F. W. J. OlverInstitute for Physical Science and Technology
and Department of Mathematics,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
L. C. MaximonCenter for Nuclear Studies,
Department of Physics, The George Washington University,
Washington, D.C.
This chapter is based in part on
Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapters 9, 10, and 11) by F. W. J. Olver,
H. A. Antosiewicz, and Y. L. Luke, respectively. The authors are pleased to
acknowledge assistance of Martin E. Muldoon with §§10.21 and
10.42, Adri Olde Daalhuis with the verification of
Eqs. (10.15.6)–(10.15.9), (10.38.6), (10.38.7),
(10.60.7)–(10.60.9), and (10.61.9)–(10.61.12),
Peter Paule and Frédéric Chyzak for the
verification of Eqs. (10.15.6)–(10.15.9),
(10.38.6), (10.38.7), (10.56.1)–(10.56.5),
(10.60.4), (10.60.6),
(10.60.10), and (10.60.11) by application of computer
algebra, Nico Temme with the verification of
Eqs. (10.15.6)–(10.15.9), (10.38.6),
and (10.38.7), and Roderick Wong with the verification of
§§10.22(v) and 10.43(v).
The main references used in writing this chapter are Watson (1944)
and Olver (1997b).