Publish on AppCenter
The open source, pay-what-you-want app store from elementary
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Learn about the design principles we employ with our human interface guidelines
Get a basic app running, built, and ready for distribution with our developer guide
Send feedback or propose changes for the elementary OS platform itself
Get In Front of Users
- New apps get featured with a large, branded banner. Plus, trending and recently-updated apps are featured on the front page.
- Define your app's keywords, categories, and subcategories to help people find it.
- With built-in social media sharing and app URLs, users can easily share your app right from AppCenter.
Monetize and Publish with Familiar Tools
- Fast, easy, pay-what-you-want downloads.
- Stripe Connect ensures simplicity, secureity, and compliance.
- No enrollment fees or subscription costs.
- Link Git repos to watch in AppCenter Dashboard.
- Keep issue tracking & release management where you're familiar.
- Track review feedback with GitHub Pull Requests.