Papers by Felix Ramos

Soldagem & Inspeção (Impresso), 2009
En el presente artículo, empleando el análisis por elementos finitos, se estudió el comportamient... more En el presente artículo, empleando el análisis por elementos finitos, se estudió el comportamiento térmico durante la soldadura de reparación, en condiciones de servicio, de un tubo que transporta petróleo. Se obtuvieron ecuaciones de regresión que relacionan a la temperatura máxima en la superficie interna del tubo y al tiempo de enfriamiento desde 800 ºC hasta 500 ºC de un punto situado en la zona afectada por el calor (ZAC), parámetros que gobiernan la ocurrencia de perforaciones en la pared del tubo y agrietamiento en frío respectivamente, con el calor de entrada de la soldadura, la temperatura de precalentamiento y el coeficiente de transferencia de calor por convección, variables que definen el comportamiento térmico durante la ejecución del proceso de soldadura. Se probó la existencia de una zona en que se satisfacen simultáneamente las ecuaciones obtenidas, para diferentes combinaciones de las variables relacionadas. Se presentaron nomogramas con un importante valor práctico...
Se emplea la simulacion por elementos finitos...
Se emplean metodos de elementos finitos ....
Es un breve compendio de ideas acerca de la soldadura y algunas de sus tendencias....
El trabajo emplea herramientas de elementos finitos para simular la reparación por soldadura SMAW... more El trabajo emplea herramientas de elementos finitos para simular la reparación por soldadura SMAW, de tuberías para la conducción de petroleo, en condiciones de servicio.
Compendio de artículos para motivar a los estudiantes en el estudio de la matemática a través de ... more Compendio de artículos para motivar a los estudiantes en el estudio de la matemática a través de ejemplos sencillos, de aplicación en la vida diaria.

I am doing this compendium of articles, which I have been publishing for the last year, thinking ... more I am doing this compendium of articles, which I have been publishing for the last year, thinking in my students and my own children. They feel frustrate when they ask to their teachers or parents about real necessity of Mathematics, and the answer received is a group of abstract phrases that drive to more doubts instead clarify the necessity of Mathematics, even if you are thinking in to study Humanities, Laws, or other careers that look very far away from Math’s field.
Mathematics helps to explain the world all around. Math is a powerful tool that let us discover the beautiful edges of the universe. Math is a path to grow as person and as a professional.
This group of articles is to encourage students to study math, through the explanation of real life and simple problems, mainly relate to economy and social issues.
I hope that through these pages you discover the importance of Mathematics, and feel more motivated about this wonderful science.
Felix Ramos, PhD.
Ex Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba
Adjunct Faculty of the Department of Mathematics,
Miami Dade Community College, Miami, USA
The present manual explain, through the solution of exercises, different topics of “Descriptive S... more The present manual explain, through the solution of exercises, different topics of “Descriptive Statistic”.
We have observed the difficulties that students face when try to process different data sets, in order to calculate the different measures of central tendency, variation, position, and the interpretation of these results. The text books that are used in our colleges are excellent but the students get lost due to the amount of information that it is presented, and for that reason we have condensed this information, offering very accurate procedures (steps by steps), to find the different parameters.
I hope this brief manual be useful in your goal of learn the basic principles of the Statistic.
Felix Ramos, PhD.
Ex- Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Las Villas, Cuba
Adjunct Faculty (Mathematics Department) at Miami Dade Community College, Miami, USA
Teaching Documents by Felix Ramos
Se presentan algunas ideas básicas del uso de elementos finitos en la ingeniería. El material se ... more Se presentan algunas ideas básicas del uso de elementos finitos en la ingeniería. El material se elaboró con propositos docentes.
Drafts by Felix Ramos

Every year different rankings of universities are elaborated and published by recognized organiza... more Every year different rankings of universities are elaborated and published by recognized organizations relate to the Higher Education and Sciences. The main goal is to offer to students and general population an unbiased view about the activity and recognition of universities all around the world, on the base of measurable indicators like: the web presence and its impact, students-teacher rate, the presence of international students and teachers, and others. To figure in those rankings is one of the biggest challenges for most of the small and medium universities (Carnegie Classification), because those do not have the resources and infrastructure needed to have a great impact and visibility. Nevertheless, small and medium universities cannot renounce to the prestige and visibility that the rankings offer. The alternative to counteract the resources' deficit is to engage and motivate human resources, especially the faculty, with their teaching and research activity, such that they maximize their potentiality. The human resources play a decisive role, as is going to be shown through the following analysis, on the indicators used for some of the most prestigious rankings.
Papers by Felix Ramos
Mathematics helps to explain the world all around. Math is a powerful tool that let us discover the beautiful edges of the universe. Math is a path to grow as person and as a professional.
This group of articles is to encourage students to study math, through the explanation of real life and simple problems, mainly relate to economy and social issues.
I hope that through these pages you discover the importance of Mathematics, and feel more motivated about this wonderful science.
Felix Ramos, PhD.
Ex Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba
Adjunct Faculty of the Department of Mathematics,
Miami Dade Community College, Miami, USA
We have observed the difficulties that students face when try to process different data sets, in order to calculate the different measures of central tendency, variation, position, and the interpretation of these results. The text books that are used in our colleges are excellent but the students get lost due to the amount of information that it is presented, and for that reason we have condensed this information, offering very accurate procedures (steps by steps), to find the different parameters.
I hope this brief manual be useful in your goal of learn the basic principles of the Statistic.
Felix Ramos, PhD.
Ex- Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Las Villas, Cuba
Adjunct Faculty (Mathematics Department) at Miami Dade Community College, Miami, USA
Teaching Documents by Felix Ramos
Drafts by Felix Ramos
Mathematics helps to explain the world all around. Math is a powerful tool that let us discover the beautiful edges of the universe. Math is a path to grow as person and as a professional.
This group of articles is to encourage students to study math, through the explanation of real life and simple problems, mainly relate to economy and social issues.
I hope that through these pages you discover the importance of Mathematics, and feel more motivated about this wonderful science.
Felix Ramos, PhD.
Ex Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba
Adjunct Faculty of the Department of Mathematics,
Miami Dade Community College, Miami, USA
We have observed the difficulties that students face when try to process different data sets, in order to calculate the different measures of central tendency, variation, position, and the interpretation of these results. The text books that are used in our colleges are excellent but the students get lost due to the amount of information that it is presented, and for that reason we have condensed this information, offering very accurate procedures (steps by steps), to find the different parameters.
I hope this brief manual be useful in your goal of learn the basic principles of the Statistic.
Felix Ramos, PhD.
Ex- Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Las Villas, Cuba
Adjunct Faculty (Mathematics Department) at Miami Dade Community College, Miami, USA