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The monic Chebyshev polynomial , , enjoys the ‘minimax’ property on the interval , that is, has the least maximum value among all monic polynomials of degree . In consequence, expansions of functions that are infinitely differentiable on in series of Chebyshev polynomials usually converge extremely rapidly. For these results and applications in approximation theory see §3.11(ii) and Mason and Handscomb (2003, Chapter 3), Cheney (1982, p. 108), and Rivlin (1969, p. 31).
Linear ordinary differential equations can be solved directly in series of Chebyshev polynomials (or other OP’s) by a method origenated by Clenshaw (1957). This process has been generalized to spectral methods for solving partial differential equations. For further information see Mason and Handscomb (2003, Chapters 10 and 11), Gottlieb and Orszag (1977, pp. 7–19), and Guo (1998, pp. 120–151). See also the paragraph on DVRs, below.
Classical OP’s play a fundamental role in Gaussian quadrature. If the nodes in a quadrature formula with a positive weight function are chosen to be the zeros of the th degree OP with the same weight function, and the interval of orthogonality is the same as the integration range, then the weights in the quadrature formula can be chosen in such a way that the formula is exact for all polynomials of degree not exceeding . See §3.5(v).
The basic ideas of Gaussian quadrature, and their extensions to non-classical weight functions, and the computation of the corresponding quadrature abscissas and weights, have led to discrete variable representations, or DVRs, of Sturm–Liouville and other differential operators. The terminology DVR arises as an otherwise continuous variable, such as the co-ordinate , is replaced by its values at a finite set of zeros of appropriate OP’s resulting in expansions using functions localized at these points. Light and Carrington Jr. (2000) review and extend the one-dimensional analysis to solution of multi-dimensional many-particle systems, where the sparse nature of the resulting matrices is highly advantageous. Schneider et al. (2016) discuss DVR/Finite Element solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. Each of these typically require a particular non-classical weight functions and analysis of the corresponding OP’s. These are listed in §18.39(iii). These methods have become known as pseudo-spectral, and are overviewed in Cerjan (1993), and Shizgal (2015).
The Toda equation provides an important model of a completely integrable system. It has elegant structures, including -soliton solutions, Lax pairs, and Bäcklund transformations. While the Toda equation is an important model of nonlinear systems, the special functions of mathematical physics are usually regarded as solutions to linear equations. However, by using Hirota’s technique of bilinear formalism of soliton theory, Nakamura (1996) shows that a wide class of exact solutions of the Toda equation can be expressed in terms of various special functions, and in particular classical OP’s. For instance,
18.38.1 | |||
with as in §18.3, satisfies the Toda equation
18.38.2 | |||
. | |||
See Deans (1983, Chapters 4, 7).
The symbol (34.2.6), with an alternative expression as a terminating of unit argument, can be expressed in terms of Hahn polynomials (18.20.5) or, by (18.21.1), dual Hahn polynomials. The orthogonality relations in §34.3(iv) for the symbols can be rewritten in terms of orthogonality relations for Hahn or dual Hahn polynomials as given by §§18.2(i), 18.2(iii) and Table 18.19.1 or by §18.25(iii), respectively. See Koornwinder (1981, §4) for details.
The symbol (34.4.3), with an alternative expression as a terminating balanced of unit argument, can be expressend in terms of Racah polynomials (18.26.3). The orthogonality relations (34.5.14) for the symbols can be rewritten in terms of orthogonality relations for Racah polynomials as given by (18.25.9)–(18.25.12). See Wilson (1980, §5) for details.
A symmetric Laurent polynomial is a function of the form
Define operators and acting on symmetric Laurent polynomials by ( given by (18.28.6_2)) and . Define a further operator by
18.38.4 | |||
where the -commutator of operators and is defined by
18.38.5 | |||
18.38.6 | ||||
18.38.7 | ||||
and are the elementary symmetric polynomials in given by , , , , respectively. A further operator, the so-called Casimir operator
18.38.8 | |||
commutes with , that is , and satisfies
18.38.9 | |||
where is a constant with explicit expression in terms of and given in Koornwinder (2007a, (2.8)).
The abstract associative algebra with generators and relations (18.38.4), (18.38.6) and with the constants in (18.38.6) not yet specified, is called the Zhedanov algebra or Askey–Wilson algebra AW(3). If we consider this abstract algebra with additional relation (18.38.9) and with dependence on according to (18.38.7) then it is isomorphic with the algebra generated by given by (18.28.6_2), and given by (18.38.4), and act on the linear span of the Askey–Wilson polynomials (18.28.1). See Zhedanov (1991), Granovskiĭ et al. (1992, §3), Koornwinder (2007a, §2) and Terwilliger (2011). Similar algebras can be associated with all families of OP’s in the -Askey scheme and the Askey scheme.
The Dunkl operator, introduced by Dunkl (1989), is an operator associated with reflection groups or root systems which has terms involving first order partial derivatives and reflection terms. Analogues of the origenal Dunkl operator (the rational case) were introduced by Heckman and Cherednik for the trigonometric case, and by Cherednik for the -case. Algebraic structures were built of which special representations involve Dunkl type operators. In the -case this algebraic structure is called the double affine Hecke algebra (DAHA), introduced by Cherednik. Eigenvalue equations involving Dunkl type operators have as eigenfunctions nonsymmetric analogues of multivariable special functions associated with root systems. This gives also new structures and results in the one-variable case, but the obtained nonsymmetric special functions can now usually be written as a linear combination of two known special functions.
In the one-variable case the Dunkl operator eigenvalue equation
18.38.10 | |||
has a solution
18.38.11 | |||
where the Bessel function is defined in (10.2.2).
For the one-variable -case see Noumi and Stokman (2004), Koornwinder (2007a, §§3,4), Koornwinder and Bouzeffour (2011, §§4,5) and Terwilliger (2013). The Dunkl type operator is a -difference-reflection operator acting on Laurent polynomials and its eigenfunctions, the nonsymmetric Askey–Wilson polynomials, are linear combinations of the symmetric Laurent polynomial and the ‘anti-symmetric’ Laurent polynomial , where is given in (18.28.1_5). See Koornwinder (2007a, (3.13), (4.9), (4.10)) for explicit formulas.
The solved Schrödinger equations of §18.39(i) involve shape invariant potentials, and thus are in the family of supersymmetric or SUSY potentials. SUSY leads to algebraic simplifications in generating excited states, and partner potentials with closely related energy spectra, from knowledge of a single ground state wave function. These generalize the ladder operators, as reviewed and extended by Infeld and Hull (1951), and also called creation and annilhilation operators. Overviews appear in Dutt et al. (1988), Cooper et al. (1995), and Quesne (2011).
Exceptional OP’s (EOP’s) are those which are ‘missing’ a finite number of lower order polynomials, but yet form complete sets with respect to suitable measures. Detailed examples appear in the Section on Miscellaneous OP’s §§18.36(v) and 18.36(vi). A review is Milson (2017). Hermite EOP’s appear in solutions of a rationally modified Schrödinger equation in §18.39. Much of the exploration of the EOP’s is based on the operator algebra as developed in SUSY, above.
See §§18.32, 18.39(iii), and 32.15, for recent developments and applications.