CSI is a research dedicated medical imaging facility that uses the technology of Computed Tomography to study hearing in both marine and land animals. Our image database has available image sets from over 198 species....
Visit our multimedia section to view 2D and 3D animation sequences created from CT and MRI scans using Siemens®, AMIRA®, eFilm®, 3D Slicer®, and OSIRIX® visualization software....
CSI is housed in the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Marine Research Facility Building (MRF) on Quissett Campus. It is one of two new additions to the campus added in 2005....
CSI has operated a Siemens Volume Zoom Spiral Computerized Tomography (CT) Scanner since 2001. The scanner, accompanying resources, and staff make CSI a unique imaging and visualization center for the research community....
Our necropsy facility consists of one large necropsy room equipped with two 4 meter down-draft tables, one hydraulic large animal table, four overhead surgical lamps, several light boxes, overhead rail and lift systems, and one large fume hood....
3D recosntruction from CT scans of the head of a Pilot Whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) showing the position of the skull relative to the surrounding soft tissues (purple). (see more videos)
Place your mouse cursor over the image to highlight anatomical structures. Use the scroll bar on the right to magnify or move the image. (see more 3D interactive images)
Ketten lab research studies are directed at understanding how the ears of marine animals, particularly whales and dolphins, are able to hear and use underwater sounds. Biomedical (CT and MRI) micro-imaging techniques are used to study auditory systems from a wide range of species and to produce mathematical and three-dimensional computer models of marine ears. The models allow us to estimate hearing abilities for rare and endangered species, like blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), that cannot be tested by normal methods.