where and are any solutions of (9.2.1).
For example, , ,
, . Numerically
satisfactory triads of solutions can be constructed where needed on
or by inspection of the asymptotic expansions supplied
in §9.7.
Extend the definitions of §9.8(i)
to positive values of , obtain the indefinite integrals of
and via the first two of
(9.8.14), then combine the values of and
given in §9.8(i) with
obtained from
(9.8.4), (9.8.8), and §9.7(ii).
(Communicated by M.E. Muldoon.)
For further definite integrals see Prudnikov et al. (1990, §1.8.2),
Laurenzi (1993), Reid (1995, 1997a, 1997b),
and Vallée and Soares (2010, Chapters 3, 4).