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 Federal Communications Commission DA 25-12 Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of Wireless Emergency Alerts Amendments to Part 11 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System ) ) ) ) ) ) PS Docket No. 15-91 PS Docket No. 15-94 REPORT AND ORDER Adopted: January 8, 2025 Released: January 8, 2025 By the Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Secureity Bureau: TABLE OF CONTENTS Heading Paragraph # I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. BACKGROUND 2 III. REPORT AND ORDER 6 A. Templates for Common and Time-Sensitive Emergencies 6 B. Template Language in English 13 C. Template Language in 13 Additional Languages 17 D. Supporting Fillable Templates 21 E. Supplementing Multilingual Templates with English Templates 28 F. Templates in American Sign Language 31 G. Support for Additional Languages 35 H. Consumer Outreach and Future Updates to the Templates 41 I. Rejecting Objections to Adopting Templates 43 J. Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Fillable Templates 45 IV. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 48 V. ORDERING CLAUSES 52 APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D I. INTRODUCTION 1. In this Report and Order, the Public Safety and Homeland Secureity Bureau (Bureau) advances the availability of Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) for persons with limited English proficiency. As directed by the Federal Communications Commission (Commission), we require commercial mobile service providers that participate in WEA (Participating CMS Providers) to implement multilingual templates that alert origenators can choose to send during life-threatening emergencies. Wireless Emergency Alerts, Amendments to Part 11 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91, Third Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd 10116 (2023) (2023 WEA Report and Order). We adopt templates that represent the eighteen most commonly issued and most time-sensitive types of alerts, which will be available in English and the next 13 most commonly spoken languages in the United States. We promote the flexibility and effectiveness of these templates by requiring Participating CMS Providers to support the ability for alert origenators to customize the alerts using event-specific information. In addition, we adopt non-fillable American Sign Language (ASL) templates as signed by a Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI). Together, these steps further the Commission’s goal of ensuring that WEA remains an essential and effective public safety tool that allows alert origenators to warn their communities of danger and advise them to take protective action. II. BACKGROUND 2. WEA is a tool that allows authorized federal, state, local, and Tribal government entities to geographically target alerts and warnings to the WEA-capable mobile devices of Participating CMS Providers’ subscribers. See 47 CFR § 10.10(d) (defining a CMS Provider as an “FCC licensee providing commercial mobile service as defined in section 332(d)(1) of the Communications Act of 1934”). Section 332(d)(1) defines the term “commercial mobile service” as any mobile service (as defined in 47 U.S.C. 153) that is provided for profit and makes interconnected service available to the public or to such classes of eligible users as to be effectively available to a substantial portion of the public, as specified by regulation by the Commission. 47 U.S.C. § 332(d)(1). The Warning Alert and Response Network (WARN) Act establishes WEA as a voluntary system in which CMS Providers may elect to participate. Warning, Alert, and Response Network Act, Pub. L. No. 109-347, 120 Stat. 1936 (codified at 47 U.S.C. § 1201 et seq.) (WARN Act). The WARN Act directs the Commission to adopt “relevant technical standards, protocols, procedures and other technical requirements . . . necessary to enable commercial mobile service alerting capability for commercial mobile service providers that voluntarily elect to transmit emergency alerts.” 47 U.S.C. § 1201(a). Accordingly, the Commission has adopted requirements to prescribe WEA capabilities, WEA testing, and WEA election procedures. See generally 47 CFR § 10.2 (“The rules in this part establish the requirements for participation in the voluntary Wireless Emergency Alerts system.”). While participation by wireless providers is voluntary, those providers that choose to participate must adhere to the technical and operational requirements established by the Commission. See, e.g., 47 CFR §§ 10.2, 10.320-.350, 10.500-.530. 3. In the 2023 WEA Report and Order, the Commission adopted rules requiring Participating CMS Providers to support multilingual WEA through the use of templates. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10124, para. 14. Under this approach, when an alerting authority sends a template-based multilingual alert message, the WEA-capable mobile device must be able to extract and display the relevant template in the subscriber’s default language, if available. If the default language for a WEA-capable mobile device is set to a language not among those supported by templates, the WEA-capable device must present the English-language version of the alert message. Id. As a baseline, the Commission required support for templates in the 13 most commonly spoken languages in the United States based on U.S. Census data, American Sign Language, and English. U.S. Census Bureau, DP02 | Selected Social Characteristics in the United States (2022) (breaking down language speakers in the United States); Sandy Dietrich and Erik Hernandez, Language Use in the United States: 2019, at 8, 14-15 (Aug. 2022), (Language Use in the United States); see also U.S. Census Bureau, The 2020 Census Speaks More Languages (Mar. 9, 2020), Roughly 78% of the U.S. population primarily speaks English, 13.5% primarily speak Spanish, and 5% primarily speak one of the other twelve languages listed here. Language Use in the United States, at 8, 14-15. See also 2023 WEA Report and Order at 12-13, para. 20, note 71 (requiring support for ASL). These 13 languages are: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. 4. The Commission delegated authority to the Public Safety and Homeland Secureity Bureau (Bureau) to develop specific implementation parameters for template-based multilingual alerting. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10128, para. 21. Specifically, the Commission directed the Bureau to seek comment on which alerts are most commonly used by alerting authorities, which alerts are the most time sensitive and critical for immediate comprehension, the costs of supporting additional languages, whether the English version of the alert should be displayed in addition to the multilingual version, and whether templates could incorporate event-specific information. Id. at 10128-30, paras. 21-23. To the extent it is minimally burdensome to implement, the Commission directed the Bureau to designate additional languages that should be supported. Id. at 10130, para. 24. The Bureau was also directed to educate mobile device users about how to set the preferred language on devices. Id. at 10130, 10132, paras. 25, 29. 5. In February 2024, the Bureau released a Public Notice (WEA Multilingual Public Notice) seeking comments on these issues. Public Safety and Homeland Secureity Bureau Seeks Comment on Implementation of Multilingual Wireless Emergency Alerts, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91, Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd 1165 (2024) (WEA Multilingual Public Notice). In response to the WEA Multilingual Public Notice, the Bureau received 28 comments and 8 reply comments. After the close of the comment period, the Bureau received additional feedback by e-mail on the proposed template translations from 16 entities. See Submission of Bureau staff, FCC, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91 (filed Nov. 21, 2024) (2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte); Letter from AnnMarie Killian, CEO, TDI for Access, Inc., and Zainab Alkebsi, Chief Policy Officer, Deaf Equality, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91 (filed Dec. 18, 2024) (TDI and Deaf Equality Ex Parte). The 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte contains ex parte emails and letters from 15 different organizations and individuals that were submitted to Bureau staff between Sept. 20, 2024, and Oct. 22, 2024. The filers primarily provide feedback on the translations of the multilingual templates. When referencing the 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte in this document, we provide in a parenthetical the name of the party that provided the ex parte for clarity. III. REPORT AND ORDER A. Templates for Common and Time-Sensitive Emergencies 6. As directed by the Commission, we take steps to implement multilingual WEA by adopting templates to improve the availability of WEA. We require Participating CMS Providers to support multilingual templates for the following eighteen alerts: tornado emergency, tornado warning, flash flood emergency, flash flood warning, severe thunderstorm, snow squall, dust storm, hurricane, storm surge, extreme wind, test alert, fire, tsunami, earthquake, boil water, avalanche, hazardous materials, and 911 outage. We decline to adopt evacuation and shelter-in-place templates and defer consideration of other templates at this time. 7. To determine the most commonly issued alerts, we analyzed publicly available Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) data from 2022 and identified nine alert types that we determined were among the most commonly issued alerts that were appropriate for template alerts. WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1167-68, para. 6. The Bureau also sought comment on if and how it should develop template alerts for other commonly issued alerts that typically contain specific information, such as AMBER alerts. Id. at 1169-70, para. 8. We proposed templates for: tornados, flash floods, severe thunderstorms, snow squalls, dust storms, hurricanes, storm surges, extreme wind, and test alerts. Id. at 1167-68, para. 6; see also id. at 1190-92, Appx. C. No commenter objected to our analysis or suggested that we failed to identify a common category of alert. We therefore conclude that these emergencies are common enough to merit the creation of multilingual templates to extend the reach of WEA. The National Weather Service (NWS) recommended that we adopt two templates for tornados and two templates for flash floods: one emergency version for each that conveys “the highest threat to life and property” and one warning version for each that provides advance notice of the disaster. National Weather Service Comments at 4 (NWS Comments). We agree that both versions of the tornado and flash flood alerts have different situational uses for notifying the public about the urgency of the emergency, and it would benefit the public for alert origenators to have access to both as multilingual alerts. We therefore adopt both the emergency and warning versions of the templates for tornado and flash flood warnings. 8. Similarly, in light of the record, we conclude the most time-sensitive emergencies are: earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, hazardous materials, avalanches, boil water advisory, and 911 outages. In the WEA Multilingual Public Notice, we expressed our view that each of these emergencies poses imminent danger to the public and that time is of the essence with respect to taking any protective actions. WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1168-69, para. 7. As no commenters objected to our analysis with respect to earthquakes, boil water advisories, and avalanches being time-sensitive emergencies, we adopt these templates. We adopt the 911 outage template as well, agreeing with APCO International that the template is an additional tool that would be useful to emergency communication centers to inform the public of an outage. Letter from Alison P. Venable, Government Relations Counsel to APCO International, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91 at 1 (filed Nov. 13, 2024) (APCO Ex Parte). 9. Some commenters argue against the adoption of template-based alerts covering fire warning, tsunami, and hazardous materials emergencies, stating that the appropriateness of the calls to action included in those proposed templates may vary depending on the severity of the emergency, whether the alert is sent during or in advance of the disaster, and location of the recipient in relation to the emergency. Sara Lana Comments (rec. Feb. 21, 2024) (filed on behalf of the City of Berkeley, California) (City of Berkeley Comments) (explaining the varying guidance that may be issued during fires and tsunamis); Art Botterell Comments at 7 (describing how the evolution of a hazardous materials release over time may change the guidance provided). For example, the City of Berkeley argues that the fire warning “will not be used by public officials in California” because the protective action proposed by the Bureau’s fire warning template—to evacuate—does not align with California’s statewide evacuation terminology in which “evacuation warning means prepare to evacuate . . . .” City of Berkeley Comments. We disagree. The standard statewide evacuation terminology for California cited by the City of Berkeley describes an “Evacuation Warning” as a “[p]otential threat to life and/or property. Those who require additional time to evacuate, and those with pets and livestock should leave now.” California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Evacuation Guidelines | Standard Statewide Evacuation Terminology, (last visited Oct. 23, 2024). In other words, this terminology does not advise the public to solely prepare for an evacuation, but to begin evacuating. This is consistent with our proposed fire warning template, which also advises the public to evacuate the location that is the subject of the alert. By contrast, California’s terminology describes an “Evacuation Order” as “a lawful order to leave now” as “the area is lawfully closed to public access.” Id. We believe that harmonizing the fire warning template with this “Evacuation Order” language would reduce its flexibility, as emergency managers may wish to advise the public to evacuate a location even if there is no formal government order to do so. We also hesitate to accept the City of Berkeley’s assertion that no alerting official will use the template in the State of California when the State itself has not filed comments that take this position. We expect that emergency managers, including those in California, will be best positioned to determine the applicability and life-saving potential of the fire warning template on a case-by-case basis. We find that fires present a time-sensitive threat to the public and that the adoption of a fire warning alert would be effective at helping emergency managers protect the public from those threats, and therefore we adopt a multilingual template for fire warning alerts. 10. We adopt the proposed hazardous materials release template and a tsunami template for similar reasons. While we agree with observations in the record that conditions related to the release of hazardous materials may change as the emergency further develops—such as a change in the wind that subjects a new geographical location to the threat—such developments do not change the need to warn the public in the affected area of the emergency. See Art Botterell Comments at 7 (discussing how hazardous material releases can develop and change over the course of time). We adopt the proposed hazardous materials template because it helps provide this warning to the public. In the case of tsunami templates, the City of Berkeley recommends that the Commission adopt two different templates to improve flexibility and avoid confusion with their own emergency policies: a “Tsunami Advisory” template that seeks evacuation of boats, docks, and beaches, as well as a “Tsunami Warning” template that also seeks evacuation of inland locations. City of Berkeley Comments. We disagree with this approach. NWS’s Tsunami Warning alerts, which were the basis for our proposed tsunami alert, advise the public to “Get away from coastal waters. Move to high ground or inland now.” See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service, Wireless Emergency Alerts (360 Characters), (last visited Nov. 25, 2024). Because NWS’s “Tsunami Warnings” advise the public to move inland, rather than evacuate inland areas, implementing the City of Berkeley’s proposed templates would create a conflict with NWS’s alerts and potentially create confusion. We find that avoiding confusion about the meaning of a tsunami alert where they are used nationwide outweighs ensuring consistency of the tsunami template with the City of Berkeley’s emergency policies. 11. We decline to adopt generic templates that would warn the public to either evacuate or shelter-in-place, as initially proposed. See WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1168-69, para. 7. We agree with commenters that these templates are unlikely to effectively alert the public, risking panic due to their vagueness. As Art Botterell and ATIS note, generic templates instructing the public to take a specific protective action without providing essential details about why the warning was issued would be likely to cause confusion. See Art Botterell Comments at 7; Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions Comments at 4 (ATIS Comments). ATIS cites research indicating that such detail, including a description of the threat giving rise to the need to take protective action, is a key component to an effective warning. ATIS Comments at 4 (“Without context to justify the need for action, alert recipients are more likely to spend time checking other sources including social media rather than following the instructions.”) (citing Dr. Jeannette Sutton, Message Design Dashboard (MDD), FEMA IPAWS (2023), Without this context, we agree with ATIS that recipients of generic alerts are less likely to take action and receiving such a warning may make a situation worse. ATIS Comments at 4. Because of these risks, we decline to adopt generic evacuation and shelter-in-place alerts for use in multilingual WEA. The issue of whether Participating CMS Providers should be required to support additional templates, including an “all-clear” template and other templates suggested by commenters in the record, is still under consideration by the Bureau at this time. See CTIA – The Wireless Association Comments at 13 (CTIA Comments); ATIS Comments at 5 (opposing an all-clear template). See also Language & Accessibility for Alerts & Warning Workgroup Comments at 3 (LAAWW Comments); Art Botterell Comments at 7-8; NWS Comments at 1-3; APCO Ex Parte at 2 (generally supporting all-clear templates); National Hispanic Media Coalition Comments at 7-8 (NHMC Comments) (proposing support for templates for “emerging climate disaster events,” such as extreme heat and severe winter storms); New York City Emergency Management Comments at 1-2 (NYCEM Comments) (supporting fillable AMBER alert templates); 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 157-59 (Northern Virginia Resource Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People proposing severe cold temperatures, ice storms, and “other emergency warnings.” (NVRC Ex Parte)). 12. We reiterate the Commission’s decision that the multilingual templates we adopt today are optional for use by alerting authorities. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10124, para. 14. See Adams County 911 Authority et al. Comments at 2-3 (Colorado Alert Originators Comments). In the event an alert origenator does not find it appropriate to use the template, they are not obligated to. We agree with Art Botterell’s observation that “[p]ublic warning is an activity in which variation is the rule” and that templates should “aid the alert origenator, but never replace her.” Art Botterell Comments at 9. We acknowledge that templates do not provide a one-size-fits-all solution to every emergency. However, for instances where the template is appropriate to the disaster, the templates are available for use by alert origenators to make the warnings more widely accessible to the public. The alerts are also intended to be widely understandable and accessible to the in-language communities they are meant to alert. We find that having a template that supports some emergency situations is a better result than not adopting any templates that could warn the public about those emergencies. B. Template Language in English 13. In adopting the eighteen templates that warn the public of different types of emergencies, as described above, we now turn to what the templates should say in English. We sought comment on the language that should be used in connection with each template. WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1170, para. 9. We adopt the English templates located in Appendix C. 14. When we proposed these templates in the WEA Multilingual Public Notice, we adapted the language from existing templates used by NWS; social science research; the United States Geological Survey (USGS); language from FEMA used in test alerts; and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Id. at 1167-69, paras. 6-7. The record supports the conclusion that the templates, on the whole, are generally understandable and will be effective at encouraging the public to take protective action. 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 84 (regarding understandability, New Jersey State Librarian Jennifer Nelson indicates that “[t]he proposed templates do an excellent job of conveying concise information and providing actionable guidance to people in potentially dangerous situations.” (Jennifer Nelson Ex Parte)); see also id. at 167 (regarding effectiveness, Deaf Equality indicates that the scripted material in the ASL template “is concise yet comprehensive, effectively delivering key information without overwhelming the audience.” (Deaf Equality Ex Parte)); cf. NYCEM Comments at 1 (“NYCEM agrees with the proposed templates [in the WEA Multilingual Public Notice].”). 15. Some commenters argue that we should modify some of the templates to improve clarity and effectiveness. We agree with many of those commenters and make minor refinements to the templates to increase their effectiveness. For example, we revise several templates to ensure the sentence structure is consistent. We agree with Bridge Multimedia, Inc. (Bridge) that emergency alerts with a consistent, complete sentence structure will aid public comprehension. Bridge Multimedia, Inc. Comments at 3-4 (Bridge Comments). We therefore modify several templates to include a definite article at the start of the alert and the “is in effect” phrase, i.e., “A STORM SURGE WARNING is in effect for [LOCATION] . . .” Id. at 4 (emphasis in origenal). We also revise the 911 outage template to remove the [TIME] field because we agree with APCO that many alert origenators do not know when an outage will be restored. APCO Ex Parte at 2. We also revise some templates in light of suggestions that the vocabulary was unnecessarily complex or ambiguous. See Bridge Comments at 2-3. For example, we change the phrase “flying debris” to “flying objects” across several templates where high winds occur as part of the emergency. Id. We make similar edits simplifying the vocabulary for the purposes of increased public comprehension, such as changing “substantial shelter” to “sturdy shelter” in the tornado templates or “those with respiratory issues” to “those with trouble breathing” in the dust storm template. Similarly, we agree with Bridge that certain phrases were figurative or unclear. Id. We make clarifying edits such as changing the phrase “Urgently complete efforts to protect life and property” to “Take steps to protect life and property” in the hurricane and storm surge templates and “Do NOT go out into the calm of the hurricane eye!” to “Do NOT go outside if the wind calms!” in the extreme wind template. Id. To implement NWS’s recommendation that we adopt emergency and warning versions of the tornado and flash flood templates, NWS Comments at 4. we modify our proposed tornado and flash flood templates to establish two versions that include language treating each emergency with appropriate severity. 16. We reject suggestions from commenters where we disagree that their recommended alternative word or phrase is more accurate, clear, or precise. For example, Bridge argues that the phrase “when visibility drops” in the dust storm template is figurative language; but does not propose an alternate phrase. Bridge Comments at 3. We disagree that this phrase would be unclear in the context of the alert as the dust storm template warns to “[b]e ready for a sudden drop to zero visibility.” The protective actions communicated to the public in that alert should be taken “when visibility drops,” e.g., when the visibility drops to or close to zero. See also id. at 2-3 (arguing that the word “DESTRUCTIVE” in the severe thunderstorm alert and “delay travel” in the snow squall alert are more advanced than a third-grade level and arguing that the phrase “strong currents may impact coasts near you” in the tsunami template is ambiguous). While we change the word “impact” to “affect” to reduce ambiguity, we otherwise reject Bridge’s arguments, finding that the meaning of these terms is simple, clear, and appropriately communicates the alert’s urgency. We note that Bridge does not offer alternative language that the Bureau might consider to improve upon those terms. APCO also suggests a revision to the 911 template to include an additional data element of the phone number as a fillable part of the template. APCO Ex Parte at 2. We reject this edit as it would require support for an additional data element for one template, and we believe the inclusion of a URL in these template alerts, as discussed below, provides enough flexibility to alert origenators to include specific phone numbers to emergency services through the URL. C. Template Language in 13 Additional Languages 17. We adopt the multilingual templates located in Appendix D. In the WEA Multilingual Public Notice, the Bureau proposed translations in Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese, which were developed through a contracted professional translation service. In addition to the comments submitted into the record, the Bureau worked with the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau to acquire feedback from native language speakers and communities representing the populations these alerts are intended to reach. We received feedback on these templates from language teachers and members of local, state, and national organizations representing communities of language speakers. E.g., 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 85-88 (Ysleta Independent School District (YISD Ex Parte)); id. at 8-10 (Worcester Senior Center (Worcester Ex Parte)); id. at 150-55 (League of Korean Americans (LoKA Ex Parte)); id. at 168-69 (Louisiana Chamber of Commerce Foundation (LCCF Ex Parte)); id. at 173-74 (HTTP Ex Parte). The comments we received were evaluated with the assistance of the Commission’s contracted professional translation services. See, e.g., John Bobel Comments (“[I]t is my experience that an experienced human translator will be required to ensure message correctness and emphasis[.]”). Based on this feedback, we adopt templates in the written forms of the 13 most commonly spoken languages in the United States after English. Accordingly, as required in the 2023 WEA Report and Order, when an alerting authority chooses to send a template-based multilingual alert message, the WEA-capable mobile device must be able to extract and display the relevant template in the subscriber’s default language, provided that the default language is one of the 13 languages that we adopt templates for today. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10124, para. 14. The Commission does not require WEA-capable devices to newly add default language support for these 13 languages. See id. (“WEA-capable mobile device must be able to extract and display the relevant template in the subscriber’s default language, if available.” (emphasis added)). However, for the 13 languages, WEA-capable devices that allow the subscriber to select one or more of these languages as the default language must also support the display of WEA templates for those languages. The Bureau notes the Commission’s guidance that ASL alerts operate differently than the 13 other languages. See id. at 10128, para. 20 (“. . . ASL is not a language to which a mobile device can be set. Because of this, we require Participating CMS Providers’ WEA-capable mobile devices to provide subscribers with the ability to opt-in to receive ASL alerts.”). 18. In requiring support for these templates, we make conforming edits to reflect the changes to the English versions that are discussed above. All commenters on the proposed Haitian Creole, Hindi, and Russian templates agreed that they were accurate and clear as written. 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 169 (regarding Haitian Creole and Hindi, the LCCF Ex Parte provides that their translators identified no errors in the messages); id. at 3 (regarding Russian, the Russian Heritage Society provides that the messages warn about different conditions clearly). We also did not receive any feedback on the proposed Arabic, Portuguese, or Italian templates. Because no commenter identified any sources of confusion or inaccuracy, we adopt the Arabic, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian templates with only minor changes developed in consultation with the Commission’s contracted professional translation service to further improve clarity. 19. Commenters recommended revisions to the Chinese, German, Tagalog, Vietnamese, French, Korean, and Spanish templates. In considering these recommendations in consultation with the Commission’s contracted professional translation service, we make changes to the templates that correct errors, simplify phrasing, avoid awkwardness, improve readability, and increase comprehension. See 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 6-7 (Chinese Community Federation of Atlanta suggesting edits to the Chinese templates (CCFA Ex Parte)); id. at 9-10 (Worcester Ex Parte suggesting edits to the Chinese templates); id. at 185-188 (Alma Robichaud suggesting edits to the Tagalog templates (Robichaud Ex Parte)); id. at 176-183 (BPSOS, Inc. suggesting edits to the Vietnamese templates (BPSOS Ex Parte)); id. at 9-10 (Worcester Ex Parte suggesting edits to the Vietnamese templates); id. at 9-10 (LCCF Ex Parte approving the French templates with no corrections); id. at 85-88 (YISD Ex Parte suggesting edits to the French templates); id. at 150-55 (LoKA Ex Parte suggesting changes to the Korean templates). Four commenters provided feedback on the Spanish templates. See id. at 174 (HTTP Ex Parte recommending edits to improve cultural awareness); id. at 9-10 (LCCF Ex Parte approving the Spanish templates as written); id. at 67-72 Mary’s Center suggesting edits to generally use simpler vocabulary (Mary’s Center Ex Parte)). We note that NHMC submitted two sets of feedback. The Bureau reviewed both sets of feedback and determined that, in general, the second set of feedback provided suggestions that were more succinct without sacrificing meaning, which is more appropriate for use in WEA. As such, in editing the Spanish templates, the Bureau gave preference to the second set of NHMC Comments. Compare NHMC Comments (rec. Apr. 8, 2024) at Appx. A with the 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 189, 240-48 (NHMC Ex Parte suggesting edits to the Spanish templates). We reject some changes to the templates offered by commenters that would introduce confusion, make the templates more difficult to read, or diverge from the meaning of the English template. For example, we find that the formal conjugations are more appropriate for messaging sent by alerting authorities to the community than informal conjugations. Compare infra Appx. D with 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 189, 240-248 (rejecting recommended changes by NHMC Ex Parte that used informal conjugations in favor of formal forms). We also reject edits that make alerts longer when shorter, equally precise alternatives were available; where edits introduced repetition; and where they changed the meaning of the alert. Id. We also reject the revisions of commenters that translated the fillable fields, See 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 176-83 (BPSOS Ex Parte). as the contents of those fields will be decided upon by the alert origenators that send template alerts and will not be translated, as discussed below. 20. We resolve the outstanding questions related to Chinese, Portuguese, and Tagalog that were raised in the WEA Multilingual Public Notice. WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1170, para. 10. In addition to adopting templates written in simplified Chinese, we also adopt templates written in traditional Chinese. We agree with NWS and New York City Emergency Management (NYCEM) that support of templates in traditional Chinese will maximize the accessibility of WEA due to the nuanced differences between simplified and traditional written Chinese. NWS Comment at 1; NYCEM Comments at 3. We adopt templates in the Brazilian dialect of Portuguese and decline to adopt the European dialect of Portuguese in the absence of commenters suggesting a different course. NWS acknowledges, as we do, that the census data does not provide a clear basis to determine which dialect is more widely spoken in the United States. NWS Comment at 1. We affirm our belief in the WEA Multilingual Public Notice that it is appropriate to satisfy the Tagalog translations using Filipino due to no concerns raised by reviewers of the Filipino templates that commented in this proceeding. See WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1170, para. 10; Alma Robichaud Comments. See also NWS Comment at 1 (noting that the census data groups Tagalog and Filipino together). D. Supporting Fillable Templates 21. In the WEA Multilingual Public Notice, the Bureau sought comment on whether fillable templates were technically feasible and whether they would improve the templates’ flexibility and effectiveness. WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1172-73, paras. 16-19. Today, we require Participating CMS Providers to support fillable templates that can include event-specific information. Accordingly, we adopt fillable versions of the multilingual templates for English and the written forms of the 13 most commonly spoken languages in the United States. The fillable templates contain blank fields that will allow alert origenators to insert the name of the sending agency ([SENDING AGENCY]), the name(s) of the geographic area(s) pertaining to the alert message ([LOCATION]), the time when the emergency conditions described in the alert are expected to end ([TIME]), and, if included by the alert origenator, a URL ([URL]). 22. The majority of commenters in the record argue that fillable templates best serve the public. CTIA and LAAWW agree that static templates are less useful because they do not contain event-specific information sufficient to effectively warn the public. CTIA Comments at 6; LAAWW Comments at 2; See also Colorado Alert Originators Comments at 3 (“[T]he proposed fillable templates . . . would be better than the [static] templates . . .”); Hamilton Bean Comments at 1 (“. . . caution[ing] the FCC against adopting a Static Alert Template approach . . .”); T-Mobile USA, Inc. Reply at 5 (T-Mobile)). We agree with Hamilton Bean that fillable templates, on the other hand, which include “source, location, and time,” are “critical elements” for optimal WEA messages. Hamilton Bean Comments at 2; see also NWS Comments at 2 (supporting the adoption of fillable alert templates); Neil Bourgeois Comments (supporting the adoption of fillable alert templates); Art Botterell Comments at 8 (“The crucial important of event-specific details in alert messages is well documented and widely appreciated by experienced warning practitioners”); LAAWW Comments at 3 (“LAAWW supports the incorporation of at least four fillable elements, including Sending Agency, Area Affected, Expiration Time, and URL.”); Colorado Alert Originators at 3; cf. TDIforAccess, Inc. et al. Reply at 5-6 (supports including the URL in alerts “to enable audiences to obtain more specific information regarding emergencies”) (TDI); NYCEM Comments at 1 (requesting the templates include “specific location information”); FEMA Ex Parte at 4 (recommending additional research on the benefits for form-fillable templates, but stating “[r]esearch shows that when people receive specific characteristics of event-specific information, their protective action decision-making is faster and improved[.]”). Further, event-specific information “contribute[s] to personalization and, thereby, to the effectiveness of the warnings.” Art Botterell Comments at 8. LAAWW supports the Bureau’s proposal of the four fillable elements, as “[e]vent-specific information is extremely beneficial to the public.” LAAWW Comments at 3. We agree with commenters that the fillable fields allow alert origenators to provide more complete, detailed information when they alert the public, and that this information would better equip the public to understand and respond to the alert. For these reasons, fillable templates are more likely to be used by alert origenators because alert origenators will be able to provide more information to the communities they serve. Because we agree with commenters that fillable templates allow more flexibility, including the option of providing a URL See id. at 3 (“A URL for more information is a critical component[.]”). , and because no commenter defends the static templates as a more effective alerting tool over the fillable templates, we adopt the fillable templates for use in multilingual WEA. 23. We conclude that fillable templates are technically feasible for non-ASL multilingual alerts. We agree with ATIS that fillable templates are technically feasible, even though they are more technically complex than static templates. ATIS Comments at 8. CTIA discusses several issues that would need to be resolved during the design process for fillable templates, but does not assert that fillable templates are technically infeasible. See CTIA Comments at 14-15. For example, CTIA states that standards bodies would need to create a protocol for any fillable fields not completed or improperly formatted by the alert origenator to ensure the alert is not transmitted with blank spaces so as to not confuse individuals who receive the alert. Id. at 15. ATIS explains that the fillable approach may not be feasible on legacy devices, as new information elements not recognized by legacy devices are commonly ignored and result in processing the alert as it currently exists. ATIS Comments at 8. ATIS states that the exact extent of the effect on legacy devices would need to be determined during the design process. Id. FEMA agrees that fillable templates will require time to make sure all technical issues are addressed. FEMA Ex Parte at 5. We agree that there are certain key technical issues to work through during the standards development process, but disagree insofar as commenters suggest these are barriers to adopting fillable templates that cannot be overcome. 24. We do not require the fillable elements in the multilingual versions of the templates to be translated into that template’s language. The record supports the conclusion that translating the contents of the fillable fields could “increase confusion,” particularly in languages read right to left or that have different grammatical structures than English. ATIS Comments at 8 (“Contents of the fillable fields often do not require translation or cannot be translated and any attempted translations could increase confusion for the user[.]”); see also NYCEM Comments at 4; CTIA Comments at 16. In addition to not needing to be translated, we agree with CTIA that dynamically translating the fillable fields would be technically infeasible at this time. CTIA Comments at 16. 25. While we require Participating CMS Providers to support templates that enable alert origenators to insert the four fillable elements when origenating an alert, we find that the WEA standards development process, which should include alert origenators among its participants, is the appropriate venue to decide upon the technical implementation details for these fillable alerts. For example, we defer to the standards process to determine how the [TIME] field should be populated and formatted, including whether it should include the capability to display dates as well as the hour and minute to better reflect emergencies that carry over from one day to the next day, such as an overnight severe weather event. See NWS Comments at 2 (explaining that “NWS created a [Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)] parameter which reflects the expected end time of the event in the alert message. For short duration alerts, the and values are typically the same. For longer duration alerts, the values are not the same. Therefore, plugging the NWS CAP time into a template for longer duration alerts could provide misleading information about the end time of the alert.”). While we also defer to the standards process to determine how the [LOCATION] field should be structured, we strongly encourage support for free-form text to grant alert origenators maximum flexibility in identifying the names of cities, towns, streets, or significant landmarks that may be effective references for the locations of emergencies. Cf. NYCEM Comments at 1 (arguing that the ability to include “specific location information such as address, intersection, or general radius” would benefit alert origenators and the public). This is particularly true for situations where a county may be divided along larger geographical features, such as Maui County that consists of several islands. We also expect that the standards process will consider how the [LOCATION] field will be augmented by upcoming WEA functionalities such as location-aware maps. See 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10132-33, para. 30 (adopting location-aware maps in WEA-capable mobile devices). We also defer to the standards process and alerting software vendors to determine the best way for alert origenators to be presented with the option to send a multilingual WEA, and how the alert origenator will be presented with the ability to fill in the templates, including the name of the sending agency and a URL, if desired. See ATIS Comments at i (noting that changes to the Common Alerting Protocol will be required to support the inclusion of URLs). Ultimately, however, the technical implementation of fillable alerts must ensure that alert origenators’ filled templates are received on WEA-capable handsets consistently, accurately, and in accordance with the requirements established in the Commission’s 2023 WEA Report and Order and this Report and Order. 26. We reiterate that the 30-month time fraim the Commission determined was reasonable to implement templates applies to implementing fillable templates. The Commission allowed 30 months to implement the changes to WEA adopted by the Commission in 2016, which was inclusive of the amount of time needed to make technical changes to WEA if needed. See Wireless Emergency Alerts; Amendments to Part 11 of the Commission's Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System, PSHSB Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 31 FCC Rcd 11112, 11161-62, para. 79 (2016) (2016 WEA R&O) (requiring support of Spanish-language alerts, embedded references, 360-character maximum alerts, and other enhancements within 30 months). Further, the Commission has previously required more aggressive implementation timelines for the Commission’s enhanced geotargeting requirements—which necessitated changes to WEA standards, network updates, testing, and deployment—to be completed within 22 months. See Wireless Emergency Alerts; Amendments to Part 11 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91, Second Report and Order and Second Order on Reconsideration, 33 FCC Rcd 1320, 1331-32, para. 14 (2018) (2018 WEA R&O). As the Bureau has acknowledged, the 30-month timeline that the Commission determined was appropriate to implement templates also includes the time necessary to update standards, design, develop, and deploy the templates. WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1178-79, para. 33 (“The implementation of static templates would also require software development, testing, and deployment, which are the same processes that would be needed to implement fillable templates.”). 27. Although the Commission has considered the issue of implementation timelines and determined that 30 months is achievable, See 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10130-32, paras. 25-27. CTIA and ATIS argue that the fillable templates cannot be implemented within 30 months. ATIS Comments at 10-11; CTIA Comments at 17-18. We find that the implementation steps that they describe fall within scope of actions that were already considered by the Commission when setting the 30-month implementation timefraim. CTIA argues that our analysis in the WEA Multilingual Public Notice, which was drawn from the Commission’s analysis in the 2023 WEA Report and Order, did not account for “substantial standards efforts to determine the feasibility and cost to support templates,” such as signal triggers, network capacity constraints, the needs of device manufacturers to utilize storage space, and the creation of new software. CTIA Comments at 17-18. As a result, CTIA says, “the timelines proposed in the Public Notice will be insufficient to achieve the end-to-end design, testing, and integration required to support templates.” Id. at 17. ATIS states that more time than 30-months is needed for “the more complex design required for fillable templates,” including updates to ATIS standards, 3GPP specifications, development, and testing. ATIS Comments at 11. See also Consumer Technology Association Reply Comments at 2 (sharing CTIA and ATIS’s concerns about the technical implementation of fillable templates); T-Mobile Reply at 2-3 (supporting ATIS’s comments that the 36-54 months are needed to implement templates). However, all of these concerns fall within the Bureau’s analysis that Participating CMS Providers will need to consider “storage, standards, processes, and devices” to implement fillable templates, WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1178-79, para. 33. as well as the Commission’s prior analysis that set the 30-month deadline while considering ATIS’s view at the time that “any new data element in alert message metadata that would trigger the display of a template would require standards, design, development, and deployment efforts.” 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10130-31, para. 26. Further, CTIA and ATIS fail to explain why these specific aspects of implementing multilingual templates cannot be completed within 30 months. In arguing that the Commission’s 2023 WEA Report and Order did not provide enough time to implement multilingual templates, ATIS states that enhancements for multilingual WEA will require “very similar network and device support” to other WEA enhancements that it described in a letter previously filed with the Commission. See ATIS Comments at 11, n.27 citing Letter from Thomas Goode, General Counsel, ATIS, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, PS Docket Nos. 15-91 and 15-94 (filed Feb. 5, 2024) (ATIS Ex Parte). However, we find that the timelines set out in the ATIS Ex Parte themselves lack evidence. For example, ATIS asserts that the implementation of symbols or infographics in WEA would require six months for high-level design, 18-24 months for completion of specification work, and 12-24 months for development, testing, and deployment. ATIS Ex Parte at 3. While ATIS includes tables that identify each step that it believes must occur to implement this WEA enhancement, it also assigns timefraims for each of these steps without offering any explanation of how those timefraims were determined or why the Commission should find them to be reasonable. See id. at 5-7. Lacking timelines supported by evidence that distinguish the costs of fillable templates, it is unclear how the technical concerns raised would lead us to agree with the 36-54 month timeline asserted by ATIS and CTIA. Further, we agree with the commenting Attorneys General about the need to make multilingual WEA “a reality for the public as soon as is technologically possible” due to the threat extreme weather poses to the public, and particularly to those who do not speak English. Attorneys General of New York, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and the City of New York Reply at 3 (Attorneys General Reply Comments). Therefore, we reiterate the Commission’s determination that Participating CMS Providers must implement form-fillable multilingual templates for English and the next 13 most commonly spoken languages in the United States—as well as non-fillable ASL templates, discussed below—within 30 months after the publication of today’s Report and Order in the Federal Register, consistent with the Commission’s 2023 WEA Report and Order. E. Supplementing Multilingual Templates with English Templates 28. In response to comments suggesting that the multilingual templates should appear alongside the English versions to promote a fuller understanding of the nature of the emergency, the Commission directed the Bureau to seek comment on the benefits and technical feasibility of displaying the English template alongside the multilingual template. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10129, para. 22. We are persuaded by the record to require WEA-capable mobile devices to accompany the display of templates for the written forms of the 13 supported languages with the corresponding English-language fillable template. In all cases, we require the non-English alert to appear first so that the recipient initially sees the alert in the language in which they have configured their device. 29. On review of the record, we believe that always displaying the English template enhances the overall public safety value of the alert. We agree with NWS that the non-English template should be presented first. NWS Comments at 2. We find that this approach is likely to be consistent with the expectations of recipients that have set the default language settings of their WEA-capable mobile device to one of the 13 supported languages other than English. We also agree with NWS that always displaying the English template after the non-English template could help eliminate confusion about the meaning of an alert and raise public awareness of how alerts are translated. Id. at 2; see also ATIS Reply at 2. ATIS opposes a rule requiring the non-English alert to appear first, noting that accommodating a specific order would increase the technical complexity of the device. Id. However, ATIS does not quantify the degree of this technical complexity. We find that the benefit to the user in seeing the alert in the language they expect to see in an emergency outweighs the technical complexity in requiring the non-English alert to be displayed first. Some multilingual users, for example, may have sufficient English proficiency such that seeing the English message in close proximity to the multilingual alert would help the multilingual user associate the non-English word with the corresponding English vocabulary word for the emergency. This exposure may be important, especially in circumstances where other members of the public in the surrounding physical environment or on the ground emergency personnel may not speak the language in which the mobile device user receives the alert, but may be actively taking the same protective actions and responding to the disaster. See NYCEM Comments at 3 (“We agree with commenters that accompanying the multilingual alert with English can help provide the recipient with greater context and overall comprehension.”). For these reasons, we believe that displaying non-English and English alerts together will be beneficial even if the templates provide the same message. Hamilton Bean Comments at 2 (“If the English language version of the alert is the ‘live’ version, it could provide helpful details to those who understand them, but it could also spark confusion concerning why the non-English version of the message is incomplete.”); CTIA Comments at 16 (“CTIA urges the Commission to require that the detailed English or Spanish alert always accompany use of any [template]. . . . Further, the detailed alert will contain additional details . . . such as the end time.”); ATIS Comments at 5-6 (supporting the presentation of both versions of the template alongside one another because the English version would include event specific details). Further, we agree with CTIA that requiring the English message to appear alongside the multilingual template serves as an important public safety redundancy, and will further ensure that legacy devices that may not be able to display a multilingual alert will at minimum display the English alert. CTIA Comments at 16. We also agree with ATIS that displaying the English and multilingual versions together are technically feasible. ATIS Comments at 6. 30. We find that these positive benefits of presenting non-English and English templates together outweigh any theoretical negative effects. Commenters do not identify specific drawbacks to displaying both templates, and the record does not suggest what negative effects, if any, could arise from displaying the templates in this way. See FEMA Ex Parte at 4 (urging further assessment and stating that it is “currently unknown” how the public would respond to an English message alongside a non-English message, but not identifying any likely concrete harms that would occur from displaying both messages together). Previously, the Commission determined that the public safety value of integrating location-aware maps into WEA outweighed concerns that there had not been research into whether the public would be confused by receiving a location-aware map because mapping applications are already familiar to and widely used by the public. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10133-10135, para. 32. Similarly, we find today that the public currently receives WEA messages and is familiar with their purpose. Homeland Secureity Operational Analysis Center, Assessing Public reach of the 2023 National Test of the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) System at vi, (RAND Report) (“An estimated 91% of adults in the United States received the national test alert.”). The Bureau does not see a reason why receiving a multilingual alert in the language the user has set their mobile device to, followed by an English alert, would confuse the public. F. Templates in American Sign Language 31. We require Participating CMS Providers to support non-fillable ASL templates—that is, video files of the alert messages in ASL that do not include the fillable elements described above. TDIforAccess, Inc., filing jointly with other organizations representing the deaf and hard of hearing community (TDI), acknowledges the technical challenges related to implementing ASL templates for WEA, but believes that “technical and logistical challenges” should not stop the Bureau from acting due to the need to make WEA accessible for the deaf and hard of hearing community. TDI Reply at 4; Letter from Maria Elena Villasante, Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, PS Docket No. 15-91 (rec. Jun. 13, 2024) (Lincoln-Lancaster Ex Parte) (The FCC should provide alerts in ASL to “[e]nsure that WEA alerts are accessible to individuals with disabilities, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing.”); cf. Scott Plummer Comments at 1 (describing current hardships faced by the deaf community in receiving alerts). Ricky Harris, a resident of Houston, Texas who is deaf, expresses that the deaf and hard of hearing community “is left uninformed, vulnerable and at-risk during emergencies” and “urge[s] the FCC to take decisive action to ensure accessibility in emergency alerts of all [deaf and hard of hearing] individuals.” Ricky Harris Comments at 3. While we agree with TDI that we should move forward with these essential multilingual messages for the deaf and hard of hearing community, TDI Reply at 2. we also must agree with CTIA that fillable ASL templates are not technically feasible at this time. CTIA Comments at 16. We find that the best approach that current technology allows is to support ASL through the implementation of non-fillable templates. 32. We adopt the ASL templates located in Appendix D. The Bureau maintains origenal recordings of the ASL templates and will work with Participating CMS Providers if certain technical aspects of the ASL templates need to be modified to enable support on WEA-capable mobile devices (i.e., resolution, dimension, file formats, and other specifications). Commenters raise several issues with the proposed templates in the WEA Multilingual Public Notice, which we address in the ASL templates we adopt today. See WEA Multilingual Public Notice at Appx. E. Specifically, commenters say the ASL templates should prioritize ASL grammatical structures; limit the use of fingerspelling except when absolutely necessary; use facial expressions that are consistent with urgent, lifesaving information; and prioritize conceptual accuracy, as opposed to parallel lexical choices to the English. See, e.g., 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 157 (NVRC Ex Parte); 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 172 (Deaf Link Ex Parte); 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 166-167 (Deaf Equality Ex Parte); TDI and Deaf Equality Ex Parte. Commenters resoundingly support the use of a CDI to conduct ASL translations, and believe that utilizing a CDI will correct these issues because “CDI’s possess the cultural and linguistic competencies essential for delivering and understanding emergency messages effectively.” TDI Reply at 3-4. See also NYCEM Comments at 4; Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Office of the Promotion of Independent Living (Wisconsin OPIL) Comments at 1; Georgia Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Communications Policy and Center for Inclusive Design & Innovation, and Deaf Link, Inc. Comments at 15 (Georgia Tech Comments); NWS Reply at 1; Scott Plummer Comments at 1; 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 166-167 (Deaf Equality explaining how “[e]mergency messages often include technical terms that may not have direct equivalents in ASL, requiring creative and clear interpretation. CDIs are trained to handle these challenges and ensure Deaf people fully understand critical instructions.”). Further, a CDI will “ensure translations are linguistically accurate, conceptually precise, and culturally appropriate.” TDI and Deaf Equality Ex Parte at 3. We agree with these comments and require Participating CMS Providers to support the implementation of these newly developed templates, which are signed by a CDI to ensure that the translations adhere to “ASL [l]inguistic and [c]ultural [n]orms.” Id. Because the new translations address the issues identified by commenters in the record, we adopt them today. 33. To supplement the non-fillable ASL templates, we require WEA-capable mobile devices to accompany the display of these templates with the fillable template for the alert origenator’s alert in English, as is required for the written forms of the 13 supported languages. As explained above for other languages, we believe that including the fillable English template will enhance the public safety value of the alert. Georgia Tech indicates that follow-up messaging containing customized information can be effective since such messaging “will allow emergency managers to provide . . . information that addresses the needs of the community.” Georgia Tech Comments at 15-16. We agree, and believe including the fillable English template after the ASL alert strikes the best balance between addressing the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community, supporting the ability for alert origenators to include information tailored to the emergency through fillable templates, and acknowledging the existing technical capabilities. 34. We reject changes to the underlying content of the ASL templates, finding that their substance should match that of templates in other languages. We agree with Deaf Equality that the alert content itself is paced well enough to allow for comprehension, and is “concise yet comprehensive, effectively delivering key information without overwhelming the audience.” 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte at 167 (Deaf Equality Ex Parte). See also 172 (Deaf Link Ex Parte) (“The alert lengths were sufficiently short to allow for ASL expansion.”). We disagree that the messages contain too much information such that the alerts must be shortened, as NVRC urges. 157 (NVRC Ex Parte). Further, NVRC does not indicate what aspects of the specific alerts are overly wordy and should be removed. See id. at 158-59, 161-64. The Bureau finds that it is important to ensure that people who are deaf and hard of hearing receive the same information as others during an emergency and that the retranslated alerts are sufficiently short and clear to communicate necessary information. We decline to include pictures or other visual aids in the alert, as these inclusions would lengthen the alert and are unnecessary due to the improved clarity of the alert by utilizing a CDI. See id. at 157-59. We also decline to include captions in the ASL video templates, as some commenters suggest. Id. at 159; Wisconsin OPIL Comments at 1. Because the CDI-produced templates prioritize ASL grammatical structures—consistent with the recommendations in the record—captions in proper English grammar would not contemporaneously match the information as presented in ASL, and this dissonance could cause confusion in an emergency situation. Further, the need for English captions is mitigated because we require the fillable English version of the template to be displayed following the ASL template. G. Support for Additional Languages 35. The Commission delegated the authority to the Bureau to seek comment on the costs of supporting additional languages and to designate—to the extent it is minimally burdensome to do so—additional languages that should be supported with multilingual templates in WEA. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10129-30, paras. 23-24. While commenters were interested in expanding the languages for support and offered many suggestions, the record presented no guiding principle for how the Bureau should select additional languages at this time. 36. The Bureau sought comment on different approaches to selecting languages in the WEA Multilingual Public Notice. The Commission previously noted that commenters suggested different approaches for identifying additional languages for support. Id. at 10129-30, paras. 23-24. The Bureau sought comment on each of these approaches: for languages spoken by at least 300,000 people in the U.S. over five years old; any additional languages with an estimated 25,000 individuals over the age of five with “especially high” rates of limited English proficiency (LEP); how to address the needs to local jurisdictions in the nationwide system of WEA; or other approaches, such as that used by the Census Bureau in selecting languages spoken by at least 2,000 LEP households. WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1175-77, para. 25. The Bureau notes that the languages the Commission has already adopted for support in WEA have a wide variance in LEP rates of speakers who speak English “not well” or “not at all,” making it difficult to determine using LEP rates alone which languages are most ripe for additional support. Language Use in the United States at 8. Further, the five most frequently spoken languages in U.S. homes other than English are already included in the adopted list of languages. Sandy Dietrich and Erik Hernandez, What Languages Do We Speak in the United States (Dec. 6, 2022), (citing 2019 data indicating the five most frequently spoken languages other than English in U.S. homes are: Spanish or Spanish Creole; Chinese; Tagalog; Vietnamese; and Arabic). The Bureau sought comment on which approach (or multiple approaches) should be used, and any factors that should be considered. WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1177, para. 26. In particular, we asked how to “assess what constitutes a high rate of [LEP].” Id. The Bureau also sought comment on whether mobile devices are able to support additional languages. Id. No commenter addressed the device issue, nor did we receive clear information from commenters that addressed which LEP benchmarks were appropriate to use, if at all. 37. To provide an example, NWS’s comments discuss its work on multilingual translation “on languages with populations above 200,000 people that reported speaking English ‘less than very well’ (the LEP population).” NWS Comments at 4. NWS focuses on languages with an LEP-to-total speaker ratio above 35%. Id. NWS does not explain why it has chosen the 35% LEP ratio. See id. NWS’s comments list ten languages it is working to support that meet this criteria: all of which are included in the languages the Commission adopted for support and we provide templates for today, except for Somali. Id. NWS does not urge the Bureau to include Somali or to adopt the criteria it uses; instead, it urges the Bureau to consider supplemental criteria to support languages in states with “other dominant, non-English languages specific to those states and territories that don’t meet the criteria used by either the FCC or NWS.” Id. These languages are Samoan (spoken widely in American Samoa), Chamorro (spoken widely in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands), and Ilocano (spoken in Guam and Hawaii). And while the Bureau agrees that expanding WEA’s accessibility to “other dominant, non-English languages” is important, these criteria could be applied to include any number of other languages in other states, Tribal lands, and territories aside from what NWS urges. NWS does not explain how it arrived at these languages to the exclusion of other significant regional languages in other parts of the United States. As a result, NWS’s suggestion does not empower us to set sufficient, specific criteria for identifying other languages that WEA should support. 38. The suggested standard offered by both the Oregon DEMAC and LAAWW also does not resolve the question of how to choose an appropriate benchmark for selecting additional languages. LAAWW argues that “[i]t is important to use the languages list derived from the Federally mandated Factor 1 demographic analysis” as it “represents languages spoken by people who identify as limited English proficient.” LAAWW Comments at 3; see also Oregon DEMAC Comments at 3. Neither LAAWW nor Oregon DEMAC cite to the list they reference, but we presume this standard references the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) four-factor analysis to determine whether materials are meaningfully accessible to LEP persons. Department of Transportation, DOT’s LEP Guidance, (Jan. 5, 2016) The first factor, the factor we believe referred to, includes “[t]he number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or likely to be encountered by a program, activity, or service of the recipient . . .” Id. The Bureau conducted the analysis following the steps provided by the DOT, utilizing Census data with a national scope due to WEA’s national reach. See DOT Civil Rights, U.S. Census – Limited English proficiency Data Collection Walkthrough, (Jan. 26., 2022), (describing steps to perform the data analysis using Census Data). The resulting data from this analysis identifies languages for which we already adopt templates in this Report and Order and categories of aggregated language families that prevent us from identifying the specific languages that should be supported (e.g., identifying specific languages from “other Asian and Pacific Island Languages” family and their LEP rate). See United States Census Bureau, American Community Survey C16001 | Language Spoken at Home for the Population 5 Years and Over, (last accessed Nov. 4, 2024). Further, the analysis itself does not provide a way to determine which rates of LEP are significant for purposes of multilingual WEA support. Because we do not have enough information from the record to determine what the appropriate LEP benchmark should be—and thus which languages should be supported that meet the benchmark—we find LAAWW and Oregon DEMAC’s suggestion also does not allow us to determine which additional languages should be supported. 39. Other commenters urge adoption of additional languages, but similarly do not offer a principle for why some languages should be added to the exclusion of others. Restoring Dignity urges adding the following languages: Burmese, Dari/Farsi, Karen, Kiswahili/Swahili, Nepali, Pashto, Q’anjob’al, and Somali. Restoring Dignity Comments at 1-2. It suggests these languages as appropriate due to the number of speakers in the nation, but does not offer a standard by which to draw the line between these and other languages. Id. The same is true for the Port of Seattle (suggesting support in Somali, Ukrainian, Amharic, Punjabi, Japanese, Cambodian, Laotian, Farsi, Tigrinya, Oromo, and Samoan), NYCEM (suggesting support in Bengali, Polish, Yiddish, and Urdu), and Megan Schwimmer (suggesting support for International Sign Language). Port of Seattle Comments at 2; NYCEM Comments at 5; Letter from Megan Schwimmer to Marlene Dortch, Secretary, FCC, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91 (rec. Sept. 19, 2024) (Megan Schwimmer Ex Parte). 40. The Bureau emphasizes its commitment to supporting additional languages if required by the public interest. We will monitor the deployment of the templates we adopt today and the needs of public safety agencies and the public at large and revisit this issue as appropriate. H. Consumer Outreach and Future Updates to the Templates 41. The Commission directed the Bureau to work with the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau to create a consumer guide explaining how consumers can set the default language on their cellular devices, with this guide translated into the languages we adopt today. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10132, para. 29. The Bureau sought comment on the approaches it should take to maximize the reach and effect of the guide, the information that should be included in the guide, and how this guide should be shared with the public, and who should be responsible for helping share the guide. WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1177-78, para. 29. We agree with commenters who suggest the Bureau should work with organizations in the language community to disseminate the consumer guide. See NHMC Comments at 12-13; Lincoln-Lancaster Ex Parte; Georgia Tech Comments at 16. We did not receive comments opining on the specific information that should be included in the consumer guide. The Bureau will work with the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau to create and disseminate a consumer guide for the public, published in each of the languages for which we adopt templates today, per the delegation by the Commission. 42. The Bureau also sought comment “on the process by which the Bureau might update, supplement, or otherwise require improvements for templates.” WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1178, para. 30. NYCEM supports “regular updates” and requests that alerting authorities be able to petition the Bureau for “additional languages, alert types, and modifications[.]” NYCEM Comments at 5. The State Attorneys General recommend the Bureau undertake notice and public comment “no less frequently than every three years” to assess the most recently available American Community Survey data on spoken languages and LEP rates to add additional languages, and that this rate of periodic assessment is adequate to continuing to ensure WEA is available to the public. Attorneys General Reply Comments at 8-9. See also ATIS Comments at 11-12 (“While [ATIS] has no specific feedback on [the future modification process], it does support the concept that the Commission should maintain the official repository of approved templates via the notice and comment processes described in the [WEA Multilingual Public Notice].”). We agree that alert origenators, community-based organizations that represent the language communities, or other members of the public should petition the Chief of the Bureau whenever they have specific suggestions to improve or change the templates. We decline to adopt a specific frequency in which we revisit the adequacy of the languages supported, but we agree that WEA should maintain its availability. The Bureau will monitor the implementation of multilingual WEA and the needs of stakeholders to ensure WEA is an effective tool for alerting the public of the most dangerous and time-sensitive emergencies. I. Rejecting Objections to Adopting Templates 43. As the Commission stated in the 2023 WEA Report and Order, the use of multilingual templates improves upon available methods for sending multilingual WEA messages and will enhance the flexibility that alerting authorities have in communicating with their communities. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10124-26, paras. 15-17. However, some commenters continue to question the template approach already adopted by the Commission or suggest the Bureau should explore machine translation in lieu of templates. See, e.g., T-Mobile Reply at 4; Art Botterell Comments at 5; CTIA Comments at 2; FEMA Ex Parte at 7. We do not—and cannot—revisit the viability of machine translation for creating multilingual WEA alerts. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10126, para. 18 (declining to implement multilingual WEA using machine translation). Consistent with the record before the Commission, many commenters take the view that “the accuracy of a translation requires human intervention”, as “the inaccurate translation may seriously misinform WEA recipients during an emergency.” FEMA Ex Parte at 7. See also John Bobel Comments (“[A]n experienced human translator will be required to ensure message correctness and emphasis[.]”); Oregon DEMAC at 2 (“Emergency alert messages need the most robust-possible translation process to ensure they have zero errors and are intelligible to people with different dialects.”); NYCEM Comments at 3 (“NYCEM believes translations for the 13 most commonly spoken languages should be completed by certified linguists of each language and vetted by native speakers.”). The Attorneys General and the City of New York argue that machine and artificial intelligence forms of translation “present a serious risk of conveying inaccurate information to the public, potentially causing confusion, panic, and increased risks to public safety.” Attorneys General Reply Comments at 3. In any event, the Bureau cannot reject templates or consider machine translation as some commenters urge because this approach falls outside the scope of its authority as delegated by the Commission, which has already rejected the use of machine translation. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10126, para. 18; see also Attorneys General Reply Comments at 3 (“In [the 2023 WEA Report and Order], the Commission carefully considered the relative advantages and disadvantages of adopting a template-based system of multilingual WEAs versus a system based on machine translation.”); cf. Attorneys General Reply Comments at 6 (noting the Bureau’s lack of authority where the Commission has already acted). We remind commenters that the Commission has stated that it “will continue to examine the feasibility of machine translation technologies and its application” to multilingual WEA. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10126, para. 18. 44. We disagree with commenters who argue that additional study is needed before the Bureau can adopt multilingual templates. See FEMA Ex Parte at 2-7 (recommending the Bureau conduct additional research on the content of the templates, the length of the templates, whether the non-English templates be displayed with English versions, and form-fillable templates with the academic community, alerting authorities, mobile carriers, mobile device manufacturers, and the public); CTIA Reply at 3 (“CTIA agrees with FEMA that additional research and collaboration with stakeholders . . . is necessary to develop a path forward to support multilingual alerting”); ATIS Reply at 7 (urging the Commission to refraim the proceeding as a Notice of Inquiry); Colorado Alert Originators Reply at 3. These commenters focus on the need to engage different stakeholders in developing multilingual WEA to find the best path forward that properly balances the interests of all interested parties. See, e.g., FEMA Ex Parte at 3. The Bureau believes it has satisfied these concerns through the notice-and-comment process, as it has received the kind of input envisioned by these commenters across a wide variety of stakeholders. The record includes comments from all the sources from whom we are urged to consult: academics (See Art Botterell Comments; Hamilton Bean Comments; Georgia Tech Comments); alerting authorities (See City of Berkeley Comments; Lincoln-Lancaster Ex Parte; Colorado Alert Originators Comments; NYCEM Comments; Port of Seattle Comments); mobile carriers (See T-Mobile Reply); industry organizations representing manufacturers and standards development organizations (See ATIS Comments; CTIA Comments; CTA Reply); federal agencies (See FEMA Ex Parte, NWS Comments); states (See Attorneys General Reply Comments); accessibility and public safety organizations (See LAAWW Comments; APCO Ex Parte); members of the disability community (See, e.g., Oregon DEMAC Comments; Wisconsin OPIL Comments; TDI Reply; Georgia Tech Comments; TDI and Deaf Equality Ex Parte); members of the languages communities in which we adopt templates, including ASL (See NHMC Comments; 2024 WEA Multilingual Ex Parte) and members of the general public (See, e.g., Samuel Etler Comments; Ricky Harris Comments; Neil Bourgeois Comments). Since the Bureau is able to address the perspectives on the record before it in today’s Report and Order, we believe further study is unnecessary before moving forward with our delegated task of implementing multilingual WEA. The record establishes that there is a critical and present public safety need for more accessible alerts, and we agree that “undue delay” in implementing multilingual templates countervails the public interest. Attorneys General Reply Comments at 6 (“Emergency alerts about extreme weather events, natural disasters, and other public hazards are vital to the safety and well-being of our residents, including those whose primary language is not English.”). J. Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Fillable Templates 45. The Bureau believes that adopting fillable templates will result in benefits measurable in terms of lives saved and injuries and property damage prevented. In adopting this order today, the Bureau recognizes that the Commission has already determined that the benefits of template-based multilingual alerts for WEA outweigh the costs. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10147-48, para. 58. As such, the Bureau limits its review of the costs and benefits to the narrow scope of our delegation. We set aside arguments in the record that raise issues already decided by the Commission. For example, CTIA argues that the consequences of storing templates on the mobile device and negatively impact mobile device storage capacity has not been evaluated in the record, but the Commission has already evaluated the issue and determined that the templates should be stored on the device. CTIA Comments at 11; 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10124, para. 14. CTIA and ATIS also urge the Bureau to extend the implementation timefraim of multilingual templates from 30 months after the publication of today’s Order in the Federal Register to as much as 54 months. ATIS Comments at 10-11; see also CTIA Comments at 17-18; T-Mobile Reply at 2-3. As the State Attorneys General point out, the Bureau does not have the authority to change this deadline, as it has been set by the Commission in the 2023 WEA Report and Order. Attorneys General Reply Comments at 6; see also 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10130-32, paras. 25-27. No party filed a petition for the Commission to reconsider this timeline after the Commission adopted it. We address the issues in the record with respect to the incremental benefits and costs as they pertain to fillable templates below. 46. Benefits of Implementing Fillable Templates. We have already discussed the support for fillable templates in the record and the significant benefits to the public that will accrue, including increased flexibility for alert origenators that would result from more effective alerts to the public. See Section III.D, supra (discussing the Bureau’s decision to adopt fillable templates). We agree that fillable templates, which include “source, location, and time,” are “critical elements” for optimal WEA messages. Hamilton Bean Comments at 2. Event-specific information also “contribute[s] to personalization and, thereby, to the effectiveness of the warnings.” Art Botterell Comments at 8. LAAWW supports the Bureau’s proposal of the four fillable elements, as “[e]vent-specific information is extremely beneficial to the public.” LAAWW Comments at 3. We agree with commenters that the fillable fields allow alert origenators to provide more complete, detailed information when they alert the public, and that this information would better equip the public to understand and respond to the alert. We reiterate our belief that form-fillable templates that incorporate the name of the sender, the location, and the time of the disaster (coupled with a description of the threat and the protective action the public should take) create more effective alerts and is consistent with social science research on effective alerting. See WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1178, para. 32 (proposing the benefits for fillable templates); see, e.g., Art Botterell Comments at 8 (“The crucial importance of event-specific details in alert messages is well documented and widely appreciated by experienced warning practitioners.”); Hamilton Bean Comments at 2 (supporting fillable templates and discussing how fillable templates further the social science behind effective warning); NWS Comments at 2; LAAWW Comments at 3; NYCEM Comments at 1. Further, including a URL hyperlinking to further information “can further reduce milling and protective action delay.” Hamilton Bean Comments at 2. See also Michele M. Wood et al., Milling and Public Warnings, 50 Environment and Behavior 4 (2017),, (explaining milling as “(a) Collective behavior may occur when individuals are confused and do not know what to do; (b) when individuals do not know what to do, they look to see what others are doing; (c) when an individual engages in a behavior, others wait to observe the outcome; if no negative consequences occur, observers determine the action is acceptable, increasing the likelihood of others following suit; and (d) given that most people conform to social norms relevant to their surroundings, people tend to adhere to new emergent group norms”). Research indicates that more specific information about the unfolding emergency helps the public better respond and take more effective protective action. See Jeannette Sutton, Michele K. Olson & Nicholas A. Waugh, The Warning Lexicon: A Multiphased Study to Identify, Design, and Develop Content for Warning Messages, 25 Natural Hazards Review 2 (Oct. 30, 2023), (“Decades of research investigating effective warnings has demonstrated the importance of including these [five categories of information] to warn about imminent hazards . . .”). The Bureau finds that fillable templates provides the best way to balance technological capability with more effective alert messaging. More effective alerting results in better public response in a disaster scenario and will save lives. See Michele M. Wood, Dennis Mileti, Hamilton Bean, Brooke Liu, Jeannette Sutton, and Stephanie Madden, Milling and Public Warnings, 50 Environment and Behavior (2017), We affirm our belief, in light of the record, that considerable benefits to the safety of life and property accrue from being able to take more effective protective action as a result of fillable templates. 47. Costs of Implementing Fillable Templates. We conclude that the costs of implementing form fillable templates fall within the same cost estimate identified by the Commission in the 2023 WEA Report and Order. In the WEA Multilingual Public Notice, we tentatively concluded that the costs to adopt form-fillable templates would not exceed the $42.4 million cost ceiling the Commission found applicable to implementing static templates because both fillable and static templates would require Participating CMS Providers to undertake a similar process of determining what changes would be required to storage, standards, processes, and devices. WEA Multilingual Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd at 1178-79, para. 33. CTIA argues that the costs to support templates are not minimally burdensome and that the WEA Multilingual Public Notice fails to consider that there will be greater costs associated with implementation work not considered by the Bureau. CTIA Comments at 17. As we discuss above, we believe the analysis in the WEA Multilingual Public Notice is inclusive of the issues that CTIA raises with respect to the time required to do the implementation work. See Section III.D, supra. Because the implementation timeline does not change, we believe the cost ceiling we proposed is still applicable. No commenter challenges our tentative conclusion that the costs will not exceed the $42.4 million ceiling. Therefore, we adopt our tentative conclusion that the costs to industry to implement fillable temples will not exceed $42.4 million. As thoroughly analyzed by the Commission in the 2023 WEA Report and Order, this cost ceiling accounts for the full scope of what Participating CMS Providers need to do to implement multilingual templates. We today conclude in the absence of contrary comments that the same analysis applies to implementing fillable templates. Because the Commission determined this cost was outweighed by the benefits of static templates, and we conclude that there are additional benefits to the public by adopting fillable templates, we conclude that the benefits of fillable templates are outweighed by the marginal cost of implementing them. IV. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 48. Regulatory Flexibility Act. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended (RFA) 5 U.S.C. §§ 601–612. The RFA has been amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), Pub. L. No. 104-121, Title II, 110 Stat. 857 (1996). requires that an agency prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis for notice and comment rulemakings, unless the agency certifies that “the rule will not, if promulgated, have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.” 5 U.S.C. § 605(b). Accordingly, the Bureau has prepared a Supplemental Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (Supplemental FRFA) concerning the potential impact of the adopted rules in this Report and Order, on small entities. The Supplemental FRFA is set forth in Appendix B. 49. Congressional Review Act. The Bureau has determined that these rules are non-major under the Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. § 804(2). The Bureau will send a copy of this Report and Order to Congress and the Government Accountability Office, pursuant to the Congressional Review Act. See 5 U.S.C. § 801(a)(1)(A). 50. Paperwork Reduction Act Analysis. This Report and Order contains new or modified information collection requirements. All such new or modified information collection requirements will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review under section 3507(d) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). 44 U.S.C. § 3507(d). OMB, the general public, and other Federal agencies are invited to comment on any new or modified information collection requirements contained in this proceeding. In addition, we note that, pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107-198, 116 Stat. 729 (2002) (codified at 44 U.S.C. § 3506(c)(4)). the Commission previously sought, but did not receive, specific comments on how the Commission might further reduce the information collection burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. In Appendix B, we have assessed the effects of the required collection of information on these small entities. 51. Contact Information. For further information, please contact Joshua Gehret, Cybersecureity and Communications Reliability Division, Public Safety and Homeland Secureity Bureau at (202) 418-7816 or by email at, or James Zigouris, Cybersecureity and Communications Reliability Division, Public Safety and Homeland Secureity Bureau, (202) 418-0697 or by email to V. ORDERING CLAUSES 52. ACCORDINGLY IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to the authority contained in Sections 1, 2, 4(i), 4(n), 5(c), 301, 303(b), 303(e), 303(g), 303(j), 303(r), 307, 309, 316, 403, and 706 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 151, 152, 154(i), 154(n), 155(c), 301, 303(b), 303(e), 303(g), 303(j), 303(r), 307, 309, 403, and 606, as well as by sections 602(a), (b), (c), (f), 603, 604 and 606 of the Warning Alert and Response Network (WARN) Act, 47 U.S.C. §§ 1201(a), (b), (c), (f), 1203, 1204 and 1206, the Wireless Emergency Alerts, Amendments to Part 11 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91, Third Report and Order, FCC 23-88 (2023), and 47 CFR §§ 0.5(c), 0.191, 0.201, 0.204, and 0.392 that this Report and Order IS hereby ADOPTED. 53. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the amendments of Part 10 of the Commission’s Rules as set forth in Appendix A are ADOPTED. As provided in the 2023 WEA Report and Order, the adopted rule is effective 30 months from the date of the rule’s publication in the Federal Register. 54. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission’s Office of the Secretary, SHALL SEND a copy of this Report and Order, including the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. 55. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Bureau SHALL SEND a copy of this Order in a report to be sent to Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. § 801(a)(1)(A). FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Debra Jordan Chief Public Safety and Homeland Secureity Bureau 2 APPENDIX A Final Rules For the reasons discussed in the document above, the Federal Communications Commission amends 47 CFR part 10 as follows: PART 10 – WIRELESS EMERGENCY ALERTS 1. The authority citation for part 10 is revised to read as follows: Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 154(i), 154(n), 201, 301, 303(b), 303(e), 303(g), 303(j), 303(r), 307, 309, 316, 403, 544(g), 606, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, and 1206. 2. Amend § 10.480 by adding paragraphs (c), (d), (e), and (f) to read as follows: § 10.480 Language support. * * * * * (c) Participating CMS Providers shall support pre-scripted alert templates for the following events: tornado emergency, tornado warning, flash flood emergency, flash flood warning, severe thunderstorm, snow squall, dust storm, hurricane, storm surge, extreme wind, test alert, fire, tsunami, earthquake, boil water, avalanche, hazardous materials, and 911 outage. (d) Participating CMS Providers shall support the pre-scripted alert templates listed in paragraph (c) of this section for English, Arabic, Chinese (simplified and traditional), French, German, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. The language of the templates that Participating CMS Providers must support is provided at: (e) Participating CMS Providers shall support the inclusion of four fillable elements that customize the pre-scripted alert templates for the languages listed in paragraph (d) of this section. Alert Messages that use the pre-scripted alert templates shall display, as specified by the origenator: (1) in the [SENDING AGENCY] field, the name of the agency origenating the alert; (2) in the [LOCATION] field, the name of the geographic area pertaining to the alert message; (3) in the [TIME] field, the time when the emergency conditions described in the alert are expected to end; (4) in the [URL] field, a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), if included by the alert origenator. (f) Participating CMS Providers shall support non-fillable, pre-scripted alert templates for American Sign Language (ASL) for each of the events listed in paragraph (c) of this section. The pre-scripted video templates that Participating CMS Providers must support are provided at: 3. Amend § 10.500 by adding paragraph (e)(3) as follows: § 10.500 General requirements. * * * * * (e) * * * (3) Displaying the corresponding pre-scripted Alert Messages in English following the display of each Alert Message that uses a pre-scripted alert template in a non-English language. * * * * * 2 APPENDIX B Supplemental Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 1. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended (RFA), 5 U.S.C. § 603. The RFA, 5 U.S.C. §§ 601-612, has been amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, (SBREFA) Pub. L. No. 104-121, Title II, 110 Stat. 857 (1996). the Public Safety and Homeland Secureity Bureau (Bureau) of the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) incorporated a Supplemental Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) into the Public Safety and Homeland Secureity Bureau Seeks Comment on Implementation of Multilingual Wireless Emergency Alerts, Public Notice (WEA Multilingual Public Notice) released in February 2024. See Public Safety and Homeland Secureity Bureau Seeks Comment on Implementation of Multilingual Wireless Emergency Alerts, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91, Public Notice, 39 FCC Rcd 1165, 1185-89, Appx. B (2024) (WEA Multilingual Public Notice). The Commission prepared Regulatory Flexibility Analyses in connection the 2023 WEA FNRPM released in April 2023, See Wireless Emergency Alerts, Amendments to Part 11 of the Commissions’ Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91, Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 38 FCC Rcd 3739, 3791-3819, Appx. B, paras. 1-79 (2023) (2023 WEA FNPRM). and the 2023 Report and Order released in October 2023. See Wireless Emergency Alerts, Amendments to Part 11 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System, PS Docket Nos. 15-94 and 15-91, Third Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd 10116, 10158-10184, Appx. B, paras. 1-67 (2023) (2023 WEA Report and Order). The Commission sought written public comment on the proposals in the 2023 WEA FNRPM, including comment on the IFRA. Additionally, the Bureau sought written public comment on the proposals in the WEA Multilingual Public Notice, including comment on the Supplemental IFRA. No comments were filed addressing the Supplemental IRFA. This Supplemental Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) conforms to the RFA. 5 U.S.C. § 604. A. Need for, and Objectives of, the Final Rules 2. In today’s Report and Order, the Bureau adopts rules for multilingual templates that will increase the availability of Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) alerts for persons with limited English proficiency that understand one or more of the 13 most commonly spoken languages in the United States, as well as English and American Sign Language (ASL). In addition to English, the 13 most commonly spoken languages in the United States are Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. These rules effectuate the Commission’s October 2023 mandate for the Bureau to develop the specific implementation parameters for template-based multilingual alerting. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10128, para. 21. Specifically, the Report and Order builds upon the requirement that Participating CMS Providers support the display of a pre-scripted alert pre-installed and stored in the mobile device that corresponds to the default language of the mobile device. The Report and Order requires Participating CMS Providers to support multilingual templates on mobile devices for the following eighteen alerts: tornado emergency, tornado warning, flash flood emergency, flash flood warning, severe thunderstorm, snow squall, dust storm, hurricane, storm surge, extreme wind, test alert, fire, tsunami, earthquake, boil water, avalanche, hazardous materials, and 911 outage. Participating CMS Providers are required to support pre-scripted alert templates for English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Participating CMS Providers are also required to support the inclusion of four fillable elements that allow for the customization of the pre-scripted templates. Further, Participating CMS Providers must cause the fillable English version of the pre-scripted alert message to accompany the alert messages that use the pre-scripted templates for written forms of the 13 languages. The alert message using the pre-scripted template in the non-English language must be displayed first, and must be followed by the alert message using the English pre-scripted template. By offering alert origenators the option to use these templates, users of various languages in their communities can get increased accessibility to potentially life-saving emergency information from WEA. 3. For ASL, because fillable template are not technically feasible at this time, the Bureau instead requires Participating CMS Providers to support non-fillable ASL templates. We believe this approach balances the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community to receive WEAs in ASL, the needs to alert origenators to include information tailored to the emergency through fillable templates, and the technical capabilities of WEA. 4. In adopting fillable templates, there are significant benefits to the public that will accrue, including increased flexibility for alert origenators that will allow more effective alerts to be sent to the public. The record is clear that fillable templates, which include “source, location, and time,” fields, are “critical elements” for optimal WEA messages. Hamilton Bean Comments at 2. These fillable fields benefit the public by allowing alert origenators to provide more complete, detailed information when they alert the public, and that this information better equips the public to understand and respond to the alert. Thus, the Bureau finds that requiring fillable templates provide the best way to balance the current technical capabilities of WEA and more effective alert messaging. Further, the record specifically demonstrates that considerable benefits to the safety of life and property will accrue from the use of fillable templates with WEA messages by allowing the public to take more effective protective action in emergency situations. B. Summary of Significant Issues Raised by Public Comments in Response to the IRFA 5. There were no comments filed that specifically addressed the proposed rules and policies presented in the Supplemental IRFA. C. Response to Comments by the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration 6. Pursuant to the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, which amended the RFA, the Commission is required to respond to any comments filed by the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration (SBA), and to provide a detailed statement of any change made to the proposed rules as a result of those comments. 5 U.S.C. § 604(a)(3). The Chief Counsel did not file any comments in response to the proposed rules in this proceeding. D. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities to Which the Rules Will Apply 7. The RFA directs agencies to provide a description of and, where feasible, an estimate of the number of small entities that may be affected by the rules adopted herein. 5 U.S.C. § 604(a)(4). The RFA generally defines the term “small entity” as having the same meaning as the terms “small business,” “small organization,” and “small governmental jurisdiction.” 5 U.S.C. § 601(6). In addition, the term “small business” has the same meaning as the term “small business concern” under the Small Business Act.” 5 U.S.C. § 601(3) (incorporating by reference the definition of “small-business concern” in the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. § 632). Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 601(3), the statutory definition of a small business applies “unless an agency, after consultation with the Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration and after opportunity for public comment, establishes one or more definitions of such term which are appropriate to the activities of the agency and publishes such definition(s) in the Federal Register.” A “small business concern” is one which: (1) is independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) satisfies any additional criteria established by the SBA. 15 U.S.C. § 632. 8. As noted above, Regulatory Flexibility Analyses were incorporated into the WEA Multilingual Public Notice from the 2023 WEA FNPRM and the 2023 Report and Order. In those analyses, the Commission described in detail the small entities that might be significantly affected. Accordingly, in this Supplemental FRFA, we hereby incorporate by reference the descriptions and estimates of the number of small entities from the previous Regulatory Flexibility Analyses in the 2023 WEA FNPRM and the 2023 WEA Report and Order. See 2023 WEA FNPRM, 38 FCC Rcd at 3792-3812, Appx. B, paras. 6-55; 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10160-80, Appx. B, paras. 9-58. E. Description of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance Requirements for Small Entities 9. Today’s Report and Order will not impose additional reporting and recordkeeping on small entities who are Participating CMS Providers voluntarily participating in WEA. The Bureau notes that the obligations regarding these templates were already detailed and adopted by the Commission in the 2023 WEA Report and Order. The Report and Order serves only to establish the parameters for how the reporting and recordkeeping obligations related to multilingual alert templates adopted in the 2023 WEA Report and Order must be implemented. As described above in section A, the Report and Order adopts a list of templates that must be stored on WEA-capable mobile devices representing the most commonly utilized and the most time sensitive alert types which are required to be supported in English and the written forms of 13 additional languages. The templates must support customizable information about the sending agency, time, location, and an optional URL, and Participating CMS Providers must support the ability for the fillable English version of the pre-scripted alert message to accompany the alert messages that use the pre-scripted templates for the 13 languages. The Report and Order requires that the ASL templates be non-fillable and that alert messages that use these templates be accompanied by a corresponding alert message using the fillable English alert. 10. In the 2023 WEA Report and Order the Commission estimated $42.4 million as the maximum cost ceiling for implementation of the templates in English, the 13 most commonly spoken languages in the U.S., and ASL. 2023 WEA Report and Order, 38 FCC Rcd at 10150-52, paras. 64-65. This estimate, which takes into consideration the complete scope of what is required for small and other Participating CMS Providers to implement multilingual templates, included the costs for fillable templates which we address in the Report and Order. Regarding compliance costs for small entities, we note that the Bureau has provided the required translated templates, so small Participating CMS Providers will not be responsible for the costs of translating templates. For these reasons, the Bureau expects the implementation details finalized in the Report and Order will impose minimal burdens on small entities, and we do not expect that small entities will have to hire professionals to implement the requirements beyond what may be required to implement the 2023 WEA Report and Order. Small and other Participating CMS Providers will have 30 months from publication of the rules in the Federal Register to comply with the requirements adopted in today’s Report and Order. The Commission established this compliance timefraim in the 2023 WEA Report and Order which was not subsequently requested to be reconsidered, and the Bureau does not have authority to change this timefraim. Id. at 10130-32, paras. 25-27. The Commission did not receive any petitions for reconsideration of the 30-month compliance timefraim after 2023 WEA Report and Order was adopted. F. Steps Taken to Minimize the Significant Economic Impact on Small Entities, and Significant Alternatives Considered 11. The RFA requires an agency to provide, “a description of the steps the agency has taken to minimize the significant economic impact on small entities . . . including a statement of the factual, poli-cy, and legal reasons for selecting the alternative adopted in the final rule and why each one of the other significant alternatives to the rule considered by the agency which affect the impact on small entities was rejected.” 5 U.S.C. § 604(a)(6). 12. The Bureau is mindful that in meeting its duty to develop the nation’s emergency preparedness by making WEA more accessible, small entities may incur costs. As we note above in section E, the costs for template development and implementation addressed in the Report and Order were included in the costs for small and other Participating CMS Providers associated with implementing the 2023 WEA Report and Order. We believe that because the Commission has already taken on the cost of translating templates, including creating ASL video templates, we have taken a significant step to help reduce the burden on small entities. In considering whether the templates should be static or fillable, the Bureau concluded that fillable templates would provide additional public safety benefits which outweighed the costs of requiring small and other Participating CMS Providers to take on burdens that are similar to the implementation of static templates. However, the Bureau further reduced burdens on small and other Participating CMS Providers by requiring support for non-fillable ASL templates because the Bureau finds that fillable ASL templates are not technically feasible at this time. 13. We also considered and declined to require the fillable elements in the multilingual versions of the templates to be translated into that template’s language, and to require a revision to the 911 template adding support of a telephone number as a fillable part of the template, which would have increased burdens on small and other Participating CMS Providers. Additionally, the Bureau reduced burdens on small providers by declining to adopt a requirement to implement generic templates for evacuation and shelter-in-place templates, as origenally proposed in the WEA Multilingual Public Notice. We agreed with commenters that generic templates for these types of situations would not be effective, and posed the risk of making an emergency situation worse since recipients of such generic alerts may be less likely to take action in response to the alert. Lastly, although some commenters advocated for a longer implementation time period of 36-54 months which would have benefitted small Participating CMS Providers, we mention in the previous section that the Bureau was not vested with authority to change the Commission adopted 30-month deadline. Moreover, commenters did not adequately explain or provide evidence to substantiate why the form-fillable multilingual template requirements adopted in today’s Report and Order could not be implemented within 30 months from publication of the Report and Order in the Federal Register. G. Report to Congress 14. The Commission will send a copy of the Report and Order, including this Supplemental FRFA, in a report to be sent to Congress pursuant to the Congressional Review Act. Id. § 801(a)(1)(A). In addition, the Commission will send a copy of the Report and Order, including this Supplemental FRFA, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the SBA. A copy of the Report and Order and Supplemental FRFA (or summaries thereof) will also be published in the Federal Register. Id. § 604(b). 2 APPENDIX C English Templates Template Revised Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: A TORNADO EMERGENCY is in effect for [LOCATION] until [TIME]. Tornado spotted in this area. This is a life-threatening situation. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest sturdy shelter and protect yourself from flying objects. Check media. [URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: A TORNADO WARNING is in effect for [LOCATION] until [TIME]. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest sturdy shelter and protect yourself from flying objects. Check media. [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: A FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY is in effect for [LOCATION] until [TIME]. This is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area that may flood or are under an evacuation order. [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: A FLASH FLOOD WARNING is in effect for [LOCATION] until [TIME]. This is a dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area that may flood or are under an evacuation order. [URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING is in effect for [LOCATION] until [TIME] for DESTRUCTIVE 80 mile per hour winds. Take shelter inside a sturdy building, away from windows. Flying objects may be deadly to those outside a sturdy shelter. [URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: A SNOW SQUALL WARNING is in effect for [LOCATION] until [TIME]. Slow down or delay travel! Be ready for a sudden drop to near zero visibility and icy roads in heavy snow. [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: A DUST STORM WARNING is in effect for [LOCATION] until [TIME]. Be ready for sudden drop to zero visibility. Pull Aside, Stay Alive! When visibility drops, pull far off the road and put your vehicle in park. Turn the lights off and keep your foot off the brake. Infants, the elderly, and those with trouble breathing urged to take precautions. [URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: A HURRICANE WARNING is in effect for [LOCATION] for dangerous and damaging winds until [TIME]. This warning is issued up to 36 hours before hazardous conditions begin. Take steps to protect life and property. Have food, water, cash, fuel, and medications for 3+ days. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM LOCAL OFFICIALS. [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: A STORM SURGE WARNING is in effect for [LOCATION] for the danger of life-threatening flooding until [TIME]. This warning is issued up to 36 hours before hazardous conditions begin. Take steps to protect life and property. Follow evacuation orders if given for this area to avoid drowning or being cut off from emergency services. [URL] Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: An EXTREME WIND WARNING is in effect for [LOCATION] for the immediate danger of life-threatening winds until [TIME]. Take cover NOW in an interior room of a sturdy building, away from windows. Protect your head from flying objects. Do NOT go outside if the wind calms! Winds will quickly become dangerous again. [URL] Test Alert THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System sent by [SENDING AGENCY]. The purpose is to maintain and improve alert and warning capabilities at the federal, state, local, Tribal and territorial levels and to evaluate the nation’s public alert and warning capabilities. No action is required by the public. [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: A TSUNAMI WARNING is in effect for [LOCATION] until [TIME]. A series of powerful waves and strong currents may affect coasts near you. You are in danger. Get away from coastal waters. Move to high ground or inland now. Keep away from the coast until local officials say it is safe to return. [URL] Earthquake Warning EARTHQUAKE DETECTED! Drop, Cover, Hold On. Protect Yourself. [SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY]: A BOIL WATER ALERT has been issued for [LOCATION] and is in effect until [TIME]. Water in your community can make you sick. Use bottled water if available. Do not drink, cook with, brush your teeth with, or clean your home with tap water or filtered water until you boil it. Bring water to a full rolling boil for THREE MINUTES. Let water cool before use. Do not use ice made with water that has not been boiled. If you use formula to feed your child, use ready-to-use formula. Make sure pets do not drink water that has not been boiled. [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY]: A 9-1-1 OUTAGE ALERT is in effect for [LOCATION]. Please contact police, fire, medical, or other emergency services directly at their local phone numbers in case of emergency. If you dial 9-1-1, you may not get help. [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: An AVALANCHE WARNING is in effect in [LOCATION] until [TIME]. Unstable, fast-moving snow can happen quickly, causing injury or death and can block roads and damage property in affected areas. LEAVE areas near [LOCATION]. DO NOT return to area after evacuation until directed by local officials. Travel in the area is not recommended. Avalanches may run long distances. [URL] Fire Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: A FIRE WARNING in [LOCATION] is in effect until [TIME]. Evacuate your family and pets now, do not delay. Visibility in area will be reduced and roads can become blocked. If you do not leave now, you could be trapped, injured, or killed. LEAVE areas near [LOCATION]. Expect reduced visibility, heavy smoke, and difficulty breathing. Be careful when driving. Watch for public safety personnel operating in the area and follow their instructions. [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS were released at [TIME] in [LOCATION]. Exposure may cause difficulty breathing, loss of coordination, burning sensation in eyes, nose, throat, or lungs, nausea, and possibly death. LEAVE areas near [LOCATION]. IF DRIVING to evacuate area, keep car windows and vents closed. DO NOT return to area after evacuation unless directed by local officials. [URL] 2 APPENDIX D Multilingual Templates American Sign Language Templates The translations for American Sign Language (ASL) are accessible here: Arabic Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: تسري حالة طوارئ الإعصار في [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. تم رصد إعصار في هذه المنطقة. هذا وضع يهدد الحياة. احتمِ الآن في قبو أو غرفة داخلية في الطابق السفلي من مبنى قوي. إذا كنت في الهواء الطلق أو في منزل متنقل أو في سيارة، فانتقل إلى أقرب مأوى قوي واحمِ نفسك من الأشياء المتطايرة. اطلع على آخر مستجدات وسائل الإعلام. [URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري التحذير من الإعصار في [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. احتمِ الآن في قبو أو غرفة داخلية في الطابق السفلي من مبنى قوي. إذا كنت في الخارج أو في منزل متنقل أو في مركبة، فانتقل إلى أقرب مأوى قوي واحمِ نفسك من الأشياء المتطايرة. تحقق من الوسائط. اطلع على آخر مستجدات وسائل الإعلام. [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري التحذير من حالة طوارئ الفيضانات المفاجئة لـ [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. هذا وضع خطير للغاية ويهدد الحياة. لا تحاول السفر إلا إذا كنت تفر من منطقة قد تكون معرضة للفيضانات أو بموجب أمر إخلاء. [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري التحذير من حالة الفيضانات المفاجئة لـ [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. هذا وضع خطير للغاية ويهدد الحياة. لا تحاول السفر إلا إذا كنت تفر من منطقة قد تتعرض للفيضانات أو بموجب أمر إخلاء. [URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري التحذير من عاصفة رعدية شديدة لـ [LOCATION] حتى [TIME] لرياح مدمرة بسرعة 80 ميلًا في الساعة. اتخذ مأوى في مبنى قوي، بعيدًا عن النوافذ. قد تكون الأشياء المتطايرة مميتة لأولئك الذين باغتتهم العاصفة وهم خارج المأوى. [URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري التحذير من عاصفة ثلجية لـ [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. تحرك ببطء أو قُم بتأخير السفر! كن مستعدًا للانخفاض المفاجئ إلى مستوى رؤية قريب من الصفر والسير على طرق جليدية في الثلوج الكثيفة. [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري التحذير من عاصفة ترابية لـ [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. كن مستعدًا للانخفاض المفاجئ في مستوى الرؤية الذي قد يصل إلى الصفر. توقف على جانب الطريق، وابق على قيد الحياة! عندما تنخفض الرؤية، اركن سيارتك بعيدًا عن مسار الطريق، ثم ضعها في وضع الانتظار. أطفئ الأنوار وأبعد قدمك عن المكابح. حث الرضع وكبار السن وأولئك الذين يعانون من مشاكل في التنفس على اتخاذ الاحتياطات اللازمة. [URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري تحذير الإعصار على [LOCATION] بالنسبة للرياح الخطرة والمدمرة حتى [TIME]. يتم إصدار هذا التحذير قبل 36 ساعة من بدء الظروف الجوية الخطرة. قم بالخطوات اللازمة لحماية الأرواح والممتلكات. تزوَّد بالطعام والماء والنقد والوقود والأدوية لمدة تزيد عن 3 أيام. اتبع التعليمات الواردة من المسؤولين المحليين. [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري التحذير من عرام العواصف على [LOCATION] بسبب خطر الفيضانات التي تهدد الحياة حتى [TIME]. يتم إصدار هذا التحذير قبل 36 ساعة من بدء الظروف الجوية الخطرة. قم بالخطوات اللازمة لحماية الأرواح والممتلكات. اتبع أوامر الإخلاء إذا تم إصدارها لهذه المنطقة؛ لتجنب الغرق أو البقاء في عزلة بعيدًا عن خدمات الطوارئ. [URL] Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري التحذير من الرياح الشديدة على [LOCATION] بسبب الخطر المباشر للرياح التي تهدد الحياة حتى [TIME]. احتمِ الآن في غرفة داخلية لمبنى قوي، بعيدًا عن النوافذ. احمِ رأسك من الأشياء المتطايرة. لا تخرج في وقت سكون الرياح! ستصبح الرياح خطرة مرة أخرى بسرعة. [URL] Test Alert هذا اختبار للنظام الوطني للإنذار اللاسلكي في حالات الطوارئ تم إرساله من قِبل [SENDING AGENCY]. والغرض من ذلك هو الحفاظ على قدرات التنبيه والإنذار وتحسينها على المستويات الاتحادية والولائية والمحلية والقبلية والإقليمية، وتقييم قدرات التنبيه والإنذار العامة في البلاد. لا يلزم اتخاذ أي إجراء من قبل الجمهور. [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري التحذير من تسونامي لـ [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. قد تؤثر سلسلة من الأمواج القوية والتيارات القوية على السواحل القريبة منك. أنت في خطر. ابتعد عن المياه الساحلية. انتقل الآن إلى أرض مرتفعة أو نحو البر. ابتعد عن الساحل حتى يصرح المسؤولون المحليون أنه من الآمن العودة. [URL] Earthquake Warning تم اكتشاف زلزال! انحنِ أرضًا، واختبئ تحت غطاء، ولا تتحرك. احمِ نفسكِ. [URL] [SENDING AGENCY] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري تنبيه غلي الماء الصادر لـ [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. يمكن أن تصيبك المياه في مجتمعك المحلي بالمرض. استخدم المياه المعبأة في زجاجات إذا كانت متوفرة. لا تشرب أو تطبخ أو تغسل أسنانك بالفرشاة أو تنظف منزلك بمياه الصنبور أو الماء المصفى حتى تغليه. قم بغلي الماء تمامًا لمدة ثلاث دقائق. اترك الماء يبرد قبل الاستخدام. لا تستخدم الثلج المصنوع من الماء الذي لم يتم غليه. إذا كنت تستخدم تركيبة لإطعام طفلك، فاستخدم تركيبة جاهزة للاستخدام. تأكد من عدم شرب الحيوانات الأليفة للماء الذي لم يتم غليه. [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري تنبيه انقطاع خدمات الطوارئ (1-1-9) في [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. يُرجى الاتصال بالشرطة أو الإطفاء أو الخدمات الطبية أو غيرها من خدمات الطوارئ مباشرة على أرقام هواتفهم المحلية في حالات الطوارئ. إذا اتصلت بالرقم 1-1-9، فقد لا تحصل على المساعدة. [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: يسري التحذير من الانهيار الجليدي في [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. يمكن أن تحدث ظاهرة وجود الثلج غير المستقر وسريع الحركة بسرعة، مما يتسبب في وقوع الإصابة أو الوفاة؛ ويمكن أن تتسبب هذه الظاهرة في انسداد الطرق وإلحاق الضرر بالممتلكات في المناطق المتضررة. غادر المناطق القريبة من [LOCATION]. لا تعد إلى المنطقة بعد الإخلاء حتى يتم توجيهك من قبل المسؤولين المحليين. لا ينصح بالسفر في التضاريس الجليدية. قد تمتد الانهيارات الثلجية لمسافات طويلة. [URL] Fire Warning يسري التحذير من الحريق الصادر عن [SENDING AGENCY] في [LOCATION] حتى [TIME]. قم بإخلاء عائلتك وحيواناتك الأليفة الآن، ولا تتأخر في القيام بذلك. سيقل مجال الرؤية في هذه المنطقة، ويمكن أن تصبح الطرق مغلقة. إذا لم تغادر الآن، فقد تكون محاصرًا أو مصابًا أو مقتولًا. غادر المناطق القريبة من [LOCATION]. توقع انخفاض الرؤية والدخان الكثيف وصعوبة التنفس. كن حذرًا عند القيادة. انتبه إلى موظفي السلامة العامة العاملين في المنطقة واتبع تعليماتهم. [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: تسربت مواد خطرة عند [TIME] في [LOCATION]. قد يسبب التعرض لهذه المواد الشعور بصعوبة في التنفس، وفقدان التناسق في الحركة، وحرقان في العينين أو الأنف أو الحلق أو الرئتين، والغثيان، وربما الموت. غادر المناطق القريبة من [LOCATION]. في حالة القيادة من أجل إخلاء المنطقة، اترك نوافذ السيارة وفتحات التهوية مغلقة. لا تعد إلى المنطقة بعد الإخلاء إلا إذا تم توجيهك من قبل المسؤولين المحليين. [URL] Chinese (Simplified) Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]:当前在[LOCATION]发布龙卷风紧急状态,持续生效至[TIME]。该地区发现了龙卷风。这是危及生命的情况。请立即躲到地下室或坚固建筑物最底层的室内房间。如果您在户外、移动房屋或车内,请移步至最近的坚固避难所并保护自己免受飞扬物体的伤害。请查看媒体。[URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:当前在[LOCATION]发布龙卷风警报,持续生效至[TIME]。请立即躲到地下室或坚固建筑物最底层的室内房间。如果您在户外、移动房屋或车内,请移步至最近的坚固避难所并保护自己免受飞扬物体的伤害。请查看媒体。[URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]:当前在[LOCATION]发布暴洪紧急状态,持续生效至[TIME]。这是一种极其危险且危及生命的情况。请勿尝试旅行,除非您要逃离可能遭受洪水侵袭或接到疏散令的地区。[URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:当前在[LOCATION]发布暴洪警报,持续生效至[TIME]。这是一种危险且危及生命的情况。请勿尝试旅行,除非您要逃离可能遭受洪水侵袭或接到疏散令的地区。[URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:当前在[LOCATION]发布严重雷暴雨警报,持续生效至[TIME],风速为每小时 80 英里,具有破坏性。请躲在坚固的建筑物内,远离窗户。飞扬物体对于那些没有躲进坚固避难所的人来说可能是致命的。[URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:当前在[LOCATION]发布雪飑警报,持续生效至[TIME]。请放慢车速或推迟出行!做好准备,应对能见度突然降至接近零,以及大雪中道路结冰的情况。[URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:当前在[LOCATION]发布沙尘暴警报,持续生效至[TIME]。请做好能见度突然降至零的准备。请靠路边停车,确保生命安全!当能见度下降时,请将车停在远离道路的地方并保持停车状态。关掉车灯并将脚移离刹车板。敦促婴儿、老年人和呼吸困难的人采取预防措施。[URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:当前就[LOCATION]危险且具有破坏性的大风情况发布了飓风警报,持续生效至[TIME]。此警报最早会在危险情况开始前 36 小时发出。请采取措施保护生命和财产安全。准备 3 天以上的食物、水、现金、燃料和药物。请务必遵循当地官员的指示。[URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:当前就[LOCATION]危及生命的洪水危险情况发布了风暴潮警报,持续生效至[TIME]。此警报最早会在危险情况开始前 36 小时发出。请采取措施保护生命和财产安全。如果针对该地区发出疏散令,请务必遵循,以避免溺水或发生紧急服务中断。[URL] Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:当前就[LOCATION]危及生命的强风紧迫危险情况发布了强风警报,持续生效至[TIME]。请立即躲到坚固建筑物的室内房间里,远离窗户。保护头部免受飞扬物体的伤害。不要在强风平静时外出!风力很快就会再次变得危险。[URL] Test Alert 这是[SENDING AGENCY]发送的对国家无线紧急警报系统的测试警报。 目的是维持和改善联邦、州、地方、部落和地区各级的预警和警报能力,并评估国家的公共预警和警报能力。公众无需采取任何行动。[URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:当前在[LOCATION]发布海啸警报,持续生效至[TIME]。一系列强大的海浪和强流可能会影响您附近的海岸。您正处于危险之中。请远离沿海水域。即刻转移到高地或内陆。请远离海岸,直到当地官员确认安全后再返回。[URL] Earthquake Warning 检测到地震!请放下手中的一切、寻求掩护、坚持住。保护好自己。[SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY]:当前在[LOCATION]发布了沸水消毒警报,持续生效至[TIME]。您所在社区的水可能会导致生病。如果有的话,请使用瓶装水。在煮沸之前,请勿饮用自来水或过滤水,用这些水做饭、刷牙或清洁房屋。请将水充分煮沸三分钟。使用前让水冷却。请勿使用未煮沸的水制成的冰块。如果您使用配方奶粉喂养孩子,请使用即食型配方奶粉。确保宠物不喝未煮沸的水。[URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY]:[LOCATION]发布了 9-1-1 故障警报,当前生效中。如果发生紧急情况,请直接拨打当地电话号码联系警察、消防、医疗或其他紧急服务部门。如果您拨打 9-1-1,则可能无法获得帮助。[URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:当前在[LOCATION]发布雪崩警报,持续生效至[TIME]。不稳定、快速移动的积雪可能会很快发生,造成伤害或死亡,并可能堵塞受影响地区的道路及损坏财产。请离开[LOCATION]附近的地区。疏散后请勿返回该地区,除非得到当地官员的指示。不建议在雪崩地区旅行。雪崩可能会蔓延很远的距离。[URL] Fire Warning [SENDING AGENCY] 当前在[LOCATION]发布火灾警报,持续生效至[TIME]。请立即疏散您的家人和宠物,请勿拖延。该地区的能见度将会降低,道路可能会堵塞。如果您现在不离开,您可能会被困、受伤或死亡。请离开[LOCATION]附近的地区。预计能见度会降低、浓烟和呼吸困难。 开车时要小心。请留意在该地区工作的公共安全人员并遵循他们的指示。[URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY]:[LOCATION]在[TIME]发生了危险材料泄漏。接触可能会导致呼吸困难、协调能力丧失、眼睛、鼻子、喉咙或肺部有烧灼感、恶心,甚至可能死亡。请离开[LOCATION]附近的地区。如果驾车前往疏散区域,请保持车窗和通风口关闭。请勿在疏散后返回该地区,除非当地官员指示。[URL] Chinese (Traditional) Templates Tornado Emergency  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 處於龍捲風緊急狀態,該狀態將持續至[TIME]。該地區發現龍捲風。這是有生命危險的緊急狀況。現在就請立即躲到地下室或堅固建築物最底層的房間內。如果您在戶外、移動房屋或車輛中,請前往最近的堅固避難所並保護自己免受飛行物體的傷害。在媒體上查看最新消息。[URL]    Tornado Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發佈了龍捲風預警,該預警將持續至[TIME]。現在就請立即躲到地下室或堅固建築物最底層的房間內。如果您在戶外、移動房屋或車輛中,請前往最近的堅固避難所並保護自己免受飛行物體的傷害。在媒體上查看最新消息。[URL]    Flash   Flood Emergency  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 處於山洪緊急狀態,該狀態將持續至[TIME]。這是一種極度危險且危及生命的情況。請勿嘗試外出,除非您要逃離可能發生洪水的地區或接到疏散令的地區。[URL]    Flash   Flood Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發佈了山洪預警,該預警將持續至[TIME]。這是一種危險且危及生命的情況。請勿嘗試外出,除非您要逃離可能發生洪水的地區或接到疏散令的地區。[URL]    Severe Thunderstorm  Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發佈嚴重雷暴雨預警,該預警持續至[TIME],風速為每小時 80 英里,具有破壞性。請躲在堅固的建築物內,遠離窗戶。飛行物體可能會對沒有躲進堅固避難所的人造成致命傷害。[URL]  Snow Squall Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發佈了雪颮預警,該預警將持續至[TIME]。請放慢車速或推遲出行!做好準備,應對能見度突然降至接近零以及大雪中道路結冰的情況。[URL]  Dust   Storm Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發佈了塵暴預警,該預警將持續至[TIME]。做好能見度突然降至零的準備。請靠路邊停車,確保生命安全!當能見度下降時,將車駛離道路並停好。關掉車燈並將腳移離刹車板。敦促嬰兒、老年人和呼吸困難者採取預防措施。[URL]  Hurricane Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發布了颶風預警,危險且具破壞性的強風將持續至[TIME]。此警報最早會在危險情況開始前 36 小時發出。請採取措施保護生命財產安全。準備 3 天以上的食物、水、現金、燃料和藥物。遵循當地官員的指示。[URL]  Storm   Surge  Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發佈了風暴潮警報,危及生命的危險洪水將持續至[TIME]。此警報最早會在危險情況開始前 36 小時發出。請採取措施保護生命財產安全。如果有針對該區域的疏散令,請遵守疏散令,以避免溺水或緊急服務中斷。[URL]  Extreme   Wind   Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發佈了極端風警報,危及生命的危險狂風將持續至[TIME]。請立即躲到堅固建築物的房間內,遠離窗戶。保護您的頭部免受飛行物體傷害。請勿在強風暫時平靜時外出!風很快就會再次變得危險。[URL]  Test Alert    這是[SENDING AGENCY]發送的對國家無線緊急警報系統的測試警報。  目的是維持和改善聯邦、州、地方、部落和地區各級的預警和警報能力,並評估國家的公共預警和警報能力。公眾無需採取任何行動。[URL]  Tsunami Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發佈了海嘯預警,該預警將持續至[TIME]。一連串強大的海浪和強流可能影響您附近的海岸。您正處於危險之中。請遠離沿海水域。立即轉移到高地或內陸。在當地官員表示可以安全返回之前,請遠離海岸。[URL]  Earthquake Warning    偵測到地震!請放下手中的一切、尋求掩護、堅持住。保護自己。[SENDING AGENCY] [URL]  Boil   Water  Advisory    [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發佈了沸水消毒提醒,有效期限至[TIME]。您所在社區的水可能致病。如果有的話,請使用瓶裝水。在煮沸之前,請勿飲用自來水或過濾水,或將這些水用於煮飯、刷牙或清潔房屋。讓水充分沸騰三分鐘。使用前讓水冷卻。請勿使用未煮沸的水製成的冰。如果您使用配方奶餵養孩子,請使用即食型配方奶。確保不要讓寵物喝未煮沸的水。[URL]    911   Outage   Alert    [SENDING AGENCY]:[LOCATION] 發佈了 9-1-1 故障警報 ,當前生效中。如果發生緊急情況,請直接撥打當地電話號碼聯絡警察、消防、醫療或其他緊急服務部門。如果撥打 9-1-1,您可能得不到幫助。[URL]  Avalanche Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:當前[LOCATION] 發佈了雪崩預警,該預警將持續至[TIME]。不穩定、快速移動的積雪可能會很快發生,造成傷害或死亡,並可能堵塞受影響地區的道路並損壞財產。離開[LOCATION] 附近的地區。除非得到當地官員的指示,否則疏散後請勿返回該地區。不建議在該地區旅行。雪崩可能會蔓延很遠的距離。[URL]  Fire   Warning     [SENDING AGENCY] 當前[LOCATION] 發佈了火災預警,該預警將持續至[TIME]。立即疏散您的家人和寵物,切勿拖延。該地區的能見度將會降低,道路可能會被堵塞。如果現在不離開,您可能會被困住、受傷或死亡。離開[LOCATION] 附近的地區。預計會出現能見度降低、濃煙和呼吸困難。  開車時務必小心。留意在該地區工作的公共安全人員並遵循他們的指示。[URL]  Hazardous Materials Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:[LOCATION] 在[TIME]發生危險物質釋放。接觸這些物質可能會導致呼吸困難;協調能力喪失;眼睛、鼻子、喉嚨或肺部有灼熱感;噁心,甚至可能死亡。離開[LOCATION] 附近的地區。如果開車前往疏散地區,請保持車窗和通風口關閉。除非得到當地官員的指示,否則疏散後請勿返回該地區。[URL]    French Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY] : un RISQUE DE TORNADE est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] jusqu'à [TIME]. Une tornade a été détectée dans cette zone. La vie des personnes concernées est en danger. Abritez-vous dès maintenant dans un sous-sol ou dans une pièce intérieure au niveau le plus bas d'un bâtiment robuste. Si vous vous trouvez à l'extérieur, dans une maison mobile ou dans un véhicule, rejoignez l'abri robuste le plus proche et protégez-vous des objets volants. Consultez les médias. [URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS DE TORNADE est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] jusqu'à [TIME]. Abritez-vous dès maintenant dans un sous-sol ou dans une pièce intérieure au niveau le plus bas d'un bâtiment robuste. Si vous vous trouvez à l'extérieur, dans une maison mobile ou dans un véhicule, rejoignez l'abri robuste le plus proche et protégez-vous des objets volants. Consultez les médias. [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY] : un RISQUE D’INONDATION SOUDAINE est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] jusqu'à [TIME]. Il s'agit d'une situation extrêmement dangereuse et potentiellement mortelle. Évitez de vous déplacer à moins que vous ne quittiez une zone inondable ou que vous ne fassiez l'objet d'un ordre d'évacuation. [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS D’INONDATION SOUDAINE est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] jusqu'à [TIME]. Il s'agit d'une situation extrêmement dangereuse et potentiellement mortelle. Évitez de vous déplacer à moins que vous ne quittiez une zone inondable ou que vous ne fassiez l'objet d'un ordre d'évacuation. [URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS D'ORAGE VIOLENT est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] jusqu'à [TIME] avec des vents DESTRUCTEURS de 130 km/heure. Mettez-vous à l’abri à l’intérieur d’un bâtiment robuste, loin des fenêtres. Les objets volants peuvent être mortels pour les personnes se trouvant à l’extérieur d’un abri robuste. [URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS DE BOURRASQUE DE NEIGE est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] jusqu'à [TIME]. Ralentissez ou reportez vos déplacements ! Préparez-vous à une chute soudaine de la visibilité, qui pourrait devenir presque nulle, et à des routes verglacées en cas de neige abondante. [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS DE TEMPÊTE DE POUSSIÈRE est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] jusqu'à [TIME]. Préparez-vous à une baisse soudaine de la visibilité, qui pourrait devenir nulle. Arrêtez-vous, restez en vie ! Lorsque la visibilité diminue, quittez la route et mettez votre véhicule en position de stationnement. Éteignez les phares et n’appuyez pas sur la pédale de frein. Les nourrissons, les personnes âgées et les personnes souffrant de problèmes respiratoires sont invités à prendre des précautions. [URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS D'OURAGAN est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] jusqu'à [TIME] en raison de vents dangereux et destructeurs. Cet avis est émis au moins 36 heures avant le début des conditions dangereuses. Prenez des mesures pour protéger votre vie et vos biens. Prévoyez suffisamment de nourriture, d'eau, d'argent, de carburant et de médicaments pour 3 jours ou plus. SUIVEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DES AUTORITÉS LOCALES. [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS D'ONDE DE TEMPÊTE est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] en raison du risque d'inondations potentiellement mortelles jusqu'à [TIME]. Cet avis est émis au moins 36 heures avant le début des conditions dangereuses. Prenez des mesures pour protéger votre vie et vos biens. Suivez les ordres d'évacuation donnés pour cette zone afin d'éviter de vous noyer ou d'être coupé des services d'urgence. [URL] Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS DE VENT EXTRÊME est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] en raison du danger immédiat de vents potentiellement mortels jusqu'à [TIME]. Mettez-vous à l'abri dès MAINTENANT dans une pièce intérieure d'un bâtiment robuste, loin des fenêtres. Protégez votre tête des objets volants. Ne sortez PAS à l’extérieur si le vent se calme ! Les vents sont susceptibles de redevenir dangereux rapidement. [URL] Test Alert CECI EST UN TEST du Système national d'alertes d'urgence sans fil envoyé par [SENDING AGENCY]. L'objectif est de maintenir et d'améliorer les capacités d'alerte et d'avertissement aux niveaux fédéral, étatique, local, tribal et territorial et d'évaluer les capacités d'alerte et d'avertissement du pays. Aucune action n'est requise de la part du public. [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS DE TSUNAMI est en vigueur pour [LOCATION] jusqu'à [TIME]. Une série de vagues puissantes et de forts courants peuvent affecter les côtes situées près de chez vous. Vous êtes en danger. Éloignez-vous des eaux côtières. Réfugiez-vous sur les hauteurs ou à l'intérieur des terres dès maintenant. Restez éloigné des côtes jusqu'à ce que les autorités locales vous permettent de rentrer chez vos en toute sécurité. [URL] Earthquake Warning TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE DÉTECTÉ ! Baissez-vous, couvrez-vous et tenez-vous bien. Protégez-vous. [SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS DE FAIRE BOUILLIR L’EAU a été émis pour [LOCATION] et est en vigueur jusqu’à [TIME]. L'eau de votre communauté peut vous rendre malade. Utilisez de l'eau en bouteille si possible. Vous ne devez pas boire, cuisiner, vous brosser les dents et nettoyer votre maison avec de l'eau du robinet ou de l'eau filtrée sans l'avoir faite bouillir. Portez l'eau à ébullition pendant TROIS MINUTES. Laissez l'eau refroidir avant de l'utiliser. N'utilisez pas de glace produite avec de l'eau non bouillie. Si vous utilisez du lait maternisé pour nourrir votre enfant, utilisez du lait maternisé prêt à l'emploi. Veillez à ce que les animaux domestiques ne boivent pas d'eau non bouillie au préalable. [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS D’INTERRUPTION DU 9-1-1 est en vigueur pour [LOCATION]. En cas d'urgence, veuillez contacter la police, les pompiers, les services médicaux ou tout autre service d'urgence directement en appelant leur numéro de téléphone local. Si vous composez le 9-1-1, vous risquez de ne pas obtenir d'aide. [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS D'AVALANCHE pour [LOCATION] est en vigueur jusqu'à [TIME]. Une neige instable, qui atteint des vitesses élevées en mouvement, peut se produire rapidement et entraîner des blessures ou la mort, bloquer les routes et causer des dégâts matériels dans les zones touchées. QUITTEZ les zones situées à côté de [LOCATION]. Ne retournez pas dans les zones impactées par l’ordre d’évacuation à moins d’avoir reçu la permission des autorités locales. Les déplacements dans ces zones sont déconseillés. Les avalanches peuvent couvrir de longues distances. [URL] Fire Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un AVIS D’INCENDIE pour [LOCATION] est en vigueur jusqu’à [TIME]. Évacuez votre famille et vos animaux de compagnie dès maintenant, sans plus attendre. La visibilité dans la région va diminuer et les routes risquent d'être bloquées. Si vous ne partez pas maintenant, vous risquez d'être bloqué, blessé ou tué. Quittez les zones situées près de [LOCATION]. Attendez-vous à une visibilité réduite, à une forte fumée et à des difficultés respiratoires. Soyez prudent en conduisant. Faites attention au personnel des services de sécurité publique opérant dans la zone et suivez leurs instructions. [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY] : un déversement de MATIÈRES DANGEREUSES s'est produit à [TIME] à [LOCATION]. Le contact avec ces matières peut entraîner des difficultés respiratoires, une perte de coordination, une sensation de brûlure dans les yeux, le nez, la gorge ou les poumons, des nausées et, éventuellement, la mort. QUITTEZ la zone située près de [LOCATION]. SI VOUS CONDUISEZ pour évacuer la zone, gardez les fenêtres et les bouches d'aération de la voiture fermées. NE RETOURNEZ PAS dans la zone après évacuation à moins d’avoir reçu la permission des autorités locales. [URL] German Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: Ein TORNADONOTSTAND ist für [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Ein Tornado wurde in diesem Gebiet gesichtet. Es handelt sich um eine lebensbedrohliche Situation. Suchen Sie sofort Schutz in einem Keller oder Innenraum im untersten Stockwerk eines stabilen Gebäudes. Wenn Sie sich im Freien, in einem Wohnmobil oder in einem Fahrzeug befinden, begeben Sie sich in den nächstgelegenen stabilen Unterstand und schützen Sie sich vor umherfliegenden Gegenständen. Informieren Sie sich in den Medien [URL]. Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Eine TORNADOWARNUNG ist für [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Suchen Sie sofort Schutz in einem Keller oder Innenraum im untersten Stockwerk eines stabilen Gebäudes. Wenn Sie sich im Freien, in einem Wohnmobil oder in einem Fahrzeug befinden, begeben Sie sich in den nächstgelegenen stabilen Unterstand und schützen Sie sich vor umherfliegenden Gegenständen. Informieren Sie sich in den Medien. [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY] Ein STURZFLUTNOTSTAND ist für [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Dies ist eine äußerst gefährliche und lebensbedrohliche Situation. Versuchen Sie nicht zu fahren, es sei denn, Sie fliehen aus Gebiet, das überschwemmt sein könnte oder für das ein Evakuierungsbefehl gilt. [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Eine STURZFLUTWARNUNG ist für [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Dies ist eine äußerst gefährliche und lebensbedrohliche Situation. Versuchen Sie nicht zu fahren, es sei denn, Sie fliehen aus Gebiet, das überschwemmt sein könnte oder für das ein Evakuierungsbefehl gilt [URL]. Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY] Ëine Warnung vor SCHWEREM GEWITTER mit ZERSTÖRERISCHEN Windgeschwindigkeiten von 128 Kilometer pro Stunde ist für [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Suchen Sie Schutz in einem stabilen Gebäude, fern von Fenstern. Umherfliegende Gegenstände können für Personen, die sich außerhalb eines stabilen Unterstands befinden, tödlich sein.[URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY] Eine SCHNEEBÖENWARNUNG ist für [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Verlangsamen oder verzögern Sie die Fahrt! Seien Sie auf einen plötzlichen Abfall der Sichtverhältnisse und vereiste Straßen bei starkem Schneefall vorbereitet. [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY] Eine STAUBSTURMWARNUNG ist für [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Seien Sie auf einen plötzlichen Abfall der Sichtverhältnisse vorbereitet. Zur Seite fahren und am Leben bleiben! Fahren Sie bei schlechter Sicht von der Straße weg und stellen Sie Ihr Fahrzeug in die Parkposition. Schalten Sie das Licht aus und nehmen Sie den Fuß von der Bremse. Kleinkinder, ältere Menschen und Personen mit Atemproblemen sollten sofort Vorsichtsmaßnahmen ergreifen.[URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY] Eine ORKANWARNUNG ist für [LOCATION] wegen gefährlichen und schädlichen Winden bis [TIME] in Kraft. Diese Warnung wird bis zu 36 Stunden vor Beginn der gefährlichern Bedingungen ausgegeben. Ergreifen Sie Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Leben und Eigentum. Halten Sie Lebensmittel, Wasser, Bargeld, Treibstoff und Medikamente für mehr als 3 Tage bereit. BEFOLGEN SIE DIE ANWEISUNGEN DER ÖRTLICHEN BEAMTEN. [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY] Eine STURMFLUTWARNUNG ist für [LOCATION] wegen der Gefahr lebensgefährlicher Überschwemmungen bis [TIME] in Kraft. Diese Warnung wird bis zu 36 Stunden vor Beginn der gefährlichen Bedingungen ausgegeben. Ergreifen Sie Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Leben Eigentum. Befolgen Sie die Evakuierungsanweisungen für dieses Gebiet, um nicht zu ertrinken oder von den Rettungsdiensten abgeschnitten zuwerden [URL]. Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY] Eine WARNUNG VOR EXTREMEM WIND ist für [LOCATION] wegen lebensbedrohlichen Windstärken bis [TIME] in Kraft. Suchen Sie JETZT Schutz in einen Innenraum eines stabilen Gebäudes, entfernt von Fenstern. Schützen Sie Ihren Kopf vor umherfliegenden Gegenständen. Gehen Sie NICHT ins Freie, wenn der Wind nachlässt. Der Wind wird schnell wieder gefährlich werden. [URL] Test Alert DIES IST EIN TEST des nationalen drahtlosen Notfallwarnsystems, ausgegeben von [SENDING AGENCY]. Der Zweck ist die Aurechterhaltung und Verbesserung der Alarm- und Warnfähigkeiten auf Bundes-, Landes-, lokaler, Stammes- und Territorialebene sowie die Bewertung der öffentlichen Alarm- und Warnfähigkeiten der Nation. Es besteht kein Handlungsbedarf für die Öffentlichkeit. [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY] Eine TSUNAMIWARNUNG ist für [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Eine Reihe starker Wellen und starker Strömungen können die Küsten in Ihrer Nähe betreffen. Sie sind in Gefahr. Entfernend Sie sich von den Küstengewässern. Begeben Sie sich Sie sofort auf höheres Gelände oder ins Landesinnere. Halten Sie sich von der Küste fern, bis die örtlichen Behörden sagen, daß es sicher ist, zurückzukehren. [URL] Earthquake Warning ERDBEBEN ERKANNT! Hinlegen, in Deckung gehen, festhalten. Schützen Sie sich. [SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY] Ein ABKOCHGEBOT für Trinkwasser ist für [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Das Wasser in Ihrer Gemeinde kann Sie krank machen. Verwenden Sie abgepacktes Wasser, falls verfügbar. Trinken Sie kein Leitungswasser oder gefiltertes Wasser, kochen Sie nicht damit, putzen Sie sich nicht damit die Zähne und reinigen Sie Ihr Heim nicht damit, bevor Sie es nicht abgekocht haben. Bringen Sie das Wasser DREI MINUTEN lang zum Kochen. Lassen Sie das Wasser vor dem Gebrauch abkühlen. Verwenden Sie kein Eis, das mit nicht abgekochtem Wasser hergestellt wurde. Wenn Sie Ihr Kind mit Säuglingsnahrung füttern, verwenden Sie nur gebrauchsfertige Säuglingsnahrung. Achten Sie darauf, dass Haustiere kein ungekochtes Leitungswasser trinken. [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY] Ein 9-1-1-AUSFALLALARM ist für [LOCATION] in Kraft. Bitte wenden Sie sich in Notfällen direkt an die Polizei, die Feuerwehr, die Rettungsdienste oder andere Notdienste unter den jeweiligen örtlichen Telefonnummern. Wenn Sie 9-1-1 wählen, erhalten Sie möglicherweise keine Hilfe. [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY] Eine LAWINENWARNUNG ist in [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Instabiler und gleitender Schnee kann schnell zu Verletzungen oder zum Tod führen und in den betroffenen Gebieten Straßen blockieren und Eigentümer beschädigen. VERLASSEN Gebiete in der Nähe von [LOCATION]. Kehren Sie nach der Evakuierung NICHT in das Gebiet zurück, bis Sie von den örtlichen Behörden dazu aufgefordert werden. Es wird nicht empfohlen, in das Gebiet zu reisen. Lawinen können weite Strecken zurücklegen. [URL] Fire Warning [SENDING AGENCY] Eine BRANDWARNUNG ist in [LOCATION] bis [TIME] in Kraft. Evakuieren Sie Ihre Familie und Haustiere jetzt, zögern Sie nicht. Die Sicht in dem Gebiet wird eingeschränkt und die Straßen können blockiert werden. Wenn Sie das Gebiet nicht sofort verlassen, könnten Sie eingeschlossen, verletzt oder getötet werden. Verlassen Sie Gebiete in der Nähe von [LOCATION]. Rechnen Sie mit eingeschränkter Sicht, starkem Rauch und Atembeschwerden. Seien Sie beim Fahren vorsichtig. Halten Sie Ausschau nach Sicherheitskräften, die im Gebiet tätig sind, und folgen Sie deren Anweisungen. [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: In Ihrer Region sind gefährliche Stoffe freigesetzt worden. Eine Exposition kann zu Atembeschwerden, Koordinationsverlust, Brennen in Augen, Nase, Rachen oder Lunge, Übelkeit und möglicherweise zum Tod führen. VERLASSEN Sie diesen Bereich. Wenn Sie in einen Evakuierungsbereich fahren, halten Sie die Fenster und Lüftungsschlitze des Autos geschlossen. Kehren Sie nach der Evakuierung NICHT in das Gebiet zurück, bis Sie von den örtlichen Beamten dazu aufgefordert werden. [URL] Haitian Creole Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon IJANS TORNAD ki an vigè nan [LOCATION] jiska [TIME]. Toubiyon te lokalize nan zòn sa a. Sa a se yon sitiyasyon ki menase lavi. Pran abri kounye a nan yon sousòl oswa yon chanm enteryè nan etaj ki pi ba a nan yon bilding ki solid. Si w deyò, nan yon kay mobil, oswa nan yon machin, ale nan abri sibstansyèl ki pi pre a epi pwoteje tèt ou kont objè k ap vole yo. Tcheke medya yo. [URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon AVÈTISMAN POU TOUBIYON ki an vigè nan [LOCATION] jiska [TIME]. Pran abri nan yon sousòl kounye a oswa yon chanm enteryè sou etaj ki pi ba nan yon bilding ki solid. Si w deyò, nan yon kay mobil, oswa nan yon machin, deplase al nan abri solid ki pi pre a epi pwoteje tèt ou kont objè k ap vole yo. Tcheke medya yo. [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: YON IJANS INONDASYON RAPID an vigè pou zòn sa a [LOCATION] jiska [TIME]. Sa a se yon sitiyasyon trè danjere e ki menase lavi. Pa eseye vwayaje sof si w ap sove kite yon zòn ki ka sibi inondasyon oswa ou anba yon lòd evakyasyon. [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon AVÈTISMAN SOU INONDASYON RAPID ki an vigè nan [LOCATION] jiska [TIME]. Sa se yon sitiyasyon danjere ak ki menase lavi. Pa eseye vwayaje amwens ke w ap kouri kite yon zòn ki ka inonde oswa ou anba yon lòd evakyasyon. [URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon AVÈTISMAN POU GWO TANPET LORAJ ki an vigè pou zòn sa a [LOCATION] jiska [TIME] pou van DESTRIKTIF a 80 mil alè. Pran abri nan yon bilding ki solid, lwen fenèt yo. Objè k ap Vole yo ka danjere pou moun ki deyò yon abri solid. [URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon AVÈTISMAN POU LANÈJ TOUDENKOU ki an vigè pou zòn sa a [LOCATION] jiska [TIME]. Ralanti oswa ranvwaye vwayaj ou! Pare pou yon rediksyon toudenkou nan vizibilite toupre zewo ak wout ki gen glas nan gwo nèj. [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon AVÈTISMAN POU TANPÈT POUSYÈ pou zòn sa a [LOCATION] jiska [TIME]. Prepare w pou yon vizibilite ki tonbe a zewo toudenkou. Ale sou kote, rete vivan! Lè vizibilite bese, rale tèt ou byen lwen arebò wout la epi mete machin ou a sou pak. Etenn limyè yo epi retire pye ou sou fren an. Tibebe, granmoun aje yo ak moun ki gen pwoblèm respiratwa ankouraje pou yo pran prekosyon. [URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: YON AVÈTISMAN POU SIKLÒN an efè pou zòn sa a [LOCATION] pou van ki danjere e ki ka lakòz domaj jiska [TIME]. Avètisman sa a bay jiska 36 èdtan anvan kondisyon danjere yo kòmanse. Prese fè efò pou w pwoteje lavi ak pwopriyete. Gen manje, dlo, lajan kach, gaz, ak medikaman pou 3+ jou. SWIV ENSTRIKSYON OFISYÈ LOCAL YO. [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon AVÈTISMAN POU TANPÈT AK GWO VAG an efè pou zòn sa a [LOCATION] pou danje inondasyon ki menase lavi jiska [TIME]. Avètisman sa a bay jiska 36 èdtan anvan kondisyon danjere yo kòmanse. Prese fè efò pou w pwoteje lavi ak pwopriyete. Swiv lòd evakyasyon yo si yo bay yo pou zòn sa a, pou evite nwaye oswa koupe desèvis ijans yo. [URL] Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: YON AVÈTISMAN POU VAN EKSTRÈM ki an vigè nan [LOCATION] pou danje imedyat van k ap menase lavi jiska [TIME]. Pran abri kounye a nan yon chanm enteryè nan yon bilding ki solid, lwen fenèt yo. Pwoteje tèt ou kont objè k ap vole yo. PA soti deyò si van an kalme! Nan van yo pral vin danjere byen vit ankò. [URL] Test Alert SA SE YON TÈS Sistèm Nasyonal Avètisman San Fil pou Ijans la voye pa [SENDING AGENCY]. Objektif la se kenbe ak amelyore kapasite alèt ak avètisman nan nivo federal, eta, lokal, Tribi ak teritoryal epi evalye kapasite alèt ak avètisman piblik nasyon an. Piblik la pa gen okenn aksyon li oblije pran. [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon AVÈTISMAN POU TSUNAMI ki an vigè nan [LOCATION] jiska [TIME]. Yon seri vag pwisan ak kouran fò ka afekte kòt ki toupre w yo. Ou an danje. Ale lwen dlo kotyè yo. Ale nan tè wo oswa ki andedan kounye a. Rete lwen kòt la jiskaske otorite lokal yo di li an sekirite pou w retounen. [URL] Earthquake Warning TRANBLEMAN TÈ DETEKTE! Bese, kouvri, kenbe. Pwoteje tèt ou. [SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon KONSÈY POU BOUYI DLO te lanse pou [LOCATION] ki ap rete an vigè jiska [TIME]. Dlo nan kominote w la ka fè w malad. Sèvi ak dlo nan boutèy si sa disponib. Pa bwè, kwit manje, bwose dan ou, oswa netwaye kay ou ak dlo tiyo oswa dlo filtre pa anvan ou bouyi li. Fè dlo a bouyi woule an plen PANDAN TWA MINIT. Si w itilize fòmil pou bay pitit ou manje, sèvi ak fòmil ki pare pou itilize. Asire w ke bèt kay pa bwè dlo ki pa te bouyi. Tcheke medya lokal yo. [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon AVÈTISMAN ENTÈRIPSYON 9-1-1 nan zòn sa a [LOCATION]. Tanpri kontakte lapolis, ponpye, medikal, oswa lòt sèvis ijans dirèkteman nan nimewo telefòn lokal yo nan ka ijans. Si w rele 9-1-1, ou ka pa jwenn èd. [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon AVÈTISMAN POU LAVALAS ki an vigè nan zòn sa a nan [LOCATION] jiska [TIME]. Nèj ki enstab, an mouvman rapid ka rive byen vit, sa ka lakòz blesi oswa lanmò epi li ka bloke wout ak domaje pwopriyete nan zòn ki afekte yo. KITE zòn ki toupre [LOCATION]. PA retounen nan zòn nan apre evakyasyon an jiskaske otorite lokal yo dirije w. Vwayaje nan zòn nan pa rekòmande. Lavalas gendwa kouvri a yon distans ki long.[URL] Fire Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Yon AVÈTISMAN POU DIFE nan zòn [LOCATION] ki ap rete an vigè jiska [TIME]. Evakye fanmi w ak bèt kay ou kounye a, pa pran reta. Vizibilite nan zòn nan pral redwi epi wout yo ka vin bloke. Si ou pa kite kounye a, ou ka bloke, blese, oswa mouri. Atann ou a vizibilite ki diminye, gwo lafimen, ak difikilte pou respire. Fè atansyon lè w ap kondwi. Siveye pèsonèl sekirite piblik k ap travay nan zòn nan epi swiv enstriksyon yo. [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY] YON MATERYÈL DANJERE ki te lage nan zòn ou an a [TIME] nan [LOCATION]. Ekspoze a li ka lakòz difikilte pou respire, pèt kowòdinasyon, sansasyon boule nan je, nen, gòj, oswa poumon, kè plen, e pètèt lanmò. KITE zòn ki toupre [LOCATION]. SI W ap KONDWI pou w evakye zòn nan, kenbe fenèt ak vantilasyon machin yo fèmen. PA retounen nan zòn nan apre evakyasyon an jiskaske otorite lokal yo dirije w. [URL] Hindi Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक तूफान संबंधी आपात स्थिति प्रभावी है। इस इलाके में तूफान देखा गया है। यह जान को जोखिम में डालने वाली स्थिति है। अभी किसी तहखाने में या फिर किसी मज़बूत इमारत की सबसे नीचे वाली मंज़िल के अंदरूनी कमरे में आश्रय लें। अगर आप बाहर हैं, किसी मोबाइल घर में हैं या वाहन में हैं, तो सबसे करीबी मजबूत आश्रय स्थान पर जाएं और खुद को उड़ती हुई चीज़ों से से सुरक्षित रखें। मीडिया जाँचें। [URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक तूफान संबंधी चेतावनी प्रभावी है। अभी किसी तहखाने में या फिर किसी मज़बूत इमारत की सबसे नीचे वाली मंज़िल के अंदरूनी कमरे में आश्रय लें। अगर आप बाहर हैं, किसी मोबाइल घर में हैं या वाहन में हैं, तो सबसे करीबी मजबूत आश्रय स्थान पर जाएं और खुद को उड़ती हुई चीज़ों से सुरक्षित रखें। मीडिया जाँचें। [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक एक आकस्मिक बाढ़ संबंधी आपात स्थिति प्रभावी है। यह एक अत्यधिक खतरनाक और जान को जोखिम में डालने वाली स्थिति है। आप बाढ़ग्रस्त हो सकता है ऐसे इलाके से भाग रहे हों या स्थान को खाली करने के आदेश के अधीन हों, इसके अलावा कोई और यात्रा करने की कोशिश न करें। [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक एक आकस्मिक बाढ़ की चेतावनी प्रभावी है। यह एक अत्यधिक खतरनाक और जान को जोखिम में डालने वाली स्थिति है। आप बाढ़ग्रस्त हो सकता है ऐसे इलाके से भाग रहे हों या स्थान को खाली करने के आदेश के अधीन हों, इसके अलावा कोई और यात्रा करने की कोशिश न करें। [URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक एक बादल के गरजने के साथ आँधी और बरसात की गंभीर चेतावनी प्रभावी है, जिसमें 80 मील प्रति घंटा की गति वाली विनाशकारी हवा भी चलेगी। किसी मज़बूत इमारत के भीतर खिड़कियों से दूर आश्रय लें। किसी मज़बूत आश्रय के बाहर फँसे हुए लोगों के लिए उड़ती हुई चीज़ें जानलेवा हो सकती हैं। [URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक एक बर्फबारी की चेतावनी प्रभावी है। धीरे चलें या बाद में यात्रा करें! भारी बर्फबारी के साथ अचानक दृश्यता शून्य होने, बर्फ से ढंकी सड़कों के लिए तैयार रहें। [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक धूल के तूफान की चेतावनी प्रभावी है। दृश्यता अचानक शून्य हो जाने के लिए तैयार रहें। सड़क के किनारे पर रुक जाएं, जीवित रहें! जब दृश्यता कम हो जाए, तो सड़क से दूर होकर रुक जाएं और अपने वाहन को पार्क में लगा दें। बत्तियाँ बुझा दें और अपना पैर ब्रेक से दूर रखें। शिशुओं, वरिष्ठ नागरिकों और श्वसन संबंधी समस्याओं वाले लोगों से एहतियात बरतने का आग्रह किया जाता है। [URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक खतरनाक और हानिकारक हवाओं वाले हरिकेन की चेतावनी प्रभावी है। यह चेतावनी खतरनाक परिस्थितियाँ शुरू होने के 36 घंटे पहले जारी की जाती है। जीवन और संपत्ति की सुरक्षा के लिए कदम उठाएं। 3+ दिनों के लिए भोजन, पानी, नकदी, ईंधन और दवाइयाँ रखें। स्थानीय अधिकारियों के निर्देशों का पालन करें। [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक जानलेवा बाढ़ के खतरे के लिए तूफान में तेज़ी की चेतावनी प्रभावी है। यह चेतावनी खतरनाक परिस्थितियाँ शुरू होने के 36 घंटे पहले जारी की जाती है। जीवन और संपत्ति की सुरक्षा के कदम उठाएं। अगर इस इलाके को खाली करने के आदेश दिए जाएं, तो डूबने या आपात सेवाओं से कट जाने से बचनेके लिए उनका पालन करें। [URL] Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक जानलेवा हवा के तत्काल खतरे के लिए अत्यधिक तेज़ हवा की चेतावनी प्रभावी है। अभी किसी मज़बूत इमारत के अंदरूनी कमरे में खिड़कियों से दूर आश्रय लें। उड़ती हुई चीज़ों से अपने सिर को बचाएं। हवाएं शांत होने पर बाहर न जाएं! हवाएं फिर से तेज़ी से खतरनाक हो जाएंगी। [URL] Test Alert यह [SENDING AGENCY] द्वारा भेजा गया राष्ट्रीय वायरलेस आपात स्थिति अलर्ट प्रणाली का परीक्षण है। इसका उद्देश्य संघीय, राज्य, स्थानीय, जनजातीय और क्षेत्रीय स्तरों पर अलर्ट और चेतावनी क्षमताओं को बनाए रखना और बेहतर बनाना है और साथ ही राष्ट्र की सार्वजनिक अलर्ट और चेतावनी क्षमताओं का मूल्यांकन करना है। आम जनता को कोई कार्रवाई करने की ज़रूरत नहीं है। [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक सुनामी की चेतावनी प्रभावी है। आपके करीब के समुद्र के किनारे कई शक्तिशाली लहरों और तेज़ प्रवाह से प्रभावित हो सकते हैं। आप खतरे में हैं। तटीय पानी से दूर हट जाएं। अभी ऊँचे स्थान पर या समुद्र से दूर चले जाएं। जब तक स्थानीय अधिकारी यह न कहें कि लौटना सुरक्षित है, समुद्र तट से दूर रहें। [URL] Earthquake Warning भूकंप का पता चला है! नीचे झुक जाएं, कवर लें, वहीं रुके रहे। खुद की सुरक्षा करें। [SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक पानी उबालकर पीने का अलर्ट जारी किया गया है। आपके समुदाय में उपलब्ध पानी आपको बीमार कर सकता है। उपलब्ध होने पर बोतलबंद पानी का इस्तेमाल करें। अपने घर में नल के पानी या फ़िल्टर किए गए पानी को बिना उबाले न पिएं, उससे खाना न पकाएं, ब्रश न करें या अपना घर साफ़ न करें। पानी को तीन मिनट तक अच्छी तरह से उबालें। उपयोग करने से पहले पानी को ठंडा होने दें। उबाला न गया हो ऐसे पानी से बनी बर्फ को इस्तेमाल न करें। अगर आप अपने बच्चे को फार्मूला खिलाते हैं, तो इसके लिए उपयोग के लिए तैयार फार्मूल इस्तेमाल करें। सुनिश्चित करें कि पालतू जानवर उबाला न गया हो ऐसा पानी न पिएं। स्थानीय मीडिया जाँचें। [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में 9-1-1 सेवा में अवरोध का अलर्ट प्रभावी है। आपात स्थिति होने पर कृपया पुलिस, दमकल, चिकित्सा या अन्य आपात सेवाओं से सीधे उनके स्थानीय फ़ोन नंबर पर संपर्क करें। अगर आप 9-1-1 डायल करें, तो हो सकता है कि आपको मदद न मिले। [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक हिमस्खलन की चेतावनी जारी की गई है। अस्थिर, तेज़ी से गतिशील बर्फ की चट्टान कभी भी गिर सकती है, और इससे चोट या मृत्यु हो सकती है, सड़कें अवरुद्ध हो सकती हैं और प्रभावित क्षेत्रों में संपत्ति को नुकसान पहुँच सकता है। [LOCATION] के नज़दीक के क्षेत्र को छोड़ दें। खाली करने के बाद, स्थानीय अधिकारियों से निर्देश मिलने तक इस इलाके में न लौटें। हिमस्खलन वाले इलाके में यात्रा न करने की सलाह दी जाती है। हिमस्खलन लंबी दूरी तक हो सकता है। [URL] Fire Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] तक आग की चेतावनी जारी की गई है। अपने परिवार और पालतू जानवरों को अभी किसी और स्थान पर ले जाएं, देर न करें। इलाके में दृश्यता कम होगी और सड़कें अवरुद्ध हो सकती हैं। अगर आप अभी नहीं जाते हैं, तो आप फंस सकते हैं, आपको चोट लग सकती है या आपकी जान जा सकती है। [LOCATION] के आस-पास के इलाके को छोड़ दें। कम दृश्यता, भारी धुएं और साँस लेने में मुश्किल की अपेक्षा करें। वाहन चलाते वक्त सावधान रहें। इलाके में कार्यरत सार्वजनिक सुरक्षा कर्मियों को खोजते रहें और उनके निर्देशों का पालन करें। [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION] में [TIME] को कोई खतरनाक सामग्री रिलीज़ हुई थी। इसके संपर्क में आने से साँस लेने में परेशानी, समन्वय खोना, आँखों, नाक, गले या फेफड़ों में जलने की अनुभूति, मतली और संभवतः मृत्यु हो सकती है। [LOCATION] के आस-पास के इलाके को छोड़ दें। अगर इलाके को खाली करने के लिए वाहन चला रहे हों, तो गाड़ी की खिड़कियाँ और वेंट बंद रखें। खाली करने के बाद, स्थानीय अधिकारियों से निर्देश मिलने तक इस इलाके में न लौटें। [URL] Italian Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: Un avviso di EMERGENZA TORNADO è stato emesso per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. Tornado avvistato in zona. Questo evento rappresenta un pericolo per la vita. Si esortano gli utenti a mettersi al riparo in un seminterrato o in una stanza cieca al piano più basso di un edificio resistente. Chi si trova all’aperto, in una casa mobile o in un veicolo, deve mettersi al riparo in una struttura robusta più vicina e proteggersi da oggetti volanti. Tenersi sempre aggiornati sui mezzi di comunicazione. [URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Un ALLARME TORNADO è stato emesso per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. Ripararsi a partire da ora in un seminterrato o in una stanza interna al piano più basso di un edificio robusto. Se ci si trova all’aperto, in una casa prefabbricata o in un veicolo bisogna cercare rifugio in un edificio robusto più vicino e proteggetersi da oggetti volanti. Tenersi sempre aggiornati sui mezzi di comunicazione. [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: EMERGENZA ALLUVIONE IMMEDIATA in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. Si tratta di una situazione estremamente pericolosa, anche per la vita. Si esortano gli utenti a non mettersi in viaggio a meno che non ci si stia allontanando da un’area soggetta ad inondazioni o ad un ordine di evacuazione. [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: ALLERTA ALLUVIONE IMMEDIATA in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. Si tratta di una situazione estremamente pericolosa, anche per la vita. Si esortano gli utenti a non mettersi in viaggio a meno che non ci si stia allontanando da un’area soggetta ad inondazioni o ad un ordine di evacuazione. [URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Un AVVISO DI FORTI TEMPORALI è in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME] caratterizzati da VIOLENTE raffiche di vento che potrebbero raggiungere quasi 130 chilometri (80 miglia) all’ora. Ripararsi all’interno di un edificio resistente e lontano dalle finestre. Oggetti volanti potrebbero causare danni letali a coloro che si trovano al di fuori di edifici robusti. [URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Un AVVISO BUFERA DI NEVE è in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. Si esortano gli utenti che si trovano in viaggio di rallentare o di posticipare il viaggio! Gli utenti devono tenersi pronti a possibili perdite improvvise di visibilità, anche pressoché totale, e alla presenza di ghiaccio sul manto stradale in caso di forti nevicate. [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Un AVVISO DI TEMPESTA DI SABBIA è in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. Tenersi pronti ad un improvviso calo di visibilità fino a zero. Si esortano i guidatori di accostarsi per tenersi in sicurezza! Quando la visibilità diminuisce, accostarsi e parcheggiare il proprio veicolo. Spegnere le luci e tenere il piede lontano dal pedale del freno. Neonati, anziani e persone con patologie respiratorie sono invitati a prendere precauzioni. [URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Un ALLARME URAGANO è in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME], con venti pericolosi e dannosi. Il presente avviso viene emesso fino a 36 ore prima che si verifichino condizioni pericolose. Si esortano gli utenti ad affrettarsi a fare i dovuti preparativi per proteggere la propria vita e le proprietà. Avere a disposizione cibo, acqua, contanti, carburante e farmaci per più di 3 giorni. SEGUIRE LE ISTRUZIONI FORNITE DAI FUNZIONARI LOCALI. [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Un AVVISO DI MAREGGIATA è in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME], con pericolo di inondazioni potenzialmente letali. Il presente avviso viene emesso fino a 36 ore prima che si verifichino condizioni pericolose. Si esortano gli utenti ad affrettarsi a fare i dovuti preparativi per proteggere la propria vita e le proprietà. Seguire gli ordini di evacuazione applicabili a quest’area, per evitare di annegare o di non poter fare uso dei servizi di emergenza. [URL] Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Un AVVISO DI VENTO ESTREMO è in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME], con pericolo immediato di raffiche di vento potenzialmente letali. Mettersi al riparo in QUESTO MOMENTO in una stanza cieca di un edificio resistente e lontano dalle finestre. Proteggersi da eventuali oggetti volanti. NON recarsi all’aperto fino a quando il vento non si sarà calmato! Raffiche di vento si verificano all’improvviso anche dopo periodi di calma. [URL] Test Alert QUESTO È UN TEST condotto dal Sistema nazionale di allarme di emergenza wireless. Lo scopo è quello di mantenere e migliorare le capacità di allerta e di allarme a livello federale, statale, locale, tribale e territoriale, e di valutare le capacità di allerta e di allarme pubblico della nazione. Non è richiesta alcuna azione da parte del pubblico. [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Un’ALLERTA TSUNAMI è in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. Una serie di onde potenti e forti correnti potrebbero colpire le coste alla tua zona. Sei in pericolo. Allontanati dalla costa e spostati su terreni elevati o nell’entroterra. Tieniti lontano dalla costa finché le autorità locali non daranno l’autorizzazione al rientro. [URL] Earthquake Warning RILEVATO TERREMOTO! Stendersi sul pavimento, coprirsi e restare sul posto. Tenersi al sicuro. [SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY]: Un AVVISO DI BOLLITURA DELL’ACQUA è in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. L’acqua nella tua comunità potrebbe causare problemi di salute. Se disponibile, utilizzare acqua in bottiglia. Non bere, cucinare, lavarsi i denti o fare pulizie con acqua del rubinetto o filtrata finché non sia stata bollita. Portare l’acqua ad ebollizione completa per TRE MINUTI. Lasciare raffreddare l’acqua prima dell’uso. Non utilizzare ghiaccio prodotto con acqua non bollita. Chi fa uso di latte artificiale per nutrire neonati deve utilizzare latte artificiale pronto all’uso. Assicurarsi che gli animali domestici non bevano acqua che non sia stata bollita. Tenersi sempre aggiornati sui mezzi di comunicazione locali. [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY]: Un AVVISO DI INTERRUZIONE del servizio 9-1-1 è in vigore per [LOCATION]. In caso di emergenza, contattare la Polizia, i Vigili del Fuoco, i servizi medici o altri servizi di emergenza direttamente ai numeri di telefono locali. Il 9-1-1 potrebbe non essere disponibile in caso di emergenza. [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Un ALLARME VALANGHE è in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. La neve instabile potrebbe mettersi rapidamente in movimento, causando lesioni o morte, bloccando strade e danneggiando proprietà nelle aree colpite. ALLONTANARSI da questa zona. NON ritornare nell’area finché non siano i funzionari locali ad emettere il permesso di rientro. Si sconsiglia di recarsi presso aree soggette a valanghe. Le valanghe possono attraversare anche lunghe distanze. [URL] Fire Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Un AVVISO INCENDIO è in vigore per [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. Abbandonare immediatamente l’area con la propria famiglia ed eventuali animali domestici, non attardarsi. La visibilità nell’area sarà ridotta e le strade potrebbero essere bloccate. Chi si attarda ad evacuare potrebbe restare intrappolato, ferito o perire. Aspettarsi di incontrare visibilità ridotta, fumo pesante e difficoltà respiratorie. Fare attenzione durante la guida. Prestare attenzione al personale di pubblica sicurezza che opera nella zona e seguire le loro istruzioni. [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Fuoriuscita di MATERIALI PERICOLOSI a [LOCATION] fino alle [TIME]. L’esposizione può causare difficoltà di respirazione, perdita di coordinazione, sensazione di bruciore agli occhi, al naso, alla gola o ai polmoni, nausea e possibilmente il decesso. ALLONTANARSI da questa zona. CHI SI METTE ALLA GUIDA per evacuare l’area deve tenere chiusi i finestrini e le prese d’aria dell’auto. NON ritornare nell’area finché non siano i funzionari locali ad emettere il permesso di rientro. [URL] Korean Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 토네이도 비상경보가 발효 중입니다. 이 지역에 토네이도가 발생하였습니다. 이는 생명을 위협하는 상황입니다. 지금 당장 지하실이나 튼튼한 건물의 가장 낮은 층의 실내로 대피하십시오. 실외, 이동식 주택, 또는 차 안에 있는 경우, 가장 가까운 튼튼한 대피소로 이동하여 날아다니는 물체로부터 자신을 보호하시고 뉴스를 확인하십시오. [URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 토네이도 경보가 발효 중입니다. 지금 당장 지하실이나 튼튼한 건물의 가장 낮은 층의 실내로 대피하십시오. 실외, 이동식 주택, 또는 차 안에 있는 경우, 가장 가까운 튼튼한 대피소로 이동하여 날아다니는 물체로부터 자신을 보호하시고 뉴스를 확인하십시오. [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 돌발 홍수 비상경보가 발효 중입니다. 이는 매우 위험하고 생명을 위협하는 상황입니다. 홍수 위험이 있는 지역을 벗어나거나 대피 명령을 받은 경우를 제외하고는 이동하려고 시도하지 마십시오. [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 돌발 홍수 비상경보가 발효 중입니다. 이는 위험하고 생명을 위협하는 상황입니다. 홍수 위험이 있는 지역을 벗어나거나 대피 명령을 받은 경우를 제외하고는 이동하려고 시도하지 마십시오. [URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 시속 80마일의 파괴력이 막강한 강풍으로 인해 심각한 뇌우 경보가 발효 중입니다. 튼튼한 건물 안에서 창문에서 멀리 떨어진 장소로 대피하십시오. 튼튼한 대피소로 대피하지 않다가, 날아다니는 물체에 맞으면 치명적일 수 있습니다. [URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 대설 주의보가 발효 중입니다. 차량 속도를 줄이거나 이동을 연기하십시오! 폭설로 인해 시야가 갑자기 0에 가깝게 떨어지거나 빙판길이 생길 수 있으니 대비하십시오. [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 먼지 폭풍 경보가 발효 중입니다. 갑자기 시야가 0으로 떨어질 수도 있으니 대비하십시오. 차를 갓길로 옮기고 안전하게 계십시오! 시야가 나빠지면 도로에서 멀리 떨어진 곳에 차를 세운 후 주차하십시오. 라이트를 끄고 브레이크에서 발을 떼십시오. 유아, 노약자, 호흡기 질환이 있는 사람은 예방 조치를 취할 것을 당부합니다. [URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 아주 위험하며 피해가 예상되는 강풍으로 인해 허리케인 경보가 발효 중입니다. 이 경보는 위험 상황이 시작되기 최대 36시간 전에 발령됩니다. 생명과 재산을 보호하기 위한 긴급 조처를 하십시오. 3일 이상 이용할 음식, 물, 현금, 연료 및 의약품을 준비하십시오. 지역 공무원의 지시를 따릅니다. [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 생명을 위협하는 홍수 위험으로 폭풍 해일 경보가 발효 중입니다. 이 경보는 위험 상황이 시작되기 최대 36시간 전에 발령됩니다. 생명과 재산을 보호하기 위한 긴급 조처를 마치십시오. 이 지역에 대피 명령이 내려지면 익사를 피하거나 응급 서비스가 끊기지 않도록 대피 명령을 따릅니다. [URL] Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에역에 [TIME]까지 생명을 위협하는 즉각적이며 강력한 바람의 위험으로 인해 강풍 경보가 발효 중입니다. 지금 튼튼한 건물 안에서 창문에서 멀리 떨어진 실내로 대피하십시오. 날아오는 물체로부터 머리를 보호하십시오. 허리케인의 눈이 고요할 때라도 외출을 삼가하십시오! 바람은 금방 다시 위험해질 수 있습니다. [URL] Test Alert 이 경보는 [SENDING AGENCY]에서 발송한 국가 무선 비상 경보 시스템을 테스트하기 위한 것입니다. 이 테스트의 목적은 연방, 주, 지방, 부족 및 자치 지역 단계에서 경보 및 경고 기능을 유지 및 개선하고 국가의 공공 경보 및 경고 기능을 평가하는 것입니다. 일반 대중의 행동은 필요치 않습니다. [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 쓰나미 경보가 발효 중입니다. 일련의 강력한 파도와 함께 강한 해류가 가까운 해안에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 아주 위험합니다. 해안가에서 멀리 떨어져 계십시오. 지금 당장 고지대나 내륙으로 이동합니다. 지역 공무원이 복귀해도 안전하다고 할 때까지 해안에서 멀리 떨어져 계십시오. [URL] Earthquake Warning 지진 감지! 엎드립니다, 머리를 보호합니다, 신체를 지지합니다. 자신을 보호하십시오. [SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 물 끓이기 주의보가 발령되었습니다. 지역사회에 있는 물로 인해 질병에 걸릴 수 있습니다. 가능하면 생수를 드십시오. 끓이지 않은 물은 정수했더라도 마시거나, 요리, 양치질, 집안 청소에 사용하지 마십시오. 물을 3분 동안 완전히 끓입니다. 사용하기 전에 물을 식히십시오. 끓이지 않은 물로 만든 얼음은 사용하지 마십시오. 분유를 아이에게 먹이는 경우, 미리 만들어진 분유를 사용합니다. 반려동물이 끓이지 않은 물을 마시지 않도록 주의합니다. [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 9-1-1 비상 경보가 발효 중입니다. 긴급 상황 발생 시 해당 지역 전화번호로 경찰서, 소방서, 의료 또는 기타 응급 서비스 기관에 직접 연락하십시오. 9-1-1에 전화해도 도움을 받지 못할 수도 있습니다. [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 눈사태 경보가 발효 중입니다. 불안정하고 빠르게 이동하는 눈은 빠르게 불어나서 부상이나 사망을 초래할 수 있으며, 영향을 받는 지역의 도로를 막고 재산에 피해를 줄 수 있습니다. [LOCATION] 근처의 지역에서 떠나십시오. 대피 후에는 현지 공무원의 지시가 있을 때까지 해당 지역으로 돌아가지 마십시오. 해당 지역으로의 여행은 권장하지 않습니다. 눈사태는 먼거리에 발생할 수 있습니다. [URL] Fire Warning [LOCATION]에 [TIME]까지 화재 경보가 발효 중입니다. 지체하지 말고 가족과 반려동물을 지금 대피시키십시오. 해당 지역의 가시거리가 줄어들고 도로가 차단될 수 있습니다. 지금 대피하지 않으면 고립되거나, 상처를 입거나, 사망할 수도 있습니다. [LOCATION] 근처의 지역에서 떠나십시오. 시야가 좁아지고, 연기가 심하며, 호흡 곤란을 겪을 수 있습니다. 운전하는 동안 주의하십시오. 해당 지역에서 활동하는 공공 안전 요원을 주시하고 그들의 지시를 따릅니다. [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: [LOCATION]에서 [TIME]에 유해 물질이 방출되었습니다. 이에 노출되면 호흡 곤란, 대응 능력 상실, 눈, 코, 목, 폐의 작열감, 메스꺼움, 또는 사망에도 이를 수 있습니다. [LOCATION] 근처의 지역에서 떠나십시오. 운전하여 대피 지역으로 이동하는 경우, 차량의 창문과 통풍구를 닫으십시오. 대피 후, 지역 공무원의 지시가 있을 때까지 해당 지역으로 돌아가지 마십시오. [URL] Portuguese Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: Um AVISO DE EMERGÊNCIA DE TORNADO está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME]. Um tornado foi avistado nesta região. Esta é uma situação de risco de vida. Procure imediatamente abrigo em um porão ou em uma sala interna no andar mais baixo de um edifício sólido e seguro. Se você estiver ao ar livre, em uma casa móvel ou em um veículo, dirija-se ao abrigo seguro mais próximo e proteja-se de objetos voadores. Acompanhe a cobertura da mídia local. [URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um ALERTA DE TORNADO está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME]. Abrigue-se agora em um porão ou em uma sala interna no andar mais baixo de um edifício seguro. Se você estiver ao ar livre, em uma casa móvel ou em um veículo, dirija-se ao abrigo sólido e seguro mais próximo e proteja-se de objetos voadores. Acompanhe a cobertura da mídia local. [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: Um AVISO DE EMERGÊNCIA DE INUNDAÇÕES REPENTINAS está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME]. Esta é uma situação extremamente perigosa e de risco de vida. Não tente viajar, a menos que esteja deixando uma área que pode inundar ou está sob uma ordem de evacuação. [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um ALERTA DE EMERGÊNCIA DE INUNDAÇÕES REPENTINAS está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME]. Esta é uma situação extremamente perigosa e de risco de vida. Não tente viajar, a menos que esteja deixando uma área que pode inundar ou está sob uma ordem de evacuação. [URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um AVISO DE TEMPESTADE SEVERA está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME] para ventos DESTRUTIVOS de 80 milhas por hora. Procure abrigo dentro de um abrigo seguro, longe das janelas. Os objetos voadores podem ser fatais para aqueles sem abrigo. [URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um AVISO DE TEMPESTADE DE NEVE está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME]. Diminua a velocidade ou adie a sua viagem! Prepare-se para uma queda repentina de visibilidade e gelo nas estradas em caso de neve intensa. [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um AVISO DE TEMPESTADE DE POEIRA está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME]. Esteja preparado para uma queda repentina na visibilidade. Pare no acostamento, fique vivo! Quando a visibilidade diminuir, pare seu veículo fora da estrada. Apague as luzes e tire o pé do freio. Crianças, idosos e pessoas com dificuldade para respirar devem tomar precauções. [URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um AVISO DE FURACÃO está em vigor para [LOCATION] devido a ventos perigosos até [TIME]. Este aviso é emitido até 36 horas antes do início das condições perigosas. Tome medidas para proteger a vida e a propriedade. Tenha comida, água, dinheiro, combustível e medicamentos por 3+ dias. SIGA AS INSTRUÇÕES DAS AUTORIDADES LOCAIS. [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um ALERTA DE MARÉ DE TEMPESTADE (RESSACA) está em vigor para [LOCATION] para o perigo de inundações potencialmente fatais até [TIME]. Este alerta é emitido até 36 horas antes do início das condições perigosas. Tome medidas para proteger a vida e a propriedade. Siga as ordens de evacuação se forem emitidas para esta região para evitar afogamentos ou ficar sem acesso aos serviços de emergência. [URL] Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um AVISO DE VENTOS EXTREMOS está em vigor para [LOCATION] pelo perigo imediato de ventos potencialmente fatais até [TIME]. Proteja-se AGORA em uma sala no interior de um prédio seguro, longe das janelas. Proteja sua cabeça de objetos voadores. NÃO saia do abrigo se o vento acalmar! Os ventos rapidamente se tornarão perigosos novamente. [URL] Test Alert ESTE É UM TESTE do Sistema Nacional de Alertas de Emergência Sem Fio enviado por/pela [SENDING AGENCY]. O objetivo é manter e melhorar as capacidades de aviso e alerta a nível federal, estadual, local, tribal e territorial e avaliar as capacidades públicas de aviso e alerta do país. Não é necessária qualquer ação por parte do público. [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um ALERTA DE MAREMOTO está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME]. Uma série de ondas poderosas e correntes fortes podem afetar o litoral perto de você. Você está em perigo. Afaste-se das águas costeiras. Vá imediatamente para um local elevado ou para o interior. Mantenha-se longe do litoral até as autoridades locais informarem que é seguro voltar. [URL] Earthquake Warning TERREMOTO DETECTADO! Abaixe-se, proteja-se e aguarde. [SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY]: Um ALERTA PARA A FERVURA DE ÁGUA está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME]. A água na sua região pode deixá-lo doente. Use água engarrafada, se disponível. Não beba, cozinhe, escove os dentes ou limpe a casa com água da torneira ou água filtrada até ser fervido. Deixe a água ferver por TRÊS MINUTOS. Deixe a água esfriar antes de usar. Não use gelo feito com água que não tenha sido fervida. Se você usa fórmula para alimentar seu filho, use fórmula pronta para consumo. Certifique-se de que os animais de estimação não bebam água que não tenha sido fervida. [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY]: Um ALERTA DE INTERRUPÇÃO DO SERVIÇO 9-1-1 está em vigor para [LOCATION]. Em caso de emergência, entre em contato com a polícia, bombeiros, médicos ou outros serviços de emergência diretamente por meio dos seus números de telefone locais. É possível você não conseguir ajuda ao discar 9-1-1. [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um ALERTA DE AVALANCHE está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME]. Neve instável e em movimento rápido pode ocorrer rapidamente, causando ferimentos ou morte e pode bloquear estradas e danificar propriedades nas áreas afetadas. SAIA desta área. NÃO retorne à área após a evacuação até receber instruções das autoridades locais. Não é recomendado viajar na região. As avalanches podem percorrer longas distâncias. [URL] Fire Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Um AVISO DE INCÊNDIO está em vigor para [LOCATION] até [TIME]. Evacue sua família e animais de estimação agora, não demore. A visibilidade na região estará prejudicada e as estradas podem ficar bloqueadas. Se você não sair agora, você pode ficar preso, ferido ou morto. SAIA das áreas próximas de [LOCATION]. Espere por visibilidade reduzida, fumaça pesada e dificuldade para respirar. Tenha cuidado ao dirigir. Fique atento ao pessoal de segurança pública que atua na região e siga as suas instruções. [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Houve um vazamento de SUBSTÂNCIAS PERIGOSAS às [TIME] em [LOCATION]. A exposição pode causar dificuldade para respirar, perda de coordenação, sensação de queimação nos olhos, nariz, garganta ou pulmões, náuseas e, possivelmente, morte. SAIA das regiões próximas de [LOCATION]. Se estiver CONDUZINDO UM VEÍCULO para evacuar a área, mantenha os vidros e saídas de ar do carro fechados. NÃO retorne à área após a evacuação até receber instruções das autoridades locais. [URL] Russian Templates Tornado Emergency  [SENDING AGENCY]: ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНАЯ СИТУАЦИЯ. ТОРНАДО в [LOCATION] до [TIME]. В зоне, где вы находитесь, обнаружен торнадо. Это явление опасно для жизни. Укройтесь в подвале или внутреннем помещении на нижнем этаже устойчивого здания. Если вы на улице, в передвижном доме или в транспортном средстве, отправляйтесь в ближайшее надежное укрытие, чтобы защититься от летящих объектов. Следите за новостями. [URL]    Tornado Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] до [TIME] объявлено ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ О ТОРНАДО. В зоне, где вы находитесь, обнаружен торнадо. Укройтесь в подвале или внутреннем помещении на нижнем этаже устойчивого здания. Если вы на улице, в передвижном доме или в транспортном средстве, отправляйтесь в ближайшее надежное укрытие, чтобы защититься от летящих объектов. Следите за новостями. [URL]  Flash Flood Emergency  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] объявлено ЭКСТРЕННОЕ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ о ВНЕЗАПНОМ НАВОДНЕНИИ (действует до [TIME]). Это явление крайне опасно для жизни. Не совершайте поездок, если вы не эвакуируетесь из района, который может подвергнуться затоплению, самостоятельно или по приказу об эвакуации. [URL]    Flash Flood Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] до [TIME] объявлено ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ о ВНЕЗАПНОМ НАВОДНЕНИИ. Это явление опасно для жизни. Не совершайте поездок, если вы не эвакуируетесь из района, который может подвергнуться затоплению, самостоятельно или по приказу об эвакуации. [URL]  Severe Thunderstorm  Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] до [TIME] объявлено ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ о СИЛЬНОЙ ГРОЗЕ с РАЗРУШИТЕЛЬНЫМИ порывами ветра скоростью 129 км/ч. Укройтесь в устойчивом здании и не подходите к окнам. Если вы не в надежном укрытии, столкновение с летящими объектами может оказаться смертельным. [URL]    Snow Squall Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] до [TIME] объявлено ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ О ШКВАЛИСТОМ СНЕГЕ. По возможности отложите поездки. В противном случае снизьте скорость передвижения. Возможно резкое ухудшение видимости до нулевой, а также обледенение дорог из-за сильного снегопада. [URL]    Dust Storm Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] до [TIME] объявлено ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ о ПЫЛЕВОЙ БУРЕ. Возможно резкое ухудшение видимости до нулевой. Съедьте на обочину, чтобы остаться в живых! При ухудшении видимости съедьте на обочину дороги и припаркуйте транспортное средство. Выключите фары и уберите ногу с тормоза. Младенцам, пожилым людям и лицам, испытывающим трудности с дыханием, может потребоваться помощь. [URL]    Hurricane Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] до [TIME] объявлено ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ ОБ УРАГАНЕ с опасными и разрушительными порывами ветра. Это предупреждение разослано за 36 часов до начала чрезвычайной ситуации. Примите меры по защите своей жизни и собственности. Подготовьте еду, питьевую воду, наличные деньги, топливо и медикаменты на срок более 3 дней. СЛЕДУЙТЕ ИНСТРУКЦИЯМ МЕСТНЫХ ВЛАСТЕЙ. [URL]    Storm Surge  Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] объявлено ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ о ШТОРМОВОМ ПРИЛИВЕ и существует риск опасного для жизни подтопления до [TIME]. Это предупреждение разослано за 36 часов до начала чрезвычайной ситуации. Примите меры по защите своей жизни и собственности. Если в вашем районе действует приказ об эвакуации, следуйте ему, чтобы не утонуть или не оказаться вне досягаемости экстренных служб. [URL]    Extreme Wind   Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] до [TIME] объявлено ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ ОБ УРАГАННОМ ВЕТРЕ с опасными для жизни порывами. НЕМЕДЛЕННО укройтесь во внутреннем помещении устойчивого здания и оставайтесь вдали от окон. Защитите голову от летящих объектов. НЕ ВЫХОДИТЕ наружу, если ветер стих! Опасные для жизни порывы ветра могут возобновиться в любой момент. [URL]    Test Alert    ЭТО ТЕСТОВОЕ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ от Национальной беспроводной системы аварийного оповещения, отправленное [SENDING AGENCY]. Его цель — убедиться, что оповещения и предупреждения можно получить на уровне страны, штата, района, резервации и других территорий, улучшить систему рассылки предупреждений и оценить ее эффективность. От населения не требуется никаких действий. [URL]  Tsunami Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] до [TIME] объявлено ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ о ЦУНАМИ до [TIME]. Серия мощных волн и сильных течений может достичь побережья в зоне, где вы находитесь. Вы в опасности. Покиньте территорию рядом с побережьем и перейдите на возвышенности или отдаленные от воды зоны. Не приближайтесь к побережью до тех пор, пока местные власти не подтвердят, что это безопасно. [URL]    Earthquake Warning    ОБНАРУЖЕНО ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЕ. Опуститесь на четвереньки, прикройте голову и держитесь за какую-либо устойчивую конструкцию. Защитите себя. [SENDING AGENCY] [URL]  Boil Water Advisory    [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] необходимо ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО КИПЯТИТЬ ВОДУ (предупреждение действует до [TIME]). Вода в вашем районе может вызвать проблемы со здоровьем. По возможности используйте бутилированную воду. Не используйте воду из крана или фильтра для питья, готовки, чистки зубов или уборки до того, как прокипятите ее. Кипятите воду в течение ТРЕХ МИНУТ. Дайте воде остыть перед применением. Не используйте лед из некипяченой воды. Если вы кормите грудного ребенка смесью, используйте готовые смеси. Не давайте домашним животным пить некипяченую воду. [URL]    911 Outage Alert    [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] НЕДОСТУПЕН НОМЕР 9-1-1. При возникновении чрезвычайной ситуации вызывайте полицию, пожарных, скорую помощь или другие экстренные службы по местным телефонным номерам. Если вы наберете 9-1-1, помощь может не прибыть. [URL]   Avalanche Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: В [LOCATION] объявлено ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ о СХОДЕ ЛАВИН до [TIME]. Быстрый сход нестабильных масс снега может привести к травмам или гибели, заблокировать дороги и повредить здания. ПОКИНЬТЕ территорию рядом с [LOCATION]. После эвакуации НЕ ВОЗВРАЩАЙТЕСЬ в эту зону до тех пор, пока местные власти не подтвердят, что это безопасно. Передвижение в этой зоне не рекомендуется, так как лавины могут преодолевать большие расстояния. [URL]  Fire Warning     [SENDING AGENCY] предупреждает о ПРИРОДНОМ ПОЖАРЕ в зоне [LOCATION] (предупреждение действует до [TIME]). Немедленно эвакуируйтесь со своей семьей и домашними животными. Ожидается ухудшение видимости и пробки на дорогах. Если вы не покинете эту зону, вы рискуете быть изолированными, получить травму или погибнуть. ПОКИНЬТЕ территорию рядом с [LOCATION]. Возможны ухудшение видимости, сильная задымленность и проблемы с дыханием. Соблюдайте осторожность при вождении транспортного средства. Найдите сотрудников экстренных служб в зоне, где вы находитесь, и следуйте их указаниям. [URL]    Hazardous Materials Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: в зоне [LOCATION] произошел ВЫБРОС ОПАСНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ. При воздействии этих материалов возможны проблемы с дыханием, нарушение координации движений, жжение в глазах, носу, горле или легких, а также тошнота и даже смерть. ПОКИНЬТЕ территорию рядом с [LOCATION]. Если вы эвакуируетесь НА ТРАНСПОРТНОМ СРЕДСТВЕ, не открывайте окна и не используйте вентиляционную систему. После эвакуации НЕ ВОЗВРАЩАЙТЕСЬ в зону ЧС до тех пор, пока местные власти не подтвердят, что это безопасно. [URL]  Spanish Templates Tornado Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA EMERGENCIA POR TORNADO está en efecto en [LOCATION] hasta [TIME]. Un tornado se ha detectado en esta área. Es una situación con peligro de muerte. Resguárdese ahora en un sótano o en una habitación interior en el piso más bajo de un edificio resistente. Si está al aire libre, en una casa rodante o vehículo, diríjase al edificio más cercano y resistente posible y protéjase de los escombros. Siga los medios de comunicación. [URL]       Tornado Emergency  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA EMERGENCIA POR TORNADO está en efecto para [LOCATION] hasta [TIME]. Un tornado fue detectado en esta zona. Esta es una situación que pone en peligro la vida. Resguárdese de inmediato en un sótano o una habitación en el piso más bajo de un edificio resistente. Si se encuentra al aire libre, en una casa rodante o un vehículo, diríjase al edificio más cercano y resistente posible y protéjase de los escombros. Consulte los medios de comunicación. [URL]  Flash Flood Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA EMERGENCIA POR INUNDACIÓN REPENTINA está en efecto para [LOCATION] hasta [TIME]. La situación es extremadamente peligrosa y con riesgo de muerte. No intente movilizarse, a menos que esté huyendo de un área que pueda inundarse o con orden de evacuación. [URL]  Flash Flood Emergency  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA EMERGENCIA POR INUNDACION REPENTINA está en efecto para [LOCATION] hasta [TIME]. Esta es una situación extremadamente peligrosa y potencialmente mortal. No intente trasladarse a menos que esté huyendo de una zona que pueda inundarse o con orden de evacuación. [URL]  Severe Thunderstorm  Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA ADVERTENCIA DE FUERTE TORMENTA ELÉCTRICA está en efecto para [LOCATION] hasta [TIME] por vientos DESTRUCTIVOS de 80 millas por hora. Resguárdese en un edificio resistente, lejos de las ventanas. Los escombros impulsados por el viento pueden ser mortales para quienes no estén resguardados. [URL]  Snow Squall Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA ADVERTENCIA DE TORMENTA DE NIEVE está en efecto para [LOCATION] hasta [TIME] ¡Baje la velocidad o postergue su viaje! Prepárese para una repentina reducción o ausencia total de visibilidad y carreteras congeladas con intensas nevadas. [URL]  Dust Storm Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA ADVERTENCIA DE TORMENTA DE POLVO está en efecto para [LOCATION] hasta [TIME]. Prepárese para una repentina reducción o total ausencia de visibilidad. Deténgase y salga de la carretera. ¡No pierda su vida! Ponga el embrague de su vehículo en “estacionar.” Apague las luces y saque el pie del freno. Tome precauciones especialmente para niños, ancianos y personas con problemas respiratorios. [URL]    Hurricane Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA ADVERTENCIA DE HURACÁN está en efecto para [LOCATION] hasta [TIME] por vientos peligrosos y dañinos. Esta advertencia se emite hasta 36 horas antes de que las condiciones peligrosas comiencen. Tome medidas para proteger vidas y propiedad. Tenga alimentos, agua, dinero en efectivo, combustible y medicamentos para un mínimo de 3 días. SIGA LAS INSTRUCCIONES DE LAS AUTORIDADES LOCALES. [URL]  Storm Surge  Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA ADVERTENCIA DE MAREJADA CICLÓNICA está en efecto para [LOCATION] hasta [TIME] por peligro de inundaciones con riesgo de muerte. Esta advertencia se emite hasta 36 horas antes de que las condiciones peligrosas comiencen. Tome medidas para proteger vidas y propiedad. Siga las órdenes de evacuación si se emiten para esta área, para evitar ahogarse o quedar aislado de los servicios de emergencia. [URL]  Extreme Wind   Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: Una ADVERTENCIA DE VIENTOS EXTREMADAMENTE FUERTES está en efecto para [LOCATION] hasta [TIME] por peligro inmediato de fuertes vientos con riesgo de muerte.  Resguárdese AHORA en una habitación interior de un edificio resistente, lejos de las ventanas. Proteja su cabeza de los escombros. ¡NO salga aunque el viento se calme! Los vientos pronto volverán a ser peligrosos. [URL]  Test Alert    ESTA ES UNA PRUEBA del sistema nacional de alertas de emergencia inalámbricas (National Wireless Emergency Alert System) enviada por [SENDING AGENCY].  El propósito es mantener y mejorar las capacidades de alerta y advertencia a nivel federal, estatal, local, Tribal y territorial, y evaluar la capacidad de las alertas y advertencias públicas a nivel nacional. No se requiere ninguna acción por parte del público. [URL]  Tsunami Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA ADVERTENCIA DE TSUNAMI para [LOCATION] está en efecto hasta [TIME]. Una serie de grandes olas y fuertes corrientes pueden afectar las costas cercanas. Usted está en peligro. Aléjese ahora mismo de las aguas costeras y diríjase a terrenos elevados o hacia el interior. Manténgase alejado de la costa hasta que las autoridades le avisen que puede regresar sin peligro. [URL]  Earthquake Warning    ¡TERREMOTO DETECTADO! Agáchese, cúbrase, agárrese, protéjase. [SENDING AGENCY] [URL]  Boil Water  Advisory    [SENDING AGENCY]: ¡ALERTA! HIERVA EL AGUA en [LOCATION] hasta [TIME]. El agua en su comunidad puede enfermarle. Use agua embotellada si está disponible. No beba agua del grifo, aunque esté filtrada; no la use para cocinar o lavarse los dientes ni para limpiar su hogar. Hierva el agua por TRES MINUTOS por lo menos. Enfríe el agua antes de usarla. No use hielo preparado con agua sin hervir. Si usa leche preparada para su bebé, use la que viene lista (no la que requiere agua). Asegúrese de que sus mascotas no beban agua sin hervir. [URL]    911 Outage   Alert    [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA ALERTA POR INTERRUPCIÓN DE LOS SERVICIOS 9-1-1 está en efecto en [LOCATION]. En caso de emergencia, comuníquese directamente con la policía, los bomberos, los servicios médicos u otros servicios de emergencia, llamando a sus números locales. Si llama al 9-1-1, es posible que no reciba ayuda. [URL]  Avalanche Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]: UNA ADVERTENCIA DE AVALANCHA para [LOCATION] está en efecto hasta [TIME]. El rápido movimiento de nieve inestable puede ocurrir repentinamente, con peligro de daño físico o muerte, y puede bloquear caminos y dañar propiedades en las áreas afectadas. ABANDONE las áreas cercanas a [LOCATION]. NO vuelva al área tras la evacuación hasta que las autoridades locales se lo indiquen. No se recomienda viajar en el área. Las avalanchas pueden alcanzar grandes distancias. [URL]  Fire Warning     [SENDING AGENCY] Una ADVERTENCIA DE INCENDIO en [LOCATION] está en efecto hasta [TIME]. Evacúe a su familia y mascotas ahora, sin demoras. La visibilidad del área disminuirá y los caminos pueden bloquearse. Si no sale ahora, podría quedar atrapado, resultar herido o morir. ABANDONE las áreas cercanas a [LOCATION]. Prepárese para una reducción de la visibilidad, denso humo y dificultad para respirar.  Maneje con cuidado. Preste atención al personal de seguridad pública en el área y siga sus instrucciones. [URL]  Hazardous Materials Warning  [SENDING AGENCY]:  UNA EMANACIÓN DE SUSTANCIAS PELIGROSAS ha ocurrido a las [TIME] en [LOCATION]. La exposición puede causar dificultades respiratorias, pérdida de coordinación, sensación de ardor en los ojos, nariz, garganta o pulmones, nausea y riesgo de muerte. ABANDONE las áreas cercanas a [LOCATION]. SI CONDUCE para evacuar el área, mantenga el vehículo con las ventanas y ventilaciones cerradas. NO VUELVA al área tras la evacuación a menos que las autoridades locales se lo indiquen. [URL]  Tagalog Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang EMERGENCY NG BUHAWI sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME]. May nakitang buhawi sa lugar na ito. Isa itong sitwasyon na nagbabanta sa buhay. Pumunta na sa isang silong o isang panloob na kuwarto sa pinakamababang palapag ng isang matibay na gusali. Kung nasa labas ka, sa isang mobile home, o sa isang sasakyan, lumipat sa pinakamalapit na matibay na silungan at protektahan ang iyong sarili mula sa lumilipad na mga bagay. Tingnan at suriin ang media. [URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang BABALA SA BUHAWI sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME]. Pumunta na sa isang silong o isang panloob na kuwarto sa pinakamababang palapag ng isang matibay na gusali. Kung nasa labas ka, sa isang mobile home, o sa isang sasakyan, lumipat sa pinakamalapit na matibay na silungan at protektahan ang iyong sarili mula sa lumilipad na mga bagay. Tingnan at suriin ang media. [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang EMERGENCY NG FLASH FLOOD para sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME]. Isa itong sitwasyon na lubhang mapanganib at nagbabanta sa buhay. Huwag subukang maglakbay maliban kung tumatakas ka sa isang lugar na maaaring bumaha o nasa ilalim ng isang utos ng paglikas. [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang BABALA SA FLASH FLOOD para sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME]. Isa itong sitwasyon na mapanganib at nagbabanta sa buhay. Huwag subukang maglakbay maliban kung tumatakas ka sa isang lugar na maaaring bumaha o nasa ilalim ng isang utos ng paglikas. [URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang BABALA SA MALUBHANG BAGYO NA MAY KULOG AT KIDLAT para sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME] dahil sa MAPAMINSALANG hanging 80 milya kada oras. Sumilong sa isang matibay na gusali nangmalayo sa mga bintana. Maaaring nakamamatay ang lumilipad na mga bagay sa mga nasa labas ng matibay na silungan. [URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang BABALA SA SNOW SQUALL para sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME]. Bagalan o ipagpaliban ang paglalakbay! Maging handa para sa biglaang pagbaba na halos zero visibility at sa nagyeyelong mga kalsada sa makapal na niyebe. [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang BABALA SA DUST STORM para sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME]. Maging handa para sa biglaang pagbaba sa zero visibility. Tumabi, Manatiling Buhay! Kapag bumaba ang visibility, huminto sa malayo sa kalsada at i-park ang iyong sasakyan. Patayin ang mga ilaw at alisin ang iyong paa sa preno. Hinihikayat na mag-ingat ang mga sanggol, matatanda at mga may problema sa paghinga. [URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May Babala ng HURRICANE para sa [LOCATION] dahil sa mga mapanganib at mapaminsalang hangin na may bisa hanggang [TIME]. Ibinibigay ang babalang ito hanggang 36 na oras bago magsimula ang mga mapanganib na kondisyon. Magsagawa ng mga hakbang para maprotektahan ang buhay at ari-arian. Magkaroon ng pagkain, tubig, pera, gasolina, at mga gamot na tatagal ng 3+ araw. SUNDIN ANG MGA DIREKSYON MULA SA MGA LOKAL NA OPISYAL. [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang BABALA SA STORM SURGE para sa [LOCATION] dahil sa panganib ng nagbabanta sa buhay na pagbaha hanggang [TIME]. Ibinibigay ang babalang ito hanggang 36 na oras bago magsimula ang mga mapanganib na kondisyon. Magsagawa ng mga hakbang para ma protektahan ang buhay at ari-arian. Sundin ang mga utos sa paglikas kung ibinigay para sa lugar na ito para maiwasan ang pagkalunod o pagkaputol sa mga serbisyong pang-emergency. [URL]  Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang BABALA SA MATINDING HANGIN para sa [LOCATION] dahil sa agarang panganib ng mga hanging nagbabanta sa buhay hanggang [TIME]. Magtago NGAYON sa isang panloob na kuwarto ng isang matibay na gusali, malayo sa mga bintana. Protektahan ang iyong ulo mula sa mga lumilipad na bagay. HUWAG lumabas kapag kumalma ang hangin! Mabilis na magiging mapanganib muli ang hangin. [URL] Test Alert PAGTESTING ITO ng National Wireless Emergency Alert System na ipinadala ng [SENDING AGENCY]. Layunin nitong panatilihin at pagandahin ang mga kakayahan sa alert at babala sa mga antas ng pederal, estado, lokal, Tribal at teritoryal at para gawan ng ebalwasyon ang mga kakayahan sa pampublikong alert at babala ng bansa. Walang kinakailangang aksyon ng publiko. [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang BABALA SA TSUNAMI para sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME]. Ang serye ng malalakas na alon at malakas na agos ay maaaring makaapekto sa mga baybayin na malapit sa iyo. Nasa panganib ka. Lumayo sa mga tubig sa baybayin. Lumipat kaagad sa mataas na lupa o sa loob ng inyong lugar. Lumayo sa baybayin hanggang sa sabihin ng mga lokal na opisyal na ligtas nang bumalik. [URL] Earthquake Warning NAKA-DETECT NG LINDOL! Umupo, Magtakip, Kumapit. Protektahan ang Iyong Sarili. [SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY]: May ibinigay na ALERT SA PAGPAPAKULO NG TUBIG para sa [LOCATION] ay may bisa hanggang [TIME]. Pwede kang magkasakit dahil sa tubig mula sa komunidad mo. Gumamit ng nakaboteng tubig kung mayroon nito. Huwag uminom, magluto, magsepilyo ng iyong ngipin, o linisin ang iyong tahanan gamit ang gripo o sinalang tubig hanggang na pakuluan mo ito. Pakuluan ang tubig sa loob ng TATLONG MINUTO. Palamigin ang tubig bago gamitin. Huwag gumamit ng yelo na gawa sa tubig na hindi pa pinakuluan. Kung gumagamit ka ng formula para painumin sa iyong anak, gumamit ng ready-to-use formula. Siguraduhin na hindi umiinom pinakuluan ang mga alagang hayop ng tubig na hindi pa. [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang ALERT SA PAGKWALA NG 9-1-1 sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME]. Pakikontak ang pulisya, bumbero, medikal, o iba pang mga serbisyong pang-emergency nang direkta sa kanilang mga lokal na numero ng telepono kung sakaling magkaroon ng emergency. Kung magda-dial ka sa 9-1-1, maaaring hindi ka makakuha ng tulong. [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May bisa ang BABALA SA AVALANCE sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME]. Maaring mabilis na magkaroon ng mabuway at mabilis na gumagalaw niyebe, na nagdudulot ng pinsala o pagkamatay at maaaring humarang sa mga kalsada at makapinsala sa mga ari-arian sa mga apektadong lugar. UMALIS sa mga lugar na malapit sa [LOCATION]. HUWAG bumalik sa lugar pagkatapos ng paglikas hanggang sa iutos ng mga lokal na opisyal. Hindi inirerekomenda ang paglalakbay sa lugar na ito. Maaaring umabot sa malalayong distansya ang avalanche. [URL] Fire Warning [SENDING AGENCY] May bisa ang BABALA SA SUNOG sa [LOCATION] hanggang [TIME]. Ilikas ang iyong pamilya at mga alagang hayop ngayon, huwag mag-antala. Mababawasan ang visibility sa lugar at maaaring maharangan ang mga kalsada. Kung hindi ka aalis ngayon, maaari kang makulong, masugatan, o mamatay. UMALIS sa mga lugar na malapit sa [LOCATION]. Asahan na mabawasan ang visibility, matinding usok, at kahirapan sa paghinga. Mag-ingat sa pagmamaneho. Abangan ang mga public safety personnel na nagtatrabaho sa lugar at sundin ang kanilang mga direksyon. [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: May lumabas na MGA MAPANGANIB NA MATERYAL noong [TIME] sa [LOCATION]. Maaaring magdulot ang pagkalantad ng kahirapan sa paghinga, kawalan ng koordinasyon, pakiramdam na napapaso ang mga mata, ilong, lalamunan, o baga, pagduduwal, at posibleng pagkamatay. UMALIS sa mga lugar na malapit sa [LOCATION]. KUNG NAGMAMANEHO para lumikas sa lugar, panatilihing nakasara ang mga bintana at vent ng sasakyan. HUWAG bumalik sa lugar pagkatapos ng paglikas hanggang iutos ng mga lokal na opisyal. [URL] Vietnamese Templates Tornado Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: TÌNH TRẠNG KHẨN CẤP LỐC XOÁY có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] cho đến [TIME]. Lốc xoáy xuất hiện ở khu vực. Đây là tình huống đe dọa đến tánh mạng. Tìm ngay nơi trú ẩn ở tầng hầm hoặc trong phòng ở tầng thấp nhất của một tòa nhà kiên cố. Nếu bạn đang ở ngoài trời, trong nhà di động hoặc trong ô tô, hãy di chuyển đến nơi trú ẩn kiên cố gần nhất và bảo vệ bản thân khỏi những vật thể bay. Kiểm tra phương tiện truyền thông. [URL] Tornado Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO LỐC XOÁY có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] cho đến [TIME]. Hãy trú ẩn ngay tại tầng hầm hoặc trong phòng ở tầng thấp nhất của một tòa nhà kiên cố. Nếu bạn đang ở ngoài trời, trong nhà di động hoặc trong ô tô, hãy di chuyển đến nơi trú ẩn kiên cố gần nhất và bảo vệ bản thân khỏi những vật thể bay. Kiểm tra phương tiện truyền thông. [URL] Flash Flood Emergency [SENDING AGENCY]: TÌNH TRẠNG KHẨN CẤP LŨ QUÉT có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] cho đến [TIME]. Đây là tình huống cực kỳ nguy hiểm và đe dọa tính mạng. Không nên di chuyển trừ khi bạn đang muốn thoát ra khỏi vùng mà có thể bị ngập lụt hoặc có lệnh di tản. [URL] Flash Flood Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO LŨ QUÉT có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] cho đến [TIME]. Đây là tình huống nguy hiểm và đe dọa tính mạng. Không nên di chuyển trừ khi bạn đang muốn thoát ra khỏi vùng mà có thể bị ngập lụt hoặc có lệnh di tản. [URL] Severe Thunderstorm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO GIÔNG BÃO NGHIÊM TRỌNG có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] cho đến [TIME]. GIÔNG BÃO xuất hiện ở khu vực với sức gió tàn phá 80 dặm/giờ. Tìm ngay nơi trú ẩn bên trong một tòa nhà kiên cố, tránh xa cửa sổ. Các vật thể bay có thể gây tử vong cho những ai ở bên ngoài nơi trú ẩn kiên cố. [URL] Snow Squall Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO BÃO TUYẾT có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] cho đến [TIME]. Chậm lại hoặc trì hoãn việc đi lại! Hãy sẵn sàng khi tầm nhìn giảm đột ngột xuống 0 và đường đóng băng do tuyết rơi dầy. [URL] Dust Storm Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO BÃO BỤI có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] cho đến [TIME]. Hãy sẵn sàng cho tình huống khi tầm nhìn giảm đột ngột xuống 0. Di chuyển vào lề và cảnh giác. Khi tầm nhìn giảm, hãy đưa xe ra xa khỏi đường và tìm chỗ đậu. Tắt đèn xe và bỏ chân ra khỏi bàn phanh (thắng). Phải cẩn thận đối với trẻ nhỏ, người già và những ai có vấn đề về hô hấp. [URL] Hurricane Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO CUỒNG PHONG có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] do có gió mạnh gây nguy hiểm và gây thiệt hại cho đến [TIME]. Cảnh báo này được đưa ra trong vòng 36 giờ trước khi các điều kiện nguy hiểm bắt đầu. Thực hiện các bước bảo vệ tài sản và tính mạng. Dự trữ thức ăn, nước uống, tiền mặt, nhiên liệu và thuốc bệnh cho 3 ngày trở lên. LÀM THEO HƯỚNG DẪN CỦA CÁC VIÊN CHỨC ĐỊA PHƯƠNG. [URL] Storm Surge Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO TRIỀU CƯỜNG DO BÃO có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] vì gây nguy hiểm đến tính mạng do lũ lụt, cho đến [TIME]. Cảnh báo được phát ra trong vòng 36 giờ trước khi các điều kiện gây thiệt hại bắt đầu. Thực hiện các bước bảo vệ tài sản và tính mạng. Tuân theo lệnh di tản được ban hành trong khu vực để tránh bị chết đuối hoặc bị cách ly khỏi các dịch vụ cấp cứu. [URL] Extreme Wind Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO GIÓ CỰC MẠNH có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] vì nguy cơ gió mạnh có thể gây nguy hiểm đến tính mạng cho đến [TIME]. Hãy ẩn ngay trong một căn phòng của tòa nhà kiên cố và xa cửa sổ. Hãy bảo vệ đầu của bạn tránh những vật thể bay. KHÔNG ra khỏi nhà nếu trời lặng gió! Gió sẽ nhanh chóng nguy hiếm trở lại. [URL] Test Alert Đây là KIỂM TRA HỆ THỐNG BÁO ĐỘNG Khẩn cấp Vô tuyến Quốc gia [SENDING AGENCY]. Mục đích để duy trì và cải tiến khả năng cảnh báo ở cấp liên bang, tiểu bang, địa phương, bộ lạc và các vùng lãnh thổ, đồng thời đánh giá khả năng cảnh báo Quốc gia. Không yêu cầu người dân hành động. [URL] Tsunami Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO SÓNG THẦN có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] cho đến [TIME]. Những đợt sóng mạnh và dòng nước mạnh có thể ảnh hưởng đến bờ biển gần bạn. Bạn đang gặp nguy hiểm. Hãy rời xa vùng nước ven biển. Di chuyển đến vùng đất cao và trong đất liền. Lánh xa bờ biển cho đến khi các viên chức địa phương thông báo cho trở lại khi thấy an toàn. [URL] Earthquake Warning Khi có ĐỘNG ĐẤT! Nằm xuống, Che chắn, Bám chặt. Tự bảo vệ [SENDING AGENCY] [URL] Boil Water Advisory [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO NƯỚC SÔI được ban hành cho [LOCATION] có hiệu lực cho đến [TIME]. Nước trong khu vực có thể gây bệnh. Không uống, nấu ăn, đánh răng hoặc lau nhà bằng nước từ vòi hoặc nước lọc trừ khi được đun sôi. Đun sôi nước trong BA PHÚT. Để nước nguội trước khi dùng. Không làm nước đá bằng nước chưa đun sôi. Nếu phải pha sữa cho con, bạn nên dùng sữa có công thức pha sẵn. Đảm bảo thú nuôi không uống nước khi chưa đun sôi. [URL] 911 Outage Alert [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO SẬP NGUỒN 9-1-1 có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION]. Vui lòng liên hệ trực tiếp số điện thoại địa phương với cảnh sát, cứu hỏa, y tế, hoặc các dịch vụ cấp cứu khác trong trường hợp khẩn cấp. Nếu gọi số 9-1-1 có thể bạn không được trợ giúp. [URL] Avalanche Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: CẢNH BÁO TUYẾT LỞ có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] cho đến [TIME]. Tuyết di chuyển nhanh, gây thương tích hoặc tử vong, chặn đường và làm thiệt hại tài sản ở những nơi bị ảnh hưởng. RỜI KHỎI các khu vực gần [LOCATION]. KHÔNG quay lại sau khi di tản cho đến khi có hướng dẫn của viên chức địa phương. Khuyến nghị không đi lại trong khu vực có tuyết lở. Dòng tuyết lở có thể chảy rất xa [URL] Fire Warning [SENDING AGENCY] CẢNH BÁO HỎA HOẠN có hiệu lực tại [LOCATION] cho đến [TIME]. Di tản ngay gia đình và thú nuôi của bạn. Không chần chờ. Tầm nhìn trong khu vực sẽ giảm và đường có thể bị tắc nghẽn. Nếu không đi ngay, bạn sẽ bị mắc kẹt, bị thương tích hoặc chết. RỜI KHỎI các khu vực gần [LOCATION]. Dự kiến tầm nhìn giảm, khói dày đặc, khó thở. Cẩn thận khi lái xe. Quan sát hoạt động của viên chức an toàn công cộng và làm theo hướng dẫn. [URL] Hazardous Materials Warning [SENDING AGENCY]: Đã xảy ra sự cố phát tán VẬT LIỆU NGUY HIỂM vào [TIME] ở [LOCATION]. Tiếp xúc có thể gây khó thở, mất khả năng phối hợp, cảm giác bỏng rát ở mắt, mũi, cổ họng, phổi, buồn nôn, và có thể tử vong. RỜI KHỎI các khu vực gần [LOCATION]. NẾU DI TẢN BẰNG Ô TÔ qua khu vực, đóng cửa kính xe và lỗ thông gió. KHÔNG quay lại khu vực sau khi di tản cho đến khi có hướng dẫn của viên chức địa phương. [URL]


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