A sinking of the land surface due to the pumping of groundwater has long been recognized as an environmental issue in the Shiroishi plain of Saga, Japan. Land subsidence can have several negative economic and social implications such as changes in groundwater and surface water flow patterns, restrictions on pumping in land subsidence prone areas, localized flooding, failure of well casings as well as shearing of structures. To minimize such an environmental effect, groundwater management should be considered in this area. In this study, a new integrated numerical model that integrates a three-dimensional numerical groundwater flow model coupled with a one-dimensional soil consolidation model and a groundwater optimization model was developed to simulate groundwater movement, to predict ground settlement and to search for optimal safe yield of groundwater without violating physical, environmental and socio-economic constraints. It is found that groundwater levels in the aquifers greatly vary from season to season in response to the varying climatic and pumping conditions. Consequently, land subsidence has occurred rapidly throughout the area with the Shiroishi plain being the most prone. The predicted optimal safe yield of the pumping amount is about 5 million m3. The study also suggests that pumping with this optimal amount will minimize the rate of land subsidence over the entire area.

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Don, N.C., Hang, N.T.M., Araki, H. et al. Groundwater resources management under environmental constraints in Shiroishi of Saga plain, Japan. Environ Geol 49, 601–609 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00254-005-0109-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00254-005-0109-9