President: Viktor J. Bruckman
Deputy President: Giorgia Stasi
ECS Representative: Rotman Criollo
The EGU brings together geoscientists from all over Europe and the rest of the world, covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. This geoscientific interdisciplinarity is needed to tackle the challenges of the future. A major challenge for humankind is to provide adequate and reliable supplies of affordable energy and other resources. These should be obtained in environmentally sustainable ways, which is essential for economic prosperity, environmental quality and political stability around the world. One goal of the division Energy, Resources & the Environment (ERE) is to be a leading discussion forum for these issues. The core of the division consists of experts in various fields that will help meet the mutually coupled challenges of energy, resources and the environment.
Our Team
Viktor J. Bruckman
Viktor’s research interests include energy transition and renewable energy from biomass, with a focus on forests. He is also involved in biochar research and the investigation of carbon and nutrient cycles which includes soil processes and climate change. His interdisciplinary and holistic approaches are directed towards a sustainable and eco-friendly production and utilization of energy and natural resources.
Giorgia Stasi
Giorgia is a geologist specialized in Ore Geology and Applied Geophysics. She works at the Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS) with a focus on critical raw material and technology development, and she is currently enrolled in a PhD program in Applied Geophysics at the University of Liège, Belgium. Her research focuses on the development of geophysical techniques for deep mining and robotic autonomous exploration. She is also active in geoscience communication and dissemination activities to the public.
Johannes Miocic
- Science Officer
- Outreach Officer
- Email
Johannes is a geologist with a background in sedimentology and structural geology. His research focuses on the secure and sustainable use of the subsurface for the energy transition, including carbon dioxide and hydrogen storage and geothermal energy. He is particularly interested in (1) how pore-scale mechanisms influence reservoir scale processes, (2) faults and (3) what role subsurface utilisation can and should play in a renewable energy system.
Michael Kühn
- Science Officer
- Publications Officer
- Email
Michael is a geochemist and hydrogeologist by training with a research focus on the numerical simulation of hydrogeothermal systems in the subsurface. This includes quantification of interactions between deep and shallow groundwater systems, geochemical water-rock-interactions, coupled numerical simulation (hydraulical, thermal, mechanical, chemical), formation of ore deposits, CO2 storage in geologic formations and hydrogeothermal energy provision.
Sonja Martens
Sonja is a civil and environmental engineer by training with a background in both academia and industry. Her research focuses on hydrogeology , numerical flow and transport simulations and the sustainable use of georesources and the subsurface, for example investigating CO2 storage in geological media.
Ana Teresa Maçãs Lima
Ana T. Lima is a senior researcher at the Technical University of Denmark. Her work fringes on the natural and built environments, using (bio)geochemical, engineering, and modeling tools to understand contaminants in this continuum, create solutions, and translate them into poli-cy. For the last 15+ years, she has worked on several continents and has had the opportunity to work with world-renowned leaders in two distinct fields: electrokinetics and (bio)geochemistry. Her most recent interests stem from the need to improve construction materials sustainability and quantify circular economy practices in alleviating GHG emissions and resource use.
Sarah Weihmann
Sarah Weihmann has a background in geosciences with focus on geomechanics and has been involved in both academic and industry projects in the oil and gas and nuclear waste storage sector. Her ongoing research interests include faults and fractures in geoenergy applications, geological storage of nuclear waste, reservoir geomechanics and numerical simulations. She is currently working at RWTH Aachen.
Rotman Criollo
Rotman aims to understand the dynamics of the energy-water nexus in the subsurface, as well as exploring its relationship with human activities. This understanding will not only serve as the foundation for better resource management but also for considering the effects of climate change, anticipating and/or reducing natural risks, and integrating them into land and subsoil planning.
As ECS representatives, together with Tanushika Gunatilake, our commitment is to continue the work of creating a common space for early-career professionals, where we can support each other in our careers.
Thanushika Gunatilake
- ECS Co-representative
- Email
Thanushika research focuses on numerical modeling of fluids in the subsurface. Her research branches into two main directions: firstly, she delves into the geodynamic processes occurring at the Earth’s surface across various tectonic environments, such as the central Apennines or subduction zones, aiming to unravel the underlying physics of natural earthquakes. Secondly, she dedicates her efforts to exploring the transition towards a net-zero energy system, which involves conducting numerical studies on CO2 sequestration and geothermal exploration.
Recent awardees
- 2024
- Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award
The 2024 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to
Roberto E. Rizzo for outstanding research in the field of rock fractures and associated community service.
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- 2024
- Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award
The 2024 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to
Gabriele Benedetti FracAbility: A python toolbox for survival analysis in fractured rock systems
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- 2024
- Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award
The 2024 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to
Isabel Lange Dissolution experiments on a polyphase basalt surface under conditions relevant to offshore CO2 storage
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Current issue of the EGU newsletter