August 13, 2018: CW3E Tables at the Ecologik Program Summer Science Experience

August 13, 2018: 5th Annual Workshop on Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations for Lake Mendocino

July 18, 2018: CW3E Graduate Student Serves as GELS Instructor

July 17, 2018: CW3E Graduate Student Selected to Participate in the 9th International High Performance Computing Summer School

July 2, 2018: CW3E Hosts Student Workshop on AR Forecasting

May 22, 2018: CW3E Participates in the UP Summit at UC San Diego

April 25, 2018: CW3E Director Featured in the Water Zone Podcast on KCAA San Bernardino

September 18, 2017: CW3E Releases New Interactive Geospatial Observation and Forecast Maps

November 28, 2016: Publication Notice: CalWater Field Studies Designed to Quantify the Roles of Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosols in Modulating U.S. West Coast Precipitation in a Changing Climate

February 24, 2016: The Washington Post Capital Weather Gang features CW3E and Atmospheric River Field Mission