T. H. KoornwinderUniversity of Amsterdam,
Korteweg–de Vries Institute,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
R. WongCity University of Hong Kong,
Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
Hong Kong.
R. KoekoekDelft University of Technology,
Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Delft, The Netherlands.
R. F. SwarttouwDelft University of Technology,
Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Delft, The Netherlands.
W. P. ReinhardtUniversity of Washington,
Department of Chemistry,
Seattle, Washington, USA.
The main references for writing this chapter are
Andrews et al. (1999),
Askey and Wilson (1985),
Chihara (1978),
Koekoek et al. (2010), and
Szegő (1975).