Immediately below (27.11.2), the bound for
Dirichlet’s divisor problem (currently still unsolved)
has been changed from Kolesnik (1969) to
Huxley (2003).
The behavior of a number-theoretic function for large is often
difficult to determine because the function values can fluctuate considerably
as increases. It is more fruitful to study partial sums and seek
asymptotic formulas
of the form
where is a known function of , and represents the
error, a function of smaller order than for all in some prescribed
range. For example, Dirichlet (1849) proves that for all ,
where is Euler’s constant (§5.2(ii)).
Dirichlet’s divisor problem
(unsolved as of 2022) is to determine
the least number such
that the error term in (27.11.2) is for all
. Huxley (2003) proves that
Equations (27.11.3)–(27.11.11) list further
asymptotic formulas related to some of the functions listed in
§27.2. They are valid for all . The error terms given
here are not necessarily the best known.
Letting in (27.11.9) or in
(27.11.11) we see that there are infinitely many primes
if are coprime; this is Dirichlet’s theorem
on primes in arithmetic progressions.
Each of (27.11.13)–(27.11.15) is equivalent to the
prime number theorem (27.2.3). The prime number theorem for
arithmetic progressions—an extension of (27.2.3) and first proved
in de la Vallée Poussin (1896a, b)—states that
if , then the number of primes with
is asymptotic to
as .