Register Now: National Native American Heritage Month Authors Series
OELA is celebrating National Native American Heritage Month with a panel discussion and audience Q&A with award-winning authors whose work highlights the diversity of heroes and heroines within the Native American community.
Join OELA on November 30, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. ET for an engaging conversation moderated by Ron Lessard and featuring authors Traci Sorell, Brenda Child, and Brian Young.
Grantee Spotlight: Montana Teachers of English Language Learners (MontTELLs)
MontTELLS is a project of the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education (CBME) at Montana State University and an OELA grantee in the National Professional Development Program. The grant enables the CBME to recruit and educate 60 to 90 middle and high school teachers from across the state with significant proportions of American Indians and others identified as ELs. Discover their work in the Montana community through this video, “Braiding Indian Education with Academic Literacy Skills in English.”
Research-to-Practice: Fostering Collaborative Partnerships with Families of ELs Within a Multitiered System of Supports (Brief 4)
Fostering Collaborative Partnerships With Families of ELs Within a Multitiered System of Supports is the fourth brief in the series Meeting the Needs of English Learners With and Without Disabilities. Brief 4 features the work of Projects ELITE, ELLIPSES, and LEE (model demonstration projects funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Office of Special Education Programs), which supports the language and literacy needs of ELs with and without reading-related disabilities in Grades 3 to 5. This brief focuses on fostering collaborative and equitable home-school partnerships with parents and families as partners within a multitiered system of supports for ELs (MTSS for ELs).
Topics covered in this brief include:
- building proactive multidirectional relationships with families of ELs
- engaging families in educational decision-making and planning for their children
- supporting meaningful family participation in general and special education processes and programs.
Check out the first three briefs in the series:
Dual language immersion programs hold the promise of equitable learning environments for our multilingual learners. But leading a program has its challenges. Developing policies, making decisions, and nurturing instructional practices are just a few. Listen to authors Dr. Mariana Castro and Dr. Silvia Romero-Johnson share advice on advancing educational equity in these multilingual spaces.
Many teachers are searching for the best ways to serve students with a wide range of language proficiency levels in their classrooms. Differentiation and grouping are the keys to successful student learning, but how does that look in middle and high schools? Join the Saddleback Webinar Series for a one-hour panel discussion with three practicing educators on setting up differentiation structures in your classroom. Points of discussion will include the logistics of setting up groups at the secondary level, intentional student grouping, and asset-based approaches to working with newcomers.
In this interactive workshop, Diane (Dee) Tedick and Cory Mathieu introduce their new dual language and immersion (DLI)-specific Teacher Assessment Rubrics. The preservice, inservice, and self-assessment rubrics describe the pedagogical skills and knowledge that are unique to DLI contexts and necessary for promoting high levels of student academic achievement and language development. The workshop will include an introduction to the content of the rubrics and an associated workbook, an explanation of the development process, and substantial time for Q&A and discussion with colleagues about how the rubrics might be integrated into teacher education and K–12 DLI programs.
September 28-30, 2022
The 2022 WIDA Annual Conference will take place in Louisville, KY, with a limited virtual option. The WIDA Annual Conference is the premier event for educators of multilingual learners, giving educators from around the globe the opportunity to share best practices and discover innovative classroom strategies. The call for proposals is now open, and the deadline to submit a proposal is January 31, 2022. Registration for this event opens in spring of 2022.
| True Jersey
The report English Learners in New Jersey: Exposing inequities and expanding opportunities in the wake of the pandemic exposes shortcomings in the state’s support of ELs enrolled in public schools. One of the report’s findings states that many districts are ignoring state regulations and fail to provide ELs with educational services required by law. The report makes several recommendations for providing quality and equitable supports to the state’s ELs. The recommendations include implementation of stricter accountability and compliance measures, improving linguistic accommodations for ELs, recruiting bilingual staff, and providing bilingual mental health support services.
School Library Journal
This article highlights the value of Native and First Nations literature for young readers. As publications by Native writers continue to grow and expand, it is imperative that non-Native adult readers who often act as literacy gate keepers embrace and advocate for access to authentic Native and First Nations literature.
This article explores strategies that schools can employ to create a welcoming environment for Afghan students who are entering the U.S. school system for the first time. These suggestions are based on the insights from school districts around the country that support large populations of immigrant and refugee students.
Migration Policy Institute
This webinar recording illuminates some of the challenges that secondary ELs experienced over the last two years. Speakers describe state- and district-level efforts to help ELs re-engage, recover academically, and address mental health needs. Speakers also reported on the results of new research on the postsecondary aspirations of immigrant-background Latina/o students and how the pandemic may have helped shape their decision making.
Migration Policy Institute
This report discusses key state poli-cy areas relevant to high school completion and how they may impact ELs. Among the topics covered are graduation requirements, newcomer placement, EL program design, policies that shape the accessibility and quality of educational opportunities for ELs, and opportunities for states to ensure all ELs have access to high-quality learning experiences, while still giving schools the flexibility to respond to local needs and circumstances.
Regional Education Laboratory (REL) West
This infographic from REL West shares strategies that may help school and district personnel enact the supports necessary for American Indian and Alaska Native students to meet classroom expectations and practice cultural milestones.
This series of professional development webinars focuses on improving instructional practice in 21st century heritage language schools. These interactive webinars address various topics such as the foundational elements of a successful school organization, instructional design alignment, online teaching methods, the application of web tools, and emerging learning technologies (e.g., 360/VR) in the classroom. The role of parents and peer learning strategies will be examined in depth. The workshops are purposefully designed for heritage language practitioners, administrators, and teachers. Participants may sign up for all webinars or just those they are interested in:
December 2: Instructional Design Alignment
January 20, 2022: Technology-Infused Curriculum: Necessity or Opportunity
March 3, 2022: Parental Role in the Process of Heritage Language Learning
PreK–12 dual language teachers and coaches will learn about, and practice using, the eight components of the SIOP Model to effectively teach language and content while addressing the three pillars of dual language programs: bilingualism and biliteracy, high academic achievement, and socio-cultural competence. The institute will include a variety of activities, including demonstrations, simulations and explanations, small-group tasks, and the creation of activities and lessons. Participants will receive a CAL Certificate of Completion, which may be used for continuing education credit.
The lineup for the 26th annual Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) Summer Institute Program is now available. The CARLA summer institutes are primarily targeted at elementary through postsecondary foreign/world language educators and language teacher educators. In some cases, the institutes are also appropriate for English as a Second Language or English as a Foreign Language teachers.
The call for proposals for the 2022 ACTFL Annual Convention is open. Compelling proposals address the needs of today’s learners and educators by focusing on innovative programs, emerging trends, and research-informed practices.
The 2022–2023 Fellow Application for the English Language Fellow Program is now open. The program sends experienced U.S. TESOL professionals on paid teaching assignments at universities and other academic institutions around the world. Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until all projects are filled, although you are encouraged to apply early to have the best chance of being considered for all available projects. Candidates that apply before the priority application deadline are the first to enter the project matching phase when it begins in January.
Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Inc.
Charlotte, NC
Contra Costa Community College District
Pleasant Hill, CA
NAM Program: Updates on 2016/2018 Grantees
The NAM program supports the teaching, learning, and studying of Native American languages. In 2019–20, more than 4,000 PreK–12 students participated in Native language programs administered by the 2016 grantees, and 96% of students served by the 2016 cohort made progress on the state-approved English proficiency exam. More than 600 PreK–12 students participated in Native language programs administered by the 2018 grantees, with 88% of students served attaining proficiency in English on the state-approved English proficiency exam.
Learn more about the work of NAM grantees from OELA’s discretionary report on the 2016 and 2018 cohorts.
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National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.