Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
Within the afterword the authors summarize the knowledge about the Royal Insignia, found in Mšec ... more Within the afterword the authors summarize the knowledge about the Royal Insignia, found in Mšec and Řevničov. With a reference to the opinion of Joan Pinar Gil the authors follows his idea about the relationship of the finds of Tournai - Apahida - Mšec group of Royal jewellery to the king of Odoacer in Italy and Emperor Zeno in Constantinople.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
The chapter of the book focuses on the find of the gilt silver pelta-shaped pendant of the horse ... more The chapter of the book focuses on the find of the gilt silver pelta-shaped pendant of the horse harness from Řevničov (Bohemia) from the 6th century AD. Its decoration (Salin’s Style 1). The double motive of the human mask in a shape of the Vendel helmet raises a number of questions about the provenance of the item, its social significance, and the potential spread of the helmets of the Vendel-type also within the Continent.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
The chapter of the book describes the meaning of the find of the horse harness components from Ře... more The chapter of the book describes the meaning of the find of the horse harness components from Řevničov and Dřevíč - decorated in Salin’s Style 1 and 2 (so called zoomorphic style) - in the context of the cultural and artistic development in Scandinavia and England.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
The chapter focuses the possibilities of the reconstruction of the geometric schema of the gold-g... more The chapter focuses the possibilities of the reconstruction of the geometric schema of the gold-garnet belt buckle from Mšec. The rest of the chapter deals with the possible explanation of the features in a shape of the birds of prey, which occur as a part of the main mosaic of the catch-plate of the buckle. Here the early Christian symbolism is taken into account.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
The chapter focuses the special group of the gold-garnet jewellery of the Roal rank from Mšec, To... more The chapter focuses the special group of the gold-garnet jewellery of the Roal rank from Mšec, Tournai, Apahida, Rüdern, Olbia and Kranj. This special group shares a common features of the main mosaic made of almandines from India and Srí Lanka together with border of the cabochons made of the Bohemian garnets. Bohemian garnets occur for a first time in the history of jewellery and technology. This unique triple combination of the garnets was confirmed in Mšec, Tournai and Apahida. In the rest examples of the group the analyses were not undertaken yet.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
Chapter of the book describes the discovery of the hoard of the gold treasure from Mšec in Bohemi... more Chapter of the book describes the discovery of the hoard of the gold treasure from Mšec in Bohemia, dated to the Migration Period. The belt buckle and ring represent the production of the Early Byzantine craftsmanship.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov Magnificent Finds from the Migration Peri... more Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia
Hroby barbarů v Praze-Zličíně. Svět živých a mrtvých doby stěhování národů, 2015
The chapter of the book focuses the finds of the glass vessels and ceramics of the Migration Peri... more The chapter of the book focuses the finds of the glass vessels and ceramics of the Migration Period found within the cemetery of the Prague-Zličín.
Hroby barbarů v Praze-Zličíně. Svět živých a mrtvých doby stěhování národů, 2015
The book chapter focuses the finds of the weapons, armor, tolls and daily necessities of the Migr... more The book chapter focuses the finds of the weapons, armor, tolls and daily necessities of the Migration Period from Prague-Zličín.
Hroby barbarů v Praze-Zličíně. Svět živých a mrtvých doby stěhování národů, 2015
The chapter of the book focuses on the jewellery of the Migration Period from Prague-Zličín made ... more The chapter of the book focuses on the jewellery of the Migration Period from Prague-Zličín made of gold, gild silver and silver.
Hroby barbarů v Praze-Zličíně. Svět živých a mrtvých doby stěhování národů, 2015
Chapter of the book focuses the development of the society in Bohemia during the Migration Period... more Chapter of the book focuses the development of the society in Bohemia during the Migration Period. Special focus on the kinship, terminology, social stratification, and reflection of these structures in the archaeological record of the Migration Period.
The nuclear geyser model presented in this volume by S. Maruyama and T. Ebisuzaki represents a ne... more The nuclear geyser model presented in this volume by S. Maruyama and T. Ebisuzaki represents a new approach to the problem of the emergence and evolution of the life. The discovery of the ancient reactors in uranium deposits in Gabon plays an important role in the development of the new theory. This chapter is devoted to 1) the rethinking of "universal" validity of this proposed model, especially in the case of the potential habitable terrestrial exoplanets, and also to 2) open the potential role of the analogical energetic processes within the interstellar medium.
Planet Formation and Panspermia. New Prospects for the Movement of Life through Space, 2021
Based on the chemical properties (isotopic ratios from the fossil sea water sediments and the con... more Based on the chemical properties (isotopic ratios from the fossil sea water sediments and the continents), it is possible to divide the Earth’s systems into the basic opposition between the terrigenous and oceanic components. The water/ice environment is considered as a sufficient carrier of panspermia in space due to the characteristic (protecting) properties of water, including UV absorption and superconductivity. Recent observations of L. I. Cleeves show that the oceanic ratio of D/H represents a dilution and heterogeneous origen of the water on Earth, which perhaps comprises the comets, asteroids, and even the dwarf snow-ball planets or their fragments from the interstellar medium during the formation of the solar protoplanetary disc. Interesting insight was brought by the probe Wild-2 investigating the composition of the comet Temple-1, showing a wide spectrum of minerals, among which water ice is dominant and calcium carbonates were detected. This composition shows which kind of the bodies also showered the mantle of Earth during the Late Heavy Bombardment 4.1–3.8 Ga ago. On a molecular base, the Murchison meteorite with 92 amino acids and meteorite Acfer 086 with protein hemolithin represent good examples of this ancient molecular enrichment. The second part of the chapter deals with a possibility of lithopanspermia, i.e., the idea that micro-organisms can be distributed throughout the planetary system via fragments of rock/ice ejected during a meteoric impact event. Traces of these relationships in case of Earth-Moon system represent granite and also a specimen of breccia collected on the lunar surface by Apollo 14 and 15 crews. The Chandreyaan-1 probe confirmed the evidence of the water on both poles of the Moon and the origen of this water is questioned. Similarly, the question of a possible ancient Venus-Mercury system (Van Flandern’s and Harrison’s hypothesis), including an alternative explanation for the origen of the water ices in the case of the smaller body.
The paper is an advertisement for the publication of great anthropologist of the Czechoslovak ori... more The paper is an advertisement for the publication of great anthropologist of the Czechoslovak origen Leopold Jaroslav Pospisil: Adventures in the ‘Stone Age’ A New Guinea Diary.
Leopold Pospíšil Adventures in the ‘Stone Age’ A New Guinea Diary, 2021
Afterword for the last publication of Leopold Jaroslav Pospisil (1923-2021):
Leopold Pospíšil is ... more Afterword for the last publication of Leopold Jaroslav Pospisil (1923-2021): Leopold Pospíšil is a living legend of cultural anthropology. He was born on 26 April 1923 in the Moravian city of Olomouc, less than four years after his native Czechoslovakia came into being as one of the successor states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After a childhood and schooldays spent in Olomouc, his subsequent life could provide material for several adventure novels. Having joined the anti-Nazi resistance he was shot in the knee and operated on by his surgeon uncle — without an anesthetic. Later Pospíšil said his uncle had wanted him to realize that precious anesthetic should be kept for those in the resistance in greater need. Pospíšil applied to Harvard and Yale, was accepted by both, but chose Yale as they offered him a bigger scholarship. Thus the cowpoke became a full-time student of Social Sciences, eventually gaining a doctorate in 1956. Importantly, he also travelled to New Guinea to study the Kapauku, among whom he spent thirteen months conducting basic research. Pospíšil conducted his basic field research of the Kapauku from September 1954 to November 1955, followed by further spells in 1959, 1962, 1975 and a brief and final two-week stay in 1979. In the 50s and 60s, important studies were carried out in the New Guinea Highlands, the results of which gave significant new impetus to the anthropology of Oceania and led to the formulation of new approaches and the revision of certain anthropological concepts based on new ethnographic insights such as the so-called ‘African model’ of descendence and descent groups. The Highlands research was so important that a special number of American Anthropologist (1964, issue 4, 2nd part) was devoted to it.
Acquiring exotic objects, artifacts, or human remains used to be common among European travelers,... more Acquiring exotic objects, artifacts, or human remains used to be common among European travelers, scientists, and museums. Today, there is a growing effort to rectify the earlier practice and to return the transported ethnography to the country of origen. However, the picture is certainly not black and white, as many repatriations raise doubts.
Ob die Annehme richtig ist, dass die geographische Ausbreitung der Anhänger (dank ihres religiöse... more Ob die Annehme richtig ist, dass die geographische Ausbreitung der Anhänger (dank ihres religiösen Kerns einer seits, von Schwetern und Äxten andererseits das distributive Netz von Religions- und Machtezentren darstellten, muss sich zeichen. In Südböhmen beobachten wir seit der entwiskelten Phase der Mittelbronzezeit südostliche Strömungen (Nackenscheibenaxt und offene herzformige Anhänger). Während jüngere Phase der Mittelbronzezeit ist dagegen die Verknüpfung mit dem Oberdonaugebiet deutlich (Vollgriffschwert des Typs Hausmoning, herzförmige Anhänger der Typen Hörmannsdorf und Oberbernbach, Rädanhänger). Diese Macht und Religiönsstrukturen und ihre gegenseitige Verknüpfung sind auch aus der Sicht der überregionalen Verbreitung einzelner Gegenstände zu erkennen. Die ausdünnende Verbreitung von Anhängern der Typen Hörmannsdorf und Oberbernbach und der Volgriffschwerter gegen Südosten in Richtung Karpatenbecken zeugen von einer abnehmenden Ausstrahlung des mit Zentrum im Böhmischen Becken und im Oberdonaugebietes zu lokalisierenden kulturellen Agglomerates. Die Verknüpfung zwischen rangabzeichenden Insignien und religösen Symbolen ist manchmal bei demselben Gegenständ warnehmbar. Das betrifft in unserem Milieu die Nackenscheibenäxte, sie eine Analogie zu den Zeremonialäxte aus Bredebaekgard und einem Stück hethitischen Ursprungs darstellen. Beim Übergangshorizont zwischen Mittlebronzezeit und Urnenfelderzeit handelt es sich um einem komplizierten Abschnitt. Die neunen und neu interpretierten Funden aus den Gebiet Nordböhmens, Mährens und Thüringens liefern Indizien für eine unruhige Entwicklung in Mitteleuropa. Die Auswirkungen dieser Ereignisse bleiben in Südböhmen unklar. Für eine Kontinuität spricht die fortgesetzte Belegung von Grabhügelfeldern und ferner das Volgriffschwert des Typs Riegsee mit achtkantigem Querschnitt als Insignie. Als heimisch könnten auch die Scheibenkopfnadeln, Schwerter des Typs Unterhaching und das Exemplar mit schmaller Griffplatte und settlichen Nietkerben, die Analogien im Oberdonaugebiet haben, angesehen werden. Der Doppelarmknauf als fremdes Rangabzeichen deutet auf Kontakte zum Mitteldonauraum hin. Überregionale Verbreitung zeichnen die Griffzungenschwerter des Typs Sprockhoff Ia, Kemenzei A Variante 1 aus, deren nechste geographische Konzentration sich im Karpatenbecken findet. Fremde Waffen stellen auch die Beile des Typs Issendorf und die Dolche mit drei plastischen länglichen Rippen. Der Nachsatz 1 widmet sich der Analyse der mit fächerartigem Motiv vergleichbaren hethitischen Hieroglyphe HH 18 MAGNUS REX, der standartmässig mit "Gross König" zu übersetzen ist. Zugleich wird das hethitische Königrangabzeichen DINGIR UTU (Summerogram) und die damit verknüpfbare Gleichung dTyaz = dTiwaz - dŠiuš - (Himmelsgottheiten) = dUTU = dIštanu abgehandelt. Die Nachsatz 2 behandelt die Bedeutung der umgekehrt herzförmigen Anhänger im Kontext mit ähnlichen Gegenständen innerhalb des indoeuropäischen Milieus. Zur Erklärung des unabhängigen Vorkommen der Anhänger und Symbole in geographisch und zeitlich voneinander entfernten Bereichen und Zeitabschnitten wird an ein mythologisches Portfolio gedacht.
Výstavba rodinných domů v lokalitě Dolní Chabry-centrum v Praze 8-Dolních Chabrech vyvolala nutno... more Výstavba rodinných domů v lokalitě Dolní Chabry-centrum v Praze 8-Dolních Chabrech vyvolala nutnost záchranného archeologického výzkumu, který zajišťovalo archeologické oddělení Muzea hlavního města Prahy (M. Kostka). Po oznámení výstavby byl v červenci 1994 proveden v předstihu povrchový průzkum sběrem na ploše budoucí stavby vzhledem k lokaci i výsledkům starších povrchových sběrů v tomto místě (Dragoun-Tryml 1984-tam na obr. 2 zachycen původní stav lokality). Výsledek sběrů však byl naprosto negativní, neboť plocha staveniště byla převzata stavbou od předchozího investora již po uskutečněné plošné skrývce ornice, od jejíhož provedení uplynula delší doba. Na skryté a opět zarostlé ploše tedy bylo nemožné identifikovat ani vytipovat žádné stopy po předchozím osídlení a nezbylo než sledovat až vlastní výkopové zemní práce. Zásahy do země se díky technologii stavby domků omezily na výkopy rýh pro kanalizaci a další inženýrské sítě. V jejich stěnách byl odhalen první archeologický objekt s nálezy (obj. 1), jehož výzkum proběhl 4. srpna 1994 (Kostka 1997, 188). Při dalším sledování výkopů byly pak postupně identifikovány tři objekty (obj. 2 až 4), jejichž výzkum probíhal v lednu až březnu roku 1995 (Kostka 1997, 188-189). Objekty 2 a 4 tvořily pozůstatky částečně do země zahloubených laténských domů-polozemnic, datovaných do stupně LT C1-C2. Následující stať pojednává výhradně o objektech 1 a 3-sídlištních jamách pozdní doby římské až časné doby stěhování národů.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
Within the afterword the authors summarize the knowledge about the Royal Insignia, found in Mšec ... more Within the afterword the authors summarize the knowledge about the Royal Insignia, found in Mšec and Řevničov. With a reference to the opinion of Joan Pinar Gil the authors follows his idea about the relationship of the finds of Tournai - Apahida - Mšec group of Royal jewellery to the king of Odoacer in Italy and Emperor Zeno in Constantinople.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
The chapter of the book focuses on the find of the gilt silver pelta-shaped pendant of the horse ... more The chapter of the book focuses on the find of the gilt silver pelta-shaped pendant of the horse harness from Řevničov (Bohemia) from the 6th century AD. Its decoration (Salin’s Style 1). The double motive of the human mask in a shape of the Vendel helmet raises a number of questions about the provenance of the item, its social significance, and the potential spread of the helmets of the Vendel-type also within the Continent.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
The chapter of the book describes the meaning of the find of the horse harness components from Ře... more The chapter of the book describes the meaning of the find of the horse harness components from Řevničov and Dřevíč - decorated in Salin’s Style 1 and 2 (so called zoomorphic style) - in the context of the cultural and artistic development in Scandinavia and England.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
The chapter focuses the possibilities of the reconstruction of the geometric schema of the gold-g... more The chapter focuses the possibilities of the reconstruction of the geometric schema of the gold-garnet belt buckle from Mšec. The rest of the chapter deals with the possible explanation of the features in a shape of the birds of prey, which occur as a part of the main mosaic of the catch-plate of the buckle. Here the early Christian symbolism is taken into account.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
The chapter focuses the special group of the gold-garnet jewellery of the Roal rank from Mšec, To... more The chapter focuses the special group of the gold-garnet jewellery of the Roal rank from Mšec, Tournai, Apahida, Rüdern, Olbia and Kranj. This special group shares a common features of the main mosaic made of almandines from India and Srí Lanka together with border of the cabochons made of the Bohemian garnets. Bohemian garnets occur for a first time in the history of jewellery and technology. This unique triple combination of the garnets was confirmed in Mšec, Tournai and Apahida. In the rest examples of the group the analyses were not undertaken yet.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
Chapter of the book describes the discovery of the hoard of the gold treasure from Mšec in Bohemi... more Chapter of the book describes the discovery of the hoard of the gold treasure from Mšec in Bohemia, dated to the Migration Period. The belt buckle and ring represent the production of the Early Byzantine craftsmanship.
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov. Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia, 2023
Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov Magnificent Finds from the Migration Peri... more Royal Insignia of Late Antiquity from Mšec and Řevničov Magnificent Finds from the Migration Period from Central Bohemia
Hroby barbarů v Praze-Zličíně. Svět živých a mrtvých doby stěhování národů, 2015
The chapter of the book focuses the finds of the glass vessels and ceramics of the Migration Peri... more The chapter of the book focuses the finds of the glass vessels and ceramics of the Migration Period found within the cemetery of the Prague-Zličín.
Hroby barbarů v Praze-Zličíně. Svět živých a mrtvých doby stěhování národů, 2015
The book chapter focuses the finds of the weapons, armor, tolls and daily necessities of the Migr... more The book chapter focuses the finds of the weapons, armor, tolls and daily necessities of the Migration Period from Prague-Zličín.
Hroby barbarů v Praze-Zličíně. Svět živých a mrtvých doby stěhování národů, 2015
The chapter of the book focuses on the jewellery of the Migration Period from Prague-Zličín made ... more The chapter of the book focuses on the jewellery of the Migration Period from Prague-Zličín made of gold, gild silver and silver.
Hroby barbarů v Praze-Zličíně. Svět živých a mrtvých doby stěhování národů, 2015
Chapter of the book focuses the development of the society in Bohemia during the Migration Period... more Chapter of the book focuses the development of the society in Bohemia during the Migration Period. Special focus on the kinship, terminology, social stratification, and reflection of these structures in the archaeological record of the Migration Period.
The nuclear geyser model presented in this volume by S. Maruyama and T. Ebisuzaki represents a ne... more The nuclear geyser model presented in this volume by S. Maruyama and T. Ebisuzaki represents a new approach to the problem of the emergence and evolution of the life. The discovery of the ancient reactors in uranium deposits in Gabon plays an important role in the development of the new theory. This chapter is devoted to 1) the rethinking of "universal" validity of this proposed model, especially in the case of the potential habitable terrestrial exoplanets, and also to 2) open the potential role of the analogical energetic processes within the interstellar medium.
Planet Formation and Panspermia. New Prospects for the Movement of Life through Space, 2021
Based on the chemical properties (isotopic ratios from the fossil sea water sediments and the con... more Based on the chemical properties (isotopic ratios from the fossil sea water sediments and the continents), it is possible to divide the Earth’s systems into the basic opposition between the terrigenous and oceanic components. The water/ice environment is considered as a sufficient carrier of panspermia in space due to the characteristic (protecting) properties of water, including UV absorption and superconductivity. Recent observations of L. I. Cleeves show that the oceanic ratio of D/H represents a dilution and heterogeneous origen of the water on Earth, which perhaps comprises the comets, asteroids, and even the dwarf snow-ball planets or their fragments from the interstellar medium during the formation of the solar protoplanetary disc. Interesting insight was brought by the probe Wild-2 investigating the composition of the comet Temple-1, showing a wide spectrum of minerals, among which water ice is dominant and calcium carbonates were detected. This composition shows which kind of the bodies also showered the mantle of Earth during the Late Heavy Bombardment 4.1–3.8 Ga ago. On a molecular base, the Murchison meteorite with 92 amino acids and meteorite Acfer 086 with protein hemolithin represent good examples of this ancient molecular enrichment. The second part of the chapter deals with a possibility of lithopanspermia, i.e., the idea that micro-organisms can be distributed throughout the planetary system via fragments of rock/ice ejected during a meteoric impact event. Traces of these relationships in case of Earth-Moon system represent granite and also a specimen of breccia collected on the lunar surface by Apollo 14 and 15 crews. The Chandreyaan-1 probe confirmed the evidence of the water on both poles of the Moon and the origen of this water is questioned. Similarly, the question of a possible ancient Venus-Mercury system (Van Flandern’s and Harrison’s hypothesis), including an alternative explanation for the origen of the water ices in the case of the smaller body.
The paper is an advertisement for the publication of great anthropologist of the Czechoslovak ori... more The paper is an advertisement for the publication of great anthropologist of the Czechoslovak origen Leopold Jaroslav Pospisil: Adventures in the ‘Stone Age’ A New Guinea Diary.
Leopold Pospíšil Adventures in the ‘Stone Age’ A New Guinea Diary, 2021
Afterword for the last publication of Leopold Jaroslav Pospisil (1923-2021):
Leopold Pospíšil is ... more Afterword for the last publication of Leopold Jaroslav Pospisil (1923-2021): Leopold Pospíšil is a living legend of cultural anthropology. He was born on 26 April 1923 in the Moravian city of Olomouc, less than four years after his native Czechoslovakia came into being as one of the successor states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After a childhood and schooldays spent in Olomouc, his subsequent life could provide material for several adventure novels. Having joined the anti-Nazi resistance he was shot in the knee and operated on by his surgeon uncle — without an anesthetic. Later Pospíšil said his uncle had wanted him to realize that precious anesthetic should be kept for those in the resistance in greater need. Pospíšil applied to Harvard and Yale, was accepted by both, but chose Yale as they offered him a bigger scholarship. Thus the cowpoke became a full-time student of Social Sciences, eventually gaining a doctorate in 1956. Importantly, he also travelled to New Guinea to study the Kapauku, among whom he spent thirteen months conducting basic research. Pospíšil conducted his basic field research of the Kapauku from September 1954 to November 1955, followed by further spells in 1959, 1962, 1975 and a brief and final two-week stay in 1979. In the 50s and 60s, important studies were carried out in the New Guinea Highlands, the results of which gave significant new impetus to the anthropology of Oceania and led to the formulation of new approaches and the revision of certain anthropological concepts based on new ethnographic insights such as the so-called ‘African model’ of descendence and descent groups. The Highlands research was so important that a special number of American Anthropologist (1964, issue 4, 2nd part) was devoted to it.
Acquiring exotic objects, artifacts, or human remains used to be common among European travelers,... more Acquiring exotic objects, artifacts, or human remains used to be common among European travelers, scientists, and museums. Today, there is a growing effort to rectify the earlier practice and to return the transported ethnography to the country of origen. However, the picture is certainly not black and white, as many repatriations raise doubts.
Ob die Annehme richtig ist, dass die geographische Ausbreitung der Anhänger (dank ihres religiöse... more Ob die Annehme richtig ist, dass die geographische Ausbreitung der Anhänger (dank ihres religiösen Kerns einer seits, von Schwetern und Äxten andererseits das distributive Netz von Religions- und Machtezentren darstellten, muss sich zeichen. In Südböhmen beobachten wir seit der entwiskelten Phase der Mittelbronzezeit südostliche Strömungen (Nackenscheibenaxt und offene herzformige Anhänger). Während jüngere Phase der Mittelbronzezeit ist dagegen die Verknüpfung mit dem Oberdonaugebiet deutlich (Vollgriffschwert des Typs Hausmoning, herzförmige Anhänger der Typen Hörmannsdorf und Oberbernbach, Rädanhänger). Diese Macht und Religiönsstrukturen und ihre gegenseitige Verknüpfung sind auch aus der Sicht der überregionalen Verbreitung einzelner Gegenstände zu erkennen. Die ausdünnende Verbreitung von Anhängern der Typen Hörmannsdorf und Oberbernbach und der Volgriffschwerter gegen Südosten in Richtung Karpatenbecken zeugen von einer abnehmenden Ausstrahlung des mit Zentrum im Böhmischen Becken und im Oberdonaugebietes zu lokalisierenden kulturellen Agglomerates. Die Verknüpfung zwischen rangabzeichenden Insignien und religösen Symbolen ist manchmal bei demselben Gegenständ warnehmbar. Das betrifft in unserem Milieu die Nackenscheibenäxte, sie eine Analogie zu den Zeremonialäxte aus Bredebaekgard und einem Stück hethitischen Ursprungs darstellen. Beim Übergangshorizont zwischen Mittlebronzezeit und Urnenfelderzeit handelt es sich um einem komplizierten Abschnitt. Die neunen und neu interpretierten Funden aus den Gebiet Nordböhmens, Mährens und Thüringens liefern Indizien für eine unruhige Entwicklung in Mitteleuropa. Die Auswirkungen dieser Ereignisse bleiben in Südböhmen unklar. Für eine Kontinuität spricht die fortgesetzte Belegung von Grabhügelfeldern und ferner das Volgriffschwert des Typs Riegsee mit achtkantigem Querschnitt als Insignie. Als heimisch könnten auch die Scheibenkopfnadeln, Schwerter des Typs Unterhaching und das Exemplar mit schmaller Griffplatte und settlichen Nietkerben, die Analogien im Oberdonaugebiet haben, angesehen werden. Der Doppelarmknauf als fremdes Rangabzeichen deutet auf Kontakte zum Mitteldonauraum hin. Überregionale Verbreitung zeichnen die Griffzungenschwerter des Typs Sprockhoff Ia, Kemenzei A Variante 1 aus, deren nechste geographische Konzentration sich im Karpatenbecken findet. Fremde Waffen stellen auch die Beile des Typs Issendorf und die Dolche mit drei plastischen länglichen Rippen. Der Nachsatz 1 widmet sich der Analyse der mit fächerartigem Motiv vergleichbaren hethitischen Hieroglyphe HH 18 MAGNUS REX, der standartmässig mit "Gross König" zu übersetzen ist. Zugleich wird das hethitische Königrangabzeichen DINGIR UTU (Summerogram) und die damit verknüpfbare Gleichung dTyaz = dTiwaz - dŠiuš - (Himmelsgottheiten) = dUTU = dIštanu abgehandelt. Die Nachsatz 2 behandelt die Bedeutung der umgekehrt herzförmigen Anhänger im Kontext mit ähnlichen Gegenständen innerhalb des indoeuropäischen Milieus. Zur Erklärung des unabhängigen Vorkommen der Anhänger und Symbole in geographisch und zeitlich voneinander entfernten Bereichen und Zeitabschnitten wird an ein mythologisches Portfolio gedacht.
Výstavba rodinných domů v lokalitě Dolní Chabry-centrum v Praze 8-Dolních Chabrech vyvolala nutno... more Výstavba rodinných domů v lokalitě Dolní Chabry-centrum v Praze 8-Dolních Chabrech vyvolala nutnost záchranného archeologického výzkumu, který zajišťovalo archeologické oddělení Muzea hlavního města Prahy (M. Kostka). Po oznámení výstavby byl v červenci 1994 proveden v předstihu povrchový průzkum sběrem na ploše budoucí stavby vzhledem k lokaci i výsledkům starších povrchových sběrů v tomto místě (Dragoun-Tryml 1984-tam na obr. 2 zachycen původní stav lokality). Výsledek sběrů však byl naprosto negativní, neboť plocha staveniště byla převzata stavbou od předchozího investora již po uskutečněné plošné skrývce ornice, od jejíhož provedení uplynula delší doba. Na skryté a opět zarostlé ploše tedy bylo nemožné identifikovat ani vytipovat žádné stopy po předchozím osídlení a nezbylo než sledovat až vlastní výkopové zemní práce. Zásahy do země se díky technologii stavby domků omezily na výkopy rýh pro kanalizaci a další inženýrské sítě. V jejich stěnách byl odhalen první archeologický objekt s nálezy (obj. 1), jehož výzkum proběhl 4. srpna 1994 (Kostka 1997, 188). Při dalším sledování výkopů byly pak postupně identifikovány tři objekty (obj. 2 až 4), jejichž výzkum probíhal v lednu až březnu roku 1995 (Kostka 1997, 188-189). Objekty 2 a 4 tvořily pozůstatky částečně do země zahloubených laténských domů-polozemnic, datovaných do stupně LT C1-C2. Následující stať pojednává výhradně o objektech 1 a 3-sídlištních jamách pozdní doby římské až časné doby stěhování národů.
Hroby barbarů v Praze-Zličíně. Svět živých a mrtvých doby stěhování národů, 2015
Chapter of the book focuses on the cultural development in Bohemia during the 5th Century AD base... more Chapter of the book focuses on the cultural development in Bohemia during the 5th Century AD based on the archaeological Finds within the supra-regional interconnections.
A book describing in its complexity an archaeological rescue excavation of a large burial ground ... more A book describing in its complexity an archaeological rescue excavation of a large burial ground at Prague-Zličín (5th century AD) within the wide context of historical, cultural, religious, and societal development in Europe during the Late Antiquity/Migration Period. A book is provided with a large number of the illustrations.
Trifold připomíná výročí 400 let významné a dramatické události z počáteční česko-falcké fáze tři... more Trifold připomíná výročí 400 let významné a dramatické události z počáteční česko-falcké fáze třicetileté války, které se tragickým způsobem dotkly jak města Písku, tak okolního venkova. Prezentovány jsou prameny historické zprávy (jako například válečná korespondence či jarmareční letáky s tématem dobytí Písku). Občané města Písku! Zhasněte světla, zamkněte dveře, schovejte ženy a děti, spaste duše! Po čtyřech stoletích naše město navštíví generál Karel Bonaventura hrabě de Buquoy.
Papers by Jaroslav Jiřík
of D/H represents a dilution and heterogeneous origen of the water on Earth, which perhaps comprises the comets, asteroids, and even the dwarf snow-ball planets or their fragments from the interstellar medium during the formation of the solar protoplanetary disc. Interesting insight was brought by the probe Wild-2 investigating the composition of the comet Temple-1, showing a wide spectrum of minerals, among which water ice is dominant and calcium carbonates were detected. This composition shows which kind of the bodies also showered the mantle of Earth during the Late Heavy Bombardment 4.1–3.8 Ga ago. On a molecular base, the Murchison meteorite with 92 amino acids and meteorite Acfer 086 with protein hemolithin represent good examples of this ancient molecular enrichment. The second part of the chapter deals with a possibility of lithopanspermia, i.e., the idea that micro-organisms can be distributed throughout the planetary system via fragments of rock/ice ejected during a meteoric impact event. Traces of these relationships in case of Earth-Moon system represent granite and also a specimen of breccia collected on the lunar surface by Apollo 14 and 15 crews. The Chandreyaan-1 probe confirmed the evidence of the water on both poles of the Moon and the origen of this water is questioned. Similarly, the question of a possible
ancient Venus-Mercury system (Van Flandern’s and Harrison’s hypothesis), including an alternative explanation for the origen of the water ices in the case of the smaller body.
Leopold Pospíšil is a living legend of cultural anthropology. He was born
on 26 April 1923 in the Moravian city of Olomouc, less than four years
after his native Czechoslovakia came into being as one of the successor
states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After a childhood and schooldays
spent in Olomouc, his subsequent life could provide material for
several adventure novels. Having joined the anti-Nazi resistance he was
shot in the knee and operated on by his surgeon uncle — without an
anesthetic. Later Pospíšil said his uncle had wanted him to realize that
precious anesthetic should be kept for those in the resistance in greater
Pospíšil applied to Harvard and Yale, was accepted by both,
but chose Yale as they offered him a bigger scholarship. Thus the cowpoke became a full-time student of Social Sciences, eventually gaining
a doctorate in 1956. Importantly, he also travelled to New Guinea to study the Kapauku, among whom he spent thirteen months conducting basic research. Pospíšil conducted his basic field research of the Kapauku from September 1954 to November 1955, followed by further spells in 1959, 1962, 1975 and a brief and final two-week stay in 1979. In the 50s and
60s, important studies were carried out in the New Guinea Highlands,
the results of which gave significant new impetus to the anthropology
of Oceania and led to the formulation of new approaches and
the revision of certain anthropological concepts based on new ethnographic insights such as the so-called ‘African model’ of descendence and descent groups. The Highlands research was so important that a special number of American Anthropologist (1964, issue 4, 2nd part) was devoted to it.
Beim Übergangshorizont zwischen Mittlebronzezeit und Urnenfelderzeit handelt es sich um einem komplizierten Abschnitt. Die neunen und neu interpretierten Funden aus den Gebiet Nordböhmens, Mährens und Thüringens liefern Indizien für eine unruhige Entwicklung in Mitteleuropa. Die Auswirkungen dieser Ereignisse bleiben in Südböhmen unklar. Für eine Kontinuität spricht die fortgesetzte Belegung von Grabhügelfeldern und ferner das Volgriffschwert des Typs Riegsee mit achtkantigem Querschnitt als Insignie. Als heimisch könnten auch die Scheibenkopfnadeln, Schwerter des Typs Unterhaching und das Exemplar mit schmaller Griffplatte und settlichen Nietkerben, die Analogien im Oberdonaugebiet haben, angesehen werden. Der Doppelarmknauf als fremdes Rangabzeichen deutet auf Kontakte zum Mitteldonauraum hin. Überregionale Verbreitung zeichnen die Griffzungenschwerter des Typs Sprockhoff Ia, Kemenzei A Variante 1 aus, deren nechste geographische Konzentration sich im Karpatenbecken findet. Fremde Waffen stellen auch die Beile des Typs Issendorf und die Dolche mit drei plastischen länglichen Rippen.
Der Nachsatz 1 widmet sich der Analyse der mit fächerartigem Motiv vergleichbaren hethitischen Hieroglyphe HH 18 MAGNUS REX, der standartmässig mit "Gross König" zu übersetzen ist. Zugleich wird das hethitische Königrangabzeichen DINGIR UTU (Summerogram) und die damit verknüpfbare Gleichung dTyaz = dTiwaz - dŠiuš - (Himmelsgottheiten) = dUTU = dIštanu abgehandelt.
Die Nachsatz 2 behandelt die Bedeutung der umgekehrt herzförmigen Anhänger im Kontext mit ähnlichen Gegenständen innerhalb des indoeuropäischen Milieus. Zur Erklärung des unabhängigen Vorkommen der Anhänger und Symbole in geographisch und zeitlich voneinander entfernten Bereichen und Zeitabschnitten wird an ein mythologisches Portfolio gedacht.
of D/H represents a dilution and heterogeneous origen of the water on Earth, which perhaps comprises the comets, asteroids, and even the dwarf snow-ball planets or their fragments from the interstellar medium during the formation of the solar protoplanetary disc. Interesting insight was brought by the probe Wild-2 investigating the composition of the comet Temple-1, showing a wide spectrum of minerals, among which water ice is dominant and calcium carbonates were detected. This composition shows which kind of the bodies also showered the mantle of Earth during the Late Heavy Bombardment 4.1–3.8 Ga ago. On a molecular base, the Murchison meteorite with 92 amino acids and meteorite Acfer 086 with protein hemolithin represent good examples of this ancient molecular enrichment. The second part of the chapter deals with a possibility of lithopanspermia, i.e., the idea that micro-organisms can be distributed throughout the planetary system via fragments of rock/ice ejected during a meteoric impact event. Traces of these relationships in case of Earth-Moon system represent granite and also a specimen of breccia collected on the lunar surface by Apollo 14 and 15 crews. The Chandreyaan-1 probe confirmed the evidence of the water on both poles of the Moon and the origen of this water is questioned. Similarly, the question of a possible
ancient Venus-Mercury system (Van Flandern’s and Harrison’s hypothesis), including an alternative explanation for the origen of the water ices in the case of the smaller body.
Leopold Pospíšil is a living legend of cultural anthropology. He was born
on 26 April 1923 in the Moravian city of Olomouc, less than four years
after his native Czechoslovakia came into being as one of the successor
states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After a childhood and schooldays
spent in Olomouc, his subsequent life could provide material for
several adventure novels. Having joined the anti-Nazi resistance he was
shot in the knee and operated on by his surgeon uncle — without an
anesthetic. Later Pospíšil said his uncle had wanted him to realize that
precious anesthetic should be kept for those in the resistance in greater
Pospíšil applied to Harvard and Yale, was accepted by both,
but chose Yale as they offered him a bigger scholarship. Thus the cowpoke became a full-time student of Social Sciences, eventually gaining
a doctorate in 1956. Importantly, he also travelled to New Guinea to study the Kapauku, among whom he spent thirteen months conducting basic research. Pospíšil conducted his basic field research of the Kapauku from September 1954 to November 1955, followed by further spells in 1959, 1962, 1975 and a brief and final two-week stay in 1979. In the 50s and
60s, important studies were carried out in the New Guinea Highlands,
the results of which gave significant new impetus to the anthropology
of Oceania and led to the formulation of new approaches and
the revision of certain anthropological concepts based on new ethnographic insights such as the so-called ‘African model’ of descendence and descent groups. The Highlands research was so important that a special number of American Anthropologist (1964, issue 4, 2nd part) was devoted to it.
Beim Übergangshorizont zwischen Mittlebronzezeit und Urnenfelderzeit handelt es sich um einem komplizierten Abschnitt. Die neunen und neu interpretierten Funden aus den Gebiet Nordböhmens, Mährens und Thüringens liefern Indizien für eine unruhige Entwicklung in Mitteleuropa. Die Auswirkungen dieser Ereignisse bleiben in Südböhmen unklar. Für eine Kontinuität spricht die fortgesetzte Belegung von Grabhügelfeldern und ferner das Volgriffschwert des Typs Riegsee mit achtkantigem Querschnitt als Insignie. Als heimisch könnten auch die Scheibenkopfnadeln, Schwerter des Typs Unterhaching und das Exemplar mit schmaller Griffplatte und settlichen Nietkerben, die Analogien im Oberdonaugebiet haben, angesehen werden. Der Doppelarmknauf als fremdes Rangabzeichen deutet auf Kontakte zum Mitteldonauraum hin. Überregionale Verbreitung zeichnen die Griffzungenschwerter des Typs Sprockhoff Ia, Kemenzei A Variante 1 aus, deren nechste geographische Konzentration sich im Karpatenbecken findet. Fremde Waffen stellen auch die Beile des Typs Issendorf und die Dolche mit drei plastischen länglichen Rippen.
Der Nachsatz 1 widmet sich der Analyse der mit fächerartigem Motiv vergleichbaren hethitischen Hieroglyphe HH 18 MAGNUS REX, der standartmässig mit "Gross König" zu übersetzen ist. Zugleich wird das hethitische Königrangabzeichen DINGIR UTU (Summerogram) und die damit verknüpfbare Gleichung dTyaz = dTiwaz - dŠiuš - (Himmelsgottheiten) = dUTU = dIštanu abgehandelt.
Die Nachsatz 2 behandelt die Bedeutung der umgekehrt herzförmigen Anhänger im Kontext mit ähnlichen Gegenständen innerhalb des indoeuropäischen Milieus. Zur Erklärung des unabhängigen Vorkommen der Anhänger und Symbole in geographisch und zeitlich voneinander entfernten Bereichen und Zeitabschnitten wird an ein mythologisches Portfolio gedacht.