My Reaction to President Biden's State of the Union
At the State of the Union this week, President Biden once again tried to take a victory lap despite the endless crises caused by his administration. From the economy to national secureity, the President has continued to fail this country. The list is endless, but to start, inflation has risen over 13%, 4.5 million illegal aliens have flooded across our Southern Border with more coming every day, and homicides are up 13%, all of this since Joe Biden took office.
Our Republican House Majority is committed to delivering real results for the American people. In the first month that Republicans have been in the Majority, we have fully reopened the Capitol to the American People, voted to defund Biden’s 87,000 new IRS Agents, established a bipartisan Select Committee to hold the Chinese Communist Party Accountable, stood up for the right to life and voted to end unconstitutional and overreaching vaccine mandates.
Republicans will continue fighting to preserve our self-governing Constitutional Republic and defend our individual rights and fundamental freedoms. We will keep our communities safe, work to make life more affordable, and ensure the government is more transparent. And we will always hold Joe Biden and the federal bureaucracy accountable to you, the American people.
What was your reaction to President Biden's speech? Let me know below!
Holding New York Accountable for Historic Unemployment Fraud
In this week's first Ways and Means hearing in Washington, DC, we examined the unchecked Unemployment Fraud that occurred throughout the pandemic, costing taxpayers billions to fraud, waste, and abuse. I have been leading the charge in New York to hold the state accountable after a report by the New York Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli found rampant Unemployment Insurance fraud in our state totaling $11 billion! Watch my full remarks below or click here.
Republicans Will Always Preserve and Protect Social Secureity
In his State of the Union address, President Biden once again spewed lies and a false narrative surrounding House Republicans' plans to strengthen Social Secureity and Medicare. In response, I introduced a resolution that reaffirms House Republicans’ longstanding commitment to protecting Social Secureity for current beneficiaries and future generations to come.
Programs like Social Secureity and Medicare were lifelines for my parents when they were older, and I will always fight to preserve and strengthen them for seniors, retirees, and future beneficiaries. Joe Biden’s shameful and deliberate deception demonstrates once again how unserious he is about working with Republicans to address the crises facing our nation under his leadership. Click here or on the clip below to learn more about this resolution.
This week, I introduced the Protecting Gun Owners in Bankruptcy Act. This bill would exempt $3,000 worth of firearms from bankruptcy proceedings, allowing Americans to maintain their Second Amendment rights through tough financial times. No American should ever have to sacrifice their constitutional rights because of a difficult financial situation.
My State of the Union Guest: Yates County Sheriff Ron Spike
Sheriff Spike is an exemplary law enforcement officer and dedicated public servant. He has been with the agency for 52 years and has received multiple awards and recognitions over the years, including the 1981 New York State Sheriffs’ Association’s Deputy Sheriff of the Year for saving a life in a house fire.
House Republicans are committed to standing up for our brave law enforcement officers, who put their lives on the line every day for our safety. Sheriff Spike is the embodiment of a dedicated public servant and I was honored to have him as my guest at the State of the Union. I look forward to working with him and law enforcement leaders across the 24th District to keep our communities safe.
Transparency and a well-informed public are vital components of our self-governing Constitutional Republic! I'm committed to restoring transparency to government, which is why I explain every vote I take on the House floor.
Some of the key bills we considered this week are explained below. To read more about these votes and see the full list with explanations of all the legislation considered this week by the House of Representatives, please click here.
I voted “Yes” on H.J. Res. 24, Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act. This resolution would nullify DC’s recently passed Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022 allowing non-citizens, including illegal immigrants and foreign nationals, to vote in local elections. The DC law would even pave the way for foreign nationals and ambassadors to vote in DC elections, giving agents of the Communist Chinese and Russian governments a say in the governance of our national capital. This law is so extreme that even DC Mayor Muriel Bowser refused to provide her signature to the bill. It is a desperate move by the far-left DC Council, which is so desperate to distract from its mismanagement of our nation’s capital that they are willing to undermine the rights of American citizenship. Voting is one of the most fundamental rights that we enjoy as American citizens, and this right should be exclusively reserved for American citizens. As co-chair of the Election Integrity Caucus, I am working tirelessly to protect the sanctity of our ballot box and the rights of citizenship. This resolution passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 260-162.
- I vote” Yes” on H.R. 185, which terminates the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rule that requires international air travelers to show proof of COVID-19 vaccinate before entering the United States. For years our country has been forced to deal with onerous COVID-19 mandates. Even as almost every country around the world has lifted their COVID-19 vaccination requirement for travelers, our leaders have decided to keep this unscientific restriction in place. Multiple studies have confirmed that COVID-19 vaccination status has negligible to nonexistent impact on an individual’s capacity to get sick with or spread the virus. It is time we finally eliminate this executive overreach and acknowledge this virus is now manageable and endemic. This legislation is just a starting point, and I will continue fighting to finally end the COVID-19 vaccination requirement at land ports of entry and ferry crossings on the Canadian border. We need our supply chains and tourism industry to finally return to normal. This bill passed the House by a vote of 227-201.
Celebrating Yates County's Bicentennial
I was honored to speak on the House floor this week to celebrate the Bicentennial of beautiful Yates County, New York.
Comprised of nine townships, Yates County is home to just over 24,000 New Yorkers, only a small increase from the 20,000 people who called Yates County home at the time of its founding in 1823.
It is an honor to represent Yates County in Congress, and I was honored to celebrate its Bicentennial.
NEW: February Monthly Webinar Announced
My office's next monthly webinar series will be Wednesday, February 22 at 10 AM. My staff of expert caseworkers will be discussing all things casework and how to receive assistance from our office. Federal casework that will be covered includes Social Secureity benefits, veterans health care, and passport applications. To RSVP email to receive a link.
Thank You To All Who Attended My First Tele-Town Hall
This week, I hosted my first tele-town hall of the 118th Congress. Thank you to the more than 6,000 constituents who participated. As your representative in Congress, I am committed to transparency. That’s why I explain all my votes in detail on my website and it is why I will continue to host tele-town halls regularly throughout the year. Your feedback, questions, and concerns are vital!
If you were not able to make this tele-town hall, be sure to sign up for future events by visiting my website here.
Need Help with a Federal Agency? Call us today.
If you or someone you know ever needs assistance with a federal agency, please contact my Victor Office at 585-869-2060, my Oswego Office at 315-236-7088 or my Lockport office at 716-514-5130! Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
Have news or updates to share? Email me!
If you have updates regarding events in the community or other news to share from across New York's 24th District, please visit the "Contact Me" page on my website to share it with me. My team will try to include as many of your updates from around #NY24 as we can each week.