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60001.9.1 | |||
, | |||
such that .
1.9.2 | ||||
1.9.3 | ||||
1.9.4 | |||
and when ,
1.9.5 | |||
according as lies in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quadrants. Here
1.9.6 | |||
1.9.7 | ||||
. | ||||
The principal value of corresponds to , that is, . It is single-valued on , except on the interval where it is discontinuous and two-valued. Unless indicated otherwise, these principal values are assumed throughout the DLMF. (However, if we require a principal value to be single-valued, then we can restrict .)
1.9.8 | ||||
1.9.9 | |||
1.9.10 | |||
see §4.14.
1.9.11 | ||||
1.9.12 | ||||
1.9.13 | ||||
1.9.21 | |||
. | |||
1.9.22 | |||
. | |||
1.9.23 | |||
A function is continuous at a point if . That is, given any positive number , however small, we can find a positive number such that for all in the open disk .
A neighborhood of a point is a disk . An open set in is one in which each point has a neighborhood that is contained in the set.
A point is a limit point (limiting point or accumulation point) of a set of points in (or ) if every neighborhood of contains a point of distinct from . ( may or may not belong to .) As a consequence, every neighborhood of a limit point of contains an infinite number of points of . Also, the union of and its limit points is the closure of .
A domain , say, is an open set in that is connected, that is, any two points can be joined by a polygonal arc (a finite chain of straight-line segments) lying in the set. Any point whose neighborhoods always contain members and nonmembers of is a boundary point of . When its boundary points are added the domain is said to be closed, but unless specified otherwise a domain is assumed to be open.
A region is an open domain together with none, some, or all of its boundary points. Points of a region that are not boundary points are called interior points.
A function is continuous on a region if for each point in and any given number () we can find a neighborhood of such that for all points in the intersection of the neighborhood with .
A function is complex differentiable at a point if the following limit exists:
1.9.24 | |||
The limit is taken for in .
Differentiability automatically implies continuity.
If exists at and , then
1.9.25 | ||||
at .
Conversely, if at a given point the partial derivatives , , , and exist, are continuous, and satisfy (1.9.25), then is differentiable at .
A function is said to be analytic (holomorphic) at if it is complex differentiable in a neighborhood of .
A function is analytic in a domain if it is analytic at each point of . A function analytic at every point of is said to be entire.
If is analytic in an open domain , then each of its derivatives , , exists and is analytic in .
If is analytic in an open domain , then and are harmonic in , that is,
1.9.26 | |||
or in polar form (1.9.3) and satisfy
1.9.27 | |||
at all points of .
An arc is given by , , where and are continuously differentiable. If and are continuous and and are piecewise continuous, then defines a contour.
A contour is simple if it contains no multiple points, that is, for every pair of distinct values of , . A simple closed contour is a simple contour, except that .
1.9.28 | |||
for a contour and continuous, . If , , then the integral is defined analogously to the infinite integrals in §1.4(v). Similarly when or .
Any simple closed contour divides into two open domains that have as common boundary. One of these domains is bounded and is called the interior domain of ; the other is unbounded and is called the exterior domain of .
If is continuous within and on a simple closed contour and analytic within , then
1.9.29 | |||
If is continuous within and on a simple closed contour and analytic within , and if is a point within , then
1.9.30 | |||
1.9.31 | |||
, | |||
provided that in both cases is described in the positive rotational (anticlockwise) sense.
Any bounded entire function is a constant.
If is a closed contour, and , then
1.9.32 | |||
where is an integer called the winding number of with respect to . If is simple and oriented in the positive rotational sense, then is or depending whether is inside or outside .
For harmonic,
1.9.33 | |||
If is continuous on , then with
1.9.34 | |||
is harmonic in . Also with , as within .
The extended complex plane, , consists of the points of the complex plane together with an ideal point called the point at infinity. A system of open disks around infinity is given by
1.9.35 | |||
. | |||
Each is a neighborhood of . Also,
1.9.36 | |||
1.9.37 | |||
, | |||
1.9.38 | |||
1.9.39 | |||
. | |||
A function is analytic at if is analytic at , and we set .
Suppose is analytic in a domain and are two arcs in passing through . Let be the images of and under the mapping . The angle between and at is the angle between the tangents to the two arcs at , that is, the difference of the signed angles that the tangents make with the positive direction of the real axis. If , then the angle between and equals the angle between and both in magnitude and sense. We then say that the mapping is conformal (angle-preserving) at .
The linear transformation , , has and maps conformally onto .
1.9.40 | |||
, . | |||
1.9.41 | ||||
1.9.42 | |||
. | |||
1.9.43 | |||
1.9.44 | |||
The transformation (1.9.40) is a one-to-one conformal mapping of onto itself.
The cross ratio of is defined by
1.9.45 | |||
or its limiting form, and is invariant under bilinear transformations.
Other names for the bilinear transformation are fractional linear transformation, homographic transformation, and Möbius transformation.
A sequence converges to if . For , the sequence converges iff the sequences and separately converge. A series converges if the sequence converges. The series is divergent if does not converge. The series converges absolutely if converges. A series converges (diverges) absolutely when (), or when (). Absolutely convergent series are also convergent.
Let be a sequence of functions defined on a set . This sequence converges pointwise to a function if
1.9.46 | |||
for each . The sequence converges uniformly on , if for every there exists an integer , independent of , such that
1.9.47 | |||
for all and .
A series converges uniformly on , if the sequence converges uniformly on .
Suppose is a sequence of real numbers such that converges and for all and all . Then the series converges uniformly on .
A doubly-infinite series converges (uniformly) on iff each of the series and converges (uniformly) on .
For a series there is a number , , such that the series converges for all in and diverges for in . The circle is called the circle of convergence of the series, and is the radius of convergence. Inside the circle the sum of the series is an analytic function . For in (), the convergence is absolute and uniform. Moreover,
1.9.48 | |||
1.9.49 | |||
For the converse of this result see §1.10(i).
When and both converge
1.9.50 | |||
1.9.51 | |||
1.9.52 | |||
Next, let
1.9.53 | |||
. | |||
Then the expansions (1.9.54), (1.9.57), and (1.9.60) hold for all sufficiently small .
1.9.54 | |||
1.9.55 | ||||
1.9.56 | |||
. | |||
With ,
1.9.57 | |||
(principal value), where
1.9.58 | ||||
1.9.59 | |||
. | |||
1.9.60 | |||
(principal value), where ,
1.9.61 | ||||
1.9.62 | |||
. | |||
For the definitions of the principal values of and see §§4.2(i) and 4.2(iv).
Lastly, a power series can be differentiated any number of times within its circle of convergence:
1.9.63 | |||
, . | |||
A set of complex numbers where and take all positive integer values is called a double sequence. It converges to if for every , there is an integer such that
1.9.64 | |||
for all . Suppose converges to and the repeated limits
1.9.65 | |||
exist. Then both repeated limits equal .
A double series is the limit of the double sequence
1.9.66 | |||
If the limit exists, then the double series is convergent; otherwise it is divergent. The double series is absolutely convergent if it is convergent when is replaced by .
If a double series is absolutely convergent, then it is also convergent and its sum is given by either of the repeated sums
1.9.67 | |||
Suppose the series , where is continuous, converges uniformly on every compact set of a domain , that is, every closed and bounded set in . Then
1.9.68 | |||
for any finite contour in .
Let be a finite or infinite interval, and be real or complex continuous functions, . Suppose converges uniformly in any compact interval in , and at least one of the following two conditions is satisfied:
1.9.69 | |||
1.9.70 | |||
1.9.71 | |||
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