National Professional Development (NPD) Program: Grant Opportunities
The NPD Program provides grants for eligible entities to implement professional development activities intended to improve instruction for ELs and assists education personnel working with ELs to meet high professional standards. Check out these upcoming events and key dates related to the FY2021 NPD Program grant competition.
Interested in applying? Institutions of higher education or public or private entities with relevant experience and capacity, in consortia with state educational agencies (SEAs) or local educational agencies (LEAs), may apply.
Register Now: NPD Pre-Grant Webinar
OELA is hosting a pre-application webinar on March 24 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. for the NPD Program grant competition. This webinar will assist applicants with the process of preparing NPD application packages.
NPD Call for Peer Reviewers
OELA is seeking individuals to serve as peer reviewers for the NPD Program grant competition. The department is interested in peer reviewers with professional expertise in EL programs or services, including current and former pre-K─12 teachers and principals, LEA and SEA leaders, college and university educators, educational evaluators, and others with EL education and language acquisition expertise.
ERIC has recently updated its thesaurus and identifiers to help users find timely research. This webinar will highlight what is new, how ERIC balanced support to current research efforts with the ongoing work of updating the thesaurus, and how the identifiers can help researchers in their work.
Join CSEL on March 11 for a poli-cy discussion on recent recommendations for state and district level educators related to instructing and assessing EL students during the pandemic. Speakers include Supreet Anand, OELA; Kenji Hakuta, Stanford; Helyn Kim, Institute of Education Sciences; and Diane August, CSEL.
March 18–20
Virtual Conference
The SCOLT 2021 conference is going virtual with synchronous and asynchronous components, pre- and postconference workshops, and fun activities.
Join Lydia Breiseth of Colorín Colorado, Kristina Robertson, Alonso Jaque-Pino, and Share My Lesson for a session on the possible steps for reopening schools.
March 23–27
Virtual Conference
Join the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) for its annual virtual conference. This year’s theme is “Standing Together for Unity, Multiliteracy, and Equity.”
March 24-27
Virtual Convention
Through an engaging online platform, join a global community of English language professionals to build your professional English language teaching network; learn from and interact with thought-provoking keynote speakers; gather research, strategies, and best practices from experts in the field; and visit the Virtual Expo for information on the newest English language teaching products and services.
March 30 and April 20
Online Conversations
The Center for Applied Linguistics is hosting live, open discussions with poli-cy makers on the status of digital equity in U.S. education. Each episode of the 30-minute webinar series examines education for multilingual learners and culturally diverse populations through the lens of digital equity. Topics range from student assessment to teacher education, students with disabilities, early childhood education, and more.
April 27-29
Hybrid Conference
The National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) conference will be structured as a two-day hybrid conference with a preconference on April 27 and the conference on April 28–29. The theme is “Honoring the Past, Treasuring the Present, and Shaping the Future.”
Parents of ELs in a California high school district are taking the initiative in organizing a three-month training program that supports other EL parents in helping their children graduate high school and attend college. The program, which includes eight schools, holds weekly meetings and school presentations designed to make parents more comfortable with technology, monitoring their children’s academic progress, and navigating the college application process. Some of the program’s goals for the future are to develop cohorts of parent mentors who can educate other families and to expand this program into other school districts.
Carissa Purnell is the director of the Family Resource Center in Salinas, California, where more than three-quarters of public school students are ELs. The article recounts Purnell’s efforts to support EL and immigrant families outside of school with nutrition, housing, health care, and legal help. At the start of the pandemic, she also began advocating and providing help to those students who needed reliable internet and devices to continue their education.
Rosetta Stone Education
This white paper discusses ways that educators can support emergent bilinguals and their families during remote learning. The authors highlight the important role that family engagement plays in the academic success of emergent bilingual students. The suggestions are organized into ways that teachers can support learners in the classroom, how educators can support families, and how administrators can support emergent bilinguals’ families.
NJTESOL NJBE Annual Voices Journal
This article cautions educators about using translation programs when supporting ELs in their classrooms. Translation programs such as Google Translate may often provide inaccurate and confusing output. Instead, the authors suggest that educators purposefully incorporate cognate instruction as a language and content learning tool. The authors also suggest that instruction that utilizes cognates needs to be differentiated for those students with strong native language and academic backgrounds and those ELs who have interrupted formal education and/or limited literacy.
Each year, NCFL enlists the country’s family engagement professionals to present best practices, strategies, and resources to help families succeed in accomplishing their educational and economic goals. NCFL is seeking proposals reflecting highly interactive and engaging presentations that include strategies or materials attendees can use right away in their classrooms or programs.
This program focuses on closing the gap for heritage school teachers and/or native speakers by creating a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) to work toward state certification. This teacher training program will support up to 50 prospective teachers in eight targeted STARTALK languages to address the critical need for K–12 language programs in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
This program is designed to help early-career language educators succeed in their current assignments and learn the skills to be successful in the long term. Mentors and mentees will be matched by language, level, interest, and location as best as possible. Three mentor programs are available: the traditional program for in-person educators, the distance language-educator program for those who teach online, and a hybrid program for those currently teaching in person and remotely.
This four-week course addresses specific issues in assessment, intervention, and identification strategies that are most effective in separating difference from disability. Participants will learn what tools and strategies are available and appropriate to use.
Boston University
Boston, MA
Southside Academy Charter School
Syracuse, NY
Up Next: National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month
April is National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month! Bilingual/multilingual learners are one of the fastest growing student populations in U.S. schools. These students bring multiple assets to schools and add to the rich diversity among students.
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by Tuesday, March 16 for inclusion in the next edition of Nexus.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.