The references Wu et al. (1976) and McCoy et al. (1977) were inserted in Paragraph
Other Applications
for the Ising model. Incidentally, the editors have also corrected the title:
to Physical Applications from Physical.
Statistical physics, especially classical and quantum spin models, has proved
to be a major area for research problems in the modern theory of Painlevé
transcendents. For a survey see McCoy (1992). See also
McCoy et al. (1977), Jimbo et al. (1980), Essler et al. (1996),
and Kanzieper (2002).
For the Ising model see Barouch et al. (1973), Wu et al. (1976), and McCoy et al. (1977).
For applications in 2D quantum gravity and related aspects of the enumerative topology
see Di Francesco et al. (1995). For applications in string theory see Seiberg and Shih (2005).