Early Stage Investigator and Innovation/High Impact Pilot Funding Awards
The CCTS is now accepting applications for two types of pilot funding awards. Within the general guidelines outlined below, the types of projects that will be considered within these funding mechanisms include projects that:
- Promote translational science
- Provide support for early career investigators.
- Stimulate the development of new clinical and translational inter- and multidisciplinary teams.
- Promote community-based research.
- Develop new methodologies to leverage institutional strengths and new initiatives.
- Pursue high-risk, high reward studies.
This award is intended to support pilot studies by early stage investigators (NIH definition- see below) to obtain preliminary data for an extramural grant submission. The maximum award will be $25,000 which must be spent over 12 months. This award is only open to investigators in the early stage of their career, or investigators who are transitioning into a new area. Applicants must identify a mentor to assist with the investigator’s training.
This award is for investigators at all stages of career development; early career, midlevel, and senior investigators, and is intended to stimulate innovation and to support pilot studies that will lead to extramural funding. The total award is limited to $50,000 which must be spent over 12 months.
Letters of Intent due Aug. 16, 2023
Full Application due October 12, 2023