For recurrence relations for the coefficients in these expansions see
Frenkel and Portugal (2001, §3).
For error estimates see Kurz (1979), and for graphical interpretation
see Figure 28.2.1. Also,
These results are derived formally in
Sips (1949, 1959, 1965). See also
Meixner and Schäfke (1954, §2.84).
For recurrence relations for the coefficients in these expansions
see Frenkel and Portugal (2001, §4 and §5).
Barrett (1981) supplies asymptotic approximations for numerically
satisfactory pairs of solutions of both Mathieu’s equation (28.2.1)
and the modified Mathieu equation (28.20.1). The approximations apply
when the parameters and are real and large, and are uniform with
respect to various regions in the -plane. The approximants are elementary
functions, Airy functions, Bessel functions, and parabolic cylinder functions;
compare §2.8. It is stated that corresponding uniform
approximations can be obtained for other solutions, including the
eigensolutions, of the differential equations by application of the results,
but these approximations are not included.
Dunster (1994a) supplies uniform asymptotic approximations for
numerically satisfactory pairs of solutions of Mathieu’s equation
(28.2.1). These approximations apply when and are real and
. They are uniform with respect to when
, where is an arbitrary constant such that
, and also with respect to in the semi-infinite strip given
by and .
The approximations are expressed in terms of Whittaker functions
and with
; compare §2.8(vi). They are derived by
rigorous analysis and accompanied by strict and realistic error bounds.
With additional restrictions on , uniform asymptotic approximations for
solutions of (28.2.1) and (28.20.1) are also obtained in terms
of elementary functions by re-expansions of the Whittaker functions; compare
Subsequently the asymptotic solutions involving either elementary or Whittaker
functions are identified in terms of the Floquet solutions
(§28.12(ii)) and modified
Mathieu functions (§28.20(iii)).
For related results see Langer (1934) and Sharples (1967, 1971).