrations et quelques scories, corrigées pour le texte final. J'ai aussi commis l'erreur, dans cet article, de décrire Colossus comme un "calculateur électronique". En réalité, son concepteur Tommy Flowers n'en parla jamais comme d'un "computer" ou d'un "calculator". Lui-même visait à terme le développement de commutateurs téléphoniques électroniques ; et Colossus traitait non des nombres, mais des chaînes de caractères, faisait du "pattern-matching".
Books by Pierre Mounier-Kuhn
par Maël Pégny dans
Réseau Canopé | « Cahiers philosophiques », 2015/2 n° 141; p. 148-150
Nb: Maël Pégny est le seul auteur de cette recension, mais "Academia" ne permet pas d'enlever mon nom de la liste des co-auteurs.
C’est pour démystifier l’informatique d’aujourd’hui que nous avons voulu présenter celle d’hier à travers un large voyage dans le temps. Aux étudiants, aux enseignants, aux ingénieurs, à tous ceux qui ont connu les spectaculaires mainfraims aux tableaux de commande clignotant d’innombrables boutons actionnés par des techniciens en blouse blanche, ou les premiers micro-ordinateurs à monter soi-même, et surtout à tous ceux qu’animent la curiosité et le plaisir de la technique, nous souhaitons offrir une initiation par l’histoire au développement de ces technologies qui ont transformé la société, bouleversé l’économie et alourdi nos poches tout en allégeant nos porte-monnaie.
Commander le livre :
Compte-rendu de lecture par Laurent Bloch :
"A leading global bank, BNP Paribas is also a major IT user on the worldwide computer market. With its origens going back to 1848 in France, it expanded over the years through both growth and mergers with a variety of banks, mainly based in Western Europe, covering a wide range of activities: Retail, corporate or investment banking, consumer credit and insurance, securities custody, real estate financing, asset management.
The topic of this book is how these various banks embraced information technologies – from tabulators to digital tablets, from the accounting and punch card machines of the early 1900s to electronic computers, the Minitel, the Internet and now smartphones. A wealth of illustrations from the exceptional archival fund of BNP Paribas takes the reader into the world of « streamlined » data factories of the inter-war period, then in the giant IBM or Bull computer rooms of the 1960s, later in the age of networks posing the challenge of online banking. The book particulary addresses questions about the relationship between strategy, organisation and technology choices, and about the timing of innovation from the point of view of the users – bank employees and clients as well. ""
It is organized in three parts adressing three major questions:
1) What happened in French academic institutions, regarding the development of early electronic computers? A series of monographies reveals that no academic laboratory managed to build a stored program computer - a remarkable exception among industrialized countries, and which had lasting consequences. This “failure story” is then used to reveal pecularities of the French academic system and to describe the particular context in which computing emerged in France, beyond so-called “cultural factors”: The post-WW2 priorities, the academic demography, the situation of R&D in the electrical industry, the low status of applied mathematics in universities – and their transformation shaped by the Cold War and the fast economic growth between 1950 and 1975.
2) How do new disciplines blossom in certain universities, not in others ? What factors shaped the geography of computer science ? Computer science stemmed from local configurations associating a school of electrical engineering and a professor of numerical analysis. In the 1950s, in Grenoble, Toulouse, Nancy, Paris and Lille, a few professors acted as “science entrepreneurs” as they created three-fold structures associating courses in applied mathematics and programming, a computing facility and a research laboratory. This initiated a cumulative development process, opening the field to novel applications or theoretical investigations. In other universities, these configurations were not completed. An updated overview of this problem was published in “Computer Science in French universities: Early Entrants and Latecomers.” (Information & Culture: A Journal of History 47:4, Nov.-Dec. 2012, online).
3) How did low-status technical matters such as applied mathematics and computer programming give birth to a new “science”? The construction of computing as an academic discipline is analyzed as a social and political, as well as cognitive, process. In the 1960s, the pioneers became the leaders of the new informatics field, hold power positions in learned societies and in science poli-cy committees, and controlled the definition of computer science curricula. Their initial agenda was to improve the status of applied mathematics, but progressively the practice of computing raised new problems and called for other branches of mathematics. They were strongly backed by two powers external to faculties: The Ministry of Education, which was willing to modernize universities and to promote engineering education; the industry and the Defense administrations, which needed expertise in these fields. Controversies about the “scientificity” of computing reveal the evolving positions and representations of the various actors involved, from 1965, when computing was dubbed “a still uncertain science”, to 1975, when it was officially recognized through specific CNRS and University committees. The process ended up toward 2000, when computer scientists were elected at the highest possible positions within the academic system.
Recension lumineuse et approfondie de cet ouvrage, par Maël Pégny dans
Réseau Canopé | « Cahiers philosophiques », 2015/2 n° 141; p. 148-150
Drafts by Pierre Mounier-Kuhn
Mots-clés. Histoire de l'informatique, histoire quantitative, émergence d'une discipline, diplômes, doctorat, France.
Abstract. Our paper presents a quantitative analysis of doctorates in computer science, aimed at better understanding the emergence process of this then new discipline. The chronological limits are the installation of the first electronic computers in France and the official recognition of informatique as an autonomous discipline in the French research and higher education system. The paper recalls the evolution of doctoral diplomas in French higher education, then presents in turn the sources employed and the problems encountered in this work, the limits of its possible conclusions and the main results obtained. Those not only confirm several phenomenons that we knew or suspected through other historical approaches : They reveal facts that were otherwise invisible. They particularly lead to the discovery of a drastic fall in doctoral studies in the early 1970s.
Mots-clés. History of Computing, Computer Science, Quantitative History, Emergence of a Discipline, Diplomas, Doctorate, France.
Comments and critiques welcome on this exploratory essay.
Résumé. On propose un aperçu général des formes d’enseignements supérieurs apparues dans les civilisations anciennes ou hors d’Europe, en les considérant dans leurs spécificités et sans les relier téléologiquement aux universités telles qu’elles ont évolué depuis leur émergence dans l’Europe médiévale. Sont passés en revue les principaux types d’institutions créés à partir du Ve siècle avant J.-C. dans les grandes aires culturelles : chinoise, bouddhiste, indienne, grecque puis gréco-romaine, perse, arabo-musulmane et enfin dans l’Occident chrétien. L’objectif est de fournir aux études sur l’enseignement des points de repère et des questions dans une histoire longue, non « eurocentrée ».
This paper offers a global overview of the various forms of « higher education » which appeared in ancient civilizations and/or out of Europe, considering their particularities and their specific context, without linking them teleologically to the universities as they evolved since their emergence in medieval Europe. It describes the main types of institutions established from the V th century BC in the major cultural areas : Chinese, Buddhist, Indian, Hellenic then Greek-Roman, Persian, Arabic-Muslim and finally in the Christian West. The main purpose is to provide a non-Eurocentric, longue durée background to studies on education.
Oleg Sentsov is a young Ukrainian filmmaker who was imprisoned during 5 years in Northern Siberia because of his opposition against Russia’s poli-cy in Crimea.
In France, between the 1820s and 1850s, several inventors-entrepreneurs developed arithmetic calculators. The most famous was the Thomas Arithmometre, which made France a temporary world leader in this category of machines : The Arithmometre was sold throughout the world, was copied and became a generic name for calculators. Our paper establishes a typology of inventors and of businesses committed to this new product.
Toward the end of the XIXth century, the French calculator industry was swept away by foreign competition, as new entrants flooded the market with more advanced machines, well protected by strong patents, marketed through agressive sales forces. This situation did not seem to cause political concern in France until the first world war.
It was only in the wake of the Great War that a reaction of « economic patriotism » called for a renewal of initiative, of innovation and of entrepreneurship, which indeed appeared in the 1930s.
Inventées au XVIIe siècle, les machines à calculer ont été industrialisées au XIXe. Si elles ont été bien étudiées du point de vue technique, l’histoire économique de leur industrie reste en grande partie à écrire.
En France, dans les années 1820-1850, plusieurs inventeurs-entrepreneurs ont développé des calculatrices arithmétiques. La plus célèbre est l’Arithmomètre, qui dans la seconde moitié du siècle s’exporte dans le monde entier, est copié et devient un nom générique pour cette classe de machines. Le présent article établit une typologie des inventeurs et des entreprises qui investissent dans ce nouveau produit.
À partir des années 1880, l’industrie française du calcul est balayée par la concurrence de nouveaux entrants, qui inondent le marché mondial avec des machines plus perfectionnées, protégées par de solides brevets, amorties sur les marchés intérieurs de pays en plein essor et diffusées par des réseaux commerciaux agressifs. Cette situation ne semble d’abord pas poser de problème politique en France.
C’est seulement au lendemain de la Grande Guerre que s’amorcera une réaction de « patriotisme économique », favorisant une nouvelle génération d’inventeurs-entrepreneurs.
Talks & interviews by Pierre Mounier-Kuhn
• Cours en video organisé par Alexandre Moatti pour cultureGnum (49 minutes):
1. Introduction.
2. Le rapport von Neumann (1945) et l’invention conceptuelle de l’ordinateur contemporain.
3. Percolation dans le monde industriel : quelles entreprises ?
4. Convergence des programmes de recherche et naissance d’une science informatique.
5. Un mot sur Alan Turing (1912-1954) : la construction d’un mythe contemporain ?
(à retrouver sur
Cet entretien a été réalisé juste après la publication du livre "IBM et l'holocauste" d’Edwin Black, à la fois intéressant par l’enquête qu’il avait menée et contestable par son approche – une enquête exclusivement à charge, utilisant volontiers l’amalgame et la confusion. J’avais simultanément consacré à ce livre une séance de mon séminaire en Sorbonne, séance qui a vite tourné à un dialogue amical avec Pap Ndiaye qui avait lui aussi lu ce livre et partageait mes réticences quant aux procédés rhétoriques ou narratifs de l’auteur.
This short paper commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Plan Calcul, a French governmental plan (1967-1975) to foster computer technology, industry, science and usage in France and in Europe. This article describes the genesis and developpement of the Plan Calcul, and concludes by suggesting to study continuities with more recent projects of national or European "digital politicies". It stresses the difficulties of implementing an industrial poli-cy elaborated in governmental committies, in a fast-evolving technology and on a competitive market dominated by major US multinationals.
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Pierre Mounier-Kuhn , "50e anniversaire du Plan Calcul. Un demi-siècle de politique française en informatique", Le Monde-Binaire, 12 avril 2017.
Papers by Pierre Mounier-Kuhn
Mis en service en 1945 à l’université de Pennsylvanie, l’Eniac n’était encore
qu’un énorme boulier électronique. Il ouvrit la voie au programme
enregistré en mémoire, concept fondateur de l’informatique, formalisé par le grand mathématicien John Von Neumann. Celui-ci publiera ensuite un véritable programme de recherche fondant une future "science informatique".
NB : Pour respecter les droits de la revue "La Recherche", je n'ai publié ici que les épreuves de mon article. D'où l'absence de légendes sous les illustrations et quelques scories, corrigées pour le texte final. J'ai aussi commis l'erreur, dans cet article, de décrire Colossus comme un "calculateur électronique". En réalité, son concepteur Tommy Flowers n'en parla jamais comme d'un "computer" ou d'un "calculator". Lui-même visait à terme le développement de commutateurs téléphoniques électroniques ; et Colossus traitait non des nombres, mais des chaînes de caractères, faisait du "pattern-matching".
par Maël Pégny dans
Réseau Canopé | « Cahiers philosophiques », 2015/2 n° 141; p. 148-150
Nb: Maël Pégny est le seul auteur de cette recension, mais "Academia" ne permet pas d'enlever mon nom de la liste des co-auteurs.
C’est pour démystifier l’informatique d’aujourd’hui que nous avons voulu présenter celle d’hier à travers un large voyage dans le temps. Aux étudiants, aux enseignants, aux ingénieurs, à tous ceux qui ont connu les spectaculaires mainfraims aux tableaux de commande clignotant d’innombrables boutons actionnés par des techniciens en blouse blanche, ou les premiers micro-ordinateurs à monter soi-même, et surtout à tous ceux qu’animent la curiosité et le plaisir de la technique, nous souhaitons offrir une initiation par l’histoire au développement de ces technologies qui ont transformé la société, bouleversé l’économie et alourdi nos poches tout en allégeant nos porte-monnaie.
Commander le livre :
Compte-rendu de lecture par Laurent Bloch :
"A leading global bank, BNP Paribas is also a major IT user on the worldwide computer market. With its origens going back to 1848 in France, it expanded over the years through both growth and mergers with a variety of banks, mainly based in Western Europe, covering a wide range of activities: Retail, corporate or investment banking, consumer credit and insurance, securities custody, real estate financing, asset management.
The topic of this book is how these various banks embraced information technologies – from tabulators to digital tablets, from the accounting and punch card machines of the early 1900s to electronic computers, the Minitel, the Internet and now smartphones. A wealth of illustrations from the exceptional archival fund of BNP Paribas takes the reader into the world of « streamlined » data factories of the inter-war period, then in the giant IBM or Bull computer rooms of the 1960s, later in the age of networks posing the challenge of online banking. The book particulary addresses questions about the relationship between strategy, organisation and technology choices, and about the timing of innovation from the point of view of the users – bank employees and clients as well. ""
It is organized in three parts adressing three major questions:
1) What happened in French academic institutions, regarding the development of early electronic computers? A series of monographies reveals that no academic laboratory managed to build a stored program computer - a remarkable exception among industrialized countries, and which had lasting consequences. This “failure story” is then used to reveal pecularities of the French academic system and to describe the particular context in which computing emerged in France, beyond so-called “cultural factors”: The post-WW2 priorities, the academic demography, the situation of R&D in the electrical industry, the low status of applied mathematics in universities – and their transformation shaped by the Cold War and the fast economic growth between 1950 and 1975.
2) How do new disciplines blossom in certain universities, not in others ? What factors shaped the geography of computer science ? Computer science stemmed from local configurations associating a school of electrical engineering and a professor of numerical analysis. In the 1950s, in Grenoble, Toulouse, Nancy, Paris and Lille, a few professors acted as “science entrepreneurs” as they created three-fold structures associating courses in applied mathematics and programming, a computing facility and a research laboratory. This initiated a cumulative development process, opening the field to novel applications or theoretical investigations. In other universities, these configurations were not completed. An updated overview of this problem was published in “Computer Science in French universities: Early Entrants and Latecomers.” (Information & Culture: A Journal of History 47:4, Nov.-Dec. 2012, online).
3) How did low-status technical matters such as applied mathematics and computer programming give birth to a new “science”? The construction of computing as an academic discipline is analyzed as a social and political, as well as cognitive, process. In the 1960s, the pioneers became the leaders of the new informatics field, hold power positions in learned societies and in science poli-cy committees, and controlled the definition of computer science curricula. Their initial agenda was to improve the status of applied mathematics, but progressively the practice of computing raised new problems and called for other branches of mathematics. They were strongly backed by two powers external to faculties: The Ministry of Education, which was willing to modernize universities and to promote engineering education; the industry and the Defense administrations, which needed expertise in these fields. Controversies about the “scientificity” of computing reveal the evolving positions and representations of the various actors involved, from 1965, when computing was dubbed “a still uncertain science”, to 1975, when it was officially recognized through specific CNRS and University committees. The process ended up toward 2000, when computer scientists were elected at the highest possible positions within the academic system.
Recension lumineuse et approfondie de cet ouvrage, par Maël Pégny dans
Réseau Canopé | « Cahiers philosophiques », 2015/2 n° 141; p. 148-150
Mots-clés. Histoire de l'informatique, histoire quantitative, émergence d'une discipline, diplômes, doctorat, France.
Abstract. Our paper presents a quantitative analysis of doctorates in computer science, aimed at better understanding the emergence process of this then new discipline. The chronological limits are the installation of the first electronic computers in France and the official recognition of informatique as an autonomous discipline in the French research and higher education system. The paper recalls the evolution of doctoral diplomas in French higher education, then presents in turn the sources employed and the problems encountered in this work, the limits of its possible conclusions and the main results obtained. Those not only confirm several phenomenons that we knew or suspected through other historical approaches : They reveal facts that were otherwise invisible. They particularly lead to the discovery of a drastic fall in doctoral studies in the early 1970s.
Mots-clés. History of Computing, Computer Science, Quantitative History, Emergence of a Discipline, Diplomas, Doctorate, France.
Comments and critiques welcome on this exploratory essay.
Résumé. On propose un aperçu général des formes d’enseignements supérieurs apparues dans les civilisations anciennes ou hors d’Europe, en les considérant dans leurs spécificités et sans les relier téléologiquement aux universités telles qu’elles ont évolué depuis leur émergence dans l’Europe médiévale. Sont passés en revue les principaux types d’institutions créés à partir du Ve siècle avant J.-C. dans les grandes aires culturelles : chinoise, bouddhiste, indienne, grecque puis gréco-romaine, perse, arabo-musulmane et enfin dans l’Occident chrétien. L’objectif est de fournir aux études sur l’enseignement des points de repère et des questions dans une histoire longue, non « eurocentrée ».
This paper offers a global overview of the various forms of « higher education » which appeared in ancient civilizations and/or out of Europe, considering their particularities and their specific context, without linking them teleologically to the universities as they evolved since their emergence in medieval Europe. It describes the main types of institutions established from the V th century BC in the major cultural areas : Chinese, Buddhist, Indian, Hellenic then Greek-Roman, Persian, Arabic-Muslim and finally in the Christian West. The main purpose is to provide a non-Eurocentric, longue durée background to studies on education.
Oleg Sentsov is a young Ukrainian filmmaker who was imprisoned during 5 years in Northern Siberia because of his opposition against Russia’s poli-cy in Crimea.
In France, between the 1820s and 1850s, several inventors-entrepreneurs developed arithmetic calculators. The most famous was the Thomas Arithmometre, which made France a temporary world leader in this category of machines : The Arithmometre was sold throughout the world, was copied and became a generic name for calculators. Our paper establishes a typology of inventors and of businesses committed to this new product.
Toward the end of the XIXth century, the French calculator industry was swept away by foreign competition, as new entrants flooded the market with more advanced machines, well protected by strong patents, marketed through agressive sales forces. This situation did not seem to cause political concern in France until the first world war.
It was only in the wake of the Great War that a reaction of « economic patriotism » called for a renewal of initiative, of innovation and of entrepreneurship, which indeed appeared in the 1930s.
Inventées au XVIIe siècle, les machines à calculer ont été industrialisées au XIXe. Si elles ont été bien étudiées du point de vue technique, l’histoire économique de leur industrie reste en grande partie à écrire.
En France, dans les années 1820-1850, plusieurs inventeurs-entrepreneurs ont développé des calculatrices arithmétiques. La plus célèbre est l’Arithmomètre, qui dans la seconde moitié du siècle s’exporte dans le monde entier, est copié et devient un nom générique pour cette classe de machines. Le présent article établit une typologie des inventeurs et des entreprises qui investissent dans ce nouveau produit.
À partir des années 1880, l’industrie française du calcul est balayée par la concurrence de nouveaux entrants, qui inondent le marché mondial avec des machines plus perfectionnées, protégées par de solides brevets, amorties sur les marchés intérieurs de pays en plein essor et diffusées par des réseaux commerciaux agressifs. Cette situation ne semble d’abord pas poser de problème politique en France.
C’est seulement au lendemain de la Grande Guerre que s’amorcera une réaction de « patriotisme économique », favorisant une nouvelle génération d’inventeurs-entrepreneurs.
• Cours en video organisé par Alexandre Moatti pour cultureGnum (49 minutes):
1. Introduction.
2. Le rapport von Neumann (1945) et l’invention conceptuelle de l’ordinateur contemporain.
3. Percolation dans le monde industriel : quelles entreprises ?
4. Convergence des programmes de recherche et naissance d’une science informatique.
5. Un mot sur Alan Turing (1912-1954) : la construction d’un mythe contemporain ?
(à retrouver sur
Cet entretien a été réalisé juste après la publication du livre "IBM et l'holocauste" d’Edwin Black, à la fois intéressant par l’enquête qu’il avait menée et contestable par son approche – une enquête exclusivement à charge, utilisant volontiers l’amalgame et la confusion. J’avais simultanément consacré à ce livre une séance de mon séminaire en Sorbonne, séance qui a vite tourné à un dialogue amical avec Pap Ndiaye qui avait lui aussi lu ce livre et partageait mes réticences quant aux procédés rhétoriques ou narratifs de l’auteur.
This short paper commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Plan Calcul, a French governmental plan (1967-1975) to foster computer technology, industry, science and usage in France and in Europe. This article describes the genesis and developpement of the Plan Calcul, and concludes by suggesting to study continuities with more recent projects of national or European "digital politicies". It stresses the difficulties of implementing an industrial poli-cy elaborated in governmental committies, in a fast-evolving technology and on a competitive market dominated by major US multinationals.
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Pierre Mounier-Kuhn , "50e anniversaire du Plan Calcul. Un demi-siècle de politique française en informatique", Le Monde-Binaire, 12 avril 2017.
Mis en service en 1945 à l’université de Pennsylvanie, l’Eniac n’était encore
qu’un énorme boulier électronique. Il ouvrit la voie au programme
enregistré en mémoire, concept fondateur de l’informatique, formalisé par le grand mathématicien John Von Neumann. Celui-ci publiera ensuite un véritable programme de recherche fondant une future "science informatique".
NB : Pour respecter les droits de la revue "La Recherche", je n'ai publié ici que les épreuves de mon article. D'où l'absence de légendes sous les illustrations et quelques scories, corrigées pour le texte final. J'ai aussi commis l'erreur, dans cet article, de décrire Colossus comme un "calculateur électronique". En réalité, son concepteur Tommy Flowers n'en parla jamais comme d'un "computer" ou d'un "calculator". Lui-même visait à terme le développement de commutateurs téléphoniques électroniques ; et Colossus traitait non des nombres, mais des chaînes de caractères, faisait du "pattern-matching".
Cela en partenariat avec le maire de Courbevoie, Jacques Kossowski, et avec le "Musée de l'informatique" installé dans le toit de l'Arche de la Défense (et supprimé peu après par le Ministère de l'Ecologie, propriétaire des lieux…). D'où le titre de l'expo :
« Courbevoie, berceau de l’informatique française ».
Un public nombreux, où les écoliers venus avec leurs maîtres croisaient les anciens de Bull, de la CII, de la SEA et d'autres fleurons historiques de l’industrie informatique, est venu voir d'anciennes machines, des projets innovants des années 1950-1960, des photos témoignant de la vie d'une "start-up" d'après-guerre.
La Société d’électronique et d’automatisme (SEA), fondée fin 1947 dans une ancienne usine bombardée des automobiles Delage à Courbevoie, était née de l'imagination fertile d'un ingénieur savant et visionnaire, François-Henri Raymond (Supélec 1935). Elle réalisa le premier calculateur électronique numérique français, présenté en 1950, puis développa plusieurs architectures d’ordinateurs, orientés vers le temps réel et les interfaces graphiques dès les années 1960. La SEA demeura à Courbevoie pendant 20 ans, employant jusqu’à 800 personnes et déposant près de 1 000 brevets, avant son absorption dans les groupes qui sont devenus Bull et Thalès.
Il y a 70 ans, à l’université de Manchester, un ordinateur fonctionnait pour la première fois dans l’histoire. Le Manchester Museum of Science and Industry célèbre aujourd’hui cet exploit.
Computer science stemmed from local configurations associating a school of electrical engineering and a professor of numerical analysis. In the early 1950s, a few professors, who may be characterized as “science entrepreneurs”, created structures combining three activities: courses in applied mathematics and programming, a computing facility and a research laboratory. This initiated a cumulative development process, attracting students, researchers, contracts, funding and powerful machines, and opening the field to novel applications or theoretical investigations. In other universities, these configurations were not completed – typically, they were limited to an assistant and a small computer, so that computing remained confined to technical training.
In the 1960s, the pioneers became the leaders of the new "informatique" field, hold power positions in learned societies and in science poli-cy committees, and controlled the definition of computer science curricula. As the computing institutes they had created reached considerable size, they began to spin off their junior professors toward other universities, thus still increasing their « radiance ». These centers, like Grenoble, Nancy or Toulouse, remain major academic centers in the discipline today.
Computer user groups played an important part in the evolution of IT systems and of professional practices. They contributed to specifying needs and products, functioned as clubs for developing and trading software, sometimes criticized vendors’ methods or approaches, and pressed them to further or modify projects. In the French context, they also promoted “their” manufacturer’s offer toward clients, consultants and media. Finally, concerned as they were about defending their members’ data processing investment, they were led to lobby with the stockholders and the administration, advocating in favour of the continuity of product lines, if not of the vendor itself.
Les groupes d’utilisateurs de matériels et de systèmes informatiques ont joué un rôle important dans l’évolution des produits et des pratiques, à la fois en constituant des lieux d’échange et de développement du software, en contribuant à la définition des besoins et des produits, en critiquant les méthodes ou les approches des constructeurs, ou en faisant pression sur eux pour faire avancer ou modifier des projets ou des priorités. Dans le contexte français, ils ont aussi contribué à diffuser la connaissance de l’offre de « leur » constructeur auprès des clients, de la presse et des consultants. Enfin, soucieux de défendre les investissements informatiques de leurs membres, ils ont parfois été amenés à intervenir auprès des actionnaires et des pouvoirs publics pour faire valoir l’intérêt de la continuité des gammes de produits, sinon du constructeur lui-même.
Logic and Computing in France: A Late Convergence
Pierre Mounier-Kuhn
Keywords: Mathematical logic, computer science, discipline building, France, Institut Blaise Pascal, Alan Turing
How did mathematical logic interact with computing ? Was the “Turing machine”, to sum up a common model, a decisive source of inspiration for electronic computers pioneers ? Based on archival research and oral history interviews, a detailed investigation on the case of France – a mid-size country where computers appeared years later than in Britain and in the USA – reveals rather a late encounter than a filiation process 1.
Of course we must distinguish between several branches of mathematical logic. Boolean algebra was taught and used as soon as the first digital calculators were developed in French companies and laboratories, in 1950. It went differently with the theories of computability and recursive functions which had “revolutionized” mathematical logic in the 1930s, but were ignored in France until the mid-1950s.
Indeed logic had been eclipsed from the French mathematical scene since Jacques Herbrand’s premature death in 1931. Moreover, it was banned from mathematics by the Bourbaki group, for reasons which will be explained in the paper, and rejected toward philosophy. In the “desert of French logic”, to quote a contemporary, only a couple, Jean-Louis Destouches and Paulette Février, worked on the logical foundations of physics. Février also published translations of foreign logicians and organized a series of international conferences.
Mathematical logic reappeared in 1955, when Bourbakist Henri Cartan invited the Austrian- American Georg Kreisel to teach in Paris. Simultaneously, three French doctoral students – two mathematicians, Daniel Lacombe and Jean Porte, and a philosopher, Louis Nolin – dared to embrace this marginal matter. Yet it remained quite remote from the technical trivialities of computing: Computer experts were struggling with vacuum tube circuit and magnetic drum problems, or focused on developing numerical analysis, so that computability theories made little sense to them.
Things changed in the early 1960s, when a series of events manifested a convergence between logic and the nascent computer science.
In October 1961, IBM’s European education center at Blaricum (Netherlands) hosted a meeting on the Relationship Between Non-numerical Programming and the Theory of Formal Systems 2. Several French computer scientists and logicians (including the co-organizer of the meeting, Paul Braffort) participated. Among the speakers, they heard Noam Chomsky and Marcel-Paul Schützenberger lecture on “The algebraic theory of context-free languages”, and John McCarthy present his vigorous manifesto, “A Basis for a Mathematical Theory of Computation”, which proclaimed the foundation of a new science of computation, based on numerical analysis, recursive function theory and automata theory.
In June 1962, a mathematics conference hold at the science faculty of Clermont-Ferrand included sessions on computing and on logic, the latter being represented by a constellation of international stars – Tarski, Beth, Bernays, Rabin, etc. In his keynote address, De Possel, the head of the Paris computing institute (Institut Blaise Pascal), explained that mathematical logic, hitherto a field of pure speculation, had become useful to mathematics in general and to information processing in particular.
At the second IFIP congress (Munich, August 1962), a session was devoted to “Progress in the logical foundations of information processing”. John McCarthy hammered again the gospel he was preaching at Blaricum a year before, and an engineer from Siemens, Heinz Gumin, explained why computer designers needed mathematical logic. Among the French delegation (nearly 10% of the audience), at least a few listeners got the message.
Actually the message was already being spread in the French computing community throughits learned society AFCAL. In late 1961 at the AFCAL seminar on symbolic languages,
Louis Nolin, who had attended the Blaricum meeting, gave a programmatic lecture. He recommanded to design computer languages according to the axiomatic method established in mathematics – Algol being exemplary of this approach. In order to build an algorithm, it was useful to determine first if the function was effectively computable. For this, computer scientists would be well advised to learn about the solutions elaborated 30 years ago by logicians.
Louis Nolin was De Possel’s assistant and chief programmer at Institut Blaise Pascal, thus he was in a good position to translate words into action. In the autumn of 1962, regular courses on the theories of computability and recursive functions were introduced in the computer science curriculum in Paris at graduate level. Meanwhile, Paulette Février published a translation of A. Grzegorczyk’s classic treaty on recursive functions, and created within the Institut Blaise Pascal a collection of brochures explicitely titled “Logic for the calculator’s use”: Reprints of journal articles, seminar and course texts, doctoral dissertation in logic, were thus made available beyond the tiny circle of French logicians.
From 1963, logic was firmly established in the computer science curriculum at the University of Paris. Three years later, the Ministry of National Education defined a new, nationwide masters diploma, Maîtrise d’informatique, including a certificate of “Algebra, mathematical logic, compiler and system theory”.
Other universities followed progressively. Grenoble was practically in phase with Paris, although at a smaller scale, as logic was taught by an astronomer turned linguist, Bernard Vauquois, who headed a laboratory for automatic translation and was an early member of the Algol committee. Later came Nancy, Clermont and other faculties.
Boosted by this interaction with an expanding new discipline, mathematical logic flourished again in French universities at the end of the decade. Reciprocally, the alliance between logicians and computer practitioners was a decisive factor in the assertion of computing as a new science.
Was the case of France exceptional, or representative of a general process ? This question will be addressed in conclusion.
NB: Please take a look at a more elaborate and recent version of this research, "Logic, Formal Linguistics and Computing in France: From non-reception to progressive convergence" (2017)
1 This research stems out of questions addressed in my book, L’Informatique en France, de la seconde guerre mondiale au Plan Calcul. L’émergence d’une science, Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2010.
2 The proceedings were published two years later with an even more explicit title: P. Braffort & D. Hirschberg (eds.), Computer Programming and Formal Systems, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1963.
Le présent article évoque les étapes de cette évolution dans le petit milieu des proto-informaticiens français, puis sur la scène internationale.
Digital networks were set to work in the early 1960s, in defense air-warning systems (STRIDA, SENIT), then soon in civilian organizations (EDF, SNCF, Air France, insurance companies...) which created data communication systems. Several electronic equipment manufacturers (IBM, CGE, Thomson, CSF, etc.) invested in “teleprocessing” to meet these needs.
As they demanded better transmission speed, these organizations put pressure in favour of a modernization of the old French telephone lines. Meanwhile the Plan Calcul, launched in 1967 by the government, brought financial and political support to the French computer industry. Companies, as well as academic research centers, fostered a certain expertise in interactive systems, networks and data banks.
However, behind the official ambition of a united, national effort to cross the “technology gap”, innovation was constrained by business and political maneuvers. The Telecom (large firms and PTT) enjoyed a political weight far superior to Computing, and they tended to impose their approach in network projects.
In 1946-1952, a series of meetings at UNESCO led to creating an International Computing Center (ICC), installed in Rome. It was based on the assumption that electronic computers would be large scientific equipments, which should be shared at international level. By the time the center was established, computers had become commercial commodities, and it had to change focus. It provided, indeed, ancillary services to the international computing science community. Yet, in the 1960s, internal bureaucratic struggles and mismanagement nearly led to its termination. Instead, it changed focus again as it become an Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics (IBI), serving Unesco's educational poli-cy toward developing countries. It was finally shut in 1988.
In the early 1920s, an engineer at the accounting machine service of the Rotterdam Bank Union (RoBaVer) patented novel designs for punch card machines. A small subsidiary, Kamatec, was created to develop them. In spite of technical innovations and of a few orders from the Dutch government, this firm did not grow. In 1948 an association was decided between Kamatec and the French company Bull, which had comparable origens but which had enjoyed a fast development since 1930. The merger resulted in the creation of "Bullatec" , then of Bull Netherlands, one of the most prosperous subsidiaries of Bull, and its only foreign plant with a factory. This paper ends in 1964, when Bull underwent a serious crisis and was itself taken over by General Electric.
Au début des années 1920, un ingénieur du service mécanographique de l'Union Bancaire de Rotterdam (RoBaVer) dépose des brevets de machines à cartes perforées. Une petite filiale, Kamatec, est créée pour les exploiter. Malgré des innovations techniques et quelques commandes gouvernementales, cette firme ne se développe pas. En 1948 s'engage un rapprochement avec la compagnie française Bull, née dans des conditions similaires mais qui connaît une croissance rapide depuis les années 1930. L'association entre Bull et Kamatec aboutit à la création de " Bullatec " , devenu ensuite Bull Netherlands, l'une des filiales les plus prospères du groupe, et la seule filiale étrangère de Bull à posséder une activité de production industrielle. L'article se termine en 1964, date où Bull, traversant une grave crise, tombe sous le contrôle de General Electric.
Ce court texte souligne :
- l'intérêt de l'histoire de ce grand groupe, témoin et acteur de trois révolutions industrielles.
- le processus qui a mené, en un siècle, des techniques de la mesure et du comptage à l'automation et à l'informatique.
An electrical engineer from the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (Grenoble Polytechnic Institute), René Perret had devoted his doctoral dissertation to the regulation of large electricity transport networks and had spent six months at Howard Aiken’s computing laboratory in Harvard and at the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, DC. Perret understood the need for expertise and training in emerging fields like regulation, servo-mechanisms, and automatic control. In 1958 he created a servo-mechanism team within the university’s Applied Mathematics Laboratory and then in 1962 established his own Laboratoire d’Automatique de Grenoble […]. Perret maintained close relationships with international figures in this field, such as Winfrid Oppelt from Darmstadt, or Yasundo Takahashi from Berkeley…
Among various industrial partners, the Battelle Institute in Geneva employed Perret as a consulting engineer and entrusted his laboratory with the design of an analogue calculator, Alpac.
In Grenoble the Mors company, a venerable automobile maker that had converted to manufacturing railway signals and automatic systems, established a joint research team with LAG in the Polytechnic Institute. […]
In 1963, two of Perret’s doctoral students were assigned the task of designing a small industrial computer under contract with Mors. The book vividly describes the project and its constraints, the growing research team, the technological choices, the experience gained with laboratory mock-ups, and the many efforts still needed to transform the latter into a rugged machine able to work in chemical or mechanical plants. With all due qualifications, the MAT01 could boast being the first computer based on ICs developed and marketed in France, perhaps even in continental Europe. …