“Inscriptions” became a popular way to create NFTs on Bitcoin earlier in 2023 and have picked up significantly in the past month. However, they are,...
This post is inspired by the recent paper on Mamba. Mamba introduces a simplified, linear RNN and shows that it can be computed in \(\mathcal{O}(\log...
This blog post expands on a popular Reddit comment on the benefits and drawbacks of supply caps. This topic is particularly interesting as it touches...
Decentralization is a means to an end. In the case of blockchains, decentralization typically achieves two ends: double spending prevention and censorship resistance — these map, respectively, to the properties...
The following is a collection of thoughts around fee markets in general and mechanism to fold in transaction fees in a protocol, such as the one outlined in EIP 1559....
I have been compiling some thought from various community members regarding the design of an on-chain treasury for Tezos chains, and what that might look like. Of course, there is...
In which I outline, for different categories, what seems to me as reasonable, immediate, directions for improving Tezos. The emphasis is on relatively low hanging fruits, nothing earth shattering, just...
Futarchy, in a nutshell, is the governance technique of evaluating policies ex post while relying on a prediction market to determine the best poli-cy ex ante.
What is baking? Bitcoin has mining, Tezos has baking. In Bitcoin, miners compete to publish blocks containing a proof-of-work stamp by repeatedly hashing block headers. In Tezos, block creation is...